Thematic control. Morning reception for children “Morning of joyful meetings”

Summary of the morning segment of time (junior group)

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 “Solnyshko” g/o Vlasikha

Summary of the morning segment of time for the junior group.

Educator: Efimik Marina Alekseevna

Program content:

  1. Admitting children to the group and talking with parents about the children’s health status.
  2. Continue to work on developing the habit in children of saying hello when entering a group.
  3. Continue to develop children’s cultural and hygienic skills (toilet, washing, ability to use their own towel), the need to perform a set of morning exercises.
  4. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships with children.
  5. Continue to develop work skills, teach children to put toys back in their place.
  6. Preparation for class

Reception of children.

The teacher receives the children, greets the guardians, the children, asks about the child’s mood, what he saw on the way when he went to kindergarten, notes how the child is dressed (nice, very warm or vice versa), how he slept at home, what a good toy he has (if he brought it), whether he was fed in the morning, whether he had a handkerchief.

When a child enters the group, he says hello, if he refuses to say hello, then the teacher says: “Well, it’s okay, tomorrow Vanya you will definitely say hello.”

The kids have all gathered. The teacher says: “Guys, you woke up a long time ago and came to kindergarten, but the doll Masha is still sleeping. Let's wake her up (they go to the bed and wake her up) “get up Masha, it’s time to do exercises!” The doll wakes up and says: “But I don’t know how.”

Educator: “Guys, let’s teach the doll how to do exercises.

Charging begins: “Birds.”

1. Introductory walking. (30 sec.)

Walking after each other and running.

Formation in a circle.

2. “The birds are flapping their wings.”

I.p Legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your Hands up and say: “We flew, we flew on Sali’s head” 4-5 rubles).

3. “The birds are pecking the grains.” I.p Legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, tap your palms on your knees (3-4 times).

4. “Birds drink water”

I.p. Legs slightly apart, lean forward. Take your hands back. Straighten up (3-4 rubles).

5. “Birds are jumping.”

Then the teacher pays attention to the doll Masha. The doll really liked the exercise: “Thank you guys, now I will also do exercises.” Now guys, says the teacher, we will wash our hands and go have breakfast. First we need to roll up our sleeves and wash our hands. What nursery rhyme do we know about water? “Wash my face with some water...” says the teacher. We wash our hands with soap and dry them with our towel, making sure that children do not spill water when washing. Then the teacher and nanny give the bibs to the children and sit them down to have breakfast. The teacher says, “Soroka, magpie, she cooked porridge and fed the children.” She gave it to Nastya, she gave it to Yura, she gave it to Lera (she gave porridge to all the children). Eat, guys, bon appetit. Make sure that the spoon is in your right hand, that you eat carefully, don’t wet yourself, don’t take food with your hands, don’t disturb your friends while eating, and don’t leave the table without finishing your meal. They said “thank you.” The teacher feeds those children who have not finished eating. After eating, the teacher takes the children to wash. We are preparing for a lesson on the topic: “The bunny came to visit us.”

Analysis of the implementation of regime moments in preparatory group No. 3

Reception of children, sleep, washing, hardening, undressing, morning exercises, etc.)

Morning reception. I came to work. I ventilated the group, reviewed the plan, and prepared manuals. Gradually the children began to arrive.

A child, in a hurry to be the first to play with building material, carelessly folds his clothes. I remind him that things need to be put neatly in the closet. The teacher simultaneously carries out various tasks: receives children, talks with parents, organizes games, and carries out the work planned for the morning. I conducted individual work with Masha on speech development, organized didactic games with several children, and had a conversation with another on the topic “What children see on the way to kindergarten.”

Then, I suggested that the children collect their toys and prepare for morning exercises. Morning exercises. I (the teacher) suggested that they line up according to their height and take the children to the gym.

After gymnastics, the children return to the group with the teacher and begin to change clothes.

Duty. Those on duty wash their hands first and put on white aprons and caps. Then the assistant teacher stays with those on duty and helps them set the table.

Washing. I suggested to the children who had already changed their clothes to go to the washroom to wash their hands. She suggested remembering the washing procedure.

Breakfast. Children gradually sit down at the tables without making noise. I wish them “Bon appetit!” At the end of breakfast, the nanny, with the help of the attendants, clears the tables. At this time, I (the teacher) are preparing for classes.

