Parents' club "Growing and Developing Together" - a model of supporting families and young children in preschool educational institutions

Project "Parents Club"

Preschool specialists participating in the project carried out their work with parents. This is how the “Information screen “Be healthy, baby!” appeared in the reception area. (advice from a paramedic), a moving folder for the musical director “Top clap, kids!”, a collection of recommendations from a psychologist “Psychologist’s Page”, a section “Advice from a speech therapist.”

The parents most remembered the excursion around the preschool educational institution; the parents saw the physical education and music rooms, medical and treatment rooms, the kitchen, learned where the offices of the head and specialists, the methodological room are located, as well as their opening hours. In the methodological room, presentations of projects, photos and videos of children’s lives in the early age group were shown. We visited the mini-museum “Krasna Izba”, which contains antiques. The museum hosts classes to familiarize children with Russian folk culture. She presented the parents with the design of the foyer, various stands, especially Fr.

To coincide with the organized event at the preschool educational institution “Mother’s Day”, I held a holiday for mothers “You are the best in the world, Mom!” The holiday took place in a friendly atmosphere with tea drinking. She congratulated the mothers with a touching poem, talked about the history of the holiday, visited the photo gallery “There is no more beautiful woman in the world than a woman with a child in her arms,” looked at the exhibition of children’s works “Mom is my sunshine,” and held funny competitions. Moms especially liked the remote video concert, which was broadcast through a laptop. The video concert featured greetings from children to their mothers, a song and a dance. The mothers were surprised and delighted by this gift. At the end of the holiday, I presented letters of gratitude to the mothers for their active participation in the life of the group.

Participating in the preschool educational institution “Best corner of solitude” competition, she made a corner of solitude in her group and called it “Merry Carousel”. Parents, seeing the corner, began to wonder what it was? To answer their questions, tell them what this corner is, what it is for, what toys and objects are in it, I gave a presentation of the privacy corner for parents. To improve the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents in the field of artistic creativity, she conducted master classes. In the “Sculpting for Kids” master class, she showed parents the methods and techniques used in sculpting with young children. And the master class “Non-traditional drawing techniques in working with young children” introduced parents to a variety of visual media, methods and techniques of unconventional drawing. To consolidate the skills acquired during the master classes, parents were offered homework for the weekend. Mothers and babies painted and sculpted at home, then organized all the crafts into a joint creative exhibition. Involving parents in active cooperation with the group, on the eve of the New Year, she organized a competition and exhibition of crafts “My girlfriend, a New Year’s toy.” Parents presented their experience in making crafts and toys with their own hands. And for the holiday of March 8, she organized the exhibition “My Mother is a Needlewoman!” Mothers showed their skills and creativity in handicrafts. After the competitions, I presented letters of gratitude to parents for their participation. At the end of the school year, I organized the “Day of Good Deeds” event. Dads helped in improving the playground, mothers in restoring children's books and game aids. Birthday is the most important holiday in childhood. On their birthday, children expect not only gifts and surprises, but also pleasant, kind words and congratulations. Our group is always open to parents. Some mothers came and celebrated their baby’s birthday together in a group. She organized a holiday for each child: they danced in a round dance, sang “Loaf”, played outdoor games, congratulated them, lit candles and fireworks on the cake, gave gifts to the birthday children, and treated them to sweets. A personalized greeting card was made for each child. Everything that happened at the holiday was captured on photo and video camera. As a souvenir for parents about the holidays “Birthday in kindergarten, I recorded a DVD and gave it to everyone.

Objectives of the family club

  1. to intensify the work of the institution with parents (legal representatives) of pupils, the creation of a social and pedagogical environment “child-kindergarten-family”;
  2. provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) in creating a favorable psycho-emotional climate in children’s families;
  3. improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents;
  4. to form positive attitudes in raising children;
  5. harmonization of parent-child relationships;
  6. contribute to the establishment of trusting relationships between parents and kindergarten.

