Staging of the fairy tale turnip in kindergarten for the younger group

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (early age group)

Tatyana Dmitrieva

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (early age group)

Fairy tale " Turnip "

in the nursery
group .
Characters: Adults - Narrator ,

Narrator : There is a turn in the village, next to it is a private vegetable garden.

And the grandfather lives in the village with the grandmother for many years.

With granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse, and chickens there are “Little Girls”

But the chickens are not simple, they have learned a frisky dance.

CHICKEN DANCE. (after the dance everyone sat down in their seats)

Narrator : One day in the summer, when the weather was good, in the garden,

Taking a shovel, throwing off his cap, the grandfather planted a miracle turnip .

The turnip became , and then higher than the trees!

Grandfather pulled it and pulled it, but couldn’t pull it out.

The grandfather is not upset, he turns to the grandmother.

GRANDFATHER: Grandma, come help!

Narrator : Grandfather and grandmother are upset: Oh, it’s not working,

The turnip is stubborn , it doesn’t reach out of the ground

Well, tough stuff! Grandmother called her granddaughter

GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, come help!

Narrator : They all pull together, but the turnip is in place .

And the granddaughter decided that Zhuchka would help.

GRANDDAUGHTER: Bug, come help!

Narrator : A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother,

grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip .

They grabbed it tightly . Pull and pull

They can’t pull it out - you need to call for help

Oh, funny things: The bug called the cat!

DOG: Cat, come help!

Narrator : The turnip is stubborn , it doesn’t reach out of the ground.

What should they do again? We need to call the mouse for help!

Cat: Mouse, come help!

MOUSE: Pee-pee-pee I’m coming, I’m coming, I’ll help in any way I can!

Narrator : Mouse for Cat, Cat for Bug, Bug for granddaughter, Granddaughter for

Grandma, Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip grabbed tightly - tightly . Pull-

pulled and pulled out the turnip !

There was an important turnip , each old woman marveled: There is no such turnip anywhere

If you find it, you'll go around half the world! They invited everyone to taste the turnip ! Already

how they sat around a turnip and ate it all!

Dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip” in an early age group Scenario for dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip” Program content. Involve children in theatrical activities and co-creation.

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Scenario for staging the fairy tale “Turnip” (middle group) Goal: to develop children’s interest in theatrical play, to create a desire to show the fairy tale to kids. Characters: • Grandfather – ... • Grandmother –.

Scenario of the fairy tale “Turnip” (second junior group) Presenter: We will tell you a wonderful fairy tale now. Prick up your ears and eyes, let's begin our story. My grandfather lived in the same village. Together with.


Scenario of theatrical activities based on the fairy tale “Turnip” for the second junior group

Irina Tkacheva

Scenario of theatrical activities based on the fairy tale “Turnip” for the second junior group

Goal: to develop children’s interest in theatrical activities , to promote friendly relationships in the group .

Objectives: Educational, developing and nurturing.

-develop dialogical speech

-develop children's creative abilities;

-develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech;

-activate children's vocabulary;

-expand children's understanding of the theater .

Characters: Turnip , Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat Murka, Mouse (children)

Adult narrator .
Equipment: hero costumes, garden beds, trees, scarecrow.

Preliminary work: reading the text of a fairy tale , learning words by role, songs about friendship, selection of musical accompaniment.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the 2nd junior group. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Marina Krasova

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the 2nd junior group. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Goal: To generate interest in the fairy tale Turnip

Learn to count like an adult. Learn to play the role of a fairy tale character with the help of an adult . Introduce words with diminutive suffixes into the children's dictionary. Education of visual attention and memory. Develop in children the ability to listen carefully. Develop attention , speech, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Cultivate friendships with peers.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher tells a fairy tale , moving character toys on the table. Then the children put on attributes (hat, scarf, apron, “Dog”

Next, the children perform their role to the words of the fairy tale told by the teacher .
Grandfather planted a turnip . has grown very, very big . The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground : he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out.

Summary of theatrical activities in the second junior group "Turnip"

Kristina Zelenina
Summary of theatrical activities in the second junior group “Turnip”

Summary of theatrical activities

in the second junior group

on the topic " Turnip "

Goal: to instill interest in theatrical and gaming activities

• Instill in children a sense of love for fiction through theatrical activities ;

• Develop in children the ability to perform a finger theater based on the plot of a familiar fairy tale.

