Project for children of the senior group “March 8 – International Women’s Day”

Children's poems for March 8 for kindergarten

All the children in the kindergarten worked hard - they were not lazy, They were in a terrible hurry to congratulate their mothers and grandmothers. We made surprises, taught dances and songs. And now we have gathered together in an elegant hall. Dear and beloved ones, We congratulate you all! We sincerely wish you all happiness!

Spring is knocking at the kindergarten, making the children happy, and with it comes the holiday of mothers, we would like to congratulate them. Let's read our poems for them, Let's confess our great love. We will give you dancing, ringing laughter, to please you all.

March 8 is a ladies' holiday. Congratulations to grandmothers and mothers, teachers, sisters and our friends - the girls! Smile, have fun and glow with joy, Be happy always. Happy March 8th to you, cheers!

You are our favorites, the most beautiful, the dearest, dear mothers! We congratulate you, we wish you happiness, joy, success, lots and lots of laughter!

A lot of postcards, A lot of flowers, A lot of beautiful and affectionate words, All this for mothers, dear ones, dear ones, the most beloved and dear ones!

On the bright day of March 8, we want to congratulate you! Let the sun shine brightly, Give light to happy eyes! Always be healthy, don’t go to doctors, We will give you joy, celebration and fun today.

We hasten to congratulate you Here, today and now, On this spring holiday, With a bright, bright mood!

It's getting warmer outside the window, and the icicles are melting. Today, children congratulate their beloved mothers. This day is March 8. Everyone in the world knows, because from a mother’s smile the Sun shines brighter!

Mom, dear, dear and dear granny, I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of spring! I want to wish you joy, kindness, warmth. To make you happy, I give you my poems.

Here comes the red spring, bringing Women's Day. Our mothers blossomed, lights lit up in their eyes. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, And even though we are kids, We promise to help you and not let you get hurt!

Our congratulations to the Grandmothers and Mothers, the most needed, the most beloved... We will sing all the songs for them together, and then we will all have fun and dance!

Happy March 8, our ladies - Nannies, grandmothers and mothers, teachers, girlfriends and cheerful girls! Laugh, sing, smile, Bask in happiness, in joy. Health and goodness to everyone, In the eyes of sparkle and fire!

I really congratulate my mother on the wonderful holiday of spring! My beloved, dear, I wish you to be happy!

Happy March 8th to my dear mother, and to my grandmother, of course, and my neighbor and sister! Let the flowers bloom for you, Let the sun shine, May you be the happiest in the world!

The snow has melted, the sun is shining, and the snowdrop has bloomed again, the most joyful Women's Day in the world has come to us! Congratulations to everyone today, Blossom like flowers! And we wish you gifts of unprecedented beauty!

Information and creative project in the senior group “March 8-International Women’s Day”

MAOU "Frolovskaya secondary school "Navigator"

Structural unit - kindergarten "Galaktika"

Information and creative project in the senior group

"March 8 - International Women's Day"

Project activity product:

Exhibition of children's works “Mommies' Beloved...”;

Conducting an “Evening of Tales about Mom” (reading works about mom)

Design of a photo vernissage based on family photos “Dearest of all”

she’s for me... this is my mommy”;

Making gifts and cards for mom for Mother's Day.

Leisure activities “Mommy's darling

Project activity product:

Exhibition of children's works “Mommies' Beloved...”;

Conducting an “Evening of Tales about Mom” (reading works about mom)

Design of a photo vernissage based on family photos “Dearest of all”

she’s for me... this is my mommy”;

Making gifts and cards for mom for Mother's Day.

Leisure activities “Mommy's darling

Project name:

“March 8 – International Women’s Day”

Project type

: informational, educational-game, musical-creative.

Educational areas

: speech development, cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.

Implementation period

: short-term, from February 24 to March 6.


: MAOU "Frolovskaya secondary school "Navigator" structural unit - kindergarten "Galaxy", group "Dolphin".

Project participants :

children of the senior group, parents of pupils, teachers, music director.

