Scenario “Fairy tales and jokes for a corporate party for the New Year”

New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! Not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles are looking forward to it!

Give your colleagues a real fun winter fairy tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show off all their talents and abilities! This funny scenario for a cheerful company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, and jokes will turn the New Year's corporate party into a truly unforgettable event.

Cool converted fairy tales for corporate New Year parties for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great time participating! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

New Year's fairy tale “Teremok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  1. The designation “teremka” requires making a square measuring 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.
  2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.
  3. Additional props: mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).
  4. Recording light instrumental music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).
  5. A bag with cards that describe roles, moods, emotions:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. He always shouts his “pee-pee-pee!” loudly!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Mops the floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? – Stern, persistent, unhurried. Your “Kwa-kwa!” pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds you lunch.

3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After every jump, his tail wags!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Chanterelle.

Which? - Sexy, flirty. Sexily purrs: “Urrrr!”

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Gray wolf.

Which? – Confident, daring, a sort of “decider”, he came to the “showdown”. He coughs as if he was coughing: Cough, cough! Cough cough!

What is he doing in Teremka? – He attacks everyone all the time and threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? – Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRR” as if he’s saying “I’ll catch up!” I’ll catch up!”

What is he doing in Teremka? – He climbs in to hug and kiss.


  • Presenter (folder with the script);

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing are enough.

  • Mouse (headband with ears and tail, apron);
  • Frog (put a green frill (collar) on your clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef’s apron and a cap);
  • Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);
  • Chanterelle (yoke, red collar and fox tail);
  • Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around his neck, purse (like in the 90s) on his side, cap, cigarette in his mouth);
  • Bear (on the head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Host: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale “Teremok”?

The guests answer: A long time ago!

Host: Do you remember? What was happening there?

All in unison: Yes!

Host: If I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure! Do you want us to check it? Or let's remember everything together?

All in chorus:

Host: I need six volunteers!

Selects the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Host: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants speculate.

Host: Well, that would be ideal, but here at our fabulous New Year’s corporate party there are miracles everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull it out of the bag and see who will be who!

Without looking, participants pull out cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the biggest person gets, for example, the role of Mouse! Or the frailest one - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear!

They are taken away and assistants dress them up in elements. The participant who will play the Mouse is given a mop, the Frog is given a plate and spoon, and the Bunny is given a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go out to the Presenter, who tells the task.

Host: So, in our cool remade fairy tale, only I speak! You portray your hero in all known and possible ways. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotions and mood that are written in your card. And one more thing: once you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear this kind of dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident”), you must, again, taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated on your cards!

It is advisable for the audience to sing along to the song. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

Participants agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music is briefly turned on, to which they will perform each of their actions.

Host: So, dear friends, sit down comfortably! Now you will hear and at the same time see a completely new fairy tale called “Teremok”.

In one of the very nice dacha cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(Helpers take out a cardboard frame representing the Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they place a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Presenter: The Little Mouse was running past, on her important business (the “Mouse” runs out, hysterically yelling “PEEP-PEEP!”).

The Mouse was surprised that there was such a treasure, and no one lived there! She ran around Teremok three times (the mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she moved into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The Frog-Frog also jumped along the same path, along the same road! (The participant portraying the Frog jumps, singing “Kwa-kwa!” in an operatic style.)

When I saw Teremok, I couldn’t help myself! She came closer and asked Mouse if she could live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! – she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, which washes the floors under its feet.

Presenter: From afar, the Jumping Bunny heard the smell of a delicious lunch! (Bunny gallops) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - asked the Bunny.

- Can! - Mouse and Frog waved invitingly and ushered the new tenant into Teremok.

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed everyone in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Host: The main party girl, Vixen, also joined in on the fun! (The participant in this image comes out with a sexy gait, purring) Well, who wouldn’t like this kind of entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in Teremochka! And the owners weren’t against it!

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse washes under the Frog, the Bunny, the Fox, the Frog feeds everyone in turn with a spoon, the Bunny measures everyone, and the Fox dances sexily in front of everyone.

Host: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: hearing the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells wafting from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (The Wolf comes out imposingly, coughing. He approaches Teremochka). Well, again, how this happens in life, he didn’t really ask! He opened the door with his foot and walked in!

Dance music is turned on: everyone does their own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Presenter: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let’s feed! And he – “come on”! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past.

(Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Presenter: The Bear approached Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexily! Even Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf and his attacks! Entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the tune of dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone else, and Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Host: You may ask why he didn’t ask the residents for permission to live? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built it for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music is playing. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners.

