Summary of musical entertainment in the middle group “We live together, take care of our health!”

Musical entertainment based on fairy tales for middle school children

Musical and entertaining leisure activities for children of middle preschool age “On the roads of fairy tales”
Goal: to create conditions for the emotional well-being of children. Objectives: 1. Cultivate friendly, benevolent relationships, a sense of teamwork. 2. Demonstrate your knowledge in creative activities. 3. Help in understanding the emotional state of the hero, enter into role-playing interactions with other characters. Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, dramatization, looking at paintings, guessing riddles, drawing, modeling. Educational environment: illustrations of fairy-tale characters, colored cubes with cards, illustrations for fairy tales, texts of riddles, masks for the fairy tale “Teremok”, decoration - a teremok, melodies for famous fairy tales and cartoons, treats for children.
Methods and techniques: showing pictures, asking riddles, listening to melodies, dramatizing a fairy tale, musical accompaniment, children playing together, a surprise moment. Progress of entertainment:

Illustrations of fairy-tale characters are hung on the walls of the group; the corresponding cards are in a colored cube.
Educator: Dear guys! Today we will go on a journey through fairy tales. Want to? Then we need to say a magic spell: “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come and have fun with us!” and turn around themselves. Children perform appropriate movements and pronounce words. A colored cube appears and the children find it. Educator: Guys, this cube is not simple, it will help us on our journey through fairy tales. The cube contains cards that will tell us which fairy tale hero we will go to first. Take out the first card. Children choose a card and are directed to the corresponding illustration. Illustration No. 1. "Rocktail chicken." Assignment from a fairy tale character: the teacher shows illustrations from different fairy tales and asks you to remember and say the name of the fairy tale. Educator: Okay, guys, you completed this task (or failed), we choose the next hero from the cube that we will meet. Children choose the next card with a fairy-tale hero. Illustration No. 2. “The Three Little Pigs” (with musical instruments.) Task: excerpts of songs from cartoons are played - you need to guess which cartoon fairy tale the melody is from. Educator: Well done! And you completed this task. Let's go to the next hero, choose who to go to. Children choose another card. Illustration No. 3 . "Pinocchio." Riddles from Pinocchio. 1. He left his grandmother and grandfather and made them worry. He met a bear in the forest, a wolf, a hare and a fox. He took many paths, he left all of them. I couldn’t get away from the fox. It’s a fairy tale... (bun) 2. There was such a case once: The house stood in a dense forest. The owners came into the house and found a disgrace. Who sat on the three chairs? Who finished all the stew? Who rushed without looking back from Mishutka’s crib? Who rushed out the window like the wind? In an old fairy tale... (three bears). 3. Grandfather raised him with soul - The vegetable grew big. For a long time his grandfather dragged him, He didn’t have enough strength. The grandmother and granddaughter came running, the cat and the bug helped, the mouse came to their aid - together they pulled out the vegetable. Yes, he sat firmly in the ground. What a fairy tale... (turnip) 4. She went along the path into the forest, carrying pies with her. She met a gray wolf, did she cross her path? (little red riding hood) 5. He is passionate about his work, building a strong house from stone. The gray wolf swooped down, but the house remained intact. (three little pigs) Educator: Well done, guys, you guessed the riddles. Choose your next hero. Task No. 4. "Little Red Riding Hood". Next to the illustration are caps for the fairy tale “Teremok”. Educator: And here, guys, we will turn into heroes from the fairy tale “Teremok”. The teacher puts hero hats on the children. A melody sounds. Educator: Children, someone is running towards us, He is in a hurry for our holiday. A bunny runs in. Bunny: I'm a bunny, I'm completely cold! Ears are freezing, nose is freezing. It's been raining all day. The bunny is completely sad! Educator: bunny, bunny, don’t be sad, it’s better to dance with us! Dance "Pencil Babies". Educator: To make it warm in winter, build your own little house! And the guys will help you. Children play the finger game “House” with the bunny. Knock, knock with a hammer! (knocks fist on fist) Bunny is building a new house! The roof is big - (raises hands high) Like this! The windows are big - (spread their arms wide to the sides) Like these! The bunny builds all day long! (knocks fist on fist) The bunny is not too lazy to build a house. He will invite guests into the house (they “call” with his hand towards himself) It will be more fun in the house! (clap their hands) Bunny: Here comes the little tower! he is neither short nor tall! Educator: And here is the first guest rushing to our little house. Frog runs in. Frog: Kva-kva! Teremok! He is neither short nor tall! Let me, bunny, live with you! Bunny: What can you do? Frog: I jumped up, guys, to ask riddles. The autumn rain walked through the city, the rain lost its mirror. The mirror is lying on the asphalt. The wind will blow and it will tremble. (puddle) Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... (leaf fall) Bunny: You, frog, come into the house - it’s more fun together! Educator: They began to live together in the little house. (A melody is heard) Guys, someone else is running. Who is this? The fox runs in. Fox: I'm a cunning fox, red sister! Oh, what a tower! He is neither short nor tall! Let me live with you, bunny! Bunny: What can you do? Chanterelle: I am a fox, I am beautiful to the whole world! I came to the children and brought rattles. Take them quickly and dance with me! Dance with rattles. Bunny: You, fox, come into the house, it’s more fun together! Educator: And the three of them began to live in the little house, eating pies and drinking tea. (A melody is heard) What is that noise? Isn't there a bear rushing towards us? The bear enters. Bear : I am a brown bear! I've come to you, kids! This is such a bunny's mansion! He is neither short nor tall! Let me live with you, bunny! Bunny: What can you do? Bear: I don’t know how to dance, I don’t know how to sing songs. I only know how to sleep and snore in my sleep. The bear sits on a tree stump and falls asleep. Educator: Guys, let's wake up the bear and play with him! Game “Once we were walking in the forest” (a bear sits on a stump in the center of the circle) Once we were walking in the forest (children walk in a circle) And we saw a bear. He sits under a tree (they squat down and “sleep”) and snores quietly. We walked around him, (they walk in a circle) We woke up Clubfoot: Come on, Mishenka, get up! (clap their hands) Hurry up and catch up with us! (the children run away, the bear catches up with them) Bunny: Bear, come into the house too. More fun together! Educator: That’s how the animals began to live together in a warm and large mansion. The bunny is gnawing on a carrot, the frog is singing songs, the fox is dancing, and the bear is sleeping and guarding the little house. Now they are not afraid of any frosty winter. That's the end of the fairy tale, well done who played in it! And you and I, guys, are going to the next hero. And who is it? Our last hero is Kolobok. Illustration No. 5. “Kolobok” Educator: What has Kolobok prepared for us? Look guys. Children pick up the napkin and find a treat from Kolobok. Educator: Our journey has come to an end! I think you fell in love with fairy tales even more! What fairy tales did we remember today? Where have we been? We can draw these fairy tales, play them, and read them again.

