Funny short skits for adults, unique selection: mini-play script, mini skits New Year, wedding, birthday, anniversary.. Funny comic skits, fun jokes, 35 skits

In the fall, children go to school, and the main task of adults is to get them ready to study after the summer holidays. No need to read standard speeches! Approach the meeting of children with imagination and humor, show that this year a lot of interesting things await them, and not just lessons. The best option for entertainment is children's sketches about school: funny situations from student life are close to children of all ages and are interesting to parents and teachers. The main thing is not to drag out the performance - children's attention is more likely to be attracted by a quick change of scenery and characters than by a long performance. Funny short skits for children will help you out in any situation: at the first of September assembly, at the Christmas tree, and at the cool “light”.

Comic scenes for a woman's anniversary: ​​funny short mini scenes

funny short skits for 2 people: pantomime

(On stage, a man in a chair is reading a newspaper. Nearby, a woman in an apron is performing actions.)

Author: 364 days in the life of an ordinary woman are ordinary. She washes the floor, prepares breakfast, sends the man to work, walks the children to school, washes the dishes, goes to the grocery store, irons clothes... But one day everything changes. (The author falls silent) (Actions on stage: three men run out at once - the first takes off the woman’s apron, takes her mop, washes the floor, the second puts the woman in a chair, the third gives flowers, the woman in the chair is busy reading a newspaper, the men wash the windows, do laundry , wipe the furniture from dust, prepare dinner, dance for her and with her... A woman from time to time points her finger to the men at the right job.)

Author: But the holiday soon ends, like all good things. A new day comes, a new morning, and ordinary life continues. (Actions on stage: A man sits in a chair, opens a newspaper, another gives the woman an apron... A woman washes the floor, does laundry, prepares food. The cheerful music fades away, replaced by a slow melody. The actors leave the stage.)

Author: There is one conclusion in this story that I think all men understand - you need to love a woman not only on her anniversary, you need to love her always!

Cinderella scene

the doctor makes a diagnosis

gypsy scene

congratulations to the berry woman

Birthday congratulations sketches with humor

brownie gift

rose and translator

happy birthday valentina beautiful poems

He is Valentine, and Valentines do not spoil the picture of life, they bring goodness to everyone, they create comfort and coziness for us, they set off the colors of life and never lose heart.

memory machine

For the scene, the stage is decorated with sheets. Holes are made in it for the head and arms. The birthday boy sticks his head into the hole and holds a bottle and bottle in his hands.

funny happy birthday greetings

Chicken Ryaba

Comic scenes for a man's anniversary

funny short skits for 2 people: two godfathers

(Two godfathers meet on stage.) Vasilisa - Kumushka, where are you rushing? Praskovya - How to where? I decided to go to the market and do some trading. Vasilisa - What do you have there? Praskovya - I have apples and tomatoes here. Vasilisa - Wow, what a harvest! What else is there for sale? Praskovya - Of course there is. This is all thanks to the Internet. I saw a good advertisement for seeds and bought them for myself. And now the result... Vasilisa - Kumushka, what does that smell like on you? Praskovya - Oh, this is my new perfume called “The Smell of Hay”. Here's the exclusive (waves the disc) look what else I have. Vasilisa - Oh, what a nice mirror. Praskovya - No, this is not a mirror, it is a disk - an electronic storage medium. Here I have written down tips on how to win men. Vasilisa - (picks up the disk) On this small disk? (Vasilina sneezes) Praskovya - Don’t come close, otherwise you’ll bring in more viruses. (Picks up the disc and puts it in the basket.) Vasilina - The technology has moved forward... Praskovya - Write down my email address www.Paraskovyatpr. Vasilisa - What kind of dog am I to you? Praskovya - What are you talking about? This is how an email address is written on the Internet. I even found a man on the Internet. Vasilisa - How is this? Praskovya - Yes. You go to the Internet, write a request and choose from a photo. (Praskovya takes out her glasses, puts them on, takes the laptop) Vasilisa - Well, write: to be of a respectable age, so somewhere under 60. Slender, respectable, well... some kind of boss, not lazy, to do everything around the house, to have a car ... Praskovya - Yes... he is here with us. Look, here he is sitting in front of you at the head of the table. Vasilisa Sixty more for you! And no less ahead I want there to be in life that you should follow. Praskovya I wish you to be healthy, Happiness to overflow, There will always be prosperity in the family and God's spiritual paradise. Vasilisa So that friends do not betray, So that you are confident in yourself, So that you have enough strength and skill In spite of everything in fate.

