Methodological nuances of writing a calendar-thematic plan for the preparatory group

Content of the concept of planning the educational process in kindergarten

To understand what a calendar-thematic plan is, it is necessary to make a short theoretical excursion into the essence of the concept of planning. So, planning in preschool educational institutions is designed to create a pedagogical model of interaction with children in different types of activities. Planning can be of several types, differing in the degree of detail of the educational process, but based on the educational program according to which the kindergarten operates.

  • To distribute hours by topic for each type of activity in kindergarten (cognitive, social-communicative, gaming, aimed at physical development, etc.) for a year, quarter or month, long-term planning is drawn up;
  • to group hours by topic for each type of activity for the week, the teacher draws up a calendar plan;
  • to distribute various types of activities within the framework of studying one topic in a particular educational activity, a calendar-thematic plan is created (for example, a calendar-thematic plan for familiarization with the environment, for preparing for school, etc.);

    Planning helps to rationally distribute time between different activities

  • to group topics within one educational course with details of the types of work in different activities, block planning is completed (for example, the study of the “Space” block on familiarization with the environment includes topics such as “Planet Earth”, “First man in space”);
  • to indicate the types of activities in different educational areas within the boundaries of studying one topic, the teacher prescribes a comprehensive thematic plan;
  • a list of activities for introducing, practicing and consolidating material in different educational areas for each day is included in the daily plan - the most detailed type of planning.

The listed types of plan are something like a nesting doll, in which the long-term plan is the largest, more general toy, and the daily plan is the smallest, most specific. At the same time, this very particular plan, that is, a pedagogical guide to action for every day, is drawn up on the basis of a calendar-thematic one, which gives an idea of ​​both the topics of the educational process and its structure.

This is interesting. The calendar-thematic plan is a mandatory document of the teacher, for the preparation and implementation of which he is responsible. Control over the preparation of planning is carried out by the management of the kindergarten at the beginning of the year, monitoring the implementation of the plan on a monthly basis remains with the senior teacher.

The success of the educational process is determined, among other things, by the teacher’s ability to competently plan educational activities.

Goals and objectives of drawing up a calendar-thematic plan in the preparatory group

The goals of calendar and thematic planning are general in nature for all age groups and include:

  • ensuring the implementation of the educational program in all areas of the educational process to increase the level of development of preschool children that meets program requirements;
  • consistent and systematic educational impact on children, as well as the level of pedagogical skill of the teacher, capable of designing options for interaction with children;
  • practical implementation of various forms and methods of working with children;
  • selection of technical teaching aids that are suitable for the purposes of a specific type of activity.

The tasks of calendar and thematic planning in the preparatory group are:

  • searching for an optimal option for integrating educational areas within the framework of studying a specific topic (despite the fact that for older preschoolers play activity still predominates, the emphasis is on the social-communicative and cognitive areas, since they are in many ways the determining factors of a child’s readiness for school);
  • selection of methodological techniques taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils (for example, if the group is dominated by children with a high level of independence, then in the group of verbal techniques the leading method of interaction will be conversation, since it allows children to take the initiative);
  • creating conditions to ensure different types of interaction among all participants in the educational process (children, teachers and parents);
  • the ability to evaluate the results of the educational process not only within a specific academic year, but also throughout the entire period of passing a given stage of education (the teacher has the opportunity to monitor the level of sophistication of the material and techniques in work on topics that have a cross-cutting nature, that is, studied in different aspects in each age group, for example, “Domestic and wild animals”, “Seasons”, etc.).

Objects of the calendar-thematic plan

In the preparatory group, a calendar-thematic plan is drawn up in the following areas of work:

  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts (FEMP);
  • formation of a holistic picture of the world (FCCM);
  • speech development;
  • reading fiction;
  • familiarization with the natural environment (this course includes children’s research activities, which are described in the work form column on a particular topic);
  • social and communicative development (in some programs this educational area is implemented within the goals and objectives of direct educational activities, and is not included in a separate plan);
  • speech therapy classes, including rhetoric classes (if they are provided for by the preschool educational institution program);
  • local history;
  • fine arts (drawing, arts and crafts);
  • cultural and leisure activities (including holidays and evening entertainment);
  • preparation for school (this type of plan appears in the form of a separate document in work with older preschoolers, before which elements are included in work in the relevant educational areas);
  • walk.

    The walk is also the object of calendar and thematic planning

What techniques are included in calendar-thematic planning

In the calendar-thematic plan, the teacher indicates the types of methodological techniques that he plans to use to achieve his goals when considering a particular topic. In the preparatory group, when the children are already familiar with all the ways of interaction, it is very important to bring students as close as possible to working according to the traditional set of techniques that are accepted in elementary school. As a rule, this is a complex of four groups:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical;
  • gaming.

Let's consider their options within each group.

Verbal techniques

In the preparatory group, children actively master the skills of composing logical, expressive dialogical and monological statements. In this regard, it is very important for the teacher to use speech as fully as possible when interacting with children in different types of activities.


Of course, this methodological technique in working with children 6–7 years old does not carry such a meaningful meaning as it did in previous years: children “grab” the material faster, they do not need to explain for a long time. But from the point of view of the method of conveying information, the explanation is very valuable for preparators, because with its help the children expand their vocabulary, master speech clichés, practice the grammar of sentence construction - that is, all those aspects of the language that are so important for creating their own speech image.

The explanation can be not only group, but also individual in nature.


In the preparatory group, this technique can be called the most important in the verbal group. With the help of conversation, children not only develop their speech, but also learn to build cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena they are talking about, as well as to convincingly prove their point of view, compare new information with experience already gained, and think critically.

To implement this technique in my practice, I am guided by two rules for preparing a conversation:

  • I prepare 1–3 questions in advance (one to test understanding of the essence of the material, two problematic ones, the answers to which may be directly opposite);
  • I think through 1-2 questions to reveal the nuances of each of the directions in which the conversation can go.

For example, when studying the topic “Etiquette”, the set of questions could be as follows:

  • “What is etiquette?” (children have been familiar with this concept for a long time, the question updates the children’s knowledge);
  • “Is it important or unimportant to adhere to etiquette in everyday life, for example at home?” (here the children, for the most part, of course, agree on what is important, they prove their opinion, however, you can invite them to fantasize about what will happen if a person adheres to the rules in society, but does not at home);
  • “Is it possible to be friends with ill-mannered people?” (here we discuss two options - when a friend is ill-mannered, and one is often ashamed of him in front of others, and also when a friend is familiar with generally accepted rules of behavior - and after that we determine what is closer to us).

Riddles and poems

Typically, these verbal techniques are used to update background knowledge. But in the preparatory group, children are already organized enough to tune in to work through conversation or looking at illustrations (that is, a visual technique). Nevertheless, riddles can be used to systematize this or that material.

