Long-term planning in the first junior group on safety culture
Summary of educational activities with children of the middle group “My Hometown” (cognitive development)
Notes on cognitive development Topic: “My city” for children of the middle group Transcript 1 Municipal
Methodological development and requirements for it
Summary of a methodological event for preschool teachers on the topic “Business game” Municipal budgetary preschool educational
Involving parents in the life of the group as a means of creating additional opportunities for all participants in the educational process.
How can parents get involved in the life of the kindergarten? If the kindergarten is a preschool
Lecture on topic 3.4. “Methodology for teaching outdoor games”
Thematic control. Morning reception for children “Morning of joyful meetings”
Summary of the morning segment of time (junior group) Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4
Outline of NOD "Tableware" early development group
Project type: Cognitive and creative. Duration: 1 week. Project participants: Children, teachers, parents. Age
Project “Outdoor games in the lives of children” project (senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Educational activity for middle group children on the topic: “Water Sorceress.”
Summary of GCD for the middle group of kindergarten on the topic: Sorceress water Summary directly -
Innovative forms of organizing and conducting physical education classes in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
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