Calendar and thematic planning (senior group)

Senior group daily calendar plan

Svetlana Sesilnikova

Senior group daily calendar plan



Conversation: “Crafts of Kuban”

introduce children to the historical and spiritual values ​​of their native land.

Individual work:

Morning exercises. Complex No. 2

Labor education. to develop the ability to set tables in the correct sequence, to serve them beautifully and correctly. Foster hard work

Organized educational activities.



Observation of non-living nature objects: “Snow Tale”

Invite children to describe the weather and answer the teacher’s questions. Develop the ability to identify and compare observation results.

Formation of the basics of safety (on the roads) Continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior in public transport related to entering and exiting vehicles, develop interactive speech. Consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in a public place.

Experiment “Air Movement”

. Show children how they can feel air movements and develop logical thinking.

Folk game "Serso"

continue to develop children’s skills to listen to commands, follow the leader’s signals, and perform an aimed throw at a stationary target. Develop agility and accuracy.

Outdoor games: 1-with the subgroup “Who will throw further?”

. Strengthening the ability to throw an object at a distance. Development of gross motor skills of the hands.

2-with subgroup : “Find yourself a partner”
(with running)
.: develop children’s ability to run without bumping into each other, clarify children’s knowledge of colors.

Individual work: by famp

Role-playing game: “Family”

expand the scope of children’s independent actions in choosing a role, developing and implementing a plan, and using attributes; develop the social relationships of those playing by understanding the professional activities of adults.

Independent play activities for children:

Labor education: Putting away toys. Form basic work skills and develop the ability to work in a team. Cultivate respect for comrades.

Developing cultural and hygienic skills to develop the ability to put things in a closet neatly and maintain order at all times

2nd half of the day:

Gymnastics-awakening, Complex No. 1. Hardening procedures. education of cultural and hygienic skillsExercise “The neatest”

Develop the ability to wash your face properly, wash your hands, and use an individual towel. Develop the ability to take care of your appearance

Independent play activities for children:

Construction at the request of children to develop the ability to play with buildings, accompanying them with speech statements. Develop an interest in design. Foster a caring attitude towards construction.


Independent play activities for children:

Outdoor games: “Jumping over the ditch”

develop the ability to perform jumps on two legs across a line. Develop leg muscles and coordination of movements. Build self-confidence.

Individual work:

Evening. group work .

Reading fiction: Reading poems by V. Bardadym, V. Nesterenko - to cultivate children’s respect for Kuban writers

Role-playing game: “Kindergarten”

Expanding children's ideas about the professions of people working in kindergarten. Develop skills to help adults. Enrich children's gaming experience. Cultivate interest in adult work

Independent play activities for children:

Individual work: speech development

Preliminary work with children:



Conversation Spring is great to help generalize ideas about spring as a season, about the life of animals, birds, weather conditions in spring

Individual work: drawing

Morning exercises. Complex No. 1

Labor education. Continue to strengthen the skills of being on duty in the canteen, remind the children of the work order of the duty officers (put on an apron, tie a headscarf, etc.)

Organized educational activities.



Observation of objects of living and non-living nature: Observation of migratory birds. consolidate knowledge about migratory birds, cultivate interest and love for birds, and be able to identify signs of a living organism.

Forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life on the roads “Looking at vegetables and fruits”

, conversation
- vitamins and a healthy body, benefits and importance for health, the name of individual vitamins and the products in which they are contained.

Research activities (experiments)

What dissolves in water? Show children the solubility and insolubility of various substances in water

Folk game “I’m burning - I’m burning a stump”

.Develop dexterity, the ability to change direction, running away from the driver.

Outdoor games: 1-with subgroup : “Find yourself a partner”

To develop children’s ability to act on a sound signal and navigate in space using colored modules. Strengthen the ability to maintain cross-coordination of arms and legs when running.

2-with subgroup : “Jumping over a ditch”

develop the ability to perform jumps on two legs across a line, increase motor activity. cultivate a desire to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Individual work: speech development

Role-playing game: “Family”

to improve the ability to observe role subordination and conduct role dialogues. Foster friendly relationships between children.

