LAPBUK methodological manual “Fire Safety”

Lapbooks on the topics “Life Safety”, “Fire Safety”, “Fire is a Friend, Fire is an Enemy” for preschool and primary school children.

Where to call in case of a fire, who puts out the fire, what types of fire engines there are - all this and much more can be told to children in a fun and interesting way with the help of riddles, rebuses, puzzles, coloring books and board games. Just download and print ready-made templates for making a lapbook.

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Lapbook “Fire Safety” on our MAAM website

Below are publications by educators and educators with photographs of their homemade game folders.

Homemade lapbooks for children on the topic “Fire Safety”

Contained in sections:

  • Lapbook. Lapbooks on all topics 7387
  • Fire safety 7472

Showing publications 1-10 of 172. All sections | Lapbook on the topic “Fire safety”



The best

Fire safety laptop

The laptop was made to give children the idea that fire can bring not only benefits to humans, but also harm, to create a sense of the danger of fire; teach children to use the telephone to call firefighters “01”
(remember number 101)
instill interest in the work of firefighters ;...
Lapbook “Fire Safety”

Lapbook – from English means “book in lap”

(lap - knees, book - book.
A lapbook is a subject folder or a folding book. This is a homemade interactive folder with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and moving parts, in which...

Educational material is suitable for classes with children of what age

Of course, children need to be taught about the danger of fire from an early age. However, it is still more logical to offer a lapbook on this topic to older preschoolers (middle, senior kindergarten group), who will perceive it not just as a toy, but as a source of important information.

It is better to offer a lapbook on the topic of fire safety in older preschool age

This manual should solve the following tasks:

  1. To give an idea of ​​the firefighter profession and to cultivate a respectful attitude towards it.
  2. Reinforce knowledge about the causes of fire.
  3. Expand children's understanding of the importance of fire in human life and its potential danger.
  4. Give an idea of ​​the dangers of electrical appliances at home.
  5. Familiarize yourself with fire extinguishing means and the structure of a special vehicle of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  6. Teach rules of behavior in case of fire, including in the forest.

Lapbook on the topic “Fire Safety” - Lapbook “Fire Safety”

Publication “Lapbook “Firefighting...”

Lapbook "Fire Safety" Goal: -introduce children to the causes of fire, its consequences -teach fire safety rules -develop in children a sense of the danger of fire Objectives: evoke a desire to be careful with fire -consolidate knowledge of telephone numbers...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Lapbook “Fire Safety”

The laptop is aimed at working with children from 3 to 7 years old. In the central part of my laptop I placed: - Interactive window “Causes of the fire.” It was this that first of all my children paid attention to. With the help of pictures, the children first became acquainted with the causes of the fire; -...

Lapbook “Fire Safety”

Didactic manual “Lapbook “Fire Safety” Purpose: Purpose. Reinforcing basic fire safety rules with children, developing their sense of self-preservation. Objectives: •Expand knowledge about fire extinguishing means. • Consolidating children’s knowledge of fire safety rules...

Lapbook “Fire Safety” for the little ones

Fire safety for children is one of the important issues that kindergarten teachers and parents at home should pay great attention to. Competent behavior to prevent and during a critical situation can save lives. The issue of safety is very...

Lapbook “Fire Safety”


Kozhemyakina Elena Alexandrovna,


MADO Vagai kindergarten "Spikelet"

1 qualification category

The use of advanced innovative technologies allows me, as a teacher, to achieve my goals and make the process of introducing a child to the world around him the most interesting and memorable. So, in my teaching practice, along with the use of various other advanced technologies, I use the innovative gaming development technology “Lapbook”. In the process of interacting with a lapbook, children do not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtain it themselves, using cognitive and research abilities. All lapbook materials correspond to a specific topic and carry educational and developmental functions.