A musical New Year's tale for children of the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Scenario

The musical fairy tale “The Snow Queen” as part of the New Year’s party for the preparatory group
Adult roles: The Snow Queen, aka Winter The Robber Mother (to organize the children in the game) Santa Claus All other roles are performed by children. Thus, the whole group takes part in the fairy tale. Children enter the hall to the music, holding fake gift boxes. Do you hear someone coming? (general song with movements)

Children remain in their places. Reb.: We came to the decorated Christmas tree, We waited so long to meet her. Let's smile together, Let's start our holiday quickly! Reb.: New Year! New Year! Music calls you to dance! Let the New Year's round dance spin around the tree! Reb.: May the New Year that we celebrate enter our lives as a Happy Year! And all the good things we dream about will happen, come true, come true! It’s winter outside again (song) They sit on the chairs. storyteller: On a winter evening, stars fall, falling from the sky onto a frosty city. Stars are falling on the house and paths. They melt on the children’s warm palms. storyteller: The feathery stars are melting silently, And on the palm they shine like snowflakes. The children returned home from a walk. They dreamed of snowflakes like a fairy tale at night. Winter's Tale (song performed by a group of girls) storyteller: What a miracle this is - a sheet of paper. It can be snow-white in the morning - And suddenly: roads, castles and ravines - I create a fairy tale at the tip of a pen. storyteller: Who is in joy, who is in sorrow, who is angry - Try to catch their character... I will write about the Snow Queen - About friendship, loyalty, and love... Together: Krible-krable-snure!!!Snure-basilure!!!

Winter fun (dance with fake snowballs)

Children run away with lumps. Kai and Gerda remain. Kai: Great! How many snowmen they made! Gerda: We have to go! Kai: Well, let's run! Grandma is waiting for us at home, she is baking pies! (grandmother is busy at the table) Grandmother: I’m setting the table beautifully, I’m waiting for my grandchildren. The kids will have a walk, hunger will break out. (Gerda and Kai come running) Gerda: Grandma, we had a walk and went sledding. Kai: There are snowdrifts in the yard!!! Grandma: Are you cold? Kai: Well, of course... Gerda: It’s so cold outside, it stings your cheeks, it stings your nose.. (the children are warming themselves by the fireplace) Grandma: Oh, little tweedled grandchildren, Get warm, get warm, little shoots, I’ve been cooking in the morning, I baked some pies for you. Gerda: Oh, how delicious! Kai: Oh, how delicious! Grandmother: Here, quickly sit down at the table and refresh yourself with sweet tea. Gerda: Grandma, sit down at the table, I’ll pour you some tea. Knit your socks and tell us a fairy tale.

Grandmother: Well, listen, grandchildren, This fairy tale is scary. If you go far to the north, you find yourself in the kingdom of snow, the Queen lives there, weaves snow nets, and puts coldness in the hearts of those whom she captivates. Gerda: Oh, I'm scared, I'm afraid. Kai: What are you doing, Gerda, don’t be afraid, don’t worry about anything, I will protect you. If this queen comes to us unexpectedly, I think that she is unlikely to like it in our house. I’ll put it on the stove and it will melt like a candle. Let's go for a walk and play with the guys. Bells The Snow Queen Appears

S.K.: (singing) Who dares to have fun here? Who here isn't afraid of me? The New Year will not come, Santa Claus will not come to you. In my castle, in the ice, he is chained forever. Those who laugh, have fun and are not afraid of me here. Are you going to celebrate the New Year, are you waiting for Santa Claus? I bewitched him and took away the fun. The New Year will not come to you, it will not bring you gifts. I will leave myself forever in the kingdom of cold and ice! The Snow Queen leaves. Gerda: What to do? What should we do? Kai: The queen lives in the snowy kingdom, in an ice palace. Gerda: The path there is very dangerous, there are many challenges ahead. There are no miracles in the world these days (song performed by a group of children)

Gerda: All roads, all paths, We can walk together. Kai: We are not afraid of the cold and blizzard, We are rushing to help our friend. (Kai and Gerda go behind the screen. Grieg’s “Morning” sounds with birdsong. Flower fairies (choreographic sketch)