Preparing for a walk. The teacher invites the children to collect toys. Children who have cleaned up after themselves are encouraged to go to the toilet and go to the dressing room, reminding them of the dressing order. At the same time, I help the children get dressed and talk about what they will do during the walk.

Returning from a walk. At the end of the walk, I invite the children to finish playing and get together in a group. Children collect toys, line up in pairs and enter the kindergarten, wipe their feet clean on the rug and walk quietly, without making noise, along the corridor.

Preparing for lunch. I remind you of the washing procedure. Children go to the tables.

Dinner. The teacher creates a calm environment, regulates the children’s behavior at the table, and reprimands those who are naughty. Encourages children to finish their food. At the end of the meal, the children say “thank you.”

Preparation for sleep. The children gradually enter the bedroom, I warn them that they must enter quietly and not talk. They begin to undress, I make sure that the children undress in the correct sequence and carefully put their things on the chair. The teacher remains in the bedroom until all the children fall asleep.

Regular moments in kindergarten. Early age

Summary of routine moments (morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast) for young children (1-2 years old)
Compiled by: Elena Anatolyevna Yanchenko, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 11” in Seversk, Tomsk region. Goal: attracting children to participate in regime processes, developing cultural and hygienic skills. Objectives: • Develop children's ability to perform simple movements, combining their actions with the text of the poem; • Develop children's motor activity; • Continue to develop children's ability to wash their hands with soap before eating; • Develop the ability to find a towel from a picture, remove it from the hook, and wipe your hands dry; • While eating, teach to hold a spoon in your hand, eat carefully, and say thanks after eating. Material: wind-up cat (toy).
The teacher brings a cat (toy) into the group. Educator: guys, look who came to us? (Children's answers.)
- That's right, it's a cat.
The cat is kind, soft, fluffy. Pet the cat. Next, the teacher and the children examine the cat, marking its body parts, and imitate the cat. Educator: Guys, the cat really loves to play with kids, let's play with her and show how big we have grown. The musical and rhythmic exercise “We Learned to Walk” is performed, music and words by E. Makshantseva: We learned to walk, lifting our legs, This is how our kids walk merrily. One, two, the kids are walking merrily, One, two, the kids are raising their legs. The teacher and the children walk around the group to the lyrics of the song, then stop.
The teacher reads a poem, the kids repeat the corresponding movements after him: Like our children’s legs, they knock merrily.
Our people are remote, although very small. As soon as our legs get tired, we clap our hands, clap our hands, little tiny little hands! Now let’s raise our hands higher, higher, higher, clap like this - easy! Educator: Well done, guys, played well. The cat liked it. Now look how the cat walks (the teacher turns on the wind-up cat, she walks on the carpet).
- Guys, come on, you and I will go together with the cat.
The outdoor game “Let's go with the kitty” is played. The kitty praises the guys. And invites them to the washroom. Educator: guys, let's show the kitty how we wash our hands with water. We know, we know, yes, yes, where the water is hiding here. Come out, some water, we came to wash ourselves. To keep it clean, clean, together we wash our hands with soap. It is very important not to forget to rinse off the soap thoroughly. Children wash their hands, then the teacher helps them find their towels from the pictures:
Children wash their hands with warm water, wash, wash.
And then they go, take towels. Remove the towel and wipe your hands dry. Children go to the group. The teacher helps the kids sit down at the tables. Educator: Now it’s time for us to eat. Eating is not a game. You need to sit straight and look at the plate, don’t move around at the table, eat porridge with milk. What a delicious porridge, It was cooked on the stove, It was boiled, it was boiled, so that our children could eat it. “Guys, let’s take a spoon in our hands and show the cat how we can eat porridge with a spoon.” During breakfast, the teacher helps the children eat porridge, feeds the kids:
The porridge is very good, Eat the porridge slowly.
Spoon by spoon, ate a little. After breakfast, the teacher helps the kids push in their chair and thank them. Educator: Everyone has eaten, well done! Let's grow big! Now we’ll go play and take the cat with us. Let's show the cat where our toys live.

We recommend watching:

Summary of the regime moment in the younger group Experience of interaction between teacher and parents in solving educational problems. Early age group Regular moment “Morning in a preschool educational institution” Senior group Educational activities in special moments in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

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