For example, when I work with my children on the topic “Berries,” I suggest using riddles to summarize the material that we learned in the lesson on familiarizing ourselves with the natural environment:

  • You will find this berry not in the garden, but in the swamp. Round, like a button, Red... (cranberry);
  • Someone dropped a lot of dark blue beads on a bush. Collect them in a basket. These beads are... (blueberries);
  • On a thin thorny branch, children in striped T-shirts. A bush with thorns is not a rosehip. What is its name? (gooseberry).

In the process of considering the topic “Household Items,” the guys and I discuss the importance of technology, using the poem “Vacuum Cleaner” as the basis for the discussion:

  • A dashing vacuum cleaner is lurking in the corner. He carries a whole load of dust on himself. Sweeps away the specks And, pleasing the eye, He puts things in order in our house. Growls, grins, hisses and whistles. The dog tries to bite the tail. It will clean your stains, wash your threshold, and if you don’t need it, it will go into a corner.

Poems and riddles help organize children

Funny stories

Children love fairy tales - this is an axiom. Therefore, it would be a big methodological miscalculation on the part of the teacher not to use fairy tales in his work. At the same time, fairy tales are usually invented “on the fly,” that is, in the process of preparing a lesson on a specific topic.

For example, when studying the topic “Children’s Rights,” I offer my students the fairy tale “How the Hare Got His Rights.” “In one forest there lived a Hare. But his life just wasn’t going well: as soon as he finds food for himself, the squirrels immediately come running and take everything for themselves, as soon as he settles in the house, the Fox comes running and kicks out the Hare. And the Hare cannot fight back: words are not enough because of the insult, and he does not know how to fight at all. Then he decided to go to the wise Leo for advice. And Leo explained to him that no one can deprive another of food or home, since this is written in the law by which everyone lives. And the Hare has the right to food and the right to legally acquired territory, that is, a home. And if the offenders again misbehave, then they should be reminded that violating the rights of others threatens with expulsion from the forest and imprisonment. The Hare listened to the Lion, returned to his house and drove the Fox away, threatening her with prison. And the squirrels didn’t even have to say anything: when they saw the proud, self-confident Hare, they immediately realized that it was better to go home in good health and not touch the sideways thing again. This is how knowing your rights gave you confidence and solved the Hare’s problems.”

After listening to the fairy tale, the children and I discuss the story based on the following questions:

  • “Why did everyone offend the Hare?”
  • “Do you think that if the Hare simply fought with the offenders, it would help? (yes, but temporarily) Why not? (because the fox and squirrels would probably try to offend the Hare again, only now they definitely won’t relax, they won’t let the Hare defeat them)”;
  • “Why is it important to know your rights?”


Most 6-7 year old kindergarten students can already read. Therefore, the teacher needs to use this skill not only in reading classes or preparing for school, but also during the implementation of other elements of the educational process. For example, reading short descriptions of the main features of handicraft products. It is important that the text is small in volume and accompanied by clarity, that is, pictures.

Tongue Twisters

This verbal technique is important for correcting sound pronunciation disorders in children. Usually, for older preschoolers, sets of general tongue twisters are prepared in advance, taking into account specific speech problems in the group. Blocks of tongue twisters are compiled either by a speech therapist who has tested the children, or, if there is no full-time speech therapist in the kindergarten, by a teacher.

  • “The letter Z is wide and looks like a beetle, and at the same time, like a beetle, it makes a buzzing sound: zhzh.” (Sound practice [F]);
  • “On my brother Borya’s birthday I will paint the sea and a boat with an anchor - Borya will be a sailor.” (Practice sound [P]).

Group of visual techniques

Information perceived by children through the visual channel is remembered much more firmly than information received through other senses. That is why in the calendar-thematic plan, when considering any (!) topic, clarity is presented. There are several options for its presentation:

  • pictures illustrating the content of the material (for example, sequences of actions in the fairy tales or stories being studied, the meaning of road signs, etc.), the order of actions (for example, the stages of working on a craft);
  • demonstration, when a teacher shows the sequence of performing a particular task using his own example (for example, lays out arithmetic examples with counting sticks, presents the order of performing game actions in an outdoor game, etc.);

    If we talk about movements in games or exercises, then children better perceive a living example

  • demonstration (this technique in the context of the modern educational process has acquired particular significance, since it involves the use of technical teaching aids, that is, a computer, a multimedia projector).

Video: an example of using the demonstration technique when studying the topic “Inanimate Nature”

This is interesting. In some video collections, for example, educational presentations, after the information block, tasks are given to check the understanding of the material.

Group of practical techniques

These methods of interaction with children involve mastering new material through its implementation on the basis of existing experience. In other words, having become acquainted with the new names of pieces of furniture (for example, a banquette, a bureau, a bookcase, etc.), children, based on their existing ideas about modeling, make these interior objects from plasticine.

Practical techniques that involve creative understanding of phenomena, in addition to modeling, also include:

  • drawing;
  • design;
  • applications;
  • crafts.

This is interesting. Often, in the form of such creative tasks, children are tasked with completing a joint project with their parents on a particular topic. For example, “My home”, “Trees and shrubs of our region”, etc.

Photo gallery: examples of “Houses on Our Street” projects

In addition to building houses, children also color their crafts.

You can use scrap material to complete the task.

Different geometric shapes can act as blanks for houses

The project can be completed using different techniques


Techniques for practical comprehension of the material also include observations or experiments that give children a deeper understanding of the nature of things. Observations can be planned to be carried out in a group (for example, the progress of germination of bean seeds) or on the street (for example, observing people’s work activities, transport, seasonal and weather changes in the outside world).

Table: examples of tasks for observation in the preparatory group

Observation objectTargetThe essence
Length of dayExpand children's understanding of relationships in the world around them.Children watch the sun for several days and come to the conclusion that the length of the day is related to the movement of the sun, to how high it is.
Leaf fallTeach children to distinguish the leaves of bushes and trees by size, shape, and length of the stem.Children compare 3-4 pieces of paper with each other and formulate conclusions regarding their appearance.
Hooded and black crowsDevelop the ability to compare and find differences.Children compare the appearance, voice and habits of two crows and draw conclusions.

Gaming techniques

You can’t do without playful techniques when working with children. Therefore, the calendar and thematic plan includes all types of games. At the same time, in the preparatory group, in contrast to the previous stages of education, when studying a topic, 1–2 types of games can be used, and not all.

Children master the world around them through play.

