Organization and content of work with children of the first junior group on teaching cultural, hygienic and self-service skills; educational and methodological manual (junior group) on the topic

Memo for parents

In order to patiently and consistently teach their children everyday culture, parents should adopt 7 golden rules:

  • Encourage your child's desire for independence.
  • Show the algorithm for correct actions using your own example.
  • Do not rush, let you complete all the actions yourself.
  • Don’t rush to help, understanding that the preschooler is just mastering these skills.
  • Use game situations, nursery rhymes, and short poems in the learning process.
  • Maintain your positive emotional attitude and positive attitude towards your child’s actions.
  • Praise the child for each completed step in the process of performing procedures.

If parents adhere to the listed rules, children develop stable self-care skills. Subsequently, skills will turn into habits - actions, the implementation of which becomes a natural need.

The importance of developing self-care skills from childhood

Genetically, the child is the first to master self-service labor, the ability to serve himself. Gradually freed from the care of adults, the baby begins to believe in himself and perform all the necessary actions on his own.

By accepting the care of adults, the child receives an example of how to take care of himself and others, and strives to follow this example.

It is important that adults create conditions for the realization of such independent impulses, and also that they purposefully teach how to perform hygienic and practical actions. This is the only way to gradually transform the first inept attempts into useful habits.

Teaching children to serve themselves is valuable because it develops their practical skills and has an impact on personal development.

Formation of self-service skills contributes to:

  • development of independence;
  • formation of labor skills;
  • instilling healthy habits;
  • laying the foundation for a healthy lifestyle;
  • development of strong-willed personality traits;
  • formation of desire to achieve goals;
  • development of accuracy;
  • gaining confidence in yourself and your actions.

All these are interrelated skills that help the child adapt to life situations and the surrounding society.

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