Independent play activities for children:

Labor education: Putting away toys. Form basic work skills and develop the ability to work in a team. Cultivate respect for comrades.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (culture of behavior at the table)

develop the ability to put things neatly in a closet and maintain order at all times

2nd half of the day:

Gymnastics-awakening, Complex No. 1. Hardening procedures. education of cultural and hygienic skills

Independent play activities for children:

Construction\manual labor “Car garage”

. To develop in children the ability to distinguish and name the parts of a construction set (cube, plate, brick, block, to develop the ability to build a structure in accordance with the size of the toy. To foster a desire to complete the game.


Independent play activities for children:

Outdoor games: “bees and swallow”

develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, develop reaction speed, play the role of a trap and act in accordance with the rules of the game.

Individual work: modeling

Evening. group work .

Reading fiction: Continue to introduce children to the work of the Kuban composer G. Ponomarenko. Instill a love of poetry.

Role-playing game: at the children's choice, to form in children an idea of ​​how they can interestingly and usefully spend the yoke with their comrades, establish friendly relationships

Independent play activities for children:

Individual work: on musical development



Conversation Oral folk art - continue to introduce children to the concept of “oral folk art”

, enrich children's vocabulary with Russian proverbs and sayings;
consolidate children's knowledge about the genre features of works of small folklore forms (rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings)

Individual work: Drawing

Morning exercises. Complex No. 2

Labor education. Conversation about changes in the organization of work of cafeteria attendants.

Organized educational activities.



Observation of wildlife objects, swelling of buds on trees.

Invite the children to examine the buds on the branches of various trees and tell how they have changed. Tell the children that leaves on different trees do not appear at the same time, about the signs that are associated with this sequence. Offer children about

the sequence of appearance of leaves on different trees.

Formation of the foundations of road safety “Rules of conduct in transport”

“Polite Passengers”

Research activity “Magic paper. Properties of paper."

(paper accordion, paper jumpers, hovering plane)

Folk game "Jumping over the ditch"

-develop the ability to perform jumps on two legs across a line. Develop leg muscles and coordination of movements. Cultivate interest in folk games of Kuban.

Outdoor games: 1-with subgroup : “Find your color”

.To consolidate the ability to run freely, easily, and to promote the formation of correct posture. Exercise your ability to navigate in space using colored modules. Cultivate interest in outdoor games.

2-with subgroup : exercise “Walk, don’t fall”

.Develop the ability to move along a narrow path, develop coordination of movements, and a sense of balance.
Cultivate friendly relationships in the group
Individual work: Articulation gymnastics.

Role-playing game: “Drivers”

-targeted walk, observation of transport.
Conversation “What they carry and how different machines work”
Independent play activities for children:

Labor education: indoors. Remove dirty towels and hang up clean ones. Place soap into soap dishes.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (culture of behavior at the table)

“We know how to eat with a fork”
- to consolidate the ability to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in the hand, but only slightly turning the hand inward or outward.

2nd half of the day:

Gymnastics-awakening, Complex No. 1. Hardening procedures. education of cultural and hygienic skills

Independent play activities for children:

Construction "House"

-continue to form ideas about the purpose of the building, make the building sustainable, analyze your building, offer your solutions.


Independent play activities for children:

Outdoor games: “Who left?”

To develop children's attention and reaction speed, to maintain interest in outdoor games.
Teach children to monitor their posture while moving. Cultivate friendly relationships in the group .
Individual work: Finger gymnastics

Evening. Group work .

Reading fiction:

Didactic games: “Say it in one word”

-To strengthen children’s ability to use generalizing words in speech:
“fruits, berries, flowers”
​​Role-playing game: “Builders”

.Form the ability to build a game plot around the work of constructing a building from a construction set, develop the ability to distribute material among themselves, coordinate actions and achieve results through joint efforts

Independent play activities for children in development centers:

Individual work: applique

Preliminary work.



Story-conversation about primroses “Legends of Flowers”

expand children's knowledge about the first flowers that are under human protection. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Individual work: to familiarize yourself with the environment. peace.

Morning exercises. Complex No. 2

Labor education. Develop the ability to independently arrange cutlery on tables. Develop work skills. Foster hard work and a desire to help adults.

Organized educational activities.



Observation of non-living nature: the sun in the sky. Invite children to measure the length of the tree's shadow at the same time throughout the week. Make sure that the shadow becomes shorter every day. Note this in your observation diary. Conclude that the sun is rising higher every day

Forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life: continue to develop children’s skills in using scissors correctly (in the presence of adults)

.Conversation: “Safety rules when working with scissors

Experiments “Air works”

Give children the idea that air can move objects
(sailboats, hot air balloons, etc.)

round dance game "Kolpachek"

- develop children’s ability to form a circle, changing its size depending on game actions; develop the ability to coordinate actions with spoken words.

