Card index of experiences and experiments for children of senior preschool age

Card index of experiences and experiments for children of senior preschool age



— To promote the development in children of cognitive activity, curiosity, the need for children’s mental impressions, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

— Teaching children research activities: the ability to see a problem;

formulate and ask questions; put forward hypotheses; draw conclusions and

inferences; prove and defend your ideas; on one's own

act during the research stages.

— Development in children of senior preschool age the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of relationships and interdependence;

— Development of mental cognitive processes, expansion of the child’s vocabulary.



"Sand Cone"

Release handfuls of sand so that it falls in one place. Gradually, at the place where the sand falls, a cone is formed, growing in height and occupying an increasingly larger area at the base. If you pour sand on the surface of the cone for a long time, first in one place, then in another, “floats” occur, movements of the sand similar to the flow of water. This means that the sand can move. After the experience, ask if it is possible to build a permanent road in the sands.





: a plate of water, nail polish, a “fishing rod” for film. Place a drop of varnish into the water. A thin film forms on the surface of the water. It must be carefully removed using a special device - a “fishing rod”. The varnish film will play with all colors, reminiscent of the wings of a dragonfly. A ray of white light hitting a thin film is partially reflected from it, and partially travels deeper, reflecting from its inner surface.



“Fruits: how can you eat them?”


Show children different ways to cook with fruit.

Materials and equipment

. Pictures depicting fruits, a plot picture “Harvesting in the garden”, plates with dried fruits, canned and fresh fruits, glasses with fruit compote.


The teacher and the children look at pictures of fruits and a plot picture. The teacher asks the children what is the difference between fruits and vegetables. Next, the teacher invites the children to look at raw fruits and asks how else a person came up with the idea of ​​eating them and why.

Together with the children, the teacher examines and tastes dried and canned fruits and drinks compote. Everyone compares how these products differ and draws a conclusion.

Children learn to find the same fruit, prepared differently, and determine the difference in taste.


Man came up with the idea of ​​preparing fruit for the winter in different ways: drying, canning, boiling. Fruits contain a lot of vitamins that are beneficial to our body. But fresh fruits are the healthiest - they contain all the vitamins.



Show the relationship between leaf color and a decrease in the thermal factor for the plant.

Materials and equipment

. Rowan growing next to a kindergarten, weather calendar, outdoor thermometer, temperature graph. (The experience is delayed in time for 2-3 months).


Together with the teacher, children observe the colors of rowan leaves and the air temperature. Their observations are recorded in the calendar and temperature chart.


The leaves turn yellow when the temperature drops.


. In autumn there is always a period when the days are still long and the heat becomes less. The plant would have enough light for further development, but everything is slowed down due to low temperatures. Then pigments appear in the leaves that help trap heat - red, orange, yellow. This allows them to extend their life for a few more weeks.




Identify one of the reasons for the occurrence of high and low sounds, the dependence of sounding objects on their size.

-Xylophone, metallophone, wooden ruler.

The adult invites the children to play a simple melody (“chizhik-pyzhik”) on the instrument, then repeat the melody on a different register. Find out whether the songs sounded the same (the first time is softer; the second time is rougher). They pay attention to the size of the instrument’s pipes, repeat the same melody on high notes, and conclude: large pipes have a coarser (lower) sound, and small ones have a finer (higher) sound. The songs contain high and low notes.

“Why does everything sound?”


lead children to understand the causes of sound: vibration of an object.


tambourine, glass beaker, newspaper, balalaika or guitar, wooden ruler, metallophone.


• Game “What does it sound like?” - the teacher invites the children to close their eyes, and he makes sounds using objects known to them. Children guess what it sounds like. Why do we hear these sounds? What is sound?

Children are asked to imitate in their voice:
what does a mosquito call?
How does a fly buzz?
How does a bumblebee buzz?

Then each child is invited to touch the string of the instrument, listen to its sound and then touch the string with his palm to stop the sound. What happened? Why did the sound stop?

The sound continues as long as the string vibrates. When she stops, the sound also disappears.

Does a wooden ruler have a voice?

Children are asked to make a sound using a ruler.
We press one end of the ruler to the table, and clap the free end with our palm. What happens to the ruler?
(Trembles, hesitates.)
How to stop the sound?
(Stop the ruler from oscillating with your hand.)