Gerda: Oh, what a beautiful clearing, it’s so light here, so many flowers. Kai: Maybe here we will find out the way to the Snow Queen's castle. 1 Fairy: Welcome to our garden, dear children. Where are you going? Fairy: We are Flower Fairies, we live in this garden and take care of the flowers. Kai: Don't you know the way to the Snow Queen's castle? 1 fairy: An evil fairy flew here from the kingdom of eternal ice. fairy: She almost destroyed our flowers. 1 fairy: That palace in a distant land. Fairy 2: The path to the north is not easy. Gerda: All roads, all paths We can walk together. Kai: We are not afraid of the cold and blizzard, We are rushing to help our friend. Fairies: Good luck to you!!! The fairies leave. Raven appears. Raven: Hello, children! Gerda: Hello sir. Raven: Excuse me, but won't you throw a stick at me? Kai: Of course not! Raven: How nice to hear. What about a stone? Gerda: What are you saying, sir? Raven: Let me thank you for your amazing courtesy. Am I talking nicely? Kai: Very much, sir. Raven: Kar! This is because I grew up in the park of the royal palace. I am almost a court crow, and my bride is a real court crow. Are you upset about something? Say, I’m a good raven, maybe I can help you with something? Kai: Don't you know the way to the Snow Queen's castle? Raven: I hear Carla flying here. She will help you get to the palace to our prince and princess. I think they can help you.

Song of the crow Raven: (sings to the music of Bizet “Carmen” Habanera) I walk on the earth as a peahen, I circle in the skies like an eagle, And everyone around me, here and there, they call me a thief, Neither man nor beast of the forest can handle me with cunning, Around With a raven's wing I will circle the entire globe. Raven: Carla, meet these wonderful children. We definitely need to help them get into the palace.

Crow: I will help you, follow me! Everyone goes backstage. Minuet (courtiers, prince, princess)

Raven, Crow, Kai and Gerda enter. Crow: Your Highnesses, allow me to ask you for help. Prince: What happened? Kai: Your Highness, do you know the way to the Snow Queen's castle? Princess: An evil fairy flew here from the kingdom of eternal ice. Prince: That palace in a distant land. Princess: The path to the north is not easy. Gerda: All roads, all paths We can walk together. Kai: We are not afraid of the cold and blizzard, We are rushing to help our friend. Court ladies: Oh, poor things, how sorry we are, You have to go to such a distance, Court ladies: And they are dressed so lightly, The north is very far away. Princess: I know exactly how to help, We wouldn’t mind giving you fur coats. I have six of them, even from Cardin. From Paris, from Moscow, from Yudashkin as many as three! We will give you any, even very expensive ones. (The prince and princess clap their hands, the courtiers bring out their fur coats)

Kai and Gerda: We thank you all. (robbers appear) Dance of the robbers

(After the dance they hide in ambush under the tree)

1st break: No one? 2nd break: No one. 3rd story: How is it nobody? And who is this? (Kai and Gerda appear. The robbers surround them and take away their fur capes) 4th breakdown: A…. got caught in our web? Section 5: Children should not walk here. Section 3: Do you have any money? We take everything. Gerda and Kai: There is no money. All details: Well then we don't play. Section 4: What about the kids? div.: I know what we should do. A glorious opportunity has turned up, We’ll get a lot of money, 3 parts: We’ll hide the kids at home, we’ll set a ransom for them. (Music, the little robber girl runs in) Razb.: Well, what are you up to today? Why did you get rich? Oh, you caught the kids! Robbed, offended? And no shame, I see. I will punish everyone today. What's your name guys? And where are you going? Gerda: Kai (points to Kai) Kai: And Gerda (points to Kai) Gerda: We definitely need to get to the Snow Queen's castle. Kai: Can you tell us the way there?

div.: An evil fairy flew here from the kingdom of eternal ice. Little robber: You need to ask mom. She knows everything. Mother!!!! The robber appears: I heard, I heard That palace in a distant land. The path to the north is not easy. Gerda: All roads, all paths We can walk together. Kai: We are not afraid of the cold and blizzard, We are rushing to help our friend. Razb.: Well, let's help. You just need to practice. You will have to overcome the snow. Game “Jump over the snowdrifts) Breakdown: Return the fur coats quickly, Go on a good journey. The robbers run away onto the chairs. Kai and Gerda walk around the hall. The lights go out. Magic music sounds. Northern Lights on the screen. Gerda: Kai, look, it’s as if thousands of pieces of ice are sparkling and shimmering in different colors. Kai: We're probably already close to the Snow Queen's Castle. Gerda: This is beauty! These are miracles! That's what it is - the northern lights! Kai: Now we’ll run further, maybe we’ll come soon. (Kai and Gerda run away. Penguins appear.) Penguin dance