Outdoor games: 1-with subgroup : “Homeless Hare”

-develop children’s ability to run quickly and navigate in space

2-with subgroup : “Hares and wolves”

-continue to develop children’s ability to jump correctly on two legs; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text

Individual work: pomuz. education

Role-playing game: “Cafe”

-develop the ability to come up with a theme for the game, select means to display and develop the idea, and distribute roles.
Develop children's conversational speech. Foster friendly interactions in the group .
Independent play activities for children:

Labor education: Cleaning the sandbox. to develop the ability to work with a child’s shovel, to act carefully, to develop the ability to talk about the purpose of the actions performed, the results of the work done, using the words in your speech: we work, we replace, we pour, we collect, we take out. Foster a desire to participate in joint work activities.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during lunch and getting ready for bed)

: Practical exercise
“Our things are in order”
- develop the ability to neatly fold things, place them on a chair, turn things right side out. Cultivate neatness.

2nd half of the day:

Gymnastics-awakening, Complex No. 1. Hardening procedures. education of cultural and hygienic skills

Independent play activities for children:

Construction Show interest in construction games, independently build household buildings; be attentive to the games of other children, do not destroy buildings, be able to play with them at the request of the children


Independent play activities for children:

Outdoor games: at the request of the children. Cultivate dexterity, attention, self-confidence.

Individual work: speech development

Evening. group work .

Reading fiction: Continue to introduce children to the work of the Kuban composer G. Ponomarenko. Instill a love of poetry.

Didactic games “Wonderful bag”

Improve children’s ability to recognize objects by touch, convey examination results in speech, and activate quality adjectives in children’s speech.

Role-playing game: “Family” plot “We are going to the fair”

To develop children’s ability to unite in play, to select, with the help of an adult, the necessary attributes for the game, to develop the ability to negotiate roles among themselves.

Independent play activities for children in development centers:

Individual work: on physical development.

Preliminary work.



Printed board games: at the request of children, to develop logical thinking and attention.

Individual work: drawing.

Morning exercises. Complex No. 4

Labor education “We are helpers”

introduce the duties of the attendants. Develop work skills. Foster hard work and a desire to help adults.

Organized educational activities.



Observation of non-living objects

Forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life: continue to develop children’s skills in using scissors correctly (in the presence of adults)

“Safety rules when working with scissors”
Research activity Each pebble has its own house, classification of stones by shape, size, color, surface features (smooth, rough)

; Show children the possibility of using stones for play purposes.

sports game "Find your flag"

train children to act on cues. Develop children's ability to navigate in space

Outdoor games: 1-with the subgroup “On a level path”

develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, coordinate movements with words, and find their place. Practice walking, jumping, squatting, running. Cultivate interest in outdoor games.

2-with subgroup : “Ball in a circle”

Improve the skill of pushing the ball. Develop the ability to navigate in space. Cultivate interest in outdoor games

Individual work: physical education

Role-playing game: “Shop”

develop the ability to come up with a theme for the game, select means to display and develop the idea, and distribute roles. Develop children's conversational speech

Independent play activities for children:

Labor education: Cleaning the sandbox. to develop the ability to work with a child’s shovel, to act carefully, to develop the ability to talk about the purpose of the actions performed, the results of the work done, using the words in your speech: we work, we replace, we pour, we collect, we take out. Foster a desire to participate in joint work activities.

2nd half of the day:

Gymnastics-awakening, Complex No. 1. Hardening procedures. education of cultural and hygienic skills:

Independent play activities for children:

Memorization: Poems about early spring. Invite children to note the characteristic signs of spring (warmer, blue sky, bright sun)

talk about the changes that have occurred with the arrival of spring.


Independent play activities for children:

Outdoor games: “Jumping over the ditch”

.develop the ability to perform jumps on two legs across a line (take the correct starting position, land on bent legs, strengthen leg muscles, develop dexterity. Cultivate interest in outdoor games.

Individual work: modeling

Evening. Group work .

Reading fiction “Only troubles”

G. Oster develop the ability to retell short passages of a work and develop interest in works of different genres.

Didactic games: “Does this happen or not?”

