Developing speech, logic, memory, tasks for children 3 years old

Games for 3-4 year old children to develop basic skills

English lessons for children 1-2 years old

Educational outdoor games house

1. Game “Overcome obstacles.” Build obstacles from toys, cubes, bottles, toys. The kid must overcome these obstacles and come to the start. If you have a bicycle at home, you can go through obstacles on a bicycle or scooter.

2. Dance games for children 3-4 years old

These games will be a real boon for the holidays with children. Also, if other children come to visit you, you can organize such games. Children love to have fun and dance, dance in circles.

"Pretend to be a monkey." The kids stand in a circle, with an adult leader standing in the center of the circle. The presenter shows the movements, and the children must repeat after him as accurately as possible.


By the age of 3, a child develops many new skills and abilities. The baby becomes more and more independent, he gradually learns to take care of himself. A three-year-old child controls his body quite well; he can maintain balance, run, jump, and play ball. The baby’s cognitive abilities also improve: thinking becomes imaginative, memory, attention, speech, and imagination develop. Communication with people reaches a new level, children become interested in communicating with peers.

Games for developing memory and attention

We have selected the top 5 games that can be played everywhere! They do not require special items or toys. Play at home, on the street, in the store!

Game 1 “Magic Word”

Goals: development of attention; mastering the rules of etiquette.

Description: the child must listen carefully to what the adult said and fulfill the request only if the adult said the word “please.”

For example: an adult says “Jump!” - the child should not react to words.

If an adult said “Sit on the sofa, please,” “Bring a book, please,” then the child must sit down, bring a book, etc., fulfill the request, since the word “please” was said.

Game 2 “I’ll tell you, and you remember”

Goal: to develop memory, attention, observation.

Description: a very simple game that perfectly develops memory in children 3-4 years old. Invite your child to repeat the items you listed. Start with a small number of items. The first few times, group items by type - furniture, toys, fruits, vegetables. In the future, you can increase the number of objects, add objects from other semantic categories: sofa, table, chair, doll, cup, ball, etc.

Mimisaur brushes his teeth!

Using this application, you can instill in your child the habit of brushing their teeth every day. The hero of the application, Mimizaurus, brushes his teeth together with you: this happens in short one-minute videos accompanied by rhythmic music.

This is a free program with 28 videos loaded on different topics. To prevent your child from losing interest in sports, after each viewing you receive an honorary badge for your piggy bank.

The application is in Russian, but for variety you can include videos in English, German or French.

Fun game 3 for memory development “To the Store” (all children’s favorite game)

Children love to play and play in the store.

The game develops auditory short-term memory

Description: Send your child to the store, ask him to remember everything he needs to buy. Start with 2 purchases, increasing their number to 4-5. Name objects from feminine use for girls, and masculine items for boys. It will be more interesting to play this way.

  • Switch roles.
  • Make toy money for the game.
  • How to remember everything? For example, buy a chocolate bar, loaf, cookies, milk, sour cream? It’s better to eat sour cream with milk, we’ll buy chocolate for the baby, we eat soup with a loaf of bread, and dad loves cookies. Use your associations and it will be even more interesting to play.

Intellectual games for children 3-4 years old

  1. “Set the table.” The game will teach the baby to help his mother and also count. Moreover, you will have fun. Ask your child to help set the table, bring two spoons and forks for mom and dad, bring apples, etc.
  2. "Fold a square." Ten multi-colored squares of cardboard - each cut in random order. The kid must reconstruct and count how many pieces each figure consists of.
  3. "Autumn leaf fall." Collect different leaves during your walk. Trace their outline on paper. Then the baby must guess where which piece of paper is depicted, without attaching the last one to the drawing.
  4. “Correct the mistake.” Using pre-prepared “wrong” pictures, the child is asked to figure out what’s wrong with them. For example, a blue bear cub pecks at grains, the child must notice that bears have a different color, and this animal does not feast on grains.
  5. Educational game to expand vocabulary baby

    A fun game "Tell me which one?" Explain to your child that each object has signs, do it in a positive way. For example, an apple is round, red, big, sweet. Put different objects in the box and invite the child to take them out one by one and name the signs. You can even make up a fairy tale using these items.

  6. “Who can do what?” A 3-year-old child already knows many animals, birds, and professions. Give him an animal or a profession, and he must say what this object can do.

Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old

  1. "Daughters and mothers."
  2. "Holiday". Prepare for a birthday together. Make surprise gifts for dad or grandma. Children happily prepare gifts for birthday people, help set the table, and then begin the main delicacy.
  3. "Home construction". A plot that allows you to expand your child’s horizons with knowledge about construction equipment and professions. The little ones are involved in the process of creating a beautiful interior and home comfort, the boys try on the role of the head of the family.


What should a child learn?

  • Sentences must be at least 5-6 words.
  • The child must be able to name his personal information.
  • Clearly distinguishing the characteristics of an object.
  • Knowledge of several actions (walks, cries, talks, meows, etc.).