Mom congratulates his 18th son

Night club. A girl is sitting near the bar. A young man approaches her. YOUTH : Hello, dude! I see you're bored? GIRL: Yes, there is a little... YOUTH: Maybe you'll come with me? Let's have fun! I will give you an unforgettable evening! GIRL : Not a bad idea. But my mother will be waiting for me at 23-00 at home. YOUTH: Who's waiting? Mother? Give it up! What, are you ten years old? Susi-pusi... We are manyusi! Do you go on dates with your mom too? Ha ha! (Suddenly, someone’s hand confidently takes the young man by the ear.) YOUTH: Ma-ah? What are you doing here? MOM: What are you doing here? I'm asking you! YOUTH: Well, mom! This is my first time here... MOTHER: March home! Sleep! YOUTH: (to the girl) I'll call you back! MOM: I said - go home!

Another year has sunk into oblivion. You have matured, my son, You have become more mature, more self-possessed - This is not the first time I have said this. The views in life have become different, the approach to the problems of the day has become different, and the reality is more tangible for everyone around you and for you. Happy birthday, (name), happiness in life, Health, peace and goodness, Love, family, and good luck, And a warm environment.

new Russian congratulates

Instagram scene

Grandmother wipes her eyes with a handkerchief. Another one comes up. - Why, Filippovna, are your eyes watering? How long have you been to the ophthalmologist? We need to get checked, now such times have come that those Internets will make your eyes pop out. - Petrovna, my tears are not from the computer, but from spiritual joy and anxiety... - Oh! She has spiritual joy!.. It’s understandable, now it’s time: the grass is turning green, the bird is making a nest... And the stump is blooming. Why is your anxiety? Whatever you want, it won’t fit into any gates! - It doesn’t fit in, but it doesn’t get out! - What? Anxiety? - Yes, for a grandson with a Stagram. Trouble, and that’s all! - So, is he looking for Stagrams? And when did you have time? For a long time? - Since we bought this expensive phone, with a screen... How it gets stuck... How it gets stuck... You even drag him by the legs, but he still reaches for it with his hands... - For a Stagram? - Follow him, the devil!.. - At least he doesn’t smoke? - It doesn’t seem to stink of tobacco... Only cologne, it makes my head spin... - Well, that means there is a God in the world. If only by spirits... The world is now such that well... It would be better if he stayed at home, why did he let me in? Oh, this street, the revelry... - He didn’t go anywhere! All in that screen... You can’t tear it off. “I didn’t go, you say?” So I believed you! Where did you learn to use Stagrams? Now they have an eye and an eye like a diamond! (The grandson comes out with the phone.) - Grandmothers, stand here and smile. Now we are online, yes, support the gift, look there, say, “chi-i-i-iz.” I’ll post it on Instagram now... Super! (The grandson quickly leaves the stage.) - Filippovna, what was that?! - That's it! Stagram! - Where?! - Just now! You saw it! How the grandson turned us in different directions, now there is a noise in my head... - Your Stagrams make my head spin... (The mobile phone rings. Filippovna pulls out the phone.) - Oh! A daughter from Europe calls on the phone... (Talking on the phone) - Already? Did you see it? Us? Everyone? Tags... Send congratulations? I convey... Happy birthday and we wish you everything that a person needs, both today and for a long time. So that you are healthy and strong, so that you can create, dare, and definitely achieve your goals.