This didactic manual is devoted to the topic of fire safety for children. Teaching fire safety rules is one of the most important aspects of life safety for children, and due to the fact that there is a lot of information that needs to be conveyed to children on this topic, it is all located separately from each other. Therefore, I decided to collect all the information in a single folder - a “lapbook”. The developed didactic manual “lapbook” is intended for preschool teachers in working with children of senior preschool age, as well as for children in their independent and play activities.


Even in ancient times, fire interested man. On the one hand, fire is a friend of man, and on the other, it can be an enemy. Without fire it is very bad - you cannot cook food, you cannot light the house. Now, in our time, when everything is electrified, fire still plays an important role. Unfortunately, annual statistics show an increase in the number of incidents in which children suffer from fire. We all know that children are attracted to fire. And this cognitive interest should be directed in the right direction. This means that children must know the rules of handling fire. Parents and teachers need to help children learn as much as possible about the world around them, and warn them about the possible dangers that await them on the path to knowledge. This didactic manual gives children the opportunity to consolidate their acquired knowledge about fire safety in a playful way. The relevance of this gaming technology is that the “lapbook” is an excellent way to consolidate and repeat materials with which the child was already familiar.

Target. Reinforcing basic fire safety rules with children, developing their sense of self-preservation.


• Strengthen children's knowledge of fire safety rules;

• To develop an understanding of the need to comply with fire safety rules;

• Continue to expand your understanding of safe behavior in the event of a fire (the ability to navigate in a group and in other rooms, the ability to call “01”);

• Continue to introduce fire extinguishing equipment;

• Clarify children's knowledge about the profession of firefighter;

• Teach safe handling of household appliances;

• Activate the dictionary;

• Develop independence skills;

• Foster responsibility for your life.

The didactic manual I developed, using the innovative gaming technology “lapbook,” allows you to solve the listed problems, generalize, consolidate, and systematize children’s existing knowledge about fire safety in various life situations in the form of a game.


The laptop is divided into three fields.

On the middle field is a mock-up of a fire shield.

On the left margin of the laptop there are envelopes with didactic games: “Loto”, “Find a Pair”, an envelope with a quiz on works on fire safety, an envelope with coloring books, an envelope with the didactic game “Add a Picture”, an envelope with sayings “Folk Wisdom”.

On the right margin there are: an envelope with fire safety rules, an envelope with a didactic game “Yes and No”, an envelope with fire-themed riddles and a “lulia” circle with answers, a flower “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”


1. Gurevich A. et al. Child safety in a big city: Pedagogical and social technologies. M., 2002.

2. Belaya K. et al. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. M., 2001

3. Sterkina R. et al. Fundamentals of safety for preschool children. M., 1998.

4. Moshkin V. Fostering a culture of personal safety // Fundamentals of life safety. 2000. No. 8. pp. 13-16.

5. Kindergarten from A to Z. 2006.No.4.

6. Golitsina N. Education of the basics of a healthy lifestyle for children. M., 2007.

7. Zhukova O. et al. ABC “Ay!”. Childhood-press, 2008.

8. Shorygina T. Conversations about fire safety rules, M., 2008.

9. Prilepko E. Fire safety for preschoolers. M. 2008.

10. Aralina N. Familiarization of preschoolers with fire safety rules. M. 2007.

11. Shorygina T. Fire safety rules for children 5-8 years old. M. 2007



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We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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Information content of the manual “Fire Safety”

In terms of content, a fire safety laptop should cover the following topics:

  1. Causes of fire (dangerous electrical appliances, stove, games with matches, etc.).
  2. Fire safety in the forest.

    Children should know how to behave correctly in the forest to avoid a fire.

  3. Fire shield model.

    The manual must include a model of a fire shield or simply information on this topic

  4. Fire safety signs.

    Pictures can be accompanied by short poems

  5. Fire engine design.
  6. Good and evil fire (themed pictures).

    This information is best given in the form of pictures.

  7. Profession “firefighter” (theoretical information, firefighter clothing, what firefighters looked like in the past).
  8. Fire safety situations (you need to choose the correct answer from three options).