(Gerda and Kai run up to the penguins.) Can you tell us how to find the kingdom of the Snow Queen? Penguin: Aren't you afraid of the Snow Queen's power? Gerda: All roads, all paths We can walk together. Kai: We are not afraid of the cold and blizzard, We are rushing to help our friend. Penguin: Then follow us, towards the North Star! (The howl of a blizzard is heard. The penguins, Kai and Gerda walk around the hall, shielding themselves from the wind) Penguin: Hey, you winds, don’t circle, Calm down and rest, You won’t intimidate the guys, we’ll continue to walk. (The penguins go to their chairs. Kai and Gerda remain) (The Snow Queen exits) S.N.: Hey, my friend, blizzard, Swirl and twist them, turn them into snowdrifts. Hey, snowflakes and winds, Notice until the morning, Turn all the roads around, don’t miss anyone. (A blizzard rises, the Snow Queen circles around Kai and Gerda) Gerda: Don’t be so angry, Snow Queen, don’t frighten me with cold and anger. Kai: We know that through kindness and friendship, Truth will certainly win!

(The sound of bells and music sounds, and a video of Santa Claus driving up in a troika appears on the screen. An excerpt from the fairy tale “Morozko”: The Exit of Santa Claus.) Against the background of the video, S.K. : What do I hear!!! Grandfather rushes here. My witchcraft does not work... Your friendship has won!!! D.M.: Hello my dear friends! D.M.: Thank you, friends. Your courage and friendship defeated the Snow Queen's witchcraft. S.K.: Again I was left alone and no one was friends with me. D.M.: And you stay with us at the holiday. Be kinder, and the guys will teach you to be friends. The guys love Zimushka. Really guys? Winter. (general song with movements)

S.K.: Oh, it’s true that children love winter, these are the beautiful songs they sing. My heart immediately melted. Do you guys like winter fun? Teach me how to play? D.M.: The girls will now show you how cleverly they can sculpt snowmen. Playing with clods

After the game, some of the girls who perform the “Winter Beauty” dance and the Snow Queen go backstage. The Snow Queen dresses up as Winter) D.M. And boys love to play hockey in winter. Hockey game Santa Claus on the goal. (Boys take turns scoring the puck to Santa Claus)

The boys sit down. Dance “Winter is a Beauty” (performed by 6 girls and Winter)

D.M.: (dresses up for Winter) You are much more beautiful now, We will give you our friendship. S.K.: Thank you guys, you taught me kindness and friendship. I will no longer be an evil queen, but I will be a good Winter-Winter. D.M.: Once again, goodness and happiness are near, You will have my reward. So let's have fun, Everyone will spin in a round dance. Round dance with Santa Claus.

D.M.: Oh, I was so happy, I was already tired. Winter: Grandfather Frost, I know that the guys were really waiting for you and prepared poems for you. You rest and listen. Poems The last poem about the New Year. D.M.: Let’s stand in a round dance together, Let’s celebrate the New Year together! Happy New Year (general dance with the sultans)

(after the dance, the children sit on chairs) D.M.: Oh, what great fellows, they had a lot of fun. I have prepared gifts for you, they are all in bright bags. I just left them. In snowy, icy chambers. Winter: Don't be sad, Santa Claus. Now I have friends and helpers - penguins. They will deliver gifts here in no time. Penguin friends, help, bring gifts here.

The northern lights light up and music plays. Penguins and Winter are carrying gifts in a sleigh. D.M.: Thank you, you helped. My magic chest, I'm completely bored, my friend. We'll do a little magic and blow on it together. Make a wish and receive gifts! Distribution of gifts. D.M.: Congratulations to everyone today. We wish you happiness and joy. May you grow and become wiser. Winter: We had fun and sang songs. So that your laughter always rings Together: Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone! All the heroes come out.

We recommend watching:

New Year's scenario for the preparatory group of a kindergarten Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group for school Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group for school Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 6 - 7 years old

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The second version of the tale Teremok

I'll tell you a fairy tale. Listen carefully. And my friends will help me. It will be wonderful!

Our fairy tale Teremok The house is neither low nor high, but it is hospitable, and it is cheerful and active. Well, let's start. Roles must be distributed to everyone. Attributes, put on your role, you will come to life.

There is always comfort in the mansion. Everyone is welcome in the mansion. So the first guest is coming. He is scratching something hard. The mouse came to visit us and put things in order (a bucket, a rag begins to wash, clean, and is indignant, pi pi pi!)