Goals of inclusion in the plan of didactic games

This version of the games is used at different stages of working with the material:

  • to get acquainted with new information;
  • as a tool for consolidating and practicing acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Table: examples of didactic games in the calendar and thematic plan for the preparatory group

Type of educational gameNameTargetsMaterial, content of game actions
Logical"What it is?"
  • develop ingenuity and imagination;
  • train your memory.
The teacher, and then the children, make a guess about the object they are describing. The rest of the participants try to guess what it is about. For example, rectangular, can be of different colors, with glass or plastic on top, sold in special stores, maybe with buttons, you can talk on it - a mobile phone.
Verbal“Name the plant with the right sound”
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • expand your vocabulary on the topic “Plant world”.
The teacher names the sound, and the children name the trees and bushes that begin with this sound.
Musical"Where does the sound come from"Train the ability to find the source of sound.3-4 children make a certain type of noise (the ringing of a bell, the hum of a car engine, the sound of wooden spoons, etc.), the rest of the participants, standing with their backs to the driver, guess what is sounding and where it comes from.
Sensory“Find the same leaf”Learn to classify objects based on common and different characteristics.Children look at the leaves on the tree, and then, dividing into teams, look for the same ones on the ground, comparing them according to their defining characteristics.
Desktop-printedLotto "Geometric Shapes"
  • train the skill to distinguish basic geometric shapes;
  • develop the ability to correlate parts of a whole by shape and color.
Children fold geometric shapes from two halves, making sure that not only the shape, but also the color matches. The task is performed at speed.
Games with objectsThis type of game includes tasks involving the use of natural materials or toys. For example, count how many chestnut chips each of the chestnut characters has.
InteractiveIts implementation requires certain technical equipment - an interactive whiteboard. The essence of the games is to follow the rules specified in the methodological support of the application. For example, in a class preparing for school, to work on simple arithmetic operations, you can use a game created on the basis of the beloved cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.

Outdoor games

The main purpose of these games is to compensate children for their need for physical activity.

For harmonious development, a child needs to demonstrate his physical activity.

Table: examples of outdoor games in the calendar and thematic plan for the preparatory group

What is being worked outName of the gameTargetsThe essence of the game
Running in different directions, jumping"Tag"
  • train running in all directions;
  • develop the ability to increase or decrease running speed according to a signal;
  • develop the ability to quickly respond to a situation.
The driver stands in a circle blindfolded. The children unwind it, then take off the bandage and run away. The trap should catch the slow participant.
Spatial orientation"Tag in the swamp"
  • learn to run, taking into account obstacles in the form of visual cues;
  • develop dexterity.
Children use various objects to mark places where they should not go. According to the teacher’s conventional sign, all the kids run away, and the driver tries to catch up and show off.
Forming a sense of balance"Don't stumble"
  • learn to jump on one leg, land on the toe of a half-bent leg;
  • develop balance;
  • strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.
Children stand in two columns. At a signal, they begin to move from one point in space to another. In this case, the one standing first jumps to the target, and the rest walk nearby. If a child stumbles, he stands at the end of the column, and the next participant plays his role. The winner is the team that has covered the longest distance to the finish line.
Development of attention"Relay race in pairs"
  • train running skills in pairs;
  • develop endurance and attentiveness.
Children, holding hands, stand on one side of the playground in two columns. According to the conventional sign, they need to run to the opposite column without releasing their arms.
Practicing climbing and crawling skills"Where are my bananas"
  • train the ability to climb a gymnastic ladder;
  • repeat the count within five.
The “monkey” children are standing near the gymnastics stairs. The teacher names how many “stairs you need to go to get bananas,” and the children climb that number of steps to the top.
Agility training"Don't step on it"
  • train dexterity, attentiveness;
  • practice the ability to jump over an obstacle with a left-right shift.
Children place sticks in front of them and stand a short distance from the stick. At the teacher’s signal, they try to jump over the obstacle, moving to the left or right.

Theatrical games

This type of games helps children show their creative abilities at the stages of preparing and conducting games, since children are involved not only in performing game tasks themselves, but also in coming up with a scenario, distribution of roles, etc.

Theatrical games give children the opportunity to unleash their creative potential

Table: examples of theatrical games in the calendar and thematic plan for the preparatory group

Type of theatrical performanceThe essence of game actionsExamples
Role-playing gamesKids, based on their experience, act out situations they encounter in everyday life.“Mothers and Daughters”, “At a Doctor’s Appointment”, “In the Library”.
DramatizationsChildren speak and perform those actions that are prescribed for their character by the “director,” that is, the teacher or the child himself.Matinees, performances based on read fairy tales, etc.
Director's gamesChildren not only perform game actions themselves, but also organize the content of the game itself.Kids act out the actions of emergency rescue workers during a fire, using flannel figures.
Finger gamesThey are used as a physical education break during classes, train speech centers, and also prepare the hand for writing.
  • In our group, girls and boys are friends, (fingers of hands are connected ri) ​​We will make friends with small fingers, (rhythmic touching of the fingers of the same name of both hands) One, two, three, four, five, (alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little finger) Begin count again. One, two, three, four, five, We're done counting. (Hands down, shake hands)

Calendar-thematic plan for the theme of the week: “Me and my family” (school preparatory group)

Budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 95"

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children

preparatory school group

Topic of the week: “Me and my family”

Author: Bratchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Omsk — 2020

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2022 academic year

Theme for the 3rd week of October: “ Me and my family”

(19.10.2020 — 23.10.2020)

To promote the child’s self-knowledge, develop children’s interest in their family, preserve family traditions and customs, and cultivate respect for family members. Expand children's understanding of family ties. Reinforce knowledge of your home address. To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of their relatives.

Final event:

Photo composition “Weekend with the whole family”

Day Daily regime OO integration Independent activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities of children
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Monday 10/19/2020 Morning Z





"Family through the eyes of a child"


determine the level of children’s knowledge about their families, family traditions, and hobbies.

Pure talk

to sounds [s] [ts]


consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s] [ts], develop a sense of rhyme, attention, and memory.

Finger game

“How we helped mom”


Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Morning exercise complex No. 8

Board game “Fold the square”


consolidate the ability to say a square from different parts, without relying on a model.

Pupils: Veronica, Margarita, Elvira, Anton

Preparing for breakfast. Target:

developing skills of cultural behavior at the table.

Duty in class


organize the use by children of previously acquired duty skills.

Duty in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​flower propagation (cuttings, shoots), to develop labor skills.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

GCD Cognitive-research. (FEMP) I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina, p. 36, no. 5

Software tasks:

Improve your ability to form the number 9 from units.
Continue familiarization with numbers from 1 to 9. Develop an understanding of the independence of the counting result from its direction. Give an idea of ​​the weight of objects and compare them by weighing them on the palms; learn to denote the results of comparison with the words heavy, light, heavier, lighter.
Develop the ability to group geometric shapes by color and shape.