We extract sound from a glass glass using a stick and stop. When does sound arise?

The sound occurs when air moves back and forth very quickly.
This is called oscillation. Why does everything sound?
What other objects can you name that will sound? 3rd WEEK OF OCTOBER


“Can animals live in the ground?”

-Find out what is in the soil for the life of living organisms (Air, water, organic residues).

-Soil, alcohol lamp, metal plate, glass or mirror; container with water.

Children find out what animals need to live (breathing air, moisture), whether there is air, moisture, food in the soil. Preschoolers perform the following actions: immerse the soil in water (observe the release of air bubbles); heat the soil in a plate over an alcohol lamp, holding cooled glass over the soil (water droplets appear on it); heat the soil (the presence of organic residues is determined by smell). Children conclude that animals can live in the ground because it has air to breathe, food and moisture.



"World of Wood"


- teach children to recognize things made of wood, introduce it to its qualities (hardness, surface structure - smooth or rough; degree of strength, thickness) and properties (cuts, burns, does not break, does not sink in water).

Materials and equipment

; wooden objects, containers with water, small planks and bars for each child; alcohol lamp, matches, knife, algorithm for describing the properties of the material (subject-schematic model).


. The teacher shows several wooden objects and asks what is cut, burns, does not break, does not sink in water, and what the objects are made of. Offers to determine the quality of the material. To do this, each child receives a board and a block, feels them, and draws a conclusion about the surface structure and thickness. To reveal the properties of wood, he lowers the block into water (it doesn’t sink), drops it on the floor (it doesn’t break), and tries to break it (it doesn’t work, which means it’s durable). An adult tries to cut a block and focuses the children's attention on making great efforts to complete this work. Demonstrates the burning of wood. Creates an algorithm for describing the properties of materials. Children conclude: wood has certain qualities (hardness, surface structure, degree of strength), properties (cuts, burns, does not break, does not sink in water).



“Properties of air. Transparency."

We take a plastic bag, fill the bag with air and twist it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now let's untie the bag and let the air out of it. The bag has become thin again because there is no air in it. Conclusion: the air is transparent, to see it, you need to catch it.



“Where does water come from?”

Purpose: To introduce the condensation process.

Material: Hot water container, cooled metal lid.

An adult covers a container of water with a cold lid. After some time, children are invited to examine the inside of the lid and touch it with their hands. They find out where the water comes from (water particles rose from the surface, they could not evaporate from the jar and settled on the lid). The adult suggests repeating the experiment, but with a warm lid. Children observe that there is no water on the warm lid, and with the help of the teacher they conclude: the process of turning steam into water occurs when the steam cools.

“Why don’t ships sink?”

Lead the children to the conclusion why ships don’t sink. Place metal objects in a container of water and watch them sink. Place a tin can in the water, gradually loading it with metal objects. Children will make sure that the can will stay afloat.




If there are two eggs on the table, one of which is raw and the other is boiled, how can you determine this? Of course, every housewife will do this with ease, but show this experience to a child - he will be interested. Of course, he is unlikely to connect this phenomenon with the center of gravity. Explain to him that a boiled egg has a constant center of gravity, so it rotates. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass acts as a kind of brake, so the raw egg cannot spin.

1st week of December


"Ice is lighter than water"

Place a piece of ice in a glass filled to the brim with water. The ice will melt, but the water will not overflow. Conclusion: The water that ice has turned into takes up less space than ice, meaning it is heavier.


Slightly - KA

"The Wizard Lemon"

Squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl and give it to your child

a white sheet of paper and a cotton swab and offer to write a letter for dad or draw something with lemon juice. Let the manuscript dry. Now it has become impossible to read what is written or see what is drawn. Heat a sheet of paper thoroughly over a table lamp or steam. The inscription will not take long to beg and will become noticeable. Sometimes it happens that the “lemon” letter does not develop well when steamed. Then it makes sense to iron it.



“What properties?”

Compare the properties of water, ice, snow, identify the features of their interaction.

-Containers with snow, water, ice.