bun and smiley

Portraits of a kolobok and a smiley hang on the stage. Whistling, Kolobok runs briskly along the path. Suddenly he comes across Smiley running towards him. - Hello! - Great! (they look at each other in surprise.) – A-ah-ah!!! Clear! (the bun continues) - What is clear to you? - And you? - To me? Well, at least the fact that I’m standing in front of the mirror! - And I! - What? - Too!.. In front of the mirror! - What kind of mirror am I? I've been swept away, baked from flour, I ran away from my woman, I ran away from my grandfather... - And I also ran away... From the Internet! - Where from? - From the World Wide Web! - Ha ha! (to the audience) He's afraid of spiders! Isn't this a wolf or a bear? – I was invited to the anniversary! - So you’re not a mirror? Why do you look so much like me? - And you are on me! And to the portrait... (nods at the composition) Amazing... Yes, we are an exact copy of each other! - I am made of dough! – And I’m made of pixels! - From what, from what? I see that you seem like you’re not from here... - Me? Not from here? I'm all over the world - here! Where the Internet is, there I am. - Well... Without me, your Internet is worth nothing. Bread is the head of everything! (points to his head). A whole kilogram! – And I have a full megabyte! (also points to his head). I lift everyone's spirits at the computer! – And I cheer you up at lunch! - So you and I are brothers? - Twins! Even in a portrait! I'm on the right, you're on the left! - No, it’s me on the right, and you on the left! - It’s the other way around! You're on the left and I'm on the right! - Yes, what's the difference... We completely forgot why we came here. — The reason brought us here was the anniversary of our beloved friend (name). I raise my glass to you and drink it all to the end. For the birthday of the person that I love in a friendly way. So that the warm wind of good luck hits the sails of hope, So that you always look through life directly, sincerely into the eyes.

Birthday scenario for 4 years - Holiday Express

With my daughter’s permission and with her help, I am posting the scenario for my grandson’s 4th birthday.

Some of the material was taken from the Internet, some was added by the daughter herself. The script is based on the script about Thomas the Tank Engine from the children's portal Sunny, revised and expanded by my daughter.

The author of the text is my daughter Maria.

Birthday scenario for 4 years “Travel on the Holiday Express”

Since the birthday was held in the form of a train ride through the stations, the invitation was made in the form of a train ticket + a coloring book with the train from Romashkovo itself to brighten up the anticipation of the holiday.

These were the tickets.

Each ticket was folded into a separate envelope with the name of the invitee, and I also put there a small coloring book with a train and a separate invitation on a piece of paper with a picture of the same train.

For those who arrived without a ticket - they simply forgot it at home - there was a fine - to perform something, for example, a song (there were only such people).

I hung the names of the stations in the courtyard of our house (private). I was the greeter at every station, my mother was the train driver.

When the guests arrived, we began with the traditional viewing of a slide show about the birthday boy.

Afterwards, the children were given medals with a train to color. After that, we went to the exit of the house (the holiday was held in the courtyard), and then the train driver (my mother) checked everyone’s tickets, and the children set off from the Central Station station.

I must say, we also had a timetable for the stations (the idea was taken from the same scenario from Solnyshka).

For us it looked like this.

So, from station No. 1 “Locomotive from Romashkovo” (it sounded during all the children’s movements between stations) we went to station No. 2.

Station No. 2 “Flower Meadow”.

“CROSS THE SWAMP” To get to the meadow, you need to cross the swamp. We lay out the pre-prepared “bumps” - we had large feet printed out) The children’s task: to cross the “swamp” without getting their feet wet (without stepping on the carpet or floor). That is, they will ask you to jump from bump to bump.

The children jumped over the hummocks to the flower meadow and began to collect flowers.


In the meadow, all the flower petals are mixed up. Each child is given a center of a certain color. The task is to collect all the petals and arrange them around the center.

After all the flowers were collected, the children went to the next station.

Station No. 3 "Farm Frenzy".

An outdoor game of turning.


Children perform movements according to the text:

Guys are running in a green meadow.