In the little house there is goodness, comfort, cleanliness, sparkles! Now the new guest is already opening the door. Does Kva-kva live in the mansion? And how does he sing in opera?

I'm a little mouse. The housewife is a tidy up lady. Why are you singing here? Wipe your feet quickly. If you want to live here. Let’s set the table for dinner! (the frog arranges the plates, the mouse washes, and everyone sings their song, pipi, heron)

Here live two housewives The tower comes to life They are friends, they argue, they have fun Someone is missing! There is a guest at the little house again. Hello housewives. I was passing by here. Let me in, Bunny (the bunny is cheerful, jumping, wagging its tail) So the three of them live together. The mouse is cleaning up. The frog is making dinner. The bunny is resting!

Less than half an hour had passed. A fox came to visit them. I was passing by and looked into the Terem - nice! I want to live here with you. Let's be friends! (the fox is flirtatious, flirting,)

What can you do? Take off your red fur coat, beat out the rug! (the fox is knocking out the rug, the frog is cooking, the mouse is cleaning, the bunny is resting) They lived as a quartet In autumn, spring and summer. Here winter is already on the threshold. On the threshold is a gray wolf.

(the wolf is impudent, she decided, self-confident!) The wolf is such a greyhound howl! Everyone pressed against the walls. So this is what I decided! This is where I will live! Cover the clearing. Today I’m going to have lunch! All the animals began to rustle. They all began to whisper. These are the strangers who are in charge of everyone!

The animals hear a terrible noise in the windows and all the doors. This bear came to us. He barely got through the doors! (kind bear, kiss-hugger,) I was passing by. It smells delicious of something. I quietly opened the door and followed the smell!

How friendly you live. I’m ready to hug you all! Will you take me to your place? I'm ready to kiss you!

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New Year's scenes for elementary school - short and funny scenarios for a school holiday

We have prepared for you several options for New Year's scenarios for elementary school. Use our material to organize a fun New Year event for children at school.

Scene #1

Progress of the event

Student 1. Today, in this hall, we will talk about how the New Year holiday comes to every home.

Student 2. About how brightly the Garlands of lights glow, About the fact that there is no holiday More beautiful and brighter.

Student 1. A fairy-tale book will open the door to a fairy tale for us, Standing in the corner, timid, A decorated spruce.

Student 2. With excitement we await the arrival of guests, And fairy-tale heroes, And magicians and animals.

(Knock on the door).

Magpie. Hello! I am the White-sided Magpie. I flew all over the world, I saw everything and knew all the news. And the most important news is this: New Year is coming soon! Everywhere, in the forest and in the field, in cities and villages, everyone is preparing to celebrate the New Year. But I still didn’t know what New Year was. Everyone is so busy with business that no one could explain it to me. Maybe they can tell me what New Year is? But just a local resident.

Sparrow. Hello! I am a sparrow, I live here, under the roof.

Magpie. Very handy. Tell me, are you going to celebrate the New Year?

Sparrow. Of course, this is all we talk about for a whole week.

Magpie. Do you know what New Year is?

Sparrow. Of course I know! New Year... This is a year... Only it is not old, but new.

Magpie. Everything is clear, you don’t know either. I'll have to ask someone else.

Sparrow. Let's ask together? I also want to know what New Year is.

Student 3. There are many wonderful holidays. Each one comes in its own turn. But the kindest holiday in the world, the best holiday is New Year. He comes along the snowy road, whirling the snowflakes in a round dance. The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and strict beauty!

Student 4. What is New Year? This is a friendly round dance. These are pipes and violins, jokes, songs and smiles. This is what New Year means.

Student 5. What is New Year? These are berries and honey. This is everything, without exception, from nuts to cookies. That's what New Year means.

Student 4. What is New Year? This is the arrival of the holiday. This is the laughter of cheerful friends, this is dancing near the Christmas trees. That's what New Year means.

Student 5. What is New Year? New Year - frost and ice. And in the dancing springs there are imperceptible snowflakes. That's what New Year means.

Magpie. Okay, what is this strange tree? So beautiful, shiny, elegant. I've never seen anything like this in the forest.

Sparrow. And I know this myself. It's a Christmas tree! And she is so beautiful because the children dressed her up. Let them tell everything themselves.

Student 6. In December, in December All the trees are in silver. Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight, renewed skates and sleds, and brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The Christmas tree cried at first from the warmth of home. In the morning she stopped crying, started breathing, came to life.