Speech lesson in front of a mirror
If you practice at home, prepare cubes or cards with letters so that your baby continues to form words from them. Remember that three-year-old children still do not have very well developed memory, so do not ask your child to spell out complex words or repeat long sentences

Fine motor skills of children 3-4 years old

Game No. 1 “Delicious porridge”

Speak and show movements. Let the child repeat after you. You can modify the movements. This very simple game will become your favorite. The child will learn a memory rhyme, perform movements to develop fine motor skills, and at the same time feed the doll.

I’ll cook porridge for the doll: (Rotate your hands.)

I will pour milk into a bowl (Clench your fist and make a movement as if pouring from a bottle.)

I'll put the cereal there (Make loose movements.)

And I'll put it on the stove. (Open your palms.)

The porridge will be good! (Clap your hands.)

Eat, doll, slowly. (Threaten with your finger.)

More finger games here

Game No. 2 - develops motor skills very well

We sculpt together with the child (from plasticine or dough)

Modeling is No. 1 in the development of fine motor skills in children aged 3-4 years. Children are interested in creating their own toys, figures, houses. We have selected for you a small collection of figures made of plasticine or dough.

Attention! How to copy coloring pictures from our website?

  • Choose any picture. Right-click on the picture.
  • Select "Save Image As". Save it in a convenient folder and print it from there!

Game No. 3 “Collect beads”

Stringing buttons, beads, pasta, dryers and anything else on a fishing line or thread is good for developing children's hands! Kids love this activity, because then they can wear this jewelry or give it to their mother. Start with objects that have a wider hole - this will make it easier for your baby to master this task at first. In summer, you can use berries as beads - rowan, viburnum, leaves, etc.

A selection of a wide variety of decorations for the development of motor skills


Physical development is as important for a baby as intellectual development. This is due to the fact that when the child goes to school, he will not only have physical education lessons, in which he must complete all the tasks for agility, strength and endurance, but also outdoor games with classmates during breaks. if for some reason the child is unable to take part in them, then the number of his possible friends risks being reduced.

Every morning, start with simple exercises, including exercises to warm up your muscles, stretching and the obligatory light jogging.

Kids love sports activities very much.

If you have a daughter, then include a variety of dances in the program - usually little ones like them, while boys prefer ball games and jumping.

Be sure to use exercise equipment: jump ropes, a variety of balls, children's dumbbells, bright hoops and gymnastic mats - all this will help the child perform the exercise with greater quality and pleasure, while reducing the risk of injury.
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Game No. 1 “Learning to count” (for kids 3-4 years old)

DESCRIPTION: An educational positive game that will make counting fun and interesting. With such a game you can play with your child at any free moment. You can print these pictures in advance and play at any time!

Attention! How to copy coloring pictures from our website?

  • Choose any picture. Right-click on the picture.
  • Select "Save Image As". Save it in a convenient folder and print it from there!

Smart Grow. Drawing & Coloring

Drawing application for children from 3 years old. The child is offered a choice of about 20 characters, which can be painted to your taste and color. All details of the picture are very large, which corresponds to the age marking of the application.

You can choose not only animals, but also transport - a car, a hot air balloon and a submarine. After the child colors the picture, you can bring it to life: funny music plays on the screen, and you can play with the hero.

The program interface is very simple, so even a three-year-old child can easily understand it.

Game No. 2 Learning to count “Color by numbers”

Children and parents love this game very much! All you need are funny pictures and pencils. Just color the pictures with the colors you want. Look how crazy it turns out. The child remembers numbers, develops fine motor skills, and studies animals in this game!

Find a complete collection of pictures for coloring for children 3,4,5 years old HERE.

Attention! How to copy coloring pictures from our website?

  • Choose any picture. Right-click on the picture.
  • Select "Save Image As". Save it in a convenient folder and print it from there!

Cognitive activities:

What should the baby learn?

  • know some animals;
  • know some plants;
  • distinguish a vegetable from a fruit, a berry from a mushroom;
  • know and understand natural phenomena (rain, snow, sun);
  • distinguish the time of year and day.

Prepare images of various animals, birds and plants. Try to choose images of those plants and animals that you can find in your area. Then during your next walk you can show them to your baby and tell them some interesting facts and stories about them.

Game No. 2 Where is this letter hidden?!

  • Draw or find the beautiful letters you have learned. Print each letter in duplicate
  • Select a game letter. Let's assume this is the letter "F"
  • Keep one letter for yourself
  • Hide the second copy of the letter and invite the child to find it
  • Hide the remaining letters in accessible places as well.
  • Show your child a letter, name it and ask him to find it
  • Tell me if your child is confused and needs help.
  • Remember! The child should be happy while playing and should not be upset that he cannot find the letter. If he starts to worry, then this method will become uninteresting for him.

How to exercise at home?

