Scenario for the holiday “Preschool Worker’s Day”

In autumn, Preschool Worker's Day is traditionally celebrated. In honor of this, tea parties, concerts, and corporate events are organized. And no matter what the plan of the event, funny scenes for Teacher’s Day are always relevant. Children, parents, and preschool employees participate, depending on the conditions of the celebration. Here you will find rooms for both adults and preschoolers.

All the details are accessible, the words are simple—learning is easy. Of course, at festive evenings, where everyone is “their own,” it is allowed to read a speech from a piece of paper. However, the number without cheat sheets looks much better. Light skits, like those in this article, turn out great even without rehearsals, because the main thing is to be in a good mood. Moreover, if possible, it is advisable to run the production before going out.

And don't be afraid of being a bad actor. Skits are meant to make people laugh, not to judge. That’s why such performances always go out with a bang!

How is Preschool Worker's Day celebrated in Russia?

On Preschool Worker's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only teachers, but also all preschool education workers - head teachers, nannies and others. After all, how the kids grow up depends on their wisdom, patience and perseverance.

This holiday is usually celebrated within the walls of the kindergarten. Heads of preschool institutions congratulate their colleagues, and distinguished teachers are rewarded with certificates for successful work. Parents give teachers and other employees flowers, sweets and souvenirs from themselves or from the group, and children present their favorite mentors with the most valuable gifts - postcards and handmade crafts. Sometimes entire concerts are organized in honor of teachers, at which little artists sing, dance and read poetry.

How to congratulate the teacher?

On September 27, all preschool education workers celebrate their main professional holiday - Teacher's Day. A wall newspaper would be an excellent congratulation for a teacher. The children are still too young to make it themselves. But with the help of parents and a ready-made wall newspaper template for Teacher’s Day, you can make a real work of art.

Create an online poster for kindergarten, print it and hang it at the entrance to the group. A wall newspaper is a very good way to show your creative abilities and please adults and children in kindergarten. Kids will be delighted to look for themselves in the photographs!

Select the brightest photos of your group and add them to the layout in a convenient online editor. Save your masterpiece, print it out and hang it in the kindergarten at the entrance to the group. Rest assured, the delight of parents and children will be guaranteed!

Sketch “Meeting of two grandmothers”

(The roles are played by two teachers dressed as old women)

Grandmother 1: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

Grandma 2: What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet...

Grandma 1: What lessons? It’s been a hundred years since you finished school, right?

Grandma 2: Yes? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren. I want to try it, although it’s probably terribly uneducational.

Grandmother 1: What is this? Yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

Grandma 2: Really? Are you spoiling them like that?

Grandmother 1: I don’t spoil! You know how strictly I am with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out themselves.

Grandmother 2: Yes... you are really strict.

Grandma 1: That's me!

Grandmother 2: Well, if it’s not difficult for you, check how I learned the verse...

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye, a golden chain on the oak tree. And day and night the dog is a scientist...

Grandma 1: Wait, what dog?

Grandma 2: Well, I don’t know what breed he is, maybe a bulldog, maybe...

1 grandmother: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

Grandmother 2: Ah, I understand. Well, I'll start first then.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye, a golden chain on the oak tree. Day and night, the learned cat goes to the grocery store with a string bag.

Grandma 1: What string bag, what grocery store, where did you see this?

Grandma 2: At the circus. The clown's cats don't do that yet.

Grandma 1: Oh, that’s it, I can’t stand it with you, I’m chatting, but I still have so many lessons, and I also have to not be late for the choreography club.

Grandma 2: Are you still dancing at that age?

Grandmother 1: It’s not me, but my granddaughter who attends art school, and I also have to master it.

Grandmother 2: Well, show me at least one movement, maybe it will be useful to me.

The dance “Old Grandmothers” by Muses is performed. V. Dobrynina

1 grandmother, 2 grandmother: For grandchildren, grandmothers are very important! Grandmother's grandchildren - Need it!

2nd presenter:

We hope that you will always have such a good mood as you had today at our holiday! Let your hearts not be touched by sadness and sadness. Nothing will darken your smile. Be happy and give joy to children. May your Guardian Angel always be with you!