The adult invites the children to carefully examine the water, ice, snow and tell how they are similar and how they differ; compare which is heavier (water or ice, water or snow, snow or ice); what will happen if you combine them (snow and ice will melt); compare how the properties of water and ice change in combination (water remains transparent, becomes colder, its volume increases, because the ice melts), water and snow (water loses transparency, becomes colder, its volume increases, snow changes color), snow and ice (do not interact). Children are discussing how to make ice opaque (crushing it).



– introduce children to the aggregate states of water – liquid and solid; show through experiments that water freezes in the cold, paint dissolves in water.

Materials and equipment

: ready-made colored ice. Tray; cups of water, paint (gouache, watercolor), stirring sticks, molds, strings for each child.


The teacher shows colored pieces of ice and asks the children to think about how they are made. Children express their guesses. Then everyone stirs the paint in water together, pours water into the molds, lowers the ropes into them, places them on a tray, takes them outside and monitors the freezing process while walking. Then the children take the pieces of ice out of the molds and decorate the area with them.


: water dissolves the paint and freezes in the cold.



"Eyesight check"

Identify the dependence of the vision of an object on the distance to it.

— Pictures depicting objects.

The adult invites the child to close his eyes, bring a sheet of paper with a picture of an object to his face, and see what it is (he doesn’t see). Clarifies what needs to be done to see (move away from the face). Children perform the following tasks in pairs: “check” their vision, note the distance from which objects in the picture become visible (several in the first row), determine who has the sharpest eye (sees at a great distance). Children conclude: in order to see an object, you must, as it were, take it in with your gaze; it is difficult to see an object if it is very close or far away.


“Identification of the mechanism of frost formation”

We take very hot water out into the cold and hold a branch over it. It's covered in snow, but it's not snowing. The branch is more and more in the dream. What is this? This is frost.



"Moisture evaporation from plant leaves"

Task -

Give children the opportunity to check where the water disappears from the leaves of plants.

Materials and equipment:

plant, plastic bag, thread.

Move. Children examine the plant, clarify how water moves from the soil to the leaves (from roots to stems, then to leaves), where it then disappears (water evaporates from the leaves), why the plant needs to be watered.

The assumption that water evaporates from the surface of the leaves is then tested. Place a plastic bag on the sheet and secure it. The plant is placed in a warm, bright place. They notice that the inside of the bag is fogged up. After removing the bag after a few hours, they find water in it. They find out where it came from (evaporated from the leaf), why water is not visible on the remaining leaves (water evaporated into the surrounding air).



“Why does everything fall to the ground?”


Explain to children using experience that the Earth has a gravitational force.

Materials and equipment

. Items made of different materials (wood, metal, plastic, fluff), a container with water, sand, metal balls.


. The teacher asks the children to throw objects up and tell what happens to them: which objects fall to the ground faster, which ones stay in the air longer, what their weight is.

Children and the teacher examine the objects and name the material from which they are made. Release all objects from the same height to the floor. By the sound they determine which object hit harder and try to name the reason. Children lower identical balls from different heights above a container of sand, find out when the impact was stronger, and explain their guess. Then the children lower objects from different heights above a container of water, find out when the blow was stronger, and explain their guess. With the help of a teacher, children explain why jumping from high objects is dangerous.


Objects that are light in weight and have a large surface area stay in the air longer. Heavy objects hit the floor harder. The impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases. When experimenting with water: the impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height; When an object falls from a greater height, more splashes are produced.


. The earth has a gravitational force. All objects fall to the Earth, but with different speeds and impact forces. This depends on the height of the fall, the severity of the object, and the surface area of ​​the object. Therefore, it is dangerous to jump from high objects, since the impact on the ground will be stronger.

"Why doesn't it pour out"

Detect atmospheric pressure.

-Glass of water, postcards.

An adult invites the children to turn the glass over without spilling water from it. Children make guesses. They try. Then the adult fills the glass to the brim with water, covers it with a postcard and, holding it lightly with his fingers, turns the glass upside down. He removes his hand - the card does not fall, the water does not spill out (unless the paper is completely horizontal and pressed to the edges). Why doesn’t water pour out of a glass when there is a sheet of paper under it (air presses on the sheet of paper, it presses the sheet to the edges of the glass and prevents the water from pouring out, i.e. the reason is air pressure).