(Children run as they please.)

These are not guys at all, but some kind of animals. - name the animals one by one.

(Children depict using the movements of various animals.)

All the animals ran away, the guys returned to us again.

(Children perform any movements.)

Then the children came up to me, and I had animal toys laid out on my rug.


Place animal toys in front of the children. Give the children riddles, and the one who guesses immediately takes the “riddle” from the table.

The Internet is full of riddles about animals, so everyone can find something that suits their existing animals. The children happily grabbed the toy after solving the riddle.

Let's move on


Station No. 4 “Aeronauts”.

Game "Air Combat".

Children are divided into teams and stand opposite each other, on opposite sides of the dividing line. I gave each team 10 paper airplanes, prepared in advance. At the leader’s signal, each team begins to transfer airplanes to the other side. You can only lift and throw one airplane at a time. The team with the fewest aircraft on its side wins.

Here we are divided into teams of adults and children. I laid down the rope that separated us, and they began to transfer the airplanes.

Then we drove on to the music from the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkovo”.

Station No. 5 “Tatsevalnaya ”.


Music is playing. The presenter names or shows a card with a picture of any part of the human body, and the children should try to dance only with this part of the body.

Here you can turn on any cheerful children's song and name different parts of the body in turn.


Presenter: “We stretch our right hand forward and sing: “Put your right hand forward, and then back, and again forward and shake it a little. We dance "boogie-boogie", turn circles (at the same time we turn) and clap our hands like this (2 claps) ((everyone rushes forward to the center) boogie - boogie - ok (then back) boogie - boogie - oh' kay) (2 times).” Then follows: left leg, left hand, right leg, single nose, etc.


There is a backing track on the Internet.

The words are:

If you like it, then do it - clap-clap (clap your hands). - 2 times.

If you like it, then show it to someone else, if you like it, then do it like this - clap-clap.

And 3 more different actions, and on the 5th time you need to take turns performing all four actions in a row.

After the dance we went to have something to eat.

Station No. 6 “Tropical Cafe”.

A tasty challenge. We blindfold the children one by one and put a piece of different fruit (apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, oranges) in their mouths, and they guess what it is. If you guess right, the other children clap. We put pieces of various fruits on the plate.

“Have a bagel.”

We hang the bagels on a string; the children need to bite or snack on the bagel without their hands.

It was very funny

Station No. 7 “Igralnaya”.


Prepare envelopes. Each envelope contains a picture and a copy of it, cut into pieces. Each child needs to complete their own puzzle.

You can buy some cheap children's book with pictures (more precisely, two identical ones) and make puzzles out of it. Or color the printouts and play around (this is how I did New Year’s puzzles). I bought a book about the seasons and cut the illustrations into pieces. Each child was given an envelope and a piece of paper to lay out the puzzle. The children quickly completed the task.

GAME "Dwarfs-giants".

Children stand in a circle. The presenter gives the signal by shouting the word: “Dwarfs!” Everyone sits down. Behind the signal: “Giants!” – all players jump up. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who remains wins. 1-2 passes until the winner is determined.

We just played without winners.

Station No. 8 "Zhelalnaya".

At this station, everyone remembers whose birthday it is.


One two three four five! Who will we congratulate? Whose dreams will come true? Who do we have flowers for? Who will be proud today? Will he eat a huge cake? Will the candles be blown out? And open gifts? Who is this verse for? And in the eyes of joy - whose? Who's ahead today? Birthday boy, come out! How old is Vlad now?

Vlad: Four!

Host: Let's congratulate Vlad! (everyone stands in a circle, Vlad in the center of the circle) We stomp 4 times! Have fun! We will clap 4 times! Make friends! Come on, Vladik, turn around! Come on, Vladik, take a bow! And once again we all stomp! And let's clap our hands again!


Cut out train with carriages. Everyone chooses a trailer, on the back of which there is a task on how to congratulate the birthday person (sing, dance, hug, kiss, etc.).

