Parents' meeting "Family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a child"

“Every house has its own traditions”


1 Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 26 “Joy” Parent meeting in the middle group “Every home has its own traditions” Prepared by teacher I.A. Yakimova.

2 Objectives: 1. Define the concepts of “family”, “family relationships”, “family traditions”. 2. Identify the traditions existing in the families of the pupils. 3. Help some parents learn from the positive experiences of other families. Preparation for the meeting: 1. Distribute questionnaires to parents on the topic “Family Traditions” 2. Questionnaire the children. 3. Give parents an invitation to the meeting. 4. Prepare a video “children talk about holidays in their family.” Happy is the one who is happy at home (L.N. Tolstoy) Parents enter the hall (office). The music sounds “Top-top, the baby is stomping” Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about family, family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a child. Before we start our conversation, I suggest you relax a little and play. A training game is carried out, where the teacher reads out the beginning of the phrase, and the parents continue. You can also pass on a soft toy. 1. What I like most about my child 2. For my child I would like to become 3. My favorite game with my child is 4. I would like to know about my child 5. I feel happy when my child 6. With my child I would like to be more than 7. The relationship with the child is very important because 8. I really like it when we are with my child 9. I see in my child 10. I love my child because 11. I believe that my the child is worthy 12. You need to praise the child as often as possible, because 13. For my child to be happy, I 14. I am completely interested in raising my child, because 15. I want my child to become 16. My child and I are friends , because

3 Educator: What are family traditions? Even with a little thought, it will be difficult to formulate a complete answer to this question. Here is what explanatory dictionaries say about family traditions: “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.” With a great deal of truth, we can assume that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home”, “relatives”, “parents”, “children”. Please close your eyes and mentally say the word “childhood”. What associations do you have in connection with this word? (parents' answers) So, along with loved ones and family and the homeliness of your parents' home, other associations arise in the human mind, something that is unique only to your family. It is precisely this “something” that can be called a family tradition. What do you think the word “family” means? (statements of parents) A family is a collection of close relatives living together: parents with children (I. Dal) A family based on marriage or consanguinity is a small group whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance. (TSB) For a long time, home and family have always been talked about with a smile and love. From this far away, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings have reached us. Reads out proverbs (written on posters): It’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home. The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies. Whatever it is like at home, it’s like that for yourself. Children are not a burden, but a joy. When the family is together and the heart is in the right place. Where there is peace, there is God's grace. The family is an environment in which the fundamental need of a young child to be taken seriously and to be respected in the future is satisfied. In the family, from the first days of life, they gain valuable experience of forgiveness, compliance, and support from loved ones. The family gives the child the main thing that no other social institution can give: an intimate personal connection and unity with family.

4 Social function of the family: psychological rear, protection. The mother is the main teacher of the preschooler. Parents must teach their child to live. The pinnacle of parenting is the well-being of children. And if the measure of all things is man, then the measure of parents is the child. Who do you think belongs to the leading role in raising a child, family or kindergarten? (parents' answers) The priority in raising a child undoubtedly belongs to the family. Kindergartens are family helpers. The modern family is strengthened by emotional connections between parents and children. What is this connection, do we know how to communicate with our children, what should we give them in the family? Today we are going to talk about family traditions. (analysis of questionnaires) Educator: Family traditions, of course, are holidays that are celebrated by all family members, gala dinners on weekends, when the whole family is gathered and receives a festive service. This could be a tradition of planting a tree every year or going out of town on New Year’s Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit exhibitions, museums, and theaters with your child. These include joint games and congratulations to relatives. These include traditional nature walks, picnics, and hikes. This includes compiling your family tree and various types of collecting and holidays on the occasion of a child’s birthday. Do you think holidays are necessary for children in the family? What does this give to the child? (parents' answers) Strange as it may seem, adults often organize children's parties for themselves. Adults have their own interests and conversations, but a child at such a holiday is bored and offended. After all, a holiday for a child is not the same as for us, adults. A holiday is a whole event in a child’s life, and the child counts the days from holiday to holiday. “This childhood would be dull and gray if the holidays were thrown out of it,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky. To make your child’s birthday memorable, you need to think through the program in advance: games, entertainment, competitions, surprises, fairy-tale characters that adults can dress up as. (for example, Vitya’s mother dressed up as a clown and came to congratulate her son in our group) How do you celebrate holidays in your family? (several parents share their experiences about celebrating birthdays) And here’s what your children said about it (video showing) By celebrating holidays in the family, we show an example of our relaxation and leisure time. Having matured, just like us, our children will rest.