"Sinking - floating"


show that metal sinks in water, but wood does not.


Ask what happens if you put a nail and a wooden stick in water.

Test the hypothesis by lowering objects into water.


metal sinks in water, but wood does not.



"Lotus Flowers"

Cut out flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, curl the petals towards the center. Now lower the multi-colored lotuses into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, flower petals will begin to bloom. This happens because the paper gets wet, gradually becomes heavier and the petals open.

"Coloring a flower"


a fresh cut flower (such as a carnation or daffodil), a vase of water, food coloring or ink. Trim the flower, leaving about 5 cm of stem. Add a few drops of dye to the flower vase. Place the flower in water for several hours. After some time, the petals will begin to color to match the color of the water in the vase. The flower “sucks up” the colored water through narrow tube vessels in the stem. This experiment clearly demonstrates that capillary forces can overcome the force of gravity. You can paint a flower in different colors if you split the stem and put each part in “its own” water.



"In the world of electricity"


Development of a child’s cognitive activity in the process of becoming acquainted with the phenomenon of electricity.

Materials and equipment. Balloon, scissors, napkin, ruler, comb.

1.Rub the balloon on your hair. What happened?

2. “Electric comb” Measure and cut a strip of paper (7*25 cm) from a napkin. Cut long thin strips of paper, leaving the edge intact. Comb quickly (hair should be clean and dry). Bring the comb closer to the paper strips, but do not touch them.


1. The hair rises up - it becomes electrified.

2.Paper strips are drawn to the comb. When we comb our hair, charged particles seem to be erased from the hair and end up on the comb. The half of the comb that touched the hair received a charge. The paper strip is attracted to the comb because it also has a charge.



"World of Fabric"

learn different types of fabrics, compare their qualities and properties; understand that the properties of a material determine the way it is used.

-Small pieces of fabric (corduroy, velvet, cotton wool), scissors, containers with water, activity algorithm.

Children look at things made from different types of fabrics, pay attention to the general characteristics of the material (wrinkles, tears, cuts, gets wet, burns). An algorithm for conducting a comparative analysis of different types of fabric is determined: crumple - cut each piece into two parts - try to tear it in half - put it in a container with water and determine the rate of wetting - draw a general conclusion about the similarities and differences in properties. The adult focuses the children’s attention on the dependence of the use of a particular type of fabric on its quality.



"We are writing a book"


improve children's graphic skills; encourage children to participate in the collective creation of a book; to cultivate an understanding that the result of work depends on the attitude towards work.

Materials and equipment:

paper, paints, brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, cardboard, glue, fabric, thread, needle.

Move. The teacher invites the children to write a book “This is Interesting.” To do this, each child must draw the two most interesting phenomena for him and sign the drawings. After this, the adult organizes the “work of the printing house”: distributes responsibilities between the children, helps in stitching the book. The cover should be a collective work of children (appliqué, drawing). The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the book turned out to be interesting and colorful only because all the children worked seriously and conscientiously, worked together in harmony.



“Why do they say “water off a duck’s back”?”

Task -

help children make connections between the structure and lifestyle of birds in the ecosystem.

Materials and equipment: chicken and goose feathers, containers with water, fat, pipette, vegetable oil, paper with a loose structure, brush.

Move. Children examine goose and chicken feathers, moisten them with water (chicken feathers are wet, and water rolls off goose feathers). Then apply vegetable oil (fat) to the paper, moisten the sheet with water, see what happened (the water rolled off, the paper remained dry).

The teacher tells the children that waterfowl have a special fatty gland, with the fat of which geese and ducks lubricate their feathers using their beaks.



"Magic Stuff"

Invite the children to make something out of sand and clay, and then check the strength of the buildings. Children draw conclusions about the viscosity of wet clay and the retention of its shape after drying. They find out that dry sand does not retain its shape. They are discussing whether it is possible to make dishes from sand and clay. Children test the properties of sand and clay by making dishes from them and drying them.

"Sunny bunnies"

Task -

Help children understand that reflection occurs on smooth shiny surfaces and not only in light, teach them to let in sunbeams (reflect light with a mirror).

Materials and equipment: mirrors.