Musical activity According to the music director's plan
Fine (modeling/applique) Modeling

“Cockerel with his family” (collective composition),
Komarova, p. 46 No. 16 Program content:

Teach children to create, through collective efforts, a simple scene from sculpted figures. Strengthen the ability to sculpt a rooster, hens, chicks. Achieve greater accuracy in conveying the basic shape and characteristic details. To develop the ability to collectively think about the placement of birds on a stand.

Walk Z




Watching leaf fall


expand knowledge about seasonal changes in nature; develop the ability to express what is observed in one’s speech

“Fox and Hares”
Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the lifestyle and habits of animals.

Labor in nature: collecting leaves of various trees and shrubs for a herbarium.

Goal: to learn to distinguish leaves (by shape, size, length of stem).

Bring in inventory for work assignments. Cleaning the site.

Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to participate in joint work activities.

Independent play activities of children -

continue to teach children to choose their own games and maintain friendly relationships during games.

Individual work: movement development


consolidate squatting skills from a legs apart position, transferring body weight from one leg to the other without rising.

Pupils: Egor, Andrey, Zarina

Monday 10/19/2020 Slave. before bedtime KGN


Reading an excerpt from a poem E. Serova “The Wizard”

Answer the questions: Why is mother called a wizard in the poem? What miracles can she do? Who helps her do miracles? They know how to listen carefully to poetry, reason, and answer questions.

Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.

S/r game

“Our friendly family”
to foster friendliness and respect for all children.

Looking at pictures from family photo albums with children.


formation of awareness of oneself as a family member, respect for older relatives.

D/I "Words"

Purpose: To practice identifying syllables in a word. Develop phonetic hearing.


Julia, Yaroslav, Andrey, Nastya Kor.


“Ask your mother for something so that she wants to fulfill your request”, “My brother is in trouble - the truck has broken down - comfort him”, “Mom is upset - comfort her.”


development of the child’s emotional sphere, nurturing good feelings towards loved ones.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games, family photo album.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Observing the stones


form ideas about stones as part of inanimate nature

Outdoor game "Rock, paper, scissors."


: learn to listen carefully to the teacher; develop perseverance.

Outdoor game:

"Cunning Couple"


learn to throw the ball at an angle

Labor activity:

collecting stones on the site and laying out compositions from them


teach to work together; develop creative imagination.

Individual work

"Hit the hoop."


practice throwing at a target.


Ivan Er., Nastya G., Ivan M.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Consultation for parents on the topic of the week “My Family”

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2022 academic year

Theme for the 3rd week of October: “ Me and my family”

(19.10.2020 — 23.10.2020)

To promote the child’s self-knowledge, develop children’s interest in their family, preserve family traditions and customs, and cultivate respect for family members. Expand children's understanding of family ties. Reinforce knowledge of your home address. To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of their relatives.

Final event:

Photo composition “Weekend with the whole family”

Day of the week/


Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Tuesday 20.10.2020 Morning Z





“I will not allow anyone to offend my family”


a conversation about the friendly, caring relationship of all family members to each other. Develop speech as a means of communication.

Getting to know and learning proverbs

“You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family”, “To cherish your family is to be happy”


conversation about understanding the meaning of statements.

Morning exercise complex No. 8

D/I "Wizards"


Practice using plural nouns. Form the grammatical structure of speech.


Ivan M., Artem, Varvara, Nastya G.

Conversation “The kitchen is not a place for games!”

Goal: to form the basis of safe behavior at home and in public places.

Add d/i, illustrations on the topic of the week.
GCD Communication activities

(speech development)

Reading A. Remizov’s fairy tale “The Voice of Bread.” Didactic game “I am for you, you are for me”

Introduce children to A. Remizov’s fairy tale “The Voice of Bread”, find out whether they agree with the ending of the work. Improve children's ability to reproduce the sequence of words in a sentence.

V.V. Gerbova, p. 32, no. 6


(Physical Culture)

Software tasks:

Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat exercises in dribbling the ball; crawling; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.

L.I. Penzulaeva No. 19, p. 24



Decorative drawing “Curl” by T.S. Komarova No. 18 p. 47

Program content:

Teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls (a typical main element in painting decorative items). Learn to use various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arches, small curls) to decorate branches. Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet (decorating a branch with elements on the left and right). Develop a sense of composition. Continue learning to analyze drawings.

Walk Z




Watching migratory birds


expand understanding of migratory birds; cultivate an educational interest in birds.

Labor activity:

Collecting seeds of various plants to feed birds in winter.


cultivate compassion and empathy towards birds.

Outdoor games

"Swan geese".


improve your running technique, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy in completing the task.

Outdoor game:

"Find your home."


develop physical qualities - speed, agility; improve spatial orientation.

Individual work:

Using different types of walking: different positions of the hands, raised knees high (like a stork, crane, heron).


develop motor activity.

Pupils: Mikhail, Timur T., Ertai.

Work before bed ChHL


Continue to teach children to calmly come in from a walk, climb stairs without pushing, and let girls go first.


"How to behave at the table"


Continue to develop skills of proper behavior at the table and basic rules of etiquette. Reinforcing the rules of behavior at the table. Ability to use cutlery.

Tuesday 20.10.2020 Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.

S/r game

"Home, family"


Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

N-n/a "Domino"


develops concentration, logical thinking, the ability to analyze a situation, intelligence, and also develops sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands.

FEMP: D/i “Name the neighbors of the number”


Continue learning to navigate within the number line up to twenty.


Lev Z., Sasha, Olya

Situational conversation and speech situation:


“What happened before I was born” (using family photos)


help children understand that moms and dads were little children too.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, visual aids. A selection of illustrations for the game “Home, Family”.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Watching the wind


continue to teach how to determine the strength of the wind; expand children's knowledge about inanimate nature.

Labor activity

: Cleaning the area from branches and stones.


continue to teach how to work together and enjoy the work done.

Outdoor games

"The Kite and the Mother Hen."


learn to listen to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.




consolidate ideas about connections in nature; teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands.

Individual work:

Exercise with a ball.


continue to throw the ball up onto the ground, catching it with both hands.

Pupils: Nastya Kor., Dima, Yulia, Miroslav

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Invite parents, together with their children, to participate in a drawing competition for children of senior preschool age based on the works of D. Rodari (to mark the 100th anniversary of the writer)

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2022 academic year

Theme for the 3rd week of October: “ Me and my family”

(19.10.2020 — 23.10.2020)

To promote the child’s self-knowledge, develop children’s interest in their family, preserve family traditions and customs, and cultivate respect for family members. Expand children's understanding of family ties. Reinforce knowledge of your home address. To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of their relatives.

Final event:

Photo composition “Weekend with the whole family”

Day of the week/


Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Wednesday 21.10.2020 Morning Z





“What do my parents (relatives) do?”