• Develop the ability to depict the characteristic behavior of characters;

• Create a positive emotional state in the process of theatrical performance .

Medium: finger theater " Turnip "

, screen, fairy tale
“Zayushkina from the Bush”
, train melody, letter.

Methods: conversation, dramatization, physical training, answers to questions, summary.

Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk tale Turnip

, looking at illustrations for a fairy tale, guessing riddles about animals and people, children dramatizing excerpts from a fairy tale.

• Help the players put on the finger toy correctly.

“Game-dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”. Lesson plan (junior group) on the topic

Leisure summary of theatrical activities in the second junior group No. 12 “Ship” of MDOU No. 132.

“A game-dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Teacher of preschool educational institution No. 132

Ivanova I.V.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”, “Health”, “Physical education”. Types of children's activities: gaming, cognitive, communicative, motor, musical and artistic.

Goal: to develop children’s interest in theatrical play and develop their creative abilities.


  • Learn to dramatize a fairy tale;
  • Development of children's individual abilities (theatrical, speech, non-verbal communication) through the dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”.
  • Development of children's spoken language;
  • Learn to understand the emotional state of fairy tale characters.

Attributes: Masks-caps of the heroes: turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, Murka and mouse.

Musical soundtrack of children's songs on the theme of a fairy tale.

Leisure progress.

The teacher and children stand in a circle. Teacher (together with the children): “Get up children, stand in a circle, You are my friend and I am your friend, Let’s hold hands tightly, And smile at each other.”

Q. Children, do you want to go on a fabulous journey? (children's answer) I have a magic train, on which we will go on our journey to a fairy-tale meadow. And for this we repeat these magic words with me.

Our train is rushing through the forest, what will happen to us?

(the phonogram of the song performed by the group “Fidgets” “Locomotive-Bug” sounds, the children line up on the train and go to the clearing to the music, sit on the chairs)

Close your eyes quickly to find yourself in a fairy tale. (The phonogram “Visiting a fairy tale” is turned on and the children find themselves in a fairy tale.)

Q. You and I found ourselves in a fairy tale, guess which one? Round side, yellow side A bun is sitting in a bed. He was rooted firmly into the ground. What is this? (turnip). (children's answers)

B. Well done, you guessed the riddle correctly. V. Grandfather planted a turnip, and the turnip grew big and big. Grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground.

Children: He pulls, he pulls, he can’t pull.

Q: This is how my grandfather grew a turnip, and he can’t handle it! But he has many helpers. Who should we call?

(he began to call Grandma). Q. What did your grandfather call your grandmother?

Grandfather: Grandma, help!

Q: Guys, help grandfather! Call grandma.

Children: Grandma, help! (Children call grandma) Grandma came running. The teacher together with the children says: “Grandma for Dedka, Dedka for Turnip, they pull, they pull, they can’t pull. (expresses surprise at how firmly the turnip sits in the ground). V. And who did Grandma call? (To granddaughter) Grandmother: Granddaughter, help!

Q: Guys, help grandma!

Children call their granddaughter: Granddaughter, help!

My granddaughter came running. V. Granddaughter for Grandma, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip,

Children together with the teacher: They pull, they pull, they cannot pull. (surprised). V. The granddaughter began to call the dog Zhuchka for help. Granddaughter: Bug, help!

Help your granddaughter! (children call) Children: Bug, help! Bug: Woof-woof-woof!

Children together with the teacher: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out. (surprised).

Q: Bug started calling who?

D: A cat.

Bug: Murka, help!

V. The Cat doesn’t go, he lies there, basks, and doesn’t listen to the Bug.

Q: Let's all call the Cat together! (children call)

D: Murka, help!

Q: To pull a turnip, you need to do exercises! Physical education minute. So we planted a turnip (bend over) and watered it with water. (imitation of movement) And now we will pull it, (imitation of movement) And we will cook porridge from the turnip, (imitation of movement) And we will be from the turnip, healthy and strong, (show strength) V. Thank you, guys. I'll go help you pull the turnip.

V. Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for a grandfather, granddaughter for a grandmother, a bug for a granddaughter, a cat for a bug. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. (the audience's patience is running out, despair from failure is on their faces).

Q. Who should I call? Guys, guess who I’m going to read a riddle about now: “Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth (Mouse).” V. Yes, the Cat began to call the Mouse. The mouse squeaks in fear, but still rushes to help. (Encourages the mouse, calms it down).

