Lesson summary “Journey through the fairy tale “Three Bears””

Summary of OOD on speech development in the middle group using ICT. Visiting the fairy tale “Three Bears”

Oksana Koroleva
Summary of OOD on speech development in the middle group using ICT. Visiting the fairy tale “Three Bears”

Goal: development of children's speech through theatrical activities and familiarization with oral folk art.

- to consolidate children’s knowledge of the content of the fairy tale “Three Bears

; answer questions about its content;

-strengthen the ability to recognize a fairy tale by the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters ;

- teach children to perceive images on the screen;

- teach children to transfer the plot of a fairy tale into a game .

2. Developmental:

-develop children’s speech activity, encourage them to enter into dialogue; expressiveness and tempo of speech , strength of voice;

Equipment: laptop, bear cut out of paper, puzzle with Mashenka, educational pictures “Dishes and Furniture”

, plot pictures based on
a fairy tale .

Summary of a lesson on speech development junior group reading and viewing the fairy tale “The Three Bears”

Marina Kurakina
Summary of a lesson on speech development junior group reading and viewing the fairy tale “The Three Bears”

Goal: to introduce children to the Russian folk tale “The Three Bears”.

Objectives: to teach children to emotionally perceive a fairy tale, remember and

expressively reproduce words and phrases from the text intonationally.

Develop visual, auditory, tactile attention and memory; continue to develop your imagination. Foster a love of folk art.

Demo material:

Books with illustrations for every child.

Dressing children in the bedroom


Q : Who is this in our book corner?

Communication with children is relaxed and friendly


Q : What will we take to the group? Let's not go to a group, but to the forest (mysteriously, we have wolves, hares, and bears there. What else has appeared in our corner?

D : Book

Q: We haven’t read this new book yet. The tale is called "Three Bears"

Q : I have… at home. I read…

We express our joy that we found out.

Q : Would you like to read it together? Now let’s wash our hands, drink a drink and read together.

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet. The tables are prepared in advance in a “P” formation for viewing the book. Books are prepared for each child.

Reading the fairy tale “The Three Bears”

B: Well done, all the toys have been put away, we are in order, sit down on the chairs and we will listen to a fairy tale.

Ask one of the children to bring a book from the book corner. Reading is not accompanied by showing pictures.

Q: The fairy tale is called “The Three Bears”. This fairy tale was written by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. I will read, and you listen. When I read, you will sit at the tables and look at the pictures.

After reading, without asking any questions, offer to put chairs at the tables, take the book, carefully bring it to the table and put it down, sit comfortably and then start looking at it.

[/ i]Q : Look at the cover. Who's pictured there? Now look how to turn the pages (demonstration). Take a good look at the pictures.

When the majority have considered, offer to consider together.

Q : Find a picture with three bears.

Q: Show me with your finger where Mikhail Ivanovich is, where Nastasya Petrovna is, where Mishutka is? Find a picture of Mikhail Ivanovich’s table, what is it like? Find the Mishutkin table. What is he like? Show me the crib where the girl slept. Whose crib is this? Do you remember how Mishutka screamed when he saw the girl? Yes: Hold her, hold her, she screams loudly. Growl all together like bears: r-r-r-r. How the girl screamed when she saw Mishutka - a-a-a- Did the girl manage to run home? Did you like the fairy tale? Who did you like best? Why?

Q: This book will be in the book corner. You can still take a good look at it all. Now you can carefully turn the pages of the book.

Q: What fairy tale today? - Three Bears. Take the books and bring them to my table.

Q: Go to the book corner. Name the books that are there: Chicken and Three Bears. (There are pictures: dog, bear, hare)

B : Now we’ll go for a walk.

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Progress of the lesson.

- Guys, do you like fairy tales ?

-Do you want to go visit a fairy tale ?

-Let's hold hands and say the magic words.

1,2,3, turn around and find yourself in a fairy tale !

Hush, don't make any noise,

Don't frighten off our fairy tale,

Miracles happen here

Where did she hide?

- Guys, here we are, and we came to visit a fairy tale . And to what fairy tale , we will soon find out.

-Look there, in the distance, on the edge of the forest, someone’s hut is hidden. (1 slide “Hut”


(A picture of a hut appears on the screen)


-We will now go to this hut. But there are someone’s “traces”

. They lead to the hut. Whose tracks are these?

(Children's answer options.)