To develop in children the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments, convey their essence, develop logical thinking and coherent speech. Cultivate friendly relationships

Role-playing game: “Hospital”

.develop the ability to create various game situations, choose a convenient place for the game, develop a plot based on new knowledge and experience. Cultivate respect for the work of adults

Independent play activities of children in development centers: Board games to develop the ability to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully, to find something to do and partners with similar interests. Cultivate friendly relationships in the group .

Individual work: drawing

Preliminary work.

Thematic planning for the year in the senior group

Dina Marakova

Thematic planning for the year in the senior group

Calendar and thematic plan for 2015/2016.

Senior group No. 5

Teachers: Borisova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Marakova Dina Alexandrov


Period Topic of the week Program content



1 Week

“The red summer has passed” Consolidate children’s knowledge about summer. Note the characteristic features of a summer day, morning, evening, night. Learn to find contradictions in natural phenomena. Encourage you to find a way out of the current situation. Introduce solutions to fantastic hypotheses. To develop children’s speech, the ability to answer questions in detail, memory, and logical thinking.

2 week

“Mushrooms” Deepen children’s knowledge about the properties of edible and inedible mushrooms, develop an understanding of the expediency and interconnection of everything in nature, and develop coherent speech skills.

3 week

“Fruits and vegetables” Reinforce the general concepts of “Vegetables and fruits”. give children an idea of ​​a person’s autumn preparations for winter in the garden. Introduce planting trees, shrubs, flowers in the autumn, and preparing seeds; cultivate a desire to help adults prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter; develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

4 week

"Floors and inhabitants of the forest." To clarify and expand children’s ideas about the forest as a multi-tiered and multi-storey building, where all plants occupy a certain ecological niche and are in close relationships. The disappearance of any link leads to the death of other links. Teach children to establish relationships between plants and animals of the forest, develop logical thinking. Give an idea of ​​the Stavropol forests. Continue to cultivate environmental awareness.


1 Week

"Gold autumn". To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Learn to look for autumn signs in nature, introduce them to the simplest system: it became cold - the insects disappeared - the birds flew away. Continue to teach how to resolve contradictions. Remember proverbs and sayings about autumn. To give an idea of ​​what golden autumn has always served

2 week

“Trees and Shrubs” Consolidate children’s knowledge about trees as representatives of the Earth’s flora, their beauty and benefits. Tell that the entire plant kingdom is divided into three states: trees, shrubs, herbs, teach to distinguish between tree species. To develop the ability to see seasonal changes in nature using the example of a tree, to see the extraordinary in the everyday. Cultivate an interest in studying the wonderful world of plants, caring for your green friend. Encourage to protect nature.

3 week

“Bread” To consolidate children’s knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches on earth; Give an idea of ​​the work of grain growers, the technology that helps them, and how grain was grown in the past. To cultivate respect for the people who work in the fields of our country and region, caring for bread.

4 week

“Wild Animals” Introduce children to the changes that occur in the life of animals in the fall, talk about how animals prepare for winter, about the features of their appearance, structure, and vital functions.


1 Week

“National Unity Day” Expand children’s ideas about their native country, cultivate patriotism - love for the Motherland

2 week

“Pets and birds are our friends” Identify and systematize children’s ideas about domestic animals, birds, and their young; Learn to establish essential signs for generalization: they live with a person, they are useful, the person cares about them. Talk about the food of domestic animals and birds. Form an idea of ​​the appearance of domestic animals. Cultivate curiosity.

3 week

“Human Safety” Teach children to quickly assess a dangerous situation and make the best decision to overcome it.

4 week

“The world of your rights” Clarification and consolidation of the child’s rights, the ability to harmonize the child’s need for social recognition.


1 Week

"Cloth. Shoes, hats." Give children the concept that a person creates objects for his life; introduce you to the past of shoes, clothing and hats. Continue to teach classification, teach to understand the purpose and functions of items of clothing, shoes, hats necessary for human life. Activate their cognitive activity.

2 week

“Household electrical appliances, tools, measuring instruments” Clarify ideas about household electrical appliances, their benefits, the power source - electricity, where it comes from into the house, safety rules when using electrical appliances. Give an idea of ​​the tools and measuring instruments used in the house.