Student 7. Its needles are trembling slightly, the lights are lit on the branches. Like a ladder, I run up the Christmas tree Lights. Firecrackers sparkle with gold. With silver he lit the star, reaching the top, the bravest light.

The song “Christmas tree, Christmas tree, forest scent” (lyricist: I. Shaferan, composer O. Feltsman).

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Forest scent, She really needs a beautiful outfit.


Let this Christmas tree make us happy with every needle during the festive hour. The Christmas tree loves cheerful children, We invite guests to the holiday.


The Christmas tree will wave its green branch, And, like a fairy tale, the New Year will come! Chorus.

Sparrow. Do you know what story once happened in the winter forest?

Scene #2


• Christmas tree; • Hedgehog; • Squirrel; • Bunny; • Chanterelle; • Teddy bear.

Elka: I want to tell you how boring it is to stand here. All my girlfriends are wearing Christmas tree decorations, children are dancing nearby... I’m standing alone in the forest.

The hedgehog hurries to the Little Bear and stops near the Christmas tree.

Hedgehog: How can that be, this is bad. We need to come up with something. (to the Christmas tree) Look quickly: I’m prickly, just like you. And my needles cannot be distinguished from a Christmas tree. We'll be close, like girlfriends, Let's celebrate the holiday at the edge of the forest!

Squirrel: Skok-skok-skok, From branch to branch, From branch to branch, And onto the little white snowball. Hello, hedgehog, my friend!

Hedgehog: Hello, neighbor squirrel, Jump on the branch again, You see: the forest Christmas tree is boring to stand here alone. Gather the forest people, Let's celebrate the New Year together!

A sleepy bear cub appears.

Elka (surprised): Little bear, well, well! I don't understand anything.

Little Bear: Even though our rules are strict, Mom and Dad sleep in the den, I won’t disturb them, I’m going to celebrate the holiday. And I baked raspberry pie for the guests myself. I'm rushing to see the hedgehog now. I'll take a little break here. No matter how bad I get, I really want to sleep.

Hedgehog: Hello, Misha, I was just in a hurry to come to you now. We gathered in a crowd to visit the forest Christmas tree.

Little Bear: Well, then I won’t sleep, I’ll start decorating the Christmas tree. Where are the toys?!

Hare and Fox: Right here. Squirrel sent us.

Fox: There are firecrackers, confetti, beads, rain and balloons.

Hare: The Christmas tree will be amazing, both elegant and beautiful.

Squirrel: Here are the shiny nuts, Don’t eat them yet, friends, And when the clock strikes, You will find a surprise in them!

Fox: We, friends, have gathered together, and the celebration will last until the morning. Let's sing and have fun, We'll spin in a joyful dance!

Hare: Play leapfrog and hide and seek, Cat and mouse, catch up. We will have fireworks, This holiday is the best!

Elka: Thank you, my friends, Well, now, forest people, Let’s join in a round dance!

Teacher. Let's decorate our Christmas tree and play a game.

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree."

Here are toys, but not simple ones, but with a number. We take the toy in order, complete the task and hang it on the Christmas tree. (In toys there are “say the word” tasks). It's snowing outside. Holiday is coming soon... (New Year)

The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit is coming... (from the Christmas tree)

The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright... (glitter)

And the toys swing: Flags, stars... (crackers)

New Year's round dance The children waited for the whole year. Dads, moms, kids Are happy about the Christmas tree from... (souls)

Everyone have fun today. And laugh, don’t be lazy, It’s fun to celebrate the holiday. Not for a second... (get bored)

Hey, honest kid! It's time for the holiday everyone! Fairy tales, songs and laughter await you... (everyone!)

Game “What happens on the Christmas tree?”

Teacher. And now, friends, let's play an interesting game: What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name for the kids. Listen carefully, And be sure to answer. If we tell you correctly, Say “Yes” in response. Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, boldly say “No!”

- Multi-colored firecrackers? — Blankets and pillows? — Folding beds and cribs? — Marmalades, chocolates? — Glass balls? — Are the chairs wooden? - Teddy bears? - Primers and books? - Are the beads multi-colored? — Are the garlands light? - Snow made from white cotton wool? - Satchels and briefcases? - Shoes and boots? — Cups, forks, spoons? — Are the candies shiny? — Are tigers real? — Are the cones golden? — Are the stars radiant?

Magpie. Fine. How should you celebrate the New Year?

Sparrow. Let's ask the guys.