Forms of implementation

: direct educational activities; joint activities of an adult and a child; artistic and creative activity.

Equipment, materials:

illustrations on the topic, attributes for role-playing games, works of fiction according to the theme of the project, children's photographs of mothers, laptop.

Objective of the project :

cultivate respect and care, interest in mother as a person, provide caring attitude, desire to help and do something nice for mother, the most dear person on earth.

Project objectives


-Summarize the knowledge of preschool children about International Women's Day.

-Encourage children to express gratitude to their mothers (and grandmothers) for their care through productive activities (appliqué, drawing and sculpting).

-Develop children’s communication skills, the ability to find a way out of a problem situation.

-Nurture friendly communication between children in games, productive joint activities between peers and adults.


: Children do not have a sufficient understanding of the role of their mother in their lives, and what she does at home - her responsibilities at home, at work.
During the project, the task is solved - to expand children's knowledge about their mother, her hobbies, responsibilities, her profession Problem
: One day, after reading the story by A. Potapova “Who loves mom more?” The children began to discuss among themselves why they love their mothers, whose mother is better, whose work is more important. And to solve this issue, we decided to create this project.

Relevance of the problem

: For each of us, the dearest and closest person is our mother. Mutual understanding between the child and mother is very important for the development of the child’s personality. A mother's love is care and help in everything. Despite this, more and more often children associate love for their mother only with material values, and not spiritual ones. Due to their age, it is difficult for children to understand that their mother needs our gratitude, help and care. Children have a predominant consumer attitude towards their mother.

Therefore, while the child is attending kindergarten, we must become a link between children and their parents, we must help them get to know, understand and accept each other, cultivate in the child love, respect, a sense of empathy and mutual assistance to a loved one - the mother. This is a necessary component in the moral education of children.

This project is aimed at introducing children to universal human values, love for the closest and dearest person - mother, through an integrated approach of educational areas

Expected results of the project:

1.Development of children's communication skills and ability to work in a team.

2. Expanding children's horizons through reading fiction, becoming familiar with proverbs, and learning poetry.

3. Enriching children’s knowledge about the role of mother in their lives, through revealing the image of the mother in poetry, painting, music, and fiction.

4. Children’s awareness of a kind, caring attitude towards their mother, the need to be merciful.

5. The ability to independently organize games, using the knowledge acquired during the implementation of the project.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1: preparatory

-Designation of the relevance and topic of the future project. -Determining the topic of the project, setting goals and objectives. -Drafting a plan for the main stage. -Selection of literary works about mother, conversations, illustrative material for creating the album “Mom’s Professions”. -Design of an informational and educational newspaper: “The history of the March 8 holiday.” -Organization of a subject-development environment on the topic of the project. -Development of the script for the “Candy Tree” matinee

Stage II – basic (practical)

Implementation of the project through the integration of educational areas



Content Tasks
Social-communicative Role-playing games: “Mom and I are at home,” “Mom at work” (mom is a hairdresser, mom is a saleswoman, mom is a doctor).

Didactic games: “Choose an outfit for the holiday”, “Lay the table”, “Decorate the hat”.

Discussion of the saying “The whole family is together, so is the soul in the same place.” Playing out and discussing situations: “Who will give in”, “If it’s difficult for a girl, who will help”

Design of the wall newspaper “And Mother Was Little?”

Conversations on the topics: “Mom’s chores around the house,”

“How I help my mother”, “Mom’s holiday is coming soon”, “How I help my mother”, “My mother and grandmother’s names”, “Who does my mother work for”, “Who is called my mother’s assistant”,

“How I help my mother at home”, “Mom’s favorite activity”, “Mom and I are friends”

Continue to develop children's play activities, improve the ability to independently choose a topic for a game, and develop a plot based on the knowledge gained from perceiving the environment.

Form gender family identity.

Develop respect for family members.

Encourage children's desire to help adults.

Encourage children to want to join in the work of adults.

Cognitive development A teacher's story about the history of the March 8 celebration. introduce children to socio-cultural values.