Game "Wishers". You help each other, answer questions only “Yes” and only “No”. Give me the answer together: If you say “No”, then knock with your feet, If you say “Yes”, then clap your hands.

Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes) Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? …(Yes) Shall we congratulate the birthday boy? ... (Yes) Or will we send you to grandma? … (No) Happy birthday! And, of course, we wish: Vladyusha grows bigger... (Yes) Definitely be fatter! ... (No) Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes) Naughty and pugnacious! (No, no, no!) So that parents love! ... (Yes) With a strap so that they beat you more often! ... (No) So that they feed you ice cream! ... (Yes) Be healthy and smart! (Yes, yes, yes!) Like a green crocodile! (No, no, no!) May success await you! (Yes, yes, yes!) You, Vladyusha, are the best! (Yes Yes Yes!)

And finally we arrive at the last station...

Station No. 9 “Surprising”.

Game "Find the package with gifts."

I put the bags with souvenirs for our little guests in a parcel box and hid them in the bushes on the site. I tied threads to the box according to the number of guests and stretched them partially across the site. When we arrived at the station, I told the children that while we were driving, one parcel accidentally fell out of the luggage compartment, and we need to find it. And to make it easier to search, she gave them a guiding thread to follow, winding it into a ball. The threads were tied to pencils (on which the thread was wound), and the other end of the thread was tied to the gift itself. That's how the children found the package with gifts.

After that we went to the banquet hall to celebrate the birthday and blow out the candles on the cake!

What a birthday it turned out to be!

Thank you all for your attention!

Mini scene for the New Year

super prank

Q1 – Happy New Year! B2 - Wait, welcome! Q1 - Why would that be? (The cleaning lady scrubs the floor, rinses the rag, twists it, straightens it on the mop) Q2 - The cleaning lady hasn’t washed the floor yet, and you’re already congratulating her. Where was this issued? B1 - No time to wait! New Year is already around the corner. B 2 - A rag is on the floor. Q1 - We won’t have time to congratulate you, we must hurry. B2 - Well then, go ahead. You'll be the first. Q1 - The holiday comes to us, Brings us happiness So that the next whole year... I got lost, forgot the words. I looked at the mop. Come on... Technician: You have your own job, and I have mine. I, too, maybe want to get my work done on time. Don't interfere. (leaves, quietly behind the scenes changes the floor bucket for an identical bucket with confetti) B2 - Happy winter holiday, friends, We congratulate you…. But the cleaning lady didn’t see it; she didn’t wipe the floor in the corner well. We need to tell her... B1 - Don’t get distracted! Q2 - Or maybe we can congratulate you together? B1 - Okay. The holiday comes to us, brings us happiness; So that the next year will be without anger and worries.

Q2 May you work with success and be proud of each other; May you bloom like flowers, and make all your dreams come true.

Together: Happy New Year! Technician (comes out from behind the scenes with another bucket) - Congratulations? And I have my own job. If I were you, I would have already congratulated you a hundred times. I'll just pour out the water. (impulsively pours confetti from a bucket onto the audience, who are sure that the bucket contains dirty water)