Scene #3

The progress of the holiday

Leading. New Year. There is something magical and mysterious about it. It begins with blue twilight, light powder, a decorated Christmas tree, the flickering of garlands and the crackling of candles, hidden hope. Of course he will be good. New Year is the right time to start a new life, fulfill your plans and dreams. New Year is always hope for the best. There is some kind of fairy tale in this holiday, and therefore it is no coincidence that for many it is the brightest and most beloved.

Whether the New Year will be a fun, amazing holiday, whether miracles will happen and whether good memories will remain, depends on you and me. In all countries, the New Year is celebrated differently. For example, in Japan, children celebrate the New Year in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, they hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness. The best gift is a rake to rake in happiness. But in Italy it is customary to throw away old things on New Year's Eve in order to buy new ones in the coming year. But our astrologer will tell us how it is customary to celebrate the New Year and what it will be like.....

Children read poetry

1. Children will go to bed early on the last day of December, and wake up a year older on the first day of the calendar.

2. The year will begin with silence, unfamiliar from past winters: The noise behind the double frame is barely perceptible.

3. But the guys are called outside by a winter day through the ice of the glass - into the refreshing cold from the cozy warmth.

4. With a kind word we will remember the passing of the old year, Starting early in the morning the New Day and the New Year!

Poems about the beautiful Yolka

What a wonderful Christmas tree, how elegant, how beautiful. The branches rustle faintly, the bright beads shine. And the toys swing - flags, stars, firecrackers. Here the lights lit up on it, How many tiny lights! And, decorating the top, there shines, as always, a very bright, large, five-winged star.


I have riddles that are so tricky - Whoever guesses the answer will become a scientist

1. Here's your first riddle - He has a heel behind his nose. (felt boots)

2. It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her, she will cry and die. (icicle)

3. Everywhere turned white overnight, and it’s a miracle in our apartment! Outside the window the yard disappeared. A magical forest has grown there! (Frost patterns)

4. I lived in the middle of the yard, where children play, but from the sun’s rays I turned into a stream (snowman)

5. In white velvet there is a village, I. fences, and trees. And as the wind attacks, this velvet falls (frost)

6. Fishes live warm in winter: The roof is thick glass. (ice)

New Year's questions

1. Where does Santa Claus live? (in Lapland) 2. In what city does Santa Claus live? (In Veliky Ustyug) 3. In Russia, Father Frost is accompanied by the Snow Maiden. Who accompanies Santa Claus? (Elves, gnomes) 4. In what fairy tale did all the months of the year meet on New Year’s Eve? (12 months) 5. Who in Rus' moved the New Year celebration from March 1 to January 1? (Peter the Great) 6. Which Russian writer came up with the fairy tale The Snow Maiden Girl? (V. Dahl) 7. Name a work in which the Dragonfly had a very hard time with the onset of winter. (Dragonfly and ant)

8. In what fairy tale was the girl able to reach the North Pole and return back in one day? (Seven-flowered flower)

Win-win lottery

The guys choose one piece of paper with a number. Presenter (reads wishes for ticket numbers, and the prizes are the answers themselves):

No. 1. By chance, you got Georgian tea on your ticket. (Tea) .

No. 2. So that your face and hands are clean, you will receive a piece of scented soap for your ticket. (Soap).

No. 3. We wanted to win a flashlight, but we just got a ball.

No. 4. Must be happy in abundance. From the lottery you now: You received a wonderful postcard as a souvenir from us. (Postcard).

No. 5. Get a balloon, fly into space to the stars. (Ball).

No. 6. A rather rare surprise for you - two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins).

No. 7. Get it—hurry: You need a notebook: write poetry. (Notebook).

No. 8. Don’t get sick, be strong, We give you pills. (Mint tablets).

No. 9. You look great: Both clothes and hairstyle. And as a reward, it was not in vain that you received a prize - a comb. (Comb).

No. 10. To distinguish the days well, you need to know the calendar well. (Calendar).

No. 11. Read about all the news in the world in the newspaper. (Newspaper)

No. 12. You listen to advice: Fruits are the best diet. (Fruits).

No. 13. You got the candy, Come visit us. (Candy).

No. 14. To find out your income, a notepad will come in handy. (Notebook).

No. 15. There is no typewriter - We offer this item. (Pen).

No. 16. In life you have to hope for the best. Take glue if something doesn’t stick. (Glue).

No. 17. To write to you beautifully, hurry to get a pen. (Pen).

No. 18. This piece will correct the mistake, This eraser is called an eraser. (Eraser).

No. 19. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can. This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler).

No. 20. Always sharpen your pencil and get a sharpener. (Sharpener).

