Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions A child is brought up by various accidents that surround him. Pedagogy must give direction to these contingencies. - presentation
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Presentation on the topic: The use of interactive technologies in the work of teachers and educators. Relevance
Card index of didactic games on ecology, prepared by Tarasova O.V.
Equipment: Place identical sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. Cover one for the teacher
What games will help develop social and communication skills in children 2-3 years old? Experience and methodological recommendations of a preschool teacher
The influence of the family on the communication skills of a preschooler Family is the most important thing for young children
Complexes of general developmental exercises for older children
Complexes of general developmental exercises for children of the senior group Ekaterina Alekyan Complexes of general developmental exercises for children
Cards-schemes for conducting experiments and experiments for children of senior preschool age (card index)
Experimental activities in kindergarten. Junior group Cards-diagrams of experiments and experiments for children
Abstract on the topic “Regulatory moments and GCD in the first junior group”
Objectives of morning reception and content of children’s activities during this period Thoughtful and well organized
Summary of the “Ladybug” sculpting lesson in the second junior group
Abstract of educational activities on modeling junior group Insects Abstract of educational activities Cognition + modeling in
COGNITIVE - RESEARCH ACTIVITY PROJECT (EXPERIMENTATION) teacher of preparatory group 8 “Freckles” Mavrina I.N. - presentation
Project of educational and research activities “I am a researcher” Project “I am a researcher” Relevance. Experimentation is an effective method of learning
Summary of a literary and artistic lesson in the senior group “So autumn has come to us”
Lesson topic: Autumn. Signs of autumn. Age: 7-9 years Conclusion: mental retardation of cerebral-organic origin. Lesson form:
Summary of a lesson on life safety for the preparatory group
Summary of a lesson on life safety for the preparatory group Lesson for the preparatory group Topic: “Dangerous situations:
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