To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of their parents. Cultivate respect for the work of loved ones.

Finger gymnastics



Introduce children to a new exercise, develop fine motor skills of children's hands.

Morning exercise complex No. 8

Word game

"What are my brothers and sisters like"

(affectionate, kind, cheerful, smart...)


cultivate a kind attitude towards your family members.


Artem, Ella M., Vlad S., Margarita B.

Situational conversation

"How Children Can Take Care of Adults"


Continue to expand children's knowledge about the family, about the older generation - grandparents; about how the young can help the old, and the old can help the young.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Submit a poster (pictures) on the topic “Professions”.

GCD Having learned-research. activity (FEMP) I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina, p. 38, no. 6

Software tasks:

Introduce the composition of the number 10 from ones. Introduce the number 0. Continue learning to find the previous number to the named one, the next number to the named one. Clarify ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of weight when comparing them. Form ideas about temporary relationships and learn to denote them with words: first, then, before, after, earlier, later.

Musician According to the music director's plan.
Having learned-research. activity Construction/manual labor Topic: “Cars. Complete the structure”, Kutsakova L.V., p. 30, No. 2

Program tasks: Exercise children in building various machines. Develop the ability to generate new original ideas, to analyze diagrams, drawings, structures; form explanatory speech; develop independence, activity, confidence, independent thinking.

Walk Z




Watching a sparrow in autumn

Goals: continue to consolidate knowledge about the sparrow; teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of autumn; activate attention and memory.

Labor activity

Organization of a labor landing for the purpose of treating trees. Objectives: to learn how to properly assist trees and shrubs; cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor game

"Migration of Birds." Purpose: to learn to perform actions on a signal.

Individual work

“Don’t knock down the flag.” Goal: learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them over.


Lev Sh., Ivan Er., Vlad, Margarita

Wednesday 21.10.2020 Work before bed ChHL


ABC of communication

“How to behave at the table?”, lessons of politeness and etiquette


To form in children a conscious attitude to order, the desire to maintain order in the environment, to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer

Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.

S/r game “Family on a picnic”


improve and expand children’s play plans, observe generally accepted rules of behavior, and maintain friendly relations in the children’s team.

Situational conversation

“How our family helped nature” - the formation of an environmentally conscious attitude of children towards nature.


"Wild and Domestic Animals"


development of logical thinking, coherent speech, imagination, memory, attention.


Ertai, Kirill, Nastya Kal., Lev Sh.

Labor activity

"We know how to help"


teach to notice disorder, put things and toys in their places.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i.

A selection of illustrations for the game “Family on a Picnic.”

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Rowan Observation

Goals: continue monitoring mountain ash in the fall; learn to find similarities and differences between red and black rowan.

Research activities

Count how many trunks there are in the bush, how many bunches there are. Compare red rowan with black. Find similarities and differences.

Labor activity

After harvesting, tidying up the land area of ​​the vegetable garden and flower garden.

Goal: learn to help adults.

Outdoor game

"Catch the ball." Goal: learn to catch and pass the ball.

Individual work

Conversation on the topic: “What is the most important profession on earth?” Goals: expand knowledge about representatives of various professions; build vocabulary.


Ertai, Zarina, Artem, Varvara

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Invite parents and their children to participate in the “Red Book of the Omsk Region” campaign

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2022 academic year

Theme for the 3rd week of October: “ Me and my family”

(19.10.2020 — 23.10.2020)

To promote the child’s self-knowledge, develop children’s interest in their family, preserve family traditions and customs, and cultivate respect for family members. Expand children's understanding of family ties. Reinforce knowledge of your home address. To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of their relatives.

Final event:

Photo composition “Weekend with the whole family”

Day of the week/


Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Thursday 10/22/2020 Morning Z




Conversation “Pages of the family album”


Teach children to write creative stories about their family, naming close relatives. Develop skills of coherent speech and sequence of statements. Cultivate an interest in your family history.

Pure talk

to sounds [s] [z]


consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s] [z], develop a sense of rhyme, attention, and memory.

Morning exercise complex No. 8

“Drawing by cells - Cat”


development of fine motor skills; development of stable, focused attention; development of visual-spatial perception; formation of auditory perception and memory; education of hard work and perseverance; development of skills to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.


Miroslav, Polina I., Sofia S., Artem


“Why is it important to take care of your appearance?”


considering various situations in order to lead children to the conclusion that appearance needs to be monitored.

Insert a family album, photographs of the pupils' families.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

GCD Communicator works. Prepare to (literacy) Topic: “Consonant sound M (M'), letter M. Sound analysis of the word “baby”, Eltsova O.V., p. 180, No. 8


Strengthen children’s ability to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions that change meaning depending on the word combinations; improve the ability to reason and clearly express your thoughts; introduce the letter “M”; practice sound analysis of a word (“baby”); develop fine motor skills of the hand.

The movement is active.

Physical training

Penzulaeva L.I., p. 26, No. 20

Program objectives: Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat exercises in dribbling the ball; crawling; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.



Topic: “Late Autumn”, T.S. Komarova No. 19 p.48

Program content:

Teach children to convey in a drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature). Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graphite pencil. Form an idea of ​​neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray), learn to use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn. Develop aesthetic feelings.

Walk Z




Freight transport surveillance


learn to distinguish freight transport, know its purpose and application.

Labor activity

Cleaning up fallen leaves.


teach you to finish what you start; cultivate accuracy and responsibility.

Outdoor games

: “Protect your comrade”, “Stop and run”.


practice throwing a medicine ball from the chest with both hands; learn to act on a signal; develop dexterity.

Individual work:

Walking on a log.


strive to improve walking technique while maintaining balance.

Pupils: Vlad, Sofia S., Sasha, Sofia R.

Work before bed ChHL


Reinforcing the rules of behavior in the group. Situational conversation

about what will happen if we do not treat nature with care..

by V. Veresaev “Brother ”. Goal: to teach children to highlight the main idea of ​​a work, to develop children’s speech in the process of answering questions, to cultivate love for their loved ones.

Thursday 10/22/2020 Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.

game “All Together” Purpose:
develops intelligence, speed of reaction and coordination, and the ability to act in concert.


“Family” Plot “Evening gatherings with the family”


: To consolidate children’s ideas about the family and the responsibilities of family members. Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, and develop the plot. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life through play.

Application on the theme “My Family”


systematize and expand knowledge about the family; cultivate a sensitive attitude towards adults, cultivate a sense of pride in your family; learn to create applications from geometric shapes, design work according to a model; develop artistic and aesthetic imagination


Ella, Ivan Er., Mikhail

Conversation on the topic

: “Labor activity”
to continue to teach children to observe safety rules when using objects and tools during labor activity (watering cans, rags, sticks - work in a corner of nature; stacks, scissors, pencils, brushes - manual labor; rakes, spatulas, scoops, brooms - labor in nature).