New Year's mini scene

New Year's greetings scene

The New Year tree is decorated with balloons with the inscription “Glück” (small price tags with the inscription “Made in Germany” are attached to the balloons). Characters: two guys. They look at the Christmas tree. - You understood? No, do you understand? - What? - Look! (nods at the Christmas tree) New Year - that's it! — I don’t understand – what is “everything”? - New Year will not come. Kayuk. – What makes you think that the New Year won’t come? - So here it is! Written. Do you see? Read! - Glitch... So what? - Otherwise! What do you think? This was written for a reason! - Really? “Nothing happens for nothing on New Year’s Eve.” Remember! - Well... - The New Year is glitched! Stuck! - Like this? Miracles... - Yes! I myself don’t know how... But it’s clearly written here - a glitch! - New Year? Is it buggy? How's the computer? - Well, yes! Exactly! Stuck!.. – Where? - That's another question! Hard. Where are you stuck? How do I know? In the old year. Fact. - So what are we going to do? - Maybe it’s good that he’s hanging... Let him... No, it’s not necessary. We'll make do. I promised my wife to quit smoking... Ha! They've been waiting for three years for the promised... - And I have a problem... Mine hopes to receive a fur coat in the New Year. Now it’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders! - How can we live without New Year's gifts? Shall we get along too? - We need to be patient... Maybe let's complain... Like, we don't know anything whether there is a New Year or not, but we are entitled to gifts. Legal. And period. - Who should I complain to? - Of course - to Santa Claus! - And where can I find him? Maybe he too, well... - What, Grandfather is glitchy too? - And the Snow Maiden! Maybe they need to be rebooted! Everyone! - What do you mean, Vinda? It’s easy to say, but where is the button? - Maybe there is something written on these balls? Some kind of instruction, or something... (They examine the balls.) - Look, there’s something down here... In small letters... It reads: - Made in Germany - Have you seen it? This is a serious matter! It started with the Germans... From Europe. Now to us... he will come. What the hell... Virus! – On the New Year and without a New Year at all. No gifts. Head spin! - Horror! Santa Claus comes in: - Ah-ah-ah! (they recoil) DM: – Guys! What's wrong? One of the guys: - Grandfather, you are buggy!.. Ghost... - You are not there! Nowhere. Grandfather, you are not real! There are viruses in your beard! DM: How come I’m not here? Am I viral? So that Santa Claus has a runny nose? Flu? Ha ha! First time I hear it! Here are your gifts for a great New Year's number! And don't fool me! (DM gives the guys gifts. The guys accept them with surprise.) - What about the message? From Europe? - About the invasion! About viruses! There you go, grandpa! (point to the Christmas tree) Glitch! 100%! DM (laughs): - This is a wish for happiness! Greetings from Europe! In German, Glück means happiness! Happy holiday to you! - So the New Year will come? DM: – Absolutely! - Eh, now I’ll keep my promise to my wife... - In the New Year... Problem...

New Year's money

1 - No, well, Matryona, can you imagine what’s going on? 3 - The pressure will rise so much that the house will shake! 2 - Yes, even without your pressure the tree is staggering! 1 - What? 2 - Don’t ask! It’s scary to look at my granddaughter. So young, still green!.. 3 - What, maybe, offends you? Does he take money and be rude? 2 - No, on the contrary! Everything is silent, just muttering and muttering to himself... 1 - So maybe he’s sick with something, huh? 2 - Probably, it could not have happened without illness! Previously, the harness was on horses, but now they put it on people too! 1 – How so? 2 - And here he comes with a bridle around his neck, covers his ears, and mutters to himself, sometimes, and jumps up. It’s scary... And they still send him away! 3 – Where? 2 – Don’t you see what time of year it is? New Year! They put me on the bus and bye-bye... on the Christmas tree. There will be a masquerade... 1 - Masquerade? 2 - Yes! They said that without a stallion as bridled as him, a masquerade would not be a masquerade. 3 - What if he gets entangled in that bridle? Will he trip? What then? Oh-yo-oh!... What will happen... And where is the world going? 3 - Horror! 2 - Horror! 1 – No, well, people are completely stupid! They're having a masquerade, you see! We need to write a letter to the president! Complain! 3 - Trouble! What has the school brought us to!! 2 - People have nothing to do! By God, nothing! They're freaking out about fat! 3 - When we were young, we were in a club, we also organized dances without any bridles, only one accordion for the whole village, and the pressure didn’t take over... 3 - Now those dances are called in a smart way. 1 – Boogie-woogie? 2. – Dance! 1 – I need to warm up a little and help my granddaughter at the masquerade... 3 – Otherwise they’ll kill the child! (dance)