5 Let no one in your home feel lonely and unwanted. Involve your child in making gifts for relatives. This will plant seeds of kindness in your child. (Luba Kameneva’s parents share their experience of making gifts with their own hands) A riddle for parents (how many people are there in this family). Listen, here's my family: Grandpa, grandma and brother. We have order in the house, harmony and cleanliness, but why? We have two mothers in our house, two dads, two sons, a sister, a daughter-in-law, a daughter. Well, I’m younger than everyone else. What kind of family do we have? With the help of this comic puzzle, we touched upon the interesting topic of family relationships. Around each of us there are many people, relatives with whom we are related by the same blood. And each of us is a successor of our kind. And the roots of each family, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. Tell me, which of you is engaged in maintaining your genealogy? The task for parents is to create their own pedigree (given 5 minutes) Who has the most numerous clan? Do you know where your parents and grandparents are from? Who came up with the name you have? Who came up with the name for your child? Does he know about this? Analysis of children's questionnaires Tell me, what can help us preserve the history of the family? (family album) Almost all children answered “yes” to the question “is there a family album in your house”, some “even a few” For example, Sonya “We have an album where my dad is a soldier” A family album is a huge meaningful space of life, on the one hand, simple and understandable to a child, on the other, mysterious and surprising. After all, when you flip through a family album, you probably tell your child about one or another episode from your life or the life of your relatives. Children love to look at photographs. When was the last time you and your child leafed through an album? Tell me, which of you in your family has a tradition of going out of town, for walks, picnics, to the country? (parents' answers)

6 It’s no secret that nature has a huge impact on a child’s development, provides the opportunity for good communication with the child, and walks in nature have a beneficial effect on human health. When you are in nature with your child, listen to the voices of birds, watch the life of insects, and simply admire the beauty of nature. You can offer your child the games “Guess the tree by description”, “Which tree is the leaf from”, “What grows where”, offer to draw something from life. And naturally, teach us to behave correctly in nature, to take care of and protect our common home. How many of you regularly go to museums and theaters with your children? Man has always had a desire for beauty. Each nation has its own culture, customs, and traditions. We, adults, must help introduce children to the large and complex world of beauty and nature. Tell me, which of you is into collecting? What do you collect and what does it give to your child? Several parents noted reading books to their children before bed as their family tradition. This includes introducing the child to literature and at the same time strengthening emotional ties with parents. Who in the house has a tradition of playing with their child every day (at least a few minutes a day)? We can say with confidence: childhood is a game, and a game is childhood. Why do children play? (so that the child plays out the roles he has taken on, so that during the games he is filled with social emotions, experiences, ideas, so that spiritual life begins to move within him. We, adults, must approach the issue of children's play very carefully. Allocate a place in the daily routine for play , should not violate the freedom of play, but at the same time, correctly directing it, change your position during the game in accordance with the role you have taken on. The game should become traditional in every family. Considering all of the above, I would like to say that in ours hands, so that children grow up well-mannered, literate, educated, so that they love and honor their relatives and continue their family traditions. Decision of the parent meeting 1. Think about which of the activities proposed by the kindergarten can be made traditional in the family. 2. Include positive things in your traditions. experience of family traditions proposed by other parents 3. Bring a family photo to the group to replenish the “My Family” photo album

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Parent meeting: “Family traditions. Holiday"

Serdyuk Elena Anatolyevna MBDOU No. 31 teacher Krasnodar region Kanevsky district st. Kanevskaya

Form: round table.

Goal: searching for new forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Event plan

  1. Introduction.
  2. Round table.
  3. Musical pause.
  4. Exchange of parental experiences about holidays in the family.
  5. Summarizing parents' suggestions and discussing recommendations for celebrating holidays.
  6. Summing up the meeting.

Progress of the event.

1. Preparatory stage.

  1. Give invitations to parents.
  2. Decorate the group.
  3. Record the children's answers to the following questions:
  • Children, do you like holidays?
  • What kind of holidays do you have at home?
  • What do you remember most about the holiday?
  • Do you like gifts?