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Musical leisure in the middle group “Sparrow went to the fair”

MBDOU "Childhood"

structural unit "Krasnoseltsovsky kindergarten"

Sparrow was going to the fair.

Musical leisure in the middle group.

Musical director: Repina I.V.

Purpose of the event

: enriching children with joyful experiences.


emotional development of children; developing communication skills with adults and peers; consolidation of knowledge about noise musical instruments.


: carriage, toy horse, shirt and cap for Sparrow; hats of Foxes, Bears, Squirrels, Bunnies; chest; drums, sticks, wooden spoons, bells; screen with a painted forest.

There is a carriage in the hall. The role of Sparrow is played by a child. The horse is a toy. There is a screen on the side with a forest painted on it.


: Hello, dear viewers. Our children, although not very big, just an average group, already know some musical instruments and can play them. Look here. Listen and watch a fairy tale, but not just a fairy tale, but a musical one. So let's begin.

M. Protasov's song from the musical fairy tale “The Road to the Mill” is played.

Sparrow comes out and puts the chest of tools on the cart. (Further all the actions of the heroes are in the text)


: Once upon a time there was a Sparrow. He loved to play musical instruments. Sparrow heard that there would be a fair in the neighboring village. And the fair is music and fun. And so Sparrow decided to take musical instruments to the fair for music and fun. He put them in the chest and loaded it onto the cart. He sat on the cart, drove through the forest, listened to the birds. (A recording of the sounds of the forest plays.)

Sparrow dozed off. And the cart jumped on the bump! The chest fell out of the cart. (move the chest to the floor) The sparrow moved on, but the chest remained on the road. (cover the cart with a screen on which a forest is drawn)

Here are the bunnies jumping through the forest. They saw a chest, opened it, looked - there were tools there. Oh, what ringing drums are here! The bunnies took the drums and began to play them.

The r.n.m. sounds, the bunnies beat on the drums

. (“Dance of the Bunnies”, collection “Holidays and Entertainment in Kindergarten”, 1982)


: We heard Squirrel’s music and came running. They looked into the chest and took the sticks. Knock-knock, how loudly the sticks knock!

The phonogram “Children's Polka” by Zhilinsky plays

(program “Ladushki”, preparatory group, disc 1, No. 14).
The squirrels are knocking.

: I heard the music of Misha the Bear and decided to watch it. Yes, not alone, but with a bear and a bear. We looked into the chest, and there were painted spoons, so funny. So the Bear and the Bear began to play on spoons, and Mishutka began to dance.

R.n.p. “In the city of Misha” (collection “Let's play, let's dance”)


: “What kind of fun is that,” thought the Fox. She came running, looked in the chest and really liked the bells! She took it and began to play on them.