Song Guardian Angel

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

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What to give for Teacher's Day

On September 27, kindergarten workers celebrate their professional holiday. On this day they accept congratulations and gifts from colleagues, students and their parents. A gift for Teacher's Day must be original, practical or related to the profession.

Wall calendar with unique design

A wall calendar with photographs of children at matinees, during walks in the fresh air, and developmental activities will be a pleasant surprise for the teacher. It will delight you with its individuality and decorate the wall of your home or kindergarten.

Certificate for attending a creative master class

Teachers and nannies are creative people. When working with children, it is important to constantly improve their skills and come up with new ways of learning for children. Attending a cooking class or craft workshop would make for an interesting gift idea.

Tickets to the theater, cinema or philharmonic society

Going to a theater performance, cinema or concert will bring positive emotions. Please check with the preschool worker's preferences before purchasing tickets.


Fresh flowers will delight every woman. An unusual gift would be a bouquet of sweets - an original composition of artificial flowers and sweets. It will please the eye longer than usual. Eating candy will not spoil his appearance.

Professional literature

Teachers and nannies will love this specialized publication on working with children. The illustrated book will help you find a common language with children and give you new ideas for educational games.

Music disc

A preschool worker will love the music disc. A collection of children's songs will make the everyday life of kindergarten brighter. Light instrumental music is suitable for a quiet hour.

DIY gift

A postcard, box, applique made of fabric or straw will serve as a touching gift. The teacher or nanny will be pleased to receive a souvenir from the kids.

Warm words of gratitude will make any gift for Teacher's Day valuable. Beautiful packaging will lift your spirits and create a festive atmosphere.

Scenario of entertainment for the day of a preschool worker “Teacher’s Day”

Presenter: Hello, dear colleagues and our dear guys! After all, today is not an ordinary autumn day. Today is the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers - a professional holiday. This holiday is celebrated annually on September 27th.

On this day, there is a wonderful occasion to congratulate all the workers of preschool educational institutions and express gratitude to them for their daily painstaking work, for the warmth that they give to children. The children prepared poems for the teachers.

Poems for educators

1. We are happy to congratulate all the kindergarten workers today: Teachers, doctors, nannies and cooks!

2. All of them take care of us with great love, teach us, feed us and play, send us to 1st grade!

3. They caress us and reward us, They celebrate holidays with us. Instead of mother and father, these kind hearts.

4. We will never forget you, We will love you forever, We promise that we will grow up, We will come to work in kindergarten!

5. Happy holiday, dears! You are like mothers' family! All the guys say Happy Holidays, our kindergarten!

6. Early in the morning, the kindergarten welcomes the Kids. There, toys are waiting for the children. They are bored in the corner.

7. Red ball, blue ball Dolls, teddy bears. Kindergarten! Our native garden is loved by all the children.

8. For many, many years in a row, In summer and winter, We come to kindergarten, To our own kindergarten.

9. The children live in the kindergarten, they play and sing here. Here they find friends and go for walks with them.

10. They argue and dream together, growing up imperceptibly. Kindergarten is our second home, How warm and cozy it is!

Song: “Our Educators.”

The game “Who can get dressed faster for a walk?”

Two chairs are placed on which the child sits, and two sets of clothes for a walk are placed next to each other in a hoop. At a signal, the chosen participant is dressed; the one who puts them on faster wins.

Competition "Guess who it is"

Before the start of the competition, leaflets with images of animals are prepared. Then all the leaves are put into a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and, using facial expressions, sounds, and movements, depict the specified animal, and adults try to guess who the participant is portraying.

Song "Childhood"

Riddles about preschool workers

1. So that the people in the kindergarten are well-fed, they will come to work before everyone else. He has a lot of dishes. He cooks delicious dishes in them. We feel great! Thank you for this... (To the cook)

2. Let's go out to the kindergarten for a walk, we are clean again! Not a speck, not a piece of paper, Not a leaf in sight! Why is the yard clean? Who was sweeping here? (Street cleaner)

3. What is this Miracle - House? And how many toys are there! They play and sing there, the children live happily. How many preschoolers are there in the house? This is a house after all... (Kindergarten).