Independent play activities in employment centers. Attributes for s/r games, material for application.
Walk Z





the ravine
Objectives :

develop knowledge about inanimate nature; cultivate love and respect for nature.

Labor activity:

Planting of “alley of graduates”.


strengthen teamwork skills.

Outdoor games:

Relay race “Who is faster?”


increase children's physical activity.

Competition "Best Sand Figure".


consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand; develop creative imagination.

Individual work:

Development of movements.


strengthen the ability to run at speed; develop dexterity and throwing power.

Pupils: Kirill, Dima, Nastya Kal.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Involving parents in joint observations of seasonal changes in nature with their children.

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2022 academic year

Theme for the 3rd week of October: “ Me and my family”

(19.10.2020 — 23.10.2020)

To promote the child’s self-knowledge, develop children’s interest in their family, preserve family traditions and customs, and cultivate respect for family members. Expand children's understanding of family ties. Reinforce knowledge of your home address. To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of their relatives.

Final event:

Photo composition “Weekend with the whole family”

Day of the week/


Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Friday 10/23/2020 Morning Z





"Men and women in the Russian family"


consolidate children's knowledge about the responsibilities of each family member. Cultivate care and respect for each other.

Pure talkers (sonorant sounds)


consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [l], [l'], [m], [m']. Develop a sense of rhyme, attention, memory.

Morning exercise complex No. 8

Work in notebooks

- “Write letters”


: consolidate images of familiar letters, learn to place them in a line, observing the interval.


Vlad, Julia, Ella, Dima

Conversation on the topic:

“Rules of conduct when working with a book”


To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the rules of conduct when working with a book. Develop attention. Cultivate careful handling of books.

Duty in the corner

nature - offer to wipe the dust on large leaves of plants. Goal: to develop the ability and desire to care for flowers.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

GCD Having learned and researched the formation. intact pictures of the world Subject: "It's so nice in our garden

» Dybina O.V., p. 13, No. 4

Software tasks:

Expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, about its employees, about the rights and responsibilities of children attending kindergarten. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and others.


(physical education in the air)

L.I. Penzulaeva No. 21 p.26

Software tasks:

Strengthen the skill of walking with changing direction of movement, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher; develop accuracy in exercises with the ball.

Walk Z




Observation of medicinal plants


consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants growing in the kindergarten area; to develop the ability and desire to preserve and protect nature.

Labor activity

: Together with the teacher, cutting off broken branches of bushes and trees with pruning shears, cleaning them up.


develop a desire to work in a team.

Outdoor games



to develop knowledge about reindeer and their habits; develop the ability to move in long jumps.

"The fox is mousing."


strengthen the ability to run on tiptoes and dodge traps.

Individual work

: Throwing the ball to each other from below.


develop agility and endurance.

Pupils: Polina Is., Artem, Ella.

Friday 10/23/2020 Work before bed ChHL


Reading fiction. R. Minnullin “Oh, these adults.”


to teach one to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text, to determine its theme and main idea; encourage you to talk about your perception of a specific action of the character.

Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.

S/r game “Hospitality” Purpose:

Continue to introduce the concepts: good nature, friendliness, hospitality.

Reading fiction.

“Daddy’s Cherry” - Z. Voskresenskaya.


Develop and maintain children's interest in literary works. Help children understand the content of the story, the relationship between older and younger family members, about helping and caring for each other. About respectful attitude towards father and mother.

Final event

: Photo exhibition “Weekend with the whole family”


involving parents in the process of developing children’s artistic abilities, stimulating creative interaction between children and parents.

Speech therapy lotto “Sound R”


strengthening the correct pronunciation of sounds, the ability to correctly name the sound [R]


Lev Sh., Zarina, Egor


"About the culture of behavior"


Continue to develop in children a friendly, polite, respectful attitude towards the people around them. Develop the ability to evaluate the positive and negative actions of peers. Develop coherent speech, intonation and expressive speech.

Attributes and equipment for s-r/i, speech therapy lotto

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Observation of the autumn forest


to form a generalized idea of ​​autumn as a time of year; teach to distinguish birch and aspen by shape, color of trunk and leaves; consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of a tree (trunk, branches, root); cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land.

Research activity Collect aspen and birch leaves for the herbarium.


learn to distinguish leaves (by shape, size, length of stem).

Outdoor game

“From bump to bump.” Goal: to develop long jump skills.

Individual work

Development of movements. Goals: to cultivate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature; to practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps; develop strength qualities.


Veronica, Olya, Mikhail.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Helping parents plan weekends with their children.

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Requirements for the design of a calendar-thematic plan

This option for drawing up a plan is fixed by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for the preparation of documentation in a preschool educational institution and includes:

  • a title page indicating the full name of the preschool educational institution, the name and age category of the group, the program under which the kindergarten operates, the full names of the teachers of the group, the start and end dates of work under this plan;
  • alphabetical list of children in the group indicating dates of birth;
  • routine moments in the group (type of activity and time allotted for it), including exercises, hardening procedures, if the latter are provided for by the preschool educational program;
  • schedule of direct educational activities (DEA) for the week;
  • the plan itself, indicating the date of the type of work, topic, forms of children’s activities, goals, equipment for each of the forms, as well as planned results (achievements in the cognitive, emotional-volitional spheres and personal success);
  • blank last sheet, which is intended for comments and wishes of the senior teacher.

This is interesting. Personal achievements in the column of results of implementation of the calendar-thematic plan began to be included from the moment the preschool educational institution began operating under the Federal State Educational Standard.

If no fundamental changes occur in the work program of the preschool educational institution, then calendar and thematic plans can be drawn up on the basis of those already worked out earlier

Table: sample of drawing up a calendar-thematic plan in a preparatory group for different educational areas (fragments)

The author is Onoprienko N., teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 15 “Rucheyok”, Rtishchevo, Saratov region.

