Summary of a musical winter thematic lesson in an early age group “Who lives in the forest?”

Summary of a musical winter thematic lesson in an early age group “Who lives in the forest?”

Summary of a musical thematic lesson for children of the 1st junior group “Who lives in the forest?”
Author: Eskina Svetlana Vladimirovna, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 37”, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region. Description: The notes may be useful to music directors, educators, and preschool teachers. The material is intended for young children. Goal: Development of emotional responsiveness in music lessons. Objectives: - to encourage emotional responsiveness to the expressiveness of music (character, mood), to captivate children with music, enriching their auditory experience; — develop children’s musical-sensory hearing, encouraging them to perceive and distinguish between quiet and loud sounds; - introduce basic singing skills: melodious, drawn-out singing; — consolidate skills in playing musical instruments (bells, tambourine, rattles); - introduce elementary musical-rhythmic skills: “spring”, footsteps, orientation in space: moving “on a sled”, standing in a circle; - encourage active participation in musical outdoor games and perform imaginative roles; - cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals; - activate children's vocabulary. Repertoire: 1. “Hello” by M. Kartushina. 2. “Sleigh” by A. Filippenko. 3. “Music of the Forest” by M. Kartushina. 4. “Tambourine and rattles” by M. Kartushina. 5. “Sleep, my bear” by E. Tilicheeva. 6. “Bunny” Russian folklore, sampled by G. Lobachev. 7. “Children and the fox” by M. Kartushina. Equipment: 1. Media projector.
2. Tape recorder, phonograms. 3. Winter forest scenery. 3. Toys – bunny, bear, fox. 4. Christmas trees, snowdrifts. 5. Musical instruments: tambourine, rattles. Progress of the lesson
A knock is heard on the door. Music director: Knock-knock, knock-knock. A knock is heard from the doors. We open the doors and welcome the children! The children follow the teacher into the hall. Music director: Hello, guys. How beautiful and cheerful you are today! Look, guests have come to us. Let's greet them with our song. Communication game “Hello!”
M. Kartushina. Hello, palms!
Clap-clap-clap! Hello legs! Top-top-top! Hello cheeks! Plop-plop-plop! Chubby cheeks! Plop-plop-plop! Hello sponges! Smack, smack, smack! Hello, teeth! Click-click-click! Hello, my nose! Beep-beep-beep! Hello, guests! Hello! Music director: Do you guys like to travel? (Children's answers) Today we will go to the winter forest. Do you know what animals live there? (children's answers) The animals in the forest are cold and hungry. We will take some treats with us for the animals. For the bear - a barrel of honey (chooses a treat lying on the table), for the bunny - carrots, and for the fox - sour cream. (They put the gifts in the basket.) Now you can hit the road. There is a lot of snow in the forest, we will go on a sled! Song “Sleigh” by A. Filippenko (“riding on a sleigh”).
The sleds themselves are running. The drifting snow is spreading.
And the bells sing loudly in the cold. Ding, ding, ding-ding, blue forests. They go, they go, ding-dilin Sleigh with bells. Educator: So we arrived in the forest. Look how beautiful it is here, everything is covered in snow. (On the screen there is a slide - a winter forest). And here are the stumps, let's sit down and listen to the music of the forest. Listening to the song “Music of the Forest” by M. Kartushina.
The forest stands enchanted, Music sounds quietly, Snow falls quietly, A gentle voice sounds.
The blizzard is sweeping, the blizzard is circling, Snowy music sounds loudly. - 2 times. Music director: Beautiful music near the forest. What is it like? (The music director talks about music, asks leading questions: when a snowball flies quietly - quiet, when the wind howls, a blizzard sweeps - loud). Now the bells will help us show quiet and loud snow music. The song is played again, and the children ring their bells during the transition. Educator: Oh, look, someone is moving under the Christmas tree. Guys, we woke up the clumsy bear. He was sleeping in the den. The teacher takes the bear in his hands and says: Who started dancing here? Who prevents the bear from sleeping? Music director: Misha, don’t be angry, these guys came to the forest and brought gifts for everyone. Take, Mishenka, a barrel of sweet honey for you. Maybe you can play with us? Mishka: I am a bear cub Mishka, I love music. Look, guys, how I hit the tambourine with my paw. The teacher offers to play instruments with the bear. Hand out rattles to children. Game “Tambourine and Rattles” Russian folklore, lyrics by M. Kartushina.
Strike the tambourine with your palm bolder.
All the kids will immediately have more fun. Rattles also want to play. We called our friends and let's dance! Educator: Stop playing, kids. In winter, the bear must sleep. Music director: Guys, let's put the bear to bed, the naughty bear. Children and a teacher with a bear in their hands sit on benches covered with a white cloth. Putting the bear to sleep. Song “Sleep, my bear” by E. Tilicheeva. They put the bear back in the snowdrift.
The teacher notices a white mitten. Teacher (shows the mitten to the children): Guys, look, someone ran here and lost his mitten.
I wonder whose mitten this is - small, white? (children's answers - bunny). Where is he, the cowardly bunny? (They find a bunny under the Christmas tree). Come to us, bunny, don’t be afraid, the guys won’t hurt you. (Children pet the bunny). Get the mitten, don’t lose it again! (Puts a mitten on the bunny). Music director: Come on, kids, let’s sing a song for the bunny. Children sit on chairs. Song “Bunny” Russian folklore, arr.
G. Lobacheva, lyrics by T. Babajan. Bunny Bunny, Little Bunny!
Long ears, Fast legs. Bunny Bunny, Little Bunny! You're afraid of children, Bunny is a coward. (at the end of the song the bunny jumps) Music director: The bunny has become cheerful, he is not afraid of the guys. He wanted to dance with us. And we also have carrots. Shall we dance with them? Shows a basket of carrots. Children stand in a circle and are given carrots. "Dance with Carrots" They collect carrots in a basket and give them to the bunny. Educator: Take some carrots, bunny, we brought them for you. (The teacher puts the bunny under the tree). The bunny got scared and ran under the Christmas tree. Who was he afraid of, guys? The phonogram “Music of the Fox” plays, and on the screen there is a slide with the image of the Fox. Music director: This is a little fox running, rustling its paws, rustling. Fox, don’t scare the bunny, it’s better to play with us. Puts a fox hat on a girl. Game “Children and the Fox”, est. folklore, lyrics by M. Kartushina. Educator: It’s fun to play with you, fox. We also have a treat for you - delicious sour cream. (Give the sour cream to the fox). The fox ran away to its hole. And you and I, guys, have an empty basket, we have treated all the animals. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Get in the sled, let's go! Song “Sanochki” by A. Filippenko. Music director: Here we are in kindergarten. Guys, where were we? Who did we meet there? (Children's answers). The animals also sent you gifts. (Takes an envelope with gifts and distributes it to the children.) And now we will say goodbye to the guests and go to the group. The children say goodbye and leave the hall.