3 week

“The pranks of Mother Winter” Learn to see and describe the beauty of the winter landscape. Continue to introduce people to folk culture. Introduce folk signs of winter. Pay attention to the characteristic signs of winter, the length of daylight hours. Cultivate love for native nature, caring attitude

4 week

“Wintering and migratory birds” To form a generalized idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds, to learn to distinguish them by an essential feature: the ability to satisfy food needs. Deepen your understanding of the reasons why birds fly away. Classify birds into wintering and migratory based on establishing a connection between the nature of food and the possibility of obtaining it. Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to help them in winter conditions.

5 week

“New Year Holiday” Reinforce the signs of winter. Introduce the customs of celebrating the New Year in different countries. Develop curiosity. Develop an understanding that people have different customs.


1 Week


2 week

“In the world of metal” Introduce children to the properties and qualities of metal; teach you to find metal objects in your immediate environment.

3 week

"Good deeds and actions of people." Enriching the social experience of children, discussing the concepts of “good deeds”, “good relationships”, what qualities and character traits are displayed by fairy-tale characters in works of art.

4 week

"Winter is full of silver." Strengthen ideas about winter; consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of the winter months; learn to establish connections and patterns in nature.


1 Week

“Winter Forest” To consolidate knowledge about the forest as a community of plants and animals living in the same territory; about the peculiarities of life of forest inhabitants in winter conditions; exercise the ability to distinguish the trees of our region by leaves and fruits; recognize animals by their appearance; cultivate love for native nature.

2 week

“Defenders of the Fatherland” Expand children’s understanding of the Russian army, continue familiarization with various branches of the military and military equipment. Continue to introduce the city streets that bear the names of the defenders of Stavropol and Stavropol region. Remember the memorial places dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland. Raise children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

3 week

“We want to be healthy” To form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle, to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills, to teach them to be conscious about their appearance, to cultivate the need to be clean and neat.

4 week

“Food and their role for health” Strengthen the ability to classify food products, differences between products, purpose, what can be prepared, storage conditions. To form an idea of ​​healthy nutrition as the basis of a healthy lifestyle.


1 Week

“Mom’s Day” Cultivate a sensitive and attentive attitude towards mother and grandmother, compose stories on the topic, summarize information about how to congratulate on this holiday

2 week

“March 8” To cultivate in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother,

the desire to help her, to please her.

3 week

“Spring is red” Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in living and inanimate nature; develop the ability to compare different periods of spring, cultivate a joyful, caring attitude in children towards

awakening nature.

4 week

“Spring is red” Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring.

Develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships.

Foster a caring and caring attitude towards nature.


1 Week

“Health and Disease” Give children a basic understanding of infectious diseases and their causative agents (germs and viruses); Teach children to take care of their health and avoid situations that are harmful to health.

2 week

“What do we know about birds?” Clarify children’s understanding of birds as land-air animals; introduce them to their habits; cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards birds; develop a desire to help them.

3 week

“Funny stories in our group” Examination of illustrations for children's books. Identifying funny things in literary works, establishing associations with funny events happening in the group. Leading to an understanding of what you can laugh at and what you can’t.

4 week

“Professions of people” Clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about various professions, about the tools corresponding to a particular profession.

Foster respect for working people.

5 week

“Folk culture and traditions. Family traditions" Cultivating love and respect for family and friends, knowledge of one’s last name, first name and patronymic of parents, one’s clan and pedigree.

— to cultivate in children love and respect for their family members, the desire to express their feelings to loved ones.

- to form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together. Continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs, decorative and applied arts, and expand their understanding of folk toys, household items, and clothing.


1 Week

“Victory Day” To give children an idea of ​​the feat of the residents of Stavropol and the entire people of Russia who managed to survive this war. About the heroes of our countrymen. Using the example of grandparents, teach children such concepts as: “Love for the Motherland,” “Duty,” “Conscience.” Talk about the Victory Day holiday.

2 week

“Green Pharmacy” Clarify and expand ideas about medicinal products

plants, consolidate the concept of the relationship between the plant world and humans; teach children the rules of collecting and drying medicinal products


3 week

“Insects and flowers are made for each other” Show children the natural connections in nature, the role

insects in this process; arouse interest in the world around us,

form realistic ideas about nature.

4 week

“Kindergarten is my second family” Evoke positive emotions in a conversation about kindergarten, about friends in the group, about school. Develop logical thinking and the ability to express your feelings. Develop coherent speech; consolidate the concept of “friends”, teach to value friendship, cherish it, cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

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