No. 21. I got into the car and drove off. You arrived at school quickly. (Machine)

No. 22. Measuring device of the highest accuracy. (Ruler)

Competition "Hold the Snowflake"

Hold a piece of cotton wool (snowflake) in the air (blow on it from below) for as long as possible. Game: at the leader’s signal, the participants begin to blow from below onto the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is not to let the “snowflake” fall. The winner is the participant who keeps the “snowflake” in the air the longest….

Game of "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

— Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - Yes. — Do you like jokes and gags? - Yes. — Do you know songs and riddles? - Yes. — Will he eat all your chocolates? - No. — Will he light the children’s Christmas tree? - Yes. - Will he hide the threads and needles? - No. - Doesn’t he age in spirit? - Yes. — Will it warm us up outside? - No. — Is Joulupukki Frost’s brother? - Yes. — Did a rose bloom under the snow? - No. — Is the New Year getting closer? - Yes. — Does the Snow Maiden have skis? - No. — Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? - Yes. — Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day? - Yes.

At the end of the event, the host wishes all the children a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, happy new miracle! May colds pass you by, may there be two bags of happiness, may life be pleasant and easy. Let comfort reign in the house, Let them love you there and wait for you, So that every day of the week you want to create and live!

Corporate New Year's fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  • To stage the fairy tale “Kolobok”, it is necessary to make the facade of a Russian hut with opening window shutters from plywood or thick cardboard.
  • The house needs to be beautifully painted in the Old Russian style.
  • Forest elements: decorative bushes, stumps, etc.
  • Recording of “backing tracks” of music of different nations: for the scene in the house of the grandfather and grandmother - an old Russian melody, for the scene with the hare - a rap beat, for the scene with the wolf - Georgian tunes, for the scene with the fox - Chinese, for the scene with the bear - harmonica playing.


  1. Storyteller (dressed in a Russian sundress and kokoshnik);
  2. Kolobok-Italian (on his head is a hat with a pompom and a long bright scarf);
  3. Hare - American (rapper cap);
  4. Wolf – Caucasian (thick mustache, airfield cap);
  5. Fox – Chinese (kimono, fan, matching make-up);
  6. Bear – Russian (earflap hat, accordion).

Scene #1

In the middle of the stage is the frame of a hut on supports. There is a chair behind. Old Russian music sounds. A storyteller appears in the window.


In one house, on the edge of the forest, there lived a grandfather with his old woman. The grandmother and grandfather in that hut suddenly baked a bun.

The gingerbread man is the most beautiful, round, round, and ruddy. He jumped off the stove at once, and rushed off into the forest in the night.

Ran away from my grandmother, ran away from my grandfather. Both are crying, that’s a hint, That’s the beginning of our fairy tale.

Sit down, guests, make yourself comfortable, listen to the story in more detail.

New Year's scenes for children in kindergarten

aliens and Santa Claus

To the accompaniment of cosmic music, two children dressed as aliens come out and drag Santa Claus. He is wrapped in ropes and tries to break free.

  • Santa Claus: Let me go immediately, I'm in a hurry, otherwise I'll freeze you now!
  • Alien 1: You will fly with us.
  • Alien 2: We want to study you, where you get gifts for children.
  • Santa Claus: I won’t fly with you, I have a lot to do, New Year, Christmas trees, all the children are waiting for gifts.
  • Alien 1: We also want a New Year on our planet.
  • Alien 2: We just need to study you urgently, we need gifts.
  • Alien 1: Don't worry, we won't torture you for long, we'll let you go by spring.
  • Alien 2: But only when we receive gifts.
  • Santa Claus: Fear me, I am the owner of a white belt with snowflakes in wrestling, although I am kind, it is better not to mess with me.
  • Alien 1 : I warned you, you should have grabbed the Snow Maiden, she’ll be more accommodating.
  • Alien 2: Well, if so,,,, (points a space weapon at Santa Claus).
  • Santa Claus (points his staff at the aliens): And my weapon will be better, an eight-charge staff. Guys, let's defeat the aliens together!
  • Alien 1: (looks at the children): Who is that there?
  • Alien 2: There are so many of them! We can't handle it.
  • Alien 1: Oh, here we are again without gifts.
  • Alien 2: Well, at least they're alive! Let's run!
  • Santa Claus: Stay still! Guys, I need to launch an eight-shot staff, let's count to eight together.

The children count in unison and stamp their feet, the aliens run away screaming and shouting: We will be back again!

  • Santa Claus: Have a nice trip, waiting for your letters!
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