Move. Children recite a poem and ask a riddle about a sunny bunny. They discuss when it happens (in the light, from objects that reflect light). The teacher shows the children how a bunny appears with the help of a mirror (the mirror reflects a ray of light and itself becomes a source of light). He suggests letting in sunbeams - catching a ray of light with a mirror and directing it in the right direction; hide them by covering the mirror with your palm; play hide and seek with the bunnies and chase on the wall. Children find out that it is difficult to control and play with a bunny: even with a slight movement of the mirror, the sun bunny moves a long distance on the wall. The teacher suggests letting the bunnies in a room where there is no bright light. Everyone is discussing why the bunnies don’t appear (there is no bright light).



"Sand Country"


highlight the properties of sand: flowability, friability, you can sculpt from wet sand; introduce the method of making a picture from sand.


sand, water, magnifying glasses, sheets of thick colored paper, glue sticks.


Grandfather Znay invites children to look at the sand: what color it is, try it by touch (loose, dry).
What is sand made of?
What do grains of sand look like? How can we look at grains of sand? (Using a magnifying glass.) The grains of sand are small, translucent, round, and do not stick to each other.
Is it possible to sculpt from sand?
Why can't we change anything from dry sand? Let's try to mold it from wet.
How can you play with dry sand?
Is it possible to paint with dry sand? • Children are asked to draw something on thick paper with a glue stick (or trace the finished drawing), and then pour sand onto the glue. Shake off excess sand and see what happens.

Everyone looks at the children's drawings together.



“Attracted - not attracted”

-Find objects that interact with a magnet; identify materials that are not attracted to a magnet.

Plastic container with small objects (made of fabric, paper, rubber, copper, silver, aluminum), magnet.

Children examine all objects and identify materials. They make assumptions about what will happen to objects if a magnet is brought to them (some of them will be attracted to the magnet). The adult invites the children to select all the objects they named that will not be attracted to the magnet and name the material. Examine the remaining objects, naming the material (metals) and checking their interaction with the magnet. They check whether all metals are attracted by a magnet (not all: copper, gold, silver, aluminum are not attracted by a magnet).



"Two is more fun"

Cut a circle out of thick cardboard around the rim of the tea cup. On one side, in the left half of the circle, draw a figure of a boy, and on the other side, a figure of a girl, which should be located upside down in relation to the boy. Make a small hole on the left and right of the cardboard, insert the elastic bands in loops. Now stretch the elastic bands in different directions. The cardboard circle will spin quickly, the pictures from different sides will align, and you will see two figures standing next to each other.

“Your hands will become cleaner if you wash them with water.”

Offer to make sand figures using molds. Draw children's attention to the fact that their hands have become dirty. What to do? Maybe let's dust off our palms? Or shall we blow on them? Are your palms clean? How to clean sand from your hands? (Wash with water). The teacher suggests doing this.


What did we learn today? (Your hands will become cleaner if you wash them with water.)

"Let's plant a tree"


Determine the properties of sand and clay: flowability, friability.

Materials and equipment

. Containers with dry sand and clay, sticks for each child.


The teacher invites the children to plant the tree first in a container with sand, then in a container with dry clay. Find out where it is easier to stick the stick and why. They clarify where the stick is best held and why.


. The stick easily sticks into dry sand, but does not stay in it well and falls. The stick sticks into the clay with difficulty, but it stays in it more tightly.


. The stick sticks into the sand more easily, since it is loose and loose. The stick holds better in clay - it is denser.



“Plants breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened”

Offer to look at the soil in the flowerbed and touch it. What does it feel like? (Dry, hard). Can I loosen it with a stick? Why did she become like this? Why is it so dry? (The sun dried it out). In such soil, plants have trouble breathing. Now we will water the plants in the flowerbed. After watering: feel the soil in the flowerbed. What is she like now? (Wet). Does the stick go into the ground easily? Now we will loosen it, and the plants will begin to breathe.


: What did we learn today? When do plants breathe easier? (Plants breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened).


Organization of experimental activities for children in the summer

Yudina Diana Nikolaevna Bobritskikh Vera Ivanovna teachers of the highest category Kovaleva Irina Viktorovna teacher of the first category MBDOU DS No. 10 “Firefly” Stary Oskol city district

The material was posted as part of the All-Russian Summer Educational Part-time Forum “Summer is a Little Life”


Summer has come. What to do with a child when he has so much free time? How to interest an inquisitive child in an unusual game? How to play not only with interest, but also with benefit?