The teacher helps:

Why do you think these are bear ? (large)

Let's carefully follow these tracks and sit quietly on the chairs. (Children step on the “footprints”

, walk over and sit on the chairs.)

-Here we are near the hut. Who do you think lives here (children's answers)

-And who actually lives in the hut (slide 2 “ Bear ”)

-You guessed correctly, a bear , and the tracks were also bearish .

-And his name is Mikhailo Potapych.

-But Mikhailo Potapych lives not alone, but with his family

Who else is in Mikhailo Potapych’s family? (Slide 3 “Family of 3 bears


-Have you guessed which fairy tale the bears are ?

-Guys, tell me why bears are called clubfoot?

(children's answers: he is clumsy, walks waddle, putting his socks inside.)

-One day, the bears went into the forest .

-Show how the bears walk. (Children stand up and imitate the gait of bears .)

-And while the bears were not at home, someone came to them.

-Otherwise I came to them, let’s find out by completing the puzzle (On the table you need to assemble a puzzle with Mashenka’s image)


- Guys, what was Mashenka doing in the bears’ ? (Children's answers)


-Let's help Masha collect all the dishes and all the furniture. (Children sort the pictures into two groups : “Furniture”


-Name what kind of dishes the bears have in the hut , what kind of furniture.

- You guys did a great job with the task, and most importantly, we helped Mashenka, and now let’s go and sit on our chairs.

(slide 6 “images of chairs by size”


- Guys, let’s remember where Masha liked to sit most?

(slide 7 image of “beds - wide, narrow, low, high”


-Which cup did Mishutka eat from? Let's find out.

(slide 8 on the screen: children need to connect bear with cups of different sizes)

- Well done, good job. Now let's relax with Masha.

Phys. a moment for the eyes.

She lay down on the bed.

And fell asleep in a sweet dream

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

You won't wake up Masha.

- Masha woke up. What's that noise? (Children show surprise with their facial expressions.)

-So we went with you to the end of the fairy tale together with Mashenka .

Guys, all the pictures from this fairy tale are mixed up . Let's put them in their place. (Children on the floor distribute the story pictures in order.)

You guys tried your best

I believe the fairy tale is very happy .

It's time for us to get ready for the journey

And say goodbye to the fairy tale .

-Let's stand in a circle

1-2-3, turn around, you’ll find yourself in our group !

- Well done boys. For your attentiveness and activity, Masha gives you portraits of three bears , but they are black and white and boring. Let's color them and make them bright and cheerful?

fairy tale today ?

-What did you like most?

Let's go visit the fairy tale in the footsteps .

who came to the bears by completing the puzzle.

Let's help Masha collect all the dishes and all the furniture. (Children sort the pictures into two groups : “Furniture”


Tell a fairy tale using a magic picture (mnemonic table)


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Summary of the didactic game in the first junior group “Three Bears”

Title: Summary of the didactic game “Three Bears” Nomination: Kindergarten, Educational games, Didactic, First junior group Author: Olga Nikolaevna Kuznetsova Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 79” Location: Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region

Summary of the didactic game in the first junior group “Three Bears”

Integration of educational areas “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”

Expected outcome: Children demonstrate the ability to cooperate with other children and with adults; take part in games, show interest in the gaming activities of their peers. show positive emotions during activities; show emotional responsiveness; act alongside peers without disturbing them; show interest in playing together in small groups; speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication with other children.

show a desire to act independently, orient themselves in space; answer the simplest questions, carry out the simplest instructions from an adult; distinguish between large and small objects, compare, correlate, establish the identity of objects by size, name their size.

Triune goal: 1) Educational: to cultivate a good attitude towards toys, a desire to help others, and take care of each other. 2) Developmental: develop mental operations, speech and attention. 3) Educational: consolidate knowledge about the concepts of more, less, teach to compare, correlate, establish the identity of objects by size.

Game goal: Give tea to the bear family. Game task: help Mishutka place the dishes on the table.

Game rules: children go out one at a time; consistently follow the order of actions: cover the table with a tablecloth, put napkins, mugs, lay out spoons, arrange stools. Game actions: select objects by size, name them.

Equipment: three toy bears of different sizes, three mugs of different sizes, three spoons of different sizes, a tablecloth, napkins, a doll table with three stools of different sizes, a recording of a round dance song on a tape recorder.

Progress of the game:

1. Organizational moment. Objective of the stage: To gather children's attention.

— Guys, try to guess this riddle:

He sleeps in a den and sucks his paw, And in a sweet dream he sees honey. Who is this? (Children stand with the teacher and answer questions.)