2. Organizational stage.

1. Place posters with the following inscriptions:

“The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication” (A. de Sainte-Exupery)

“Happy is he who is happy at home” (L. Tolstoy)

2. Organize an exhibition of books and magazines about children’s

holidays, selections of games, homemade cards with children's drawings.

3. Round table stage.

1. Opening speech by the teacher:

Today at our meeting we will have to share our experiences and talk about family traditions. Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is together. If you and your children celebrate on September 1, or go out on New Year’s Eve to decorate a tree with treats for animals and birds, or give special congratulations to a grandfather or a veteran neighbor, all this strengthens family ties. helps in raising children.

2. Parents' impressions of the holidays.

- How do you think. Is it necessary to organize parties for a child’s birthday?

(Parents express their opinions)

Listening to children's answers to the questions: “Do you like home parties?” , “What holidays do you have?” , “What do you remember?”

(Listening to a tape recording)

For full development, a child needs a holiday like air. Let everyone remember their childhood, and he will understand that a holiday for a child is not the same as for us, it is really an event in a child’s life, and the child counts the days from holiday to holiday.

-Do you think holidays help in raising a child? (Parents' statements.)

-What if it’s a holiday? for example, you have to celebrate your birthday with your friends, adults, and the child, seeing the preparations for it, asks: “Can I celebrate with you?” What will you answer? Is it possible to seat children at the same holiday table with adults? In what cases is it yes (no)? (Parents' statements)

On birthdays. and sometimes on holidays, we give children gifts, they love them and always wait for them. What gifts do you prefer to give to your children? (Experience exchange).

— Should I give them on holidays? Which? How to give gifts on New Year's Day?

(Parents' statements)

“Happy Birthday” is played with parents

Participants define roles for themselves. It could be a plant, animal, object. Then they pair up. and everyone comes up with a birthday gift for their partner. These could be poems, drawings, useful items, or anything at all. Participants exchange gifts and then try to introduce themselves. what emotions the object might experience. chosen by them for their role.)

You are preparing for the holiday. you are waiting for guests in your home. Do you attach importance to room decoration when preparing for a celebration? In your opinion, should you decorate your apartment for the holiday? After all, the mood of the guests largely depends on this, and by engaging our children in a common cause, we develop their creative abilities. Of course, the best decoration for a home is cleanliness and order.

(Exchange of experience in preparing for the New Year holiday. Secrets of the craft: how to make twigs sprinkled with snow, what to consider when composing the composition.)

3. Musical break. Game "Guess the melody" .

4. Exchange of parental experiences about spending holidays in the family.

— Now let’s talk about celebrating your child’s birthday. This is the situation.

Two mothers met and started talking.

-My son will have a birthday in 2 days. – one of them shared her joy. – I think I’ll invite the guys. I'll bake some pies. I'll make some salads. there will be music. Let them celebrate.

-That's all? – the interlocutor asked.

-What else can you advise me? Why should I be a clown in front of them?

-What would you suggest? Will the holiday be interesting? if there are pies, cakes, salads on the table. is there music?

(Exchange of experience. Parents talk about the traditions of their family.)

The teacher suggests coming up with a new tradition or ritual.

5. Summarizing parents’ suggestions and discussing recommendations for celebrating holidays.

  1. Think about the holiday, draw up a program. Guests must be invited in advance so that children can prepare. Come up with it together with your child. how to invite guests. – these could be intricate invitation cards, homemade cards with children’s drawings.
  2. To make your child’s birthday memorable, you need to think through the program in advance. Let there be games in it. attractions, competitions, concerts. They will decorate holidays and surprise moments. This could also be the appearance of a fairy-tale hero - an adult in the role of Dunno, a wizard, etc.
  3. Summing up the meeting.

How we, adults, spend the holidays, unwittingly setting an example, determines how our children will relax when they grow up, what values ​​they will cherish, what they will rejoice at, what they will strive for. Our holidays should be fun and interesting. With fiction. pleasant surprises. Success depends on your invention and imagination. During special holidays, which usually take place with family. think about those. who is lonely. Congratulate your neighbor. give a bouquet of flowers, a hand-made Christmas tree toy. And you will see this small act of kindness in your child's heart.

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