Cognitive and research activities in the second junior group of kindergarten
Lesson on cognitive and research activities in the second junior group of kindergarten Children 3–4 years old have
'Interactive game for children of senior preschool age "Musical Pages"' title= 'Interactive game for children of senior preschool age "Musical Pages"' width="400
Card file of musical and didactic games aimed at developing musical and creative abilities card file on music (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Interactive game for children of senior preschool age “Musical Pages” This resource is intended for children
Technological map of the integrated lesson “Matryoshka”
Toolkit. Technological map of classes for the preschool education program STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
Didactic manual “Miracle Tree” for kindergarten
Didactic manual “Miracle Tree” for kindergarten Didactic manual “Miracle Tree” for preschool children Didactic
What contributes to the development of dialogic speech in a preschooler
Concept and features of dialogical speech The main communicative forms at any age are monologue and
Project on healthy lifestyle for children 3-4 years old topic: “Healthy lifestyle” project (junior group)
11639 8 minutes Published: October 26, 2016 (0) A healthy lifestyle has already become a full-fledged family culture.
DIY plasticine helicopters for children
We make a helicopter from plasticine: military, cute for children and fireman
Children and especially boys really like flying machines. In these lessons children will learn easily
guardianship and trusteeship
Children's rights in kindergarten. What does a parent need to know?
Home / Family law / Children’s rights Back Published: 08/14/2018 Reading time: 6
Long-term creative project for the middle group on the topic “Non-traditional drawing techniques”
Notes on drawing with potato stamps in the first junior group “Balloons” Natalia
Methodological development “Formation of prerequisites for play activities of young children.”
Methodological development “Formation of prerequisites for play activities of young children.” Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution
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