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In childhood, the leading activity is not only play, as is commonly believed, but mostly experimentation.

Experimentation contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children and develops observation skills. In the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher.

In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to find the answer to many questions of interest: “Why? For what? How? What happens if?"

As practice shows, the knowledge gained during experiments is remembered for a long time. A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.”

It is important that each child conducts his own experiments. Of course, it is easier for an adult to do everything himself and leave the children the role of observers. But the effectiveness of training will be much lower in this case. No matter how interesting the teacher’s actions may be, the child quickly gets tired of watching them.

At the beginning of the experiment, explain to the children what exactly you are going to test, offer to predict the results of the research, but do not evaluate the statement. To develop thinking, it is very important to teach how to predict the possible results of your actions, discuss the hypothesis: “What needs to be done? Why? Encourage your child to talk as much as possible. Let him form conclusions: what new things did he manage to find out.”

Children should be active participants in the discussion. Don’t form conclusions for them, do it together (if necessary, with your help). It is important not only to conduct experiments, but also to connect the results of this activity with everyday life, with observations at home and on the street, with difficulty in a corner of nature and in the garden, and use it in children’s games.

Even a very young child actively experiments, exploring the world.

Direct contact of a child with sand, water, air, objects or materials, elementary experiments with them allow him to learn their properties, qualities, capabilities, awaken curiosity, a desire to learn more, and enrich him with vivid images of the world around him. During experimental activities, the preschooler learns to observe, think, compare, answer questions, draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and follow safety rules.

Playing with sand has a positive effect on children's emotional well-being and is an excellent means for cognitive activity.

Games in the sandbox are an excellent educational environment for working with children. It provides unlimited possibilities for expression, since playing with sand is full of different emotions (delight, surprise, joy), and allows you to create symbolic images that reflect the unique inner world of a child. Sand is an excellent material for games: you can draw, build bridges, castles, and dig canals. The children get acquainted with the properties of sand, learn how to build with it, and learn how to work with water. As a result, they develop creative, research, constructive abilities, and aesthetic taste. You can conduct the following experiments with children:

  1. "Comparison of wet and dry sand by weight."

We pour sand into two identical cups, try to determine the weight of the sand on our hands, and draw a conclusion - more precisely, determine the weight using scales. We weigh the cups of sand on a scale and determine that wet sand is heavier than dry sand.

  1. “What is sand made of?” Using a magnifying glass, let’s carefully look at what sand is made of (from grains of sand). What do grains of sand look like? They are very small, round, translucent (or white, yellow, depending on the type of sand). Are grains of sand similar to each other? How are they similar and how are they different? It is important that during the comparison process the children carefully examine the sand grains.
  2. "Wind". Invite children to find out why it is inconvenient to play with sand in strong winds. Children examine the prepared “sandbox” (a jar filled with a thin layer of sand). Together with an adult, they create a hurricane - they sharply squeeze the jar with force and find out what is happening and why (since the grains of sand are small, light, do not stick to each other, they cannot hold on to each other or to the ground with a strong stream of air ). Invite the children to think about how to make it possible to play with sand even in strong winds (moisten it well with water).
  3. "Vaults and tunnels." Invite children to insert a pencil into a paper tube. Then carefully fill it with sand so that the ends of the tube protrude out. We take out the pencil and see that the tube remains uncrumpled. It does not matter whether it was buried in a vertical, inclined or horizontal position. Children conclude: grains of sand form protective arches. Explain why insects trapped in sand emerge from under the thick layer unharmed.
  4. "Hourglass". Show the children an hourglass. Let them watch how the sand is poured. Give children the opportunity to experience the length of a minute. Ask the children to put as much sand as possible into their palm, clench their fist and watch the stream of sand run. Children should not unclench their fists until all the sand has poured out. Offer to reflect on the saying “Time is like sand,” “Time is like water.”

Playing with water is a favorite activity for children during a walk. When going out for a walk, the guys always rush to it, this is their favorite place, because when playing with water, they not only receive positive emotions, but also