SpongeBob and New Year

SpongeBob goes on stage: - People are celebrating the New Year today, but here? What? Just water!... And my square pants. No sparklers, no fireworks, not even a garland! Immediately short circuit! (Eugene Krabs comes in:) - But the firefighters have nothing to complain about! Everything is wet! Why are you hanging your nose, Bob? “It’s New Year’s Eve for people, Krabs, but we have water and ice overhead in winter.” You can't even see the stars! - You're wrong! Do you know how disgusting it is to get wet in the rain? There is vile air everywhere, between the claws and in the pockets, brrrr... You run under vile umbrellas. Who needs it? And here it’s as cozy as in a shell - you won’t get snowed in, an icicle won’t fall on your head, and you won’t twist your neck in icy conditions. - But, boredom! Just sit and let the bubbles bubble. And from above, in the air, there’s a ball! New Year's carnival! Christmas! “Only the arrogant Sheldon Plankton is running around in crowds.” (Patrick Star comes in:) – Don’t you think that a real star can be found at the bottom? Almost Christmas! And what? Bob: - That's an idea, Patrick. Idea! Underwater New Year! Christmas at the bottom of the sea! How do you like it? Krabs: - We still need a Christmas tree for the holiday. Where will you get it? There is nothing else here except water! Star: - I figured it out! Where is Squidfard the blue octopus? He's our best friend! Bob: So what? Star: - Think! How many hands does he have? Either paws or legs! Bob: Eight. Star: - Here! Eight! And that it’s hard for him with such a bunch of hands... Bob: - Legs! Star: - With so many legs and arms, is it difficult for Squifard to hold New Year's toys? Meanwhile, we will lead a real sea underwater round dance! Bob: – People will envy us in the open air! Ha! (to Krabs) What do you say? Krabs: – The Christmas tree still needs decorations! Where can we get it? Star: Maybe Gary the snail will agree? She won't do round dances. Krabs: - It's not bad, but I think Squifard will be against it. Bob: – You need to bring toys out of thin air, nothing else. Maybe Sandy Cheeks the squirrel can help us? New Year's acorns grow on her tree. So we’ll decorate Squifard with them! (Sandy Cheeks the squirrel enters:) - Hello, friends! I just returned from thin air. The New Year is just beginning there! Krabs: - Yes, we know without you! Bob: - We don’t have a Christmas tree or decorations. Star: - Therefore, no New Year will come to us. Belka: - And what should I do? How to fix it? Krabs: - We urgently need to find a tree and New Year's decorations. Bob: – We were thinking of hanging acorns on the tree! Sandy Cheeks: – Acorns? No, no acorns! Where is your Christmas tree? (Squifard enters) Krabs: - Here! (points to Squifard) Almost like the real thing! Squifard: - What? I? Am I a Christmas tree? I'm an octopus cashier! My business is money! Much money! Star: - Me too, only a beautiful starfish! But for the sake of the holiday, I can become a Christmas one! Agree! Squifard: - I don't have any pine needles! Sandy Cheeks: - But you will have Christmas decorations! Squifard: - I don't have any branches! Bob: - But there are arms... legs! Plus you're a musician! Get out the clarinet! (Eugene Krabs runs in with balloons.) - There, above, wow! All: - What? Krabs: - New Year! They're handing out air packs there! They even got to me by accident! They fell on the water! Bob: – What incredible New Year’s toys! (Squifard takes the balls) - With such airy beauty, I agree to become a Christmas tree! (joyfully spins with balloons) (celebratory dance)

School skit “Eureka!”

Feel free to involve adults in the skits. If a child plays the miniature teacher, and the student Petya is a real teacher, it will be even more fun!


U: Well, Petya, answer. Who is Archimedes?

P, thoughtfully looking for the correct answer on the ceiling: Well, this... what's his name... ancient scientist. He's still "Eureka!" screamed in the bathroom.

U: Yes. And what is this “Eureka!”?

P looks at the audience, trying to get a hint from them. Answers hesitantly: I think it means “found.”

U, nodding with satisfaction: So what did he find, Petya?

P, scratching the back of his head: In the bathroom? Probably soap!

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