All: Mouse for the cat, cat for the bug, bug for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip - they pull, pull and... They pulled out the turnip!!! (clap, rejoice)

Q: Guys, turnips are a very tasty and healthy product. It contains a lot of vitamins.

It gives people strength and health. Let's dance around the turnip.

(Phonogram of the Russian folk song “Loaf”)

That's the end of the fairy tale! It's time for us to return home to kindergarten. (children get on the train and say words)

Our train is rushing through the forest so that we can return home. (The phonogram “Locomotive Bug” sounds) Summary of the lesson. V. (asks the children questions) - what fairy tale did we visit? — what heroes did you see? — how did we help them? Conclusion. Q. Children should always help each other. And then everything will work out! The teacher says the words together with the children:

Let's hold hands tightly, And we'll smile at each other, And we'll give each other a kiss goodbye!

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher tells the children that today a dog, a cat and a mouse came to visit them. Shows the toys and asks the children:

- How does the dog scream? (Woof woof woof)


- How does a cat scream? (Meow meow meow)


- How does a mouse scream? (wee-wee-wee)


After the children answer, he offers them another version of onomatopoeia (yap-yap-yap, purr-purr)

. Choral and individual responses.

The teacher tells the children that the dog, cat and mouse are lost and cannot find their fairy tale , offers to help them and asks a riddle:

Grandma, old grandfather and granddaughter,

Together everyone made me

Pull it out of the ground.


Draws children's attention to the tabletop theater. Shows it to the children, asking them to repeat individual words and phrases.

After the theater show he asks the children:

— Why did grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter go to the garden? First he shows the grain that the grandfather planted, and then a dummy of a large turnip that has grown and offers to name its color and shape.

- Why couldn’t grandfather pull out the turnip ? When was he able to get her out? (When everyone did one thing together and helped each other)


Talks about the healing properties of turnips:

— The juice that can be extracted from turnips has many healing properties. So, our grandmothers also knew that if you squeeze the juice out of a turnip, it can be used to treat colds, and to recover from poisoning, and to quickly heal a wound.

Turnip is not a simple vegetable,

But a little bitter.

Treats throats for guys

It helps adults too

And it bears fruit in the fall.

That as a doctor we are growing.

Sensory education of toddlers through didactic games JV “Kindergarten “Planet of Childhood” GBOU Secondary School No. 7 of the city of Pokhvistnevo Consultation on the topic: “Sensory education of toddlers.

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Summary of the game-activity in the first group of young children “The sun is shining” Theme “The sun is shining” Program content: Teach children to depict the sun, using the print of their palm, to pronounce the words of the chant.

Summary of a summer walk in the middle group “Sunny, sunshine, shine a little!” Summary of a summer walk in middle group No. 8 “Luchiki” MADOU “Teremok” AGO. Educator: Pilgrimova Polina Nikolaevna “Sunshine, sunshine.”

Summary of creative work on modeling in the second group of early age “Sun-Bell” Purpose: to teach basic modeling techniques: rolling, pressing, pulling. Learn to depict the basic shape of an object (a ball, highlight it.

Self-education report “Sensory development of toddlers” The age from 2 to 3 years is important in the development of a child’s psyche. During this period, the foundation is laid for the formation of new mental formations.

New Year's holiday scenario for toddlers Santa Claus comes to the children's group. Father Frost. Hello kids! Hello parents! I am a cheerful Santa Claus, your New Year's Guest.

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Lesson summary for the first group of toddlers based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Irina Shaposhnikova
Lesson notes for the first group of toddlers based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Lesson summary for the 1st nursery group “Sun”

Topic: " Turnip "

Goal: To teach listening and understanding the fairy tale Turnip


To promote children's understanding of the content of a fairy tale by showing a tabletop theater, including the simplest experimental actions (they planted a turnip and it grew )


Continue to expand your active vocabulary, develop the ability to name objects in your immediate environment.

Cultivate interest in works of literature and willingness to help

Reading and telling fairy tales , looking at the books " Turnip "

in various designs, looking at illustrations, toys, didactic game
“Who Screams How” (onomatopoeia)

Toys: dog, cat, mouse (wonderful bag, table theater " Turnip "

, toys grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter,
turnip , replica of a large turnip .

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