He sleeps in a den in winter, Little by little snores, And when he wakes up, well, roar, What is his name? - (bear).

- Guys, who can show how bears walk? That's right, they waddle from foot to foot, clubfoot. (Children imitate the movements of a bear.) - Guys, can you name fairy tales where there were bears? (The teacher shows illustrations of bears. Encourages children to answer. Children remember that they are familiar with the fairy tales “Masha and the Bear”, “The Three Bears” and other fairy tales where there is a bear.)

2. Motivational - target stage. The task of the stage: To motivate children to play activities, to create conditions for accepting the goal. Surprise moment.

- Oh, guys, do you hear someone knocking? - Who came to us? Let's see. (The teacher goes out the door and immediately comes back with a toy Teddy Bear.) - Guys, look who came to visit us? - This is a bear, his name is Mishutka. He came to us from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Guys, Mishutka asks us to help him. Mishutka wants to set the table properly to make her mother happy, and then drink tea with the whole family. And he never did this. Let's help him set the table correctly and arrange the dishes according to size. — Shall we help Mishutka? Of course, we will help, you and I know which item is larger and which is smaller. (Children listen and react emotionally, participate in dialogue, agree.) 3. Joint planning of the game. Task: Identify game rules and game actions. Game rules: children go out one at a time; consistently following the order of actions: cover the table with a tablecloth, put napkins, mugs, spoons. Game actions: place mugs, arrange spoons, select objects by size, name them. Children with a teacher sit on chairs in a semicircle not far from the table. Guys, Mishutka needs to set the table. What will we do first? (Children's answers.) Let's remember how they set the table? Here we have a table, dishes, tablecloth, napkins. (The teacher shows these objects. Children offer options for the sequence of actions.

The teacher, with leading questions, helps the children decide on the sequence of actions and the size of the dishes for each member of the bear family.) First they cover the tablecloth, then put napkins, then mugs and then put spoons.

Papa bear is big. What do you think: will he drink tea from the largest or from the smallest mug? (Children answer, react emotionally.) Here we have 3 different mugs, of which you will need to choose the largest one. But we have 3 spoons, of which you will also need to choose the largest one for Papa Bear. And Mishutka is the smallest in the family. Will it be convenient for him to drink from a large or small mug?

- So, what kind of mug should we give to Mishutka?

- What spoon? That's right, you will need to choose the smallest one. Guys, you will come out one by one, one at a time, in the same order as you sit on the chairs and show Mishutka and all the guys how to set the table. (Children participate in dialogue, react emotionally, help make the right choice of sequence of actions and sizes of dishes.)

4. Implementation of the game plan. Task of the stage: Implementation of game actions: take turns setting the table, distinguishing between large and small objects, comparing, correlating, establishing the identity of objects by size, naming their size.

(The teacher corrects and directs the children’s actions, and the children participate in dialogue and carry out assignments.)

- Sit down Mishutka next to the guys. - Look here carefully. The teacher asks one child to come out: “Come out, Nastenka.” Here is the table, here are the dishes, the tablecloth. - What will you do first? - That's right, lay out the tablecloth. (The child carries out the assignment and, at the request of the teacher, pronounces his actions.) - Well done, sit down. (Then the children come out one at a time, one at a time, in the same order as they sit on the chairs at the table.) - the next one puts down napkins, - the next child chooses the largest mug for daddy bear. - the next one chooses the smallest mug for Mishutka himself. - the next one chooses the largest spoon and puts it next to the large mug - the next one selects stools for the bears, etc.

(The teacher corrects and directs the children’s actions, and the children participate in dialogue, carry out assignments and comment on their actions.)

5. Final part. Summarizing. Objective of the stage: Show achievement of the game task: children demonstrate the ability to cooperate with other children and with adults.

- Guys, do you hear someone coming? (The teacher brings two large bears to the group.) - Mishutka’s parents came: this is Papa Bear, he is big and shaggy. And this is the mother bear, she is smaller. (The teacher, on behalf of the bears, communicates with the children, on behalf of Mishutka, invites the bears to the table to drink tea and says that the guys helped him, expresses gratitude to the children for their help) The bears drink tea. Mishutka invites everyone to dance joyfully in a general round dance. (Music sounds, the teacher hands the bears to the children, everyone dances together)

Date modified: January 14, 2022 Date published: January 7, 2017

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