Long-term planning formation of safety fundamentals in the middle group; methodological development in life safety (middle group)
Creative self-presentation teacher presentation
Creative self-presentation of the teacher presentation Slide 1 Creative self-presentation of the teacher Galochkina Elena Nikolaevna MAOU Secondary School
Long-term work plan for the formation of life safety in the middle group
Progress of the conversation: Hello guys! Can you imagine, it turns out that dangers may await us at home! How are you
Summary of a musical winter thematic lesson in an early age group “Who lives in the forest?”
Summary of a musical winter thematic lesson in an early age group “Who lives in the forest?” Abstract
Organization of active recreation in preschool institutions
Organization of active recreation in preschool institutions This academic year, in the year of 22
Summary of the final parent meeting on the topic “Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” with the participation of parents and children”
Summary of the lesson in the senior group “dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Teremok”” Dramatization game based on Russian folk
Social project “We keep up with the times: we create and get creative!”
Review of ideas For society Cooking The occasion could be Maslenitsa (pancakes are baked)
Project “Experimental activities of children of senior preschool age”
Educational project on the topic: “Entertaining mathematics” in the senior group
Card index of games for developing fine motor skills card index on the topic
Progress of the game: The child takes an expander, squeezes it for each stressed syllable to the beat of the poem
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