4. Who takes care of our children more caringly than a mother? Does he put porridge on their plates, or pour sweet compote into their cups? (Nanny)


Game “Complete the name of the fairy-tale hero”

  • Winnie the Pooh)
  • Baba (Yaga)
  • Brownie... (Kuzya)
  • Dr. Aibolit)
  • Father Frost)
  • Ivan Tsarevich)
  • Dragon)
  • Little Red Riding Hood)
  • Koschei the Deathless)
  • Cat... (Matroskin, Leopold, in boots)
  • Ivan the Fool)
  • Tiny (Khavroshechka)
  • Fly Tsokotukha)
  • Crocodile Gena)
  • Postman Pechkin)
  • Tom Thumb)
  • Sister... (Alyonushka)

Competition “Shoe for Cinderella”

A large number of shoes are placed in front of the children and they are asked to choose a pair that belongs to the teacher. After this, the teacher tries on the proposed shoe options. The participant whose pair of shoes is the right size wins.

Competition "Draw a Portrait"

Before the competition, students are blindfolded and given drawing supplies: paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. Children blindly try to draw a portrait of their teacher. The participant whose drawing is most similar to the original wins.

Competition "Beads for the teacher"

To conduct the competition you need to prepare beads and two boxes. Participants are divided into two teams and asked to take turns giving compliments to the teacher: kind, affectionate, caring, etc. The team whose box contains the most beads wins.

Competition "Guess the riddle"

  1. “The fat guy lives on the roof, but he flies higher than everyone else.” (Carlson)
  2. “Near the forest on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds and pillows.” (Three Bears)
  3. “On the sour cream it’s mixed, on the window it’s cold, round side, ruddy side, who is it?” (Kolobok)
  4. “They ran away from the dirty pans and pots, she calls for them, and sheds tears along the way.” (Fedora)
  5. “He goes, rides on the stove, eats big rolls.” (Emelya)
  6. “He’s kinder than all the doctors, he treats birds and animals, he looks through his glasses, who is it?” (Aibolit)
  7. “I went to visit my grandmother, brought her some pies, the gray wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her.” (Little Red Riding Hood)
  8. “He goes to visit with Piglet, he loves honey, he asks for jam, who is this, say it out loud, a bear cub...” (Winnie the Pooh)

Host: Guys, our holiday is over, let's return to our groups. Thank you everyone for participating, you are great!

Funny scenes for children about kindergarten

On Sunday, September 27, 2022, our country celebrates the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers. Many events are dedicated to this date: holidays are held in kindergartens and additional preschool education institutions, where poems and songs are sung, funny miniatures about kindergarten teachers are staged.

You can perform short children's skits for Teacher's Day with the participation of the children's parents and the teachers themselves. Teach your children poems and songs, select appropriate props for such miniatures. This page of our website contains materials that will help you stage funny scenes about children in the garden that will appeal to both the children and the audience.

Cool sketch about a kindergarten teacher

The miniature will begin with the lights in the hall going out and soft music playing. A teacher will appear on the stage where there are artificial Christmas trees and several stumps:

– I’m in a hurry to get to work, to my favorite kindergarten, my main concern is to educate my children! But the road is not easy, along a path through the forest. There are many adventures and unprecedented miracles here...

But where did I end up? I still don’t understand right away, I got lost, lost my way - And accidentally ended up in an incomprehensible country. There is forest all around, grass, trees, and I don’t see the guys. Yes, now I understand: This is not a kindergarten at all...

Guys dressed as various animals (wolf, bear, fox, etc.) appear on stage. In this children's skit for Teacher's Day, they run around the stage, growl, throw toys on the floor, aim at guests with toy pistols, etc.

The animals perform a song to the melody of the song “They say we are byaki-buki” from “The Bremen Town Musicians”: - They say that we are villains, That we have no conscience. We will show you the highest class in any harmful matter, Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, We will show you the highest class, Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!