Date/day of weekKind of activitySubjectTargetsWays to achieve the goalEquipment, materials
15.09. Thursday ModelingSculpting a human figure in motion
  • teach children to convey the relative size of the parts of a person’s figure and changes in their position when moving (running, working, dancing, etc.);
  • learn to sculpt a figure from a whole piece of clay;
  • consolidate the ability to firmly install a figure on a stand.
  • introductory conversation;
  • independent work;
  • review of finished works.
  • figures depicting people in motion;
  • clay, stacks, boards for modeling.
29.09. Thursday ModelingBasket with mushrooms
  • exercise children in conveying the shape of different mushrooms using finger sculpting techniques;
  • consolidate the ability to sculpt a basket;
  • clarify knowledge of the form (disk);
  • cultivate the desire to achieve good results.
  • introductory conversation;
  • independent work;
  • review of finished works.
  • toys (dummies) of various mushrooms;
  • plasticine;
  • boards for modeling.
03.10. Monday Cognitive development. FCCM Vegetables and fruits
  • expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits;
  • learn to distinguish them by appearance;
  • teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships using the example of fetal formation.
  • reading the poem “What grows in our garden bed?” V. Kornina;
  • arrange the pictures of fruits into groups: fruits and vegetables;
  • guessing riddles;
  • teacher's story about how the fetus is formed.
  • pictures depicting fruits and vegetables;
  • illustrative material showing how the fruit is formed.
10.10. Monday Cognitive development. FCCM My native country is wide!
  • give children an idea of ​​Russia as a country of cities;
  • introduce the principle of creating coats of arms;
  • expand children's understanding of the peculiarities of the geographical location of Russia.
  • examination of the coats of arms of Russian cities;
  • conversation about the coats of arms of the city of Rtishchevo and the Saratov region;
  • looking at a map of Russia.
  • geographical map, image of the coats of arms of Russian cities, including the city of Rtishchevo and the Saratov region;
  • illustrations depicting mountains, rivers, seas, plains;
  • recordings of nature sounds.
17.10. Monday Cognitive development. FCCM Planet Earth is in danger!Give children the idea that planet Earth is a huge ball. Most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas. In addition to water, there are continents - solid land - land where people live. Planet Earth is now in danger: in many places the water, land, and air have become dirty. Everyone finds it difficult to breathe, people and animals get sick. To cultivate a love for nature, a sense of duty to protect and defend the Earth on which we live.
  • story-conversation about planet Earth;
  • Mark on the globe the places that are most polluted and that need help.
  • globe;
  • "sos" tags.
01.11. Tuesday Cognitive development. Productive (constructive) and cognitive-research activities. Theater
  • strengthen children’s ability to design buildings for various purposes;
  • develop artistic taste;
  • continue to teach how to create collective buildings.
  • water conversation;
  • independent work;
  • viewing buildings.
Construction material
02.11. WednesdayDrawingDoll in national costume
  • consolidate the ability to draw a human figure, conveying the structure, shape and proportions of parts;
  • it’s easy to draw an outline with a simple pencil and paint over the drawing with pencils and paints;
  • learn to depict the characteristic features of the national costume;
  • Encourage children to draw in their free time.
  • tell children that people of different nationalities live in our country, and each nation has its own beautiful national costumes, show a doll in a national costume, clarify the details of clothing, color;
  • independent work;
  • reviewing the works, choosing the most expressive ones.
  • doll in national clothes;
  • simple graphite pencil;
  • colored pencils or watercolors;
  • brushes;
  • jars of water.
07.11. Monday Cognitive development. FCCM Animals of our planetExpand knowledge about animals living in different parts of the planet.
  • offer to go on a trip to different parts of the planet;
  • conversation about animals that come our way;
  • game "Who Lives Where".
Pictures depicting different animals.
03.04. MondaySpeech developmentSpring is coming, make way for spring!Reading poems about spring to children, introducing them to the poetic style of speech.
  • introductory conversation;
  • reading poems by F. Tyutchev “It’s not for nothing that Winter is angry...”, “Spring Waters”, E. Baratynsky “Spring! Spring! How clean the air is!”;
  • ask the children which poem they liked best.
10.04. Monday Cognitive development. FCCM Space
  • expand children's understanding of space;
  • bring to the understanding that space exploration is the key to solving many problems on Earth;
  • tell children about Yuri Gagarin and other space heroes.
  • introductory conversation;
  • teacher's story about space, about space discoverers;
  • outdoor game “Fast rockets are waiting for us.”
  • illustrations on the theme “Space”;
  • photographs of astronauts, rockets, space satellites;
  • pictures depicting aircraft, including spacecraft.
17.05. Wednesday DrawingDrawing from life “Indoor plant”
  • learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a plant, shape, or flower pot;
  • develop the ability to see tonal relationships and convey them in a drawing, increasing or decreasing the pressure on the pencil;
  • develop small hand movements;
  • to develop the ability to regulate the drawing movement by force, to successfully position the image on the sheet.
  • looking at a potted indoor plant;
  • suggest drawing the plant only with a graphite pencil;
  • independent work;
  • exhibition of works.
  • indoor plant;
  • album sheets;
  • simple graphite pencil.
30.05. Tuesday Cognitive development. Productive (constructive) and cognitive-research activities We are scientists
  • clarify children’s ideas about the properties of sand, clay, stones;
  • learn to compare materials, correctly name all their features, and use them in crafts according to their properties;
  • motivate children to experiment with inanimate objects (sand, clay, stones);
  • develop skills of cooperation and initiative.
  • introductory conversation;
  • experiments;
  • reflection.
  • aprons;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • stones;
  • magnifying glass;
  • paper;
  • containers with water;
  • napkins;
  • pieces of paper.

The calendar-thematic plan, like any other type of planning in kindergarten, is in the nature of an element that organizes the educational process, and also allows you to clearly see the dynamics of the implementation of the preschool educational institution program. When drawing up a calendar-thematic plan, the teacher needs, following the general requirements for the content and structure of this type of documentation, to take into account the individual characteristics of his students. And when working on a plan for the preparatory group, also take into account the continuity of the structure of the educational process with the next stage of education, that is, the beginning of schooling.

Comprehensive thematic planning in the preparatory group for the academic year

Murashova Elena

Comprehensive thematic planning in the preparatory group for the academic year

Comprehensive thematic planning

in the preparatory group for the school year.


Week 1: theme “Summer Impressions”

Program content:

consolidate children's knowledge about summer. Develop the ability to share your impressions with friends, convey them through artistic and aesthetic activities (sculpting, appliqué, drawing, music).

Final work:

writing stories about summer together with parents; exhibition of drawings on the theme “My Summer”.

Week 2: theme “Golden Autumn”

Program content:

expand children's knowledge about autumn; generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the changes occurring in the life of trees, shrubs, and plants; to develop children’s ability to establish elementary patterns in nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Final work

: broken applique “Forest in autumn”.

Week 3: topic “Establishing our group.”

Program content:

promote the creative use of knowledge and skills when designing a kindergarten group.

Final work:

group design on an autumn theme.

Week 4: topic “My safety”

Program content

: consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about their own safety; cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, when communicating with adults; develop a caring attitude towards your health.

Final work:

quiz on the topic “My safety”.


Week 1: topic “What has autumn brought us? Gifts of nature."

Program content:

summarize children’s knowledge about autumn, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries, and other fruits; consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in nature.