Thematic planning of the family club "Commonwealth"

Topics of the meetingsForm of conductTerm
1Me and my childWorkshopSeptember
2Happiness is when we are all togetherChild-parent trainingNovember
3Play togetherJoint activity between parents and childrenJanuary
4We are togetherChild-parent trainingMarch
5Learning to Express AngerJoint activity between parents and childrenMay

A set of materials on how a psychologist works with parents

The kit includes the family club "COMMONWEALTH" with notes of events + visual information for parents

Parents' club - cooperation between teachers of a preschool educational institution and parents

Parents' club in kindergarten
Author: Yulia Viktorovna Butova, physical education instructor, teacher, MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 6 "Yagodka", Kirov, Kaluga region. Description of the material: I bring to your attention the joint activities of a physical education instructor with parents within the framework of a parent club. This material will be useful to teachers of preschool educational institutions. Purpose: Providing psychological and pedagogical support to parents. Objectives of the parent club : - to ensure effective interaction between the preschool educational institution and the families of pupils in order to optimize the upbringing and development of children in the conditions of the preschool educational institution and family, - to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) and children attending preschool educational institutions in ensuring successful socialization, - to educate the parents of pupils knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, taking into account the needs and characteristics of families, - to enrich child-parent relationships during joint events, while paying special attention to promoting a healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening the physical health of children. — organize the activities of the parent-child club. Club participants: children of the middle group “Fidgets”, parents, physical education instructor, music director, senior teacher, teachers, nurse. General position: The parent club is a voluntary association within a preschool educational institution and unites: children of the middle group, their parents, kindergarten staff - the head, senior teacher, physical education instructor, music director, teachers, nurse. Organization of activities: The organization of the activities of the parent-child club is carried out by specialists of the preschool educational institution: senior teacher, physical education instructor, music director, nurse, educators. The activities of the parent-child club are regulated by the following legal and methodological documents:
Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2011 No. 2151 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education”, - Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 31. 2001 No. 90/30-16 “On the use of methodological recommendations, programs, technologies, models of pedagogical interaction with the family in the practical activities of educational institutions.” Present provision: The following forms of activity are used in the parents' club: - group events for parents: consultations, business games, lectures, - joint parent-child activities, leisure activities, holidays, sporting events, competitions. Specialists organizing the activities of the parent-child club plan and record its activities based on the individual and group requests of parents of preschool children, taking into account psychological and pedagogical needs and modern methodological requirements. The positive results and emotions received by parents and children from the joint leisure time dedicated to Family Day served as an incentive to create a club for parents, children and teachers:
This is how the idea arose to organize
a parent club
, where parents, communicating with each other and with specialists, could get answers to emerging questions.
With this proposal I approached the parents of middle school children and received support from them. At a group parent meeting on September 20, 2012. rules were drawn up, the name of the parent club was invented - “Yagodka”
and its motto:
“We play together, walk together, study together and relax
The membership of the club was formed on a voluntary basis. The club included, firstly, parents who wanted answers to questions about the physical education of their children; secondly, the staff of our kindergarten - a physical education instructor, senior teacher, head teacher, group teachers, music director, nurse. of the parent club "Yagodka"
were developed , which indicate the goals and objectives of the parent club "Yagodka", and
a thematic plan was developed - the club's work program
Parents were asked to fill out a questionnaire on the topic “The place of physical education in your family.” As a result of the survey, three groups of parents were identified: the first - parents have knowledge in matters of physical education and health improvement, the second group - parents who are not interested in pedagogy, but are concerned about the problem of the child’s physical development, and the third - parents whose interest is limited only to a specific situation. related to the child's health. the goal
was set : to increase the level of knowledge of parents through such a form of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family as a parent club. Visual information work includes information stands, a “mailbox”, which parents find informative and interesting, as well as group and individual consultations and conversations:

And “Health Week,” when parents can attend morning exercises, physical education, and walks:

The entire teaching staff and parents participate in the preparation of the Open Day.
Physical education activities and holidays are held: Parents help in organizing walks and excursions to children's libraries, sports and recreation centers, fire department, cinema and concert hall, museum: Open viewings of physical education events, they give parents the opportunity to observe their child. Joint physical education activities have a beneficial effect on the relationship between parents and children, and encourage parents to encourage the sports interests of children: Physical education and music holidays are joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children: Exhibitions of joint creativity of parents and children are organized: Parents Club " Yagodka" works in accordance with the plan - program, has a position in which the goal and objectives are indicated. The established trusting relationships with parents allowed us to continue cooperation this school year. A repeated survey of parents showed that 68% of parents participate in physical education. I think that a good result of the work of the parents’ club is the increase in the number of parents who are active participants in the educational process. Today, a certain system of interaction with parents has developed - they have become active participants and helpers, and an atmosphere of cooperation has been created. Children, first of all, benefit from the participation of parents in the work of preschool educational institutions.

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