Sensory games: “Beads for Mom”

Conversation on the topic “Different mothers are needed, different mothers are important” about women’s professions.

Didactic games: “Guess the profession”, “What tools does a mother need at work”, “How can I help my mother prepare a salad”, “Moms and cubs”.

Game situation “Help mom cook soup and compote”

Introducing children to proverbs about mother.

Games with building materials. Furniture for the home,” “Let’s build a house for mom.” "We're building a house."

Introduce children to socio-cultural values.

To consolidate knowledge about professions, to instill a sense of gratitude to mothers and grandmothers for their work at home and at work.

Speech development Reading stories and discussing them: “Mom’s Hands” (Emelyanov B.), “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother,” “Mother’s Grief” (E. Permyaka), “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” (S. Marshak).

Memorizing the poem "Let's sit in

silence" (E. Blaginina), "Mom's hands" (M. Rodina),

“She’s All” (A. Barto)

Reading the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, S. Prokofiev's "Tale about Mother" A. Barto “Mom Sings”, N. Sakonskaya “Talk about Mom”

Continue to learn how to expressively retell and narrate a literary text.

Help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, introduce them to verbal art.

Artistic and aesthetic development Visual activity with the subgroup “Mom’s portrait”.

Manual labor: Making holiday cards for March 8; Making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, teachers.

The game is a dramatization of “Find Your Mother.”

Looking at photographs from the series “Monument to a Woman – Mother”.

Hearing P.I. Tchaikovsky "Mother".

Drawing and coloring coloring books on the theme “Family”.

Vernissages of children's drawings: “Portrait of a beloved mother”

Continue to get acquainted with the portrait genre, learn to convey the distinctive features of the mother in a portrait.

Form a desire to please loved ones, develop taste.

Develop children's theatrical abilities.

Continue exploring the sculpture.

To introduce you to the world of musical art.

Develop creative abilities.

Physical development Outdoor games:

“Hens and Chicks”, “Find Your House”, “Birds in Nests”, “Cat and Kittens”, “Hen and Chicks”.

Finger games: “Family”, “How I love mommy, what I’ll call her.”

Physical exercise “Helpers”.

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the family, family members, and family ties.

Interaction with parents


Moms' stories about their work;

Recommendations for parents to read project literature at home;

Involving parents in cooperation to create a subject-development environment in the group.

Stage III - final

Exhibition of children's works “Mom is my sunshine” (drawing), “Flower for Mom” (modeling); “Bouquet for Grandma” (applique).

Design of a photo vernissage based on family photographs “And mother was little?”

Making gifts and postcards for mothers and grandmothers for the holiday of March 8th.

Conducting an “Evening of Tales about Mom.”

Carrying out the “Candy Tree” holiday (concert program).

Result of the project :

The children not only got acquainted with this holiday, but together with their mother participated in various events, which contributed to the cohesion of parent-child relationships. The children realized that giving joy is just as pleasant as receiving gifts. Through fiction and music, children gained rich experiences that contributed to the development of better moral qualities. Parents and children were able to realize their desires and capabilities in artistic creativity, and were confirmed in the opinion that MOTHER is always warmth, comfort, and joy.

Positive results in working with children were achieved through joint activities with parents. Interaction between children, teachers and parents was carried out at the partnership level. Children began to show moral feelings: kindness, responsiveness, caring attitude and attention to each other and parents (mother).

List of used literature:

1. V.V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”

M.: Enlightenment.

2. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., M.A. Vasilyeva “Approximate basic general education program for preschool education “From birth to school” M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

3. Komarova T.S. “Classes in fine arts in the senior group” M: Mozaika-synthesis, 2010.

4. Internet resources.

Project activity product:

Exhibition of children's works “Mommies' Beloved...”;

Conducting an “Evening of Tales about Mom” (reading works about mom)

Design of a photo vernissage based on family photos “Dearest of all”

she’s for me... this is my mommy”;

Making gifts and cards for mom for Mother's Day.

Leisure activities “Mommy's darling

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