    In the “Situations” section, children are asked to choose the correct course of action.

  9. What is a burn (information and pictures on the topic).

    Preschoolers can be given information on the topic of burns

  10. Didactic games on the topic: “Fire hazardous objects”, Didactic game: “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, Didactic game: “What is useful during a fire”, Didactic game “Dress a fireman”, etc.
  11. Puzzles.
  12. Poems.
  13. Proverbs.

    There are many proverbs on the topic of fire safety.

  14. Fairy tales, for example, “reworked well-known stories” (“How a beaver-fireman saved three little pigs”, etc.).

    An interesting idea is to add a fire-fighting component to famous fairy tales.

  15. Coloring pages.

    Pictures for coloring any topic can be easily found on the Internet.

A selection of riddles on the topic

  • He doesn't get enough of everything he eats, but if he drinks, he dies. (fire)
  • As a meek captive for years, I live inside the oven and cook soups with borscht and bake rolls. I provide warmth for the home, But believe me, there is always a hidden beast hidden in me, worse than thunderclaps. (fire)
  • I am shaggy, I am shaggy, I am above every hut in winter, Above the fire and the factory, Above the fire and the steamboat. But nowhere, nowhere am I without fire. (smoke)
  • They, like splashes from fire, keep trying to burn me. (sparks)
  • It hangs and is silent, but if you turn it over, it hisses, and the foam flies. (fire extinguisher)
  • Dwarfs live in a wooden house. They are such good-natured people - they hand out lights to everyone. (matches)
  • By watering the house with water, we will save it with you. And a fire extinguisher will also help us in this matter. What is the name of that misfortune that brought us here? (fire.)
  • A fearless hero who is always on duty, He senses trouble and fire a mile away. The unequal one fights with the elements, He always strives to protect you and me. (firefighter)
  • There is a unit in the kitchen that makes me happy to cook food. We strike a match, and immediately the gas shoots up like a flame. (plate)
  • Carbon monoxide smoke began to billow, the room was full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without? (mask)
  • I'm rushing with a siren to the fire, I'm carrying water and foam. Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant. We're quick, like arrows. (fire engine)

A selection of proverbs

  • Where there is fire, there is smoke.
  • Wood is not friendly with fire.
  • Expensive in case of fire and a bucket of water.
  • There is no smoke without fire.
  • And a small spark burns cities.
  • A small spark will give birth to a great flame.
  • Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the impact.
  • No matter how small the light is, there is always smoke from it.
  • A small fire is better than a big fire.
  • A small match burns a large forest.
  • Don't joke with fire, you'll get burned.
  • Fire is the friend and enemy of man.
  • Fire is not water; if it engulfs you, you won’t be able to swim out.
  • Fire is not water, belongings do not float.
  • Fire is a good servant, but a bad master.
  • One at a fire is not a fighter.
  • A fire is born from a spark.
  • The fire will crack the stone.
  • Studying firefighting will come in handy in the future.
  • With fire it is as light as with the sun, with fire it is warm in winter.
  • They fight with fire, but without fire they grieve.
  • Tears do not extinguish fire.
  • The match is small, but the fire is giant.

A selection of poems

  • "Don't joke with fire!" I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys. But when they play pranks on me, I then become an enemy and burn everything around me!
  • “Don’t pick up matches!” So that the forest, the animal house, does not burn anywhere with fire, So that the insects do not cry, So that the birds do not lose their nests, But only the birds sing songs, Do not pick up matches!
  • “Dangerous forgetfulness” Anyuta was ironing the ribbon and saw her friends, got distracted for three minutes and forgot about the iron. This is no joke! That's what it means - three minutes! There was no tape, there was fumes all around, There was almost a fire.
  • “Flammable toy” Made by Sergei Pugach, Shoot a little. And now the doctor is treating Seryozha for a burn. From such a scarecrow there is an ordinary path - to a doctor!
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