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In the second and third year of life

Children of the second year of life can actively listen to continuously playing music for 40 seconds, then a break (1-2 seconds) and again for 40 seconds, a pause, etc. In general, one lesson lasts 2-3 minutes.

Children of the third year of life can perceive continuously playing music for 1-1.5 minutes, then a pause and another minute and a half, etc. One lesson - 4-5 minutes.

The numbers - seconds and minutes - are given here so that you do not overestimate the capabilities of a small child and at the same time know that listening to music is quite within the baby’s capabilities. It all depends on his condition at the moment you chose to listen to music: a child listens to music worse if he has just cried - for example, his beloved grandmother has left, or he has just finished feeding him unloved porridge, or maybe he is simply unwell.

When you see that your child is distracted or expresses displeasure, reduce the time of the lesson or move it to another time of the day. If the child’s attention is stable and he is able to perceive music with interest, you can slightly increase the duration of the lesson.

A little about musical instruments

Children's musical instruments: metallophone, xylophone are accompanied by an annotation explaining how and what to play.
Sometimes parents themselves write the names of the notes on the keys: do, re, mi... - this makes it easier for them to select and memorize the proposed music. For songs played on the children's harp, a “string guide” is included. You place a “cheat sheet”—a guide with a drawn arrow—behind the strings and follow its movement, playing the song. The sounds of the harp make children very happy. But the child should listen to music that you have already learned, easily and freely performed. Therefore, teach yourself when the baby does not hear.

It's good if you play the piano, but for a child this is not enough. Do not exclude listening to music played on other musical instruments - harp, pipe, xylophone, tambourine.

Do all children have an ear for music?

Almost all young children are very sensitive to music. This is expressed in a directed interest in musical sounds. Babies begin to smile, move rhythmically, shake their heads, clap their hands, stomp, and sway their bodies in place when they hear nursery rhymes or non-aggressive music.

The sooner a child hears good musical samples, the faster his ear for music develops. If a mother sings lullabies to her child from early childhood, the baby will begin his first attempts at intonation - singing along with his mother - earlier. What will help the rapid development of speech in the future .

Of course, children are given musical talents to varying degrees. However, with the help of music classes, based on the interest that children have in music, it is possible to select such sets of exercises that will help develop existing abilities and instill a love for musical activity in every child.

How to listen to music?

An indispensable condition is silence in the room. Nothing should distract the baby. The mother is sitting next to the child, or the baby is in her arms, or both are sitting on the sofa. Mom listens too. Her face is interested, attentive, friendly. Mom likes music - the child sees this. Her mood and condition are transmitted to the baby. If the mother plays the piano herself, then the grandmother or father sits with the baby.

We recommend listening to music once or twice a day. This could be one piece repeated twice, or two pieces. For example, “Bunny” and “Bear”. By the end of the third year, you can audition three plays.

Have you already noticed that you were offered to play different musical instruments even for a six-month-old baby? But what if you don't have these skills?

What to tell parents

Most parents have no doubt that music lessons are an excellent way to develop a child. However, mothers and fathers do not always know how, when and what exactly their baby can do if he is not yet three years old.

Clients who bring their children to a children's club often want to receive professional explanations about why music classes or musical exercises are needed as part of early development classes.

Unfortunately, administrators are not always able to give detailed answers - they simply do not have knowledge about this area of ​​child development.

I offer you an article in which I answer the most frequently asked questions in an accessible and concise manner and provide facts that will help you convince parents to start music lessons with their children as early as possible.

Give this text to the administrator to read, and he will be able to speak more competently with parents.

This information will also help the teacher - when there is a ready-made structured argument, it is always easier to communicate.

The most frequently asked questions concern:

  • optimal age to start such activities
  • types of musical activities
  • ways to develop a sense of rhythm, musical sensitivity and responsiveness in children.

A little about the tools


It is best to use a small tambourine, with a wooden hoop, not a metal or plastic hoop, with leather stretched over it. If the sound is loud and sharp, remove (remove) a couple of metal plates from the hoop.

So, even at 6 months. kids happily listen to their mother's cheerful singing, accompanied by the rhythmic tapping of a tambourine or the ringing of bells, bells, and a triangle.

You delight your baby with the sound of different instruments, different timbres and at the same time enrich the child’s auditory experience.

The metallophone, harp, and pipe that you played should not be given to the child. Rattles and a small tambourine can be freely used by a child 2-3 years old.

with bells and bells only in the presence of adults - to avoid injury.

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