Quest - game on traffic rules "Road - exam every day" (grades 2-4)

Game - quest on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age

Municipal preschool educational institution "Obolensky combined kindergarten"

"Forest Tale"

Game - quest

traffic rules for children

senior preschool age

Prepared and conducted by: teacher of the highest qualification category:

Borunova Yulia Gennadievna

teacher of the first qualification category:

Efremova Yulia Alexandrovna

Obolensk village



formation of stable knowledge and skills in children regarding traffic rules.


"Cognitive development":

Reinforce knowledge of safe driving rules.

To consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and their meaning for motorists and pedestrians.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the location of road signs in the village of Obolensk

“Social and communicative development”:

To form in children a positive attitude towards traffic rules, a desire to comply with them and apply them in everyday life.

“Speech development”:

Enrich children's vocabulary with new words and concepts.

Develop coherent speech skills, attention, memory, intelligence.

"Physical development":

Develop dexterity, improve coordination of movements.

Preliminary work: examination of the albums “Transport”, “Special Purpose Vehicles”; viewing the presentation “Getting to Know Road Signs”, didactic games “Traffic Light”, “Assemble a Sign”, “What is Good?”; reading fiction.

Methodical techniques:

Problem situation, conversation, video message, didactic game “4 extra”, visualization, physics. just a minute.

Materials and equipment:

screen, projector, laptop; layout of Obolensk village (houses, cars, signs); multimedia equipment, presentation with tasks; envelopes with letters (RULES); didactic game “The fourth odd one”, “medals”, picture with road signs. Children's song “Red, yellow and green” (Physical Minute).

Progress of the lesson:

Host: Good afternoon! Before you is a game - a quest

There are surprises for you here. You need to go the whole way and reach the finish...

— For each completed stage you will be given an envelope with a letter. At the end of the game you will form a word from these letters.

In the city people don’t just walk down the street. When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time and remember in advance: “The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.”

— What is the theme of our game? (Traffic Laws)

— I propose to choose the team captain using a counting rhyme.

(the teacher hands the captain a route map)

Look carefully at your map and find the first station.

1 station. Video question.

— Attention to the screen.

The teacher includes a video message from the parent.

"- Hello guys. I am in your home village. What is the name of your village? (Obolensk)

- That's right Obolensk.

- Name the place where I am. (Stop Obolensk)

— Stop at Obolensk village.

— What are the residents of the village of Obolensk called? (Obolenchane)

- That's right, Obolen residents.

— I offer you three numbers: 40, 43, 397. What do you think they mean? (Bus numbers to Obolensk)

— Where can I get there by bus No. 40? No. 43? No. 458? (Protvino, Serpukhov, Moscow)

- Well done boys. You completed the task. I give you the first envelope with the letter.”


- Well done, you completed the task. I hand you an envelope. Now look carefully at your map and find the next station.

2nd station.

- What does this diagram mean? (Layout)


- What do you see in front of you? (Layout of Obolensk village)

— What is located on the model of Obolensk? (Houses, roads, streets)

— What is missing from the layout? (Cars, road signs)

— Take one car at a time and place it on the roads.

— Which lane of the road will you park the car on? ( To the right


— Why is the car driving on the right side of the road? (Because we drive on the right)

— Take the road signs and place them in the places where they should be. (Children name the sign and put it on the model)

-Why did you put this sign here? (Justify their action)

“And now I suggest you turn away.” (The presenter swaps 2-3 signs) Turn around. What changed? (Signs swapped)

- That's right, well done. Put the road signs in place. You know very well where the road signs are installed in your home village.

I hand you an envelope. Look at the map and follow the route further.

3rd station.

(Done while sitting on chairs)


— Attention to the screen. Tell us where and what rules were violated?

(brakes screeching sounds)

Situation 1. A boy runs out onto the roadway, chasing a ball.

Situation 2. A boy runs across the road in the wrong place because his attention was attracted by friends on the other side.

Host: How should the boy cross the road? ( The boy had to
cross to the other side through the underground passage?

Situation 3. A boy and his dad are crossing the road, walking around the front of the bus.

Presenter: - How to cross the road correctly when you get off the bus? (You have to wait until the bus leaves so you can see the roadway)

- Well done, you completed the task. I hand you an envelope. Now look carefully at your map and find the next station.

Physical education minute

. (Game “Trip to Moscow”)

To play, you need chairs - one less than the number of players. The chairs are placed tightly in a circle, one next to the other, with the seats facing outward. Each player takes an empty seat. The driver does not have a chair. He walks around the players, holding a flag in his hand, and says: “I’m going to Moscow, I invite those who wish.” All the guys one by one join him. The driver says: “We are going to Moscow by bus (train, plane),” and at the same time speeds up his pace. “The bus is picking up speed,” the driver continues and starts running. “Moscow is very close,” he announces (the run slows down). "Attention, stop!" — the driver’s command is suddenly heard. At this command, everyone runs to the chairs. Everyone tries to occupy any free space.

4 station "Moscow Stop"

(Interactive game “We are walking down the street”)

Game "Pedestrian crossing", "Transport"

Host: Guys, I suggest you play a game. But in this game you have to answer together and quickly.

Host: - Well done, you completed the task. I hand you an envelope. Now look carefully at your map and find the next station.

Didactic game “4 extra”

(Sitting on the carpet)

  1. Name an unnecessary road user: truck,
    house, bus, ambulance; (Home, because home is not transport)
  2. Name a means of transport that is not related to public transport: bus, tram,
    truck , trolleybus; (Truck, because a truck is not public transport)
  3. Name the extra traffic light signal: red,
    blue , yellow, green. (Blue because traffic lights have 3 colors: red, yellow and green)


- Well done! I hand you another envelope.

- And so all the stages have been completed.

- And now I will ask you to open the envelopes and make a word from the letters you received. What kind of word did it turn out to be?

— The correct word is RULES



- What rules did we repeat today? (Traffic Laws)

— Which game did you like best?

“You have shown yourself to be real experts in traffic rules, allow me to congratulate you and present you with the medal “Expert of Traffic Rules.”

Presentation of medals!

(To music)

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