Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Turnip” in the middle group for children

Scenario of theatrical performance for children of the middle group “Turnip”

Marina Davtyan
Script of theatrical performance for children of the middle group “Turnip”

Marina Davtyan. Scenario of a theatrical performance for children of the middle group “Sun” MBDOU No. 69, Sochi based on the fairy tale “ Turnip ”.

Theatrical performance for children of the middle group “Sun”

based on the fairy tale “ Turnip

Goal: To introduce and introduce children to the art of theater .

Objectives: 1. teach children to feel and understand the emotional state of the hero.

2. Develop the ability to act out a performance based on a familiar fairy tale , and engage in role-playing interactions with other characters.

3. Use expressive means of facial expressions and voice intonation (artistic and aesthetic development)


4. Improve dialogic speech (speech development)


Props (materials)

: poster, ticket office, backstage, scenery, prizes for actors.

Progress of the event according to the script:

Reader: Grandfather and grandmother lived in the same village for many years (grandmother is cooking in the kitchen, grandfather is making something)


Grandfather: Grandma, prepare some steamed turnips for grandma for dinner (grandmother waves him off)

Don’t contradict me in vain, prepare it as soon as possible! (grandfather hits the table with his fist)

Grandfather: well, I guess I’ll go (scratching his head)

I’ll plant a turnip (plants, waters, inspects the crop)

Turnip : respected among the people (growing)

I grow in the garden
(straightens up)
So I’ve grown up big (raises my hands)
I’m so good!
(admires himself)
Sweet and
strong , I’m called Turnip ! (sits on a chair)

Grandfather: The turnip has grown wonderfully ( admiringly)

I haven’t seen one like this, really! What miracle of miracles?

Turnip : (dancing)

You will never cope with such a beauty!

Baba: (showing palms to grandfather)

I know my arms are weak, I’ll call my granddaughter for help.
Come on, Mashenka, run, help me pull the turnip !
(granddaughter sits at the mirror trying on a wreath)

Granddaughter: (jumping)

I'm running, I'm in a hurry to help! Where is he, the naughty vegetable?

Turnip : (dancing)

You will never cope with such a beauty!

Granddaughter: That's it, Turnip ! What kind of vegetable? You'll have to call for help! Bug, Bug, run, help pull the turnip !

(The bug sits near the booth)

Bug: Woof-woof-woof! I heard my grandfather wants turnips for dinner. Woof, Bug is ready to help, I’ll cling, woof, woof, to my granddaughter.

Turnip : (dancing)

You will never cope with such a beauty!

Bug: Woof! I'll have to click on the cat to help a little. Murka! Kitty! Run! Help me pull the turnip !

(Murka sits on a bench and catches butterflies)

Turnip : (dancing)

You will never cope with such a beauty!

Cat: purr! Without a mouse, we probably can’t cope with Turnip . I'll probably look for the mouse, there's a coward hiding somewhere!

(the mouse irons and hides in the hole, squeaks in fear; the cat runs up to the hole)

Cat: Don't be afraid of me, baby. I'm a neighbor, Murka the cat! Meow! Moore! Run after me, help me pull the turnip !

Mouse: (comes out of the hole)

. Pee-pee-pee! How cute! I will help if I have enough strength.

That's it: pull and pull. (pull)

They pulled out the turnip ! (everyone stood around the table)

Reader: How strong is the mouse? Well, friendship won! Together they pulled out the turnip that

sat firmly ! (point to the table)


Baba: (to grandfather)

Good health, grandfather, eat your long-awaited lunch!
(puts the turnip on the table)

Granddaughter: (to grandfather)

Treat both grandma and granddaughter
(hands out spoons)

Bug: treat Bug to a bone (grandfather gives a bone)


Cat: a bowl of milk, give it to the cat (grandfather pours milk into the bowl)


Mouse: give the mouse some grains (grandfather pours grains from the bag; the reader puts a treat on the table)


Child actors take their bows. The audience applauds. The teacher makes a final speech and awards the child actors .

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Progress of the game

- Children! Look what I have in my hands? Today I was walking along the path to kindergarten and found a beautiful box.

-Are you wondering what's in it? (I'm trying to open it, but it won't open)

We won't be able to open it until we solve the riddles. Are you ready to work hard?

Lives under the porch

Ring tail (Dog)

But he doesn’t know about water (Cat)

sharp teeth. (Mouse)

Stuck tight

In the garden. ( Turnip )

Children guess the riddle, and the teacher takes toys out of the box. Ay, well done! All my riddles have been solved! Or maybe you know in which fairy tale we met these characters?

Children: fairy tale " Turnip "

Educator: Well done guys, you got it!

-And since you have guessed all the riddles, I have a surprise for you, look, I have a magic chest. Want to know what's in there? (Yes)

And for the chest to open, you must say the magic words: chok-chok, open the chest.
-Grandfather planted a turnip . (Grandfather imitates planting a turnip : digs, loosens, plants, waters; sits on a chair near the house. The turnip begins to grow )

- The turnip has grown big .

- Grandfather pulls a turnip . Can't pull it out.

- Grandfather called grandma. (Grandfather calls grandmother, grandmother comes up and helps grandfather pull the turnip )

- Pulling a turnip . They can't pull it out. The woman called her granddaughter. (The grandmother calls her granddaughter, the granddaughter runs up, everyone pulls the turnip )

- Pulling a turnip . They can't pull it out. The granddaughter called Zhuchka. (The granddaughter calls Zhuchka. Zhuchka runs and barks. Everyone is trying to pull the turnip )

“They pull and pull, but they can’t pull the turnip .” Then Bug called the cat.

- They pull the turnip , but they can’t pull it out. The cat called the mouse. (The mouse runs and squeaks. Everyone pulls and pulls out the turnip )

(Improvisation to folk music )

- That’s the end of the fairy tale . It's so good that everything ended well. Why did you manage to pull out the turnip ? (Because everyone pulled together, together)

People say : “Take it together – it won’t be too heavy
The most difficult task can be dealt with if everyone tackles it together. I wish you to remain friendly, always come to each other’s aid. Love fairy tales , they have a lot of wisdom.
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