Animals with a teacher come to kindergarten. At this time, the scenery changes: a table, chairs and other equipment for the games room appear on the stage. The guys are playing. When they see the guests, they greet them emotionally.

Children: - Look, Ira, Anya - What kind of brothers are these? Who came to kindergarten with the teacher?

Educator: – Our guests are not easy and came from afar. Ill-mannered, evil, slightly wild!

After that, in this miniature about a kindergarten, the children read poetry: “Yes, you will have to work hard, to clean and wash them.” Wash your face, brush your teeth, teach how to eat with a spoon! -We will teach them how to exercise to improve their health. Temper yourself, run, jump, have fun and play!

The animals, after listening to the children, ask to be accepted into kindergarten.

Later in this scene, the kindergarten teacher takes the floor again: “Well, guys, let’s tell the animals about our house?” There is a tower-house in a field, It is not low, not high, not high. Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?

Children: - And children live in them, children are like candy: They look wonderful, smart, diligent, They love to work hard and then have fun. Adults are always nearby so that nothing bad happens. This is our favorite, the very best Kindergarten!

Educator: - Well, guys, let's agree? Shall we take them into our group? Well, instead of testing, let them sing a song with us.

Miniature for Teacher's Day performed by children

Next, in a skit about a kindergarten, the children and animals perform a song based on the song “Dwarves” by K. Kostin (“There are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes in the world...”).

There is a miracle garden in the world, a miracle garden, a miracle garden. I am glad to go to this garden, very glad, very glad! Here, both in summer and in winter, all my friends are with me, We live well in our kindergarten! (Repeat the last 2 lines 2 times). If you want to know a lot, know a lot, know a lot, you need to visit the kindergarten, visit, visit. Here we develop, we study a lot, we live well in our kindergarten. If you liked the song, song, sing along merrily, merrily, merrily! Come visit us, we are always glad to have guests, We live well in our kindergarten!

Then, in this funny skit for children, the children read poems about kindergarten: - Kindergarten, kindergarten... Why do they say that? We are not aspen trees, we are not rowan trees. Vova, Klava, Mishenka - These are not apples!

– Kindergarten, kindergarten... Why do they say that? We are not leaves, We are not flowers, Blue, scarlet - We are little guys!

– Kindergarten, kindergarten... Why do they say that? Because we are growing together as one family! That's why they say: There is a kindergarten in this house!

After this, in a miniature about a kindergarten teacher, the animals again begin to behave badly: they spill paint and get dirty. The teacher asks them to wash, but they do not agree.

She explains to them that they cannot behave this way. “Whoever doesn’t brush his teeth or wash himself with soap can grow up sickly and frail.” They are only friends with dirty people who are dirty, who themselves drowned in the dirt. Nasty little things grow out of them, and evil dogs chase after them. The dirty ones are afraid of water and colds, and sometimes... they don’t grow at all.

“Okay,” the animals agree, now we will wash our faces and brush our teeth. Wolf: “I will clean them too, but only after I eat this boy.”

He starts chasing one of the guys and even swings at him. The teacher stops them, and the Wolf says: “I think this: if there are fighters, it means they are needed for something.” How else? How else? Who then should receive the change? Who should get what they deserve from those who come to stand up for the weak?

The girl answers him: “I’ll answer you, but my answer is not new: Tell me - who loves brawling children?” Nobody loves. This means that you, fighters, are no longer needed by anyone!

Teacher: - Let's not quarrel, but be friends with each other. Children on the planet know that friendship is more valuable than anything in the world! Toys, friendship, kindergarten - Words burn like sparkles. All children in the whole wide world want to be friends!

The children and animals stand in a circle and dance around the teacher.

And at the end of this skit for children on the Day of the Kindergarten Teacher, they perform the song “Our Teacher” (words and music by E. Alexandrova).

Who comes to kindergarten early in both hot and cold weather? Who will smile like mother and always help us? Who will teach you how to knit shoelaces, how to brush your teeth, how to wash your hands? Who else can we have a heart-to-heart talk with?

Chorus: Our teacher is good! Both a beauty and a kind soul. We sing a song about her today, We all live here very friendly!

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