Calendar planning on the topic: “Kindness rules the world” senior group
Kindness week in the middle group: planning Thematic kindness week in the preparatory group, as well as
“Retelling of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken.” Summary of a lesson on speech development in the younger group
Chicken (fairy tale) Once upon a time there lived a chicken. He was small. Here it is. But he thought
PROGRAM “Interaction with parents of group students”
Klimenko Tatyana Grigorievna Deputy Director for educational work of the Municipal government institution of additional education "Center"
Lesson summary “About Winter” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group)
Summary of an integrated lesson for children of the senior group Purpose of the lesson: To develop the ability to perceive characteristic features
Index of cards of didactic games for the legal education of preschool children. Index of cards (preparatory group) by subject
Project on legal education of children “I am a child and have the right...”
Project on legal education of children “I am a child and I have the right...” One of the forms of work
Senior preschool age. A cycle of observations and targeted walks.
Cyclic observations; methodological development on the topic Cyclic observations. In addition to the content, it is extremely important to determine the organizational and methodological form
Child listening
Notes on teaching literacy “Sound N. Letter N”. (school preparatory group)
Using tactile exercises The child’s tactile sensations also need to be connected when mastering the letter n. After all
Notes on drawing in the middle group “Teddy Bear”
Notes on drawing in the middle group “Teddy Bear” Purpose: to arouse desire in children
Hina Matsuri in Japan
Summary of the lesson “Russian folk traditions and folklore”.
Holidays in different countries There are holidays that are celebrated all over the world - New Year,
Master class by Maria Belikova: drawing a house in the village.
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “My Home”
Today we will try to depict a landscape using an unusual technique - architectural graphics. Don't be scared, it's completely
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