Final work:

joint exhibition with parents on the theme “autumn has come to visit us.”

Week 2: theme “Birds gather in distant lands”

Program content:

to form children’s ideas about migratory birds; cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things, emotional responsiveness.

Final work:

collective work on the topic “Birds gather in distant lands.”

Week 3 – 4: topic “The country in which I live and other countries

Program content:

expand children’s understanding of their homeland and other countries; encourage children's interest in events happening in the country and around the world; cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different nationalities and their customs, traditions, and culture.

Final work:

exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “My Motherland – Russia”.


Week 1: topic “The world of the game. Games of different nations."

Program content:

introduce children to the historical events that formed the basis for the proclamation of November 4 as a holiday; introduce children to folk art; introduce games of different nations.

Final work:

creation of a card index of games “Games of different nations”.

Week 2: topic “What do I know about Kaluga?”

Program content:

expand children’s ideas about their native land: its history, culture, folk crafts, traditions, famous people; cultivate love for the “small Motherland”.

Final work:

plot-role-playing game “Travel to Kaluga”.

Week 3: topic “Russian writers and their works”

Program content:

develop interest in fiction; consolidate the names of famous Russian writers; learn to listen to works of art, display your impressions of what you read through a drawing.

Final work:

exhibition of drawings together with parents based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin.

Week 4: theme “Gallery of Fine Art”

Program content:

introduce children to famous Russian artists and their works of art; learn to distinguish the handwriting of different artists; develop cognitive interest and curiosity.

Final work

: role-playing game "Art Museum".


Week 1 – 2: theme “Folk Crafts”

Program content:

expand children’s understanding of art, folk crafts, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; cultivate interest in the art of their native land and country.

Final work:

modeling “My favorite folk toy.”

Week 3: theme “Hello, winter-winter!”

Program content:

expand children's understanding of winter; develop the ability to establish elementary patterns that occur in nature with the change of seasons; develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena; expand the understanding of the features of displaying winter in works of art.

Final work: o

compilation of the album “Russian Beauty – Winter”.

Week 4: “What is New Year?”

Program content:

continue to form an idea of ​​​​the New Year holiday, the traditions of its celebration, the customs of celebrating the holiday in different countries of the world; to form cognitive interest; cultivate respect for the traditions and customs of other peoples.

Final work:

New Year's party.


Week 2: topic “In the world of theater”

Program content:

introduce children to theatrical art; introduce different types of theater; will establish the rules of behavior in the theater; cultivate aesthetic taste.

Final work:

dramatization of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”

Week 3: theme “World of Professions”

Program content:

expand children's knowledge about professions; develop an emotionally positive, friendly attitude towards people of different professions.

Final work

: compiling an album together with parents on the topic “All professions are important.”

Week 4: theme “The World of Technical Wonders”

Program content:

introduce children to technology; establish rules for safe handling of electrical appliances; deepen knowledge about the history of household appliances; during experimentation, identify the properties and qualities of the metal; cultivate a caring attitude towards objects of the man-made world.

Final work:

design of the album “World of Technical Wonders” together with parents.


Week 1 – 2: theme “Animals of our region, Africa and the North”

Software content:

clarify and expand children’s ideas about animals, their characteristic features and characteristics; to form ideas about the adaptation of animals to natural changes; develop a caring attitude towards animals; develop the ability to reflect your impressions in drawings.

Final work

: exhibition of models, drawings, crafts together with parents on the theme “Animals of Russia, the North and Africa”

Week 3 - 4: theme “Defender of the Fatherland Day. Maslenitsa"

Program content:

to form children’s knowledge about the holidays and traditions of the Russian people; continue to expand children's knowledge about the Russian army; cultivate patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland.

Final work:

publication of a newspaper with children's drawings “Defenders of the Fatherland”.


Week 1: theme “Dear Mom, dearest!”

Program content

: expand children’s knowledge about public holidays; introduce children to the history of the March 8 holiday; cultivate respect, love, caring and kind attitude towards your mother.

Final work:

quilling “Bouquet for Mom”.

Week 2: topic “We want to be healthy!”

Program content:

expand children's understanding of health and a healthy lifestyle; foster a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Final work:

competitions with parents “Dad, Mom and I are a sports family!”

Week 3: theme “Book Week”

Program content:

replenish children’s literary baggage with fairy tales, short stories, riddles, counting rhymes and tongue twisters; continue to introduce illustrators of famous fairy tales.

Final work:

artistic activity of children with elements of experimentation on the theme “Let's color fairy-tale characters with colored sand.”

Week 4: theme “Spring is coming to us with quick steps...”

Program content:

consolidate children's ideas about spring; to evoke a feeling of admiration for the beauty of nature, a desire to express one’s impressions in words, to select epithets and comparisons for a given word in a verbal description; learn to convey your impressions through other activities.

Final work:

applique "Spring".


Week 1: topic “Humor in our lives”

Program content:

teach children to understand their own emotional state, express their sense of humor and recognize the sense of humor of others through works of fine art; develop imagination, initiative, creative activity, thinking, perception, broaden horizons.

Final work:

creation of a humorous wall newspaper together with the teacher “Crocodile”.

Week 2: topic “An Astrologer lives on the moon...”

Program content:

expand children's knowledge about space, the work and labor of astronauts; give knowledge about the star - the sun, about the Earth's satellite - the Moon, about the planets of the solar system.

Final work:

plasticineography “Unknown Planet”.

Week 3 – 4: topic “Folk culture and traditions”.

Program content:

introduce children to the folk traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; cultivate respect for the traditions of your people.

Final work

: visit to the upper room, NOD on the topic “Visiting grandma in the village.”


Week 1: theme “This Victory Day!”

Program content:

introduce children to the exploits of our compatriots; expand knowledge about war heroes; cultivate a feeling of gratitude for the clear sky above your head, a sense of pride in your homeland.

Final work:

decorating a dressing room with illustrations and children's drawings on the theme “The Great Patriotic War”

Week 2: topic “My rights and responsibilities”

Program content:

introduce children to the concept of “rights and responsibilities”; show the unity of rights and responsibilities; explain that every person has not only rights, but also responsibilities; to form an adequate attitude towards compliance with and violation of universal human norms and principles of morality.

Final work: caring for babies; making “little books” for them based on famous fairy tales.

Week 3: theme “Soon to school!”

Program content:

organize all activities around the theme of saying goodbye to kindergarten and entering school; to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming entry into 1st grade.

Final work:

integrated GCD on the topic “We will soon be schoolchildren!”

Week 4: theme “Hello, summer!”

Program content:

systematize children’s ideas about the changing seasons, changes occurring in nature, and natural phenomena.

Final work:

competition of riddles on various lexical topics.

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