The developmental lesson should take place in suitable conditions: in good lighting, in a ventilated room. The TV and computer need to be turned off, toys should be put away so that nothing distracts the baby. Make sure your child has had a good night's sleep, is not tired, and is not hungry or thirsty. Try to have your classes regularly, at the same time, because three-year-olds are very sensitive to changes in routine.

If a child refuses to complete the proposed tasks, do not force him, occupy him with something else. After some time, try again, most likely it will be successful.

Learning colors with kids 3-4 years old!

Game No. 1. Game “Where is this color found?”

Goal: remembering colors. Equipment: multi-colored sheets corresponding to the rainbow.

Progress of the game: Show your child the color and ask him to remember where he saw such a color in nature, life, or in his toys.

For example, Red - Little Red Riding Hood, tomato, red car. Orange – orange, shoes. Yellow is the sun. Green – grass, leaf. Blue - sky. Blue —blue felt-tip pen. Violet – violet flower.

Game No. 2. Game “Draw a rainbow and remember the colors”

Game No. 3. Sort the toys by color and get a smiley face

Give your child the task of sorting objects - toys, books, pictures, small objects by color. Praise him when he does everything and give him an appreciative smile. He's great!

Game No. 4. Color the flower by color - each petal has its own color.

Household activities:

What should the baby learn?

  • must be able to dress and undress independently;
  • cut out various pictures;
  • color pictures;
  • must understand the basic rules of accuracy.

Parents often hang posters and pictures around the house with hygiene rules. Every time a baby passes by, he remembers and remembers that he needs to wash his face and brush his teeth regularly.

Try to develop creative skills in your son or daughter. Once every 1-2 months, organize holidays or celebrations at home, for which you need to prepare costumes, decorations, etc. Involve your baby in the preparation. Let him help you.

If you don’t have enough time to organize holidays, make crafts together from different materials. Remember to use pine cones, leaves, acorns and other natural materials.

Determine your child's developmental level

What should your child between the ages of 3 and 4 know and be able to do? Attention! All given norms and degrees of development in this article are approximate! The purpose of this material: to help you navigate parenting, check at what level your baby is now, where he is succeeding, and where he needs a little work. Read more about child development standards

What a 3-4 year old child should know and be able to do in mathematics

  • The baby should be able to count to 3 on his fingers.
  • The child must understand such comparisons: one - many, big - small, high - low, etc.
  • The child must be able to clearly distinguish primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black).
  • The child should know the simplest shapes - circle, square, triangle.
  • The child should be able to compare objects by size, color, shape.
  • The child should be able to sort objects according to simple criteria: color, size, properties.

What should memory, logic and attention be like at 3-4 years old?

Each baby develops individually. On average, children of this age should understand and be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Put together simple puzzles and pictures from 2-4 parts.
  • Find an inappropriate object in a simple logic problem.
  • Find similar and different features in a group of objects.
  • Remember 2-3 pictures.
  • Remember 3-4 words that the adult repeated several times.
  • Repeat the movements that were shown 1-2 times,
  • Concentrate on the task for 5 minutes without distractions.
  • Find a pair for an item.

What should the speech be like?

A child aged 3 to 4 years should be able to:

  • Describe what he saw.
  • Form simple sentences of 5-6 words.
  • Separate items into groups: furniture, dishes, clothes, etc.
  • Know the basic actions of animals (lying, sitting, running, etc.)
  • Repeat rhymes and songs after adults.
  • Know your first and last name.
  • Speak loudly - quietly.

Montessori Numberland

Maria Montessori's methods of child development have finally been adapted for gadgets. In this particular application, the developers have created tasks for teaching counting to children aged 3 years and older.

Numbers are introduced gradually: if at first the child simply learns to write and recognize numbers in a picture, then by the end of training he will already be able to count and solve simple logic problems.

The application is completely safe for children, as it is closed from advertising. Despite the scientific approach, the program is not without bright animation and funny children's stories.

A moment of creativity

There are many ways to entertain your baby at home. The following options will appeal to creative children. They require perseverance and help from parents. You can offer your little one the following activities:

  • Make something from scrap materials.
    Every housewife will find some cereals, coffee beans and other things at home. All this will come in handy. You also need PVA glue and imagination.

You can make a vase from the prepared materials. For this you need a glass bottle with a wide neck or a glass. The container is greased with glue from the outside, then cereals, grains and everything that has been prepared are carefully poured onto its surface. You can make patterns on the vase.

  • Many children love cutting paper. So why not turn it into a fun activity. The baby can be given the opportunity to cut out everything he likes from the provided magazines and pictures and paste it on his poster.

It is worth paying attention to the choice of scissors. They should have rounded ends so that the baby does not get hurt.

  • In addition to cutting out ready-made pictures, you can give your baby the opportunity to make an applique on their own from colored cardboard and paper. Of course, he can’t cope without the help of his parents, but what an interesting activity this is that can unite the whole family.
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