The song “Merry Bell” by V. Kikta is played, Lisa plays the bell


(remove the screen)


: Sparrow woke up from the music in the forest. He looks, but there is no chest. We need to go back and look. (rearrange the horse)

“The Road to the Mill” sounds, Sparrow “rides.”


Sparrow looks: here is his tool chest! He picked him up, put him on the cart and went to the fair.

Here, guys, are the instruments we showed you (shows, the audience names) And now let’s all play together.

Musical game with the audience “Orchestra” (phonogram of the song “The Good Master in the Glorious Fairy Tale ...”)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of a musical thematic lesson in the middle group of kindergarten “How the children made friends with the darkness”

Author: Nizhelskaya Galina Alekseevna music director of the Children's Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2, Slavyansk-on-Kuban

Software tasks:

  • Develop creative imagination. Learn to improvise in singing, playing children's musical instruments, and moving to music.
  • Teach children to listen carefully to music and talk about it. Expand your musical experience.
  • To develop the ability to convey different emotional states in different types of musical activities.
  • Model positive emotions, state and mood of the child.

Musical material:

  • Musical greeting with children's musical instruments.
  • Listening: “Sad Song” by V. Kalinnikov. “Morning” by E. Grieg Etudes: “Good Wizards” (song by I. Gurtova “Lanterns” ) “Sun Rays” (to the music of E. Grieg, “Morning” ) “Sunny Bunnies” , Maikapar
  • Singing: “Fireflies” , M. Kartushina “Sunny Bunnies” , E. Poplyanova
  • Dance: “Multi-colored game” (A. I. Burenina, “Rhythmic mosaic” )

Progress of the lesson;

Children enter the hall. Musical greeting using children's musical instruments (singing: “Good afternoon!” “Good morning!” “Hello!” )

Music supervisor:

Guys, what are your mood today? What kind of mood is there in general?


Happy, sad, angry...

Music supervisor:

Listen carefully to the music and tell me what mood it conveys?

Listening to “Sad Song” , V. Kalinnikova

Music Leader: What did the music sound like?


Slowly, calmly, sadly, lingeringly, affectionately... Music. Leader: What mood does it convey?


Sad, sad.

Music Supervisor:

Who was sad in our hall? Let's look.

The “Sad Song” sounds , the children move around the hall, “searching .

Music leader: (shows the box to the children) - It seems to me that music can be heard from this box, let's look into it. (Opens the box, the music gets louder, the lights go out)

- Oh! Guys, it was the darkness that was sad in the box.

The blue evening has descended upon us, and made friends with the silence. Darkness looks out the window, She is bored and so dark.

- Guys, let the darkness stay with us for a little while. And no matter what we have

bored and sad, we will be good wizards and light up magical


Performing Etude: “Good Wizards” (song “Lanterns” , I. Gurtova,

girls of the preparatory group, children of the secondary group sing. dancing with lanterns). (The garland - stars are lit)

Music leader: It turns out that being in the dark is not so boring and sad.

In the dark you can see stars and small fireflies shining. (Scatter fireflies ).

Take a firefly in your palm, we will play with them and sing a song about them. What voice should I sing it in?

Children: Gentle, affectionate, kind...

They perform the song: “Fireflies” , M. Kartushina.

Music leader: You sang very tenderly, affectionately, and now let's say kind words to the firefly.

Nursery rhyme:

Firefly, firefly, Shine it into your fist. Shine it, shine it, and now fly quickly,

(they release them, put the “fireflies” in a box)

Music leader: Guys, I think it’s time for the darkness to return to its

box, let's blow on it and it will hide. (Children blow, lights come on)

  • It became light again and the music started playing. Sit down on the mat

listen, how does it sound?

Listening to “Morning” , E. Grieg

Children: The music is light, transparent, leisurely, quiet at first, then loud, bright.

Music leader: What is it called?

Children: "Morning"

Music leader: What picture does the music paint?

Children: How the sun wakes up, birds, flowers open, everything around


Music leader: Let us also be suns and warm everything around with our warm rays.

Performing Etude: Sun Rays"

Music supervisor:

The sun woke up and rose, and immediately it became light everywhere. They sparkled, suddenly danced, Sunny bunnies all around.

Let's play with them.

Study game: “Sunny Bunnies” , Maikapar

We also know a song about sunbeams. How should it be sung to convey the mood?

Children: Fun, loud, playful, easy.

They perform the song: “Sunny Bunnies” , E. Poplyanova.

Music leader: The song turned out to be very funny and our mood is joyful and cheerful. Let's share the good mood with our guests and end our lesson with a fun dance.

Performing the dance: “Multi-colored game” (Burenina A.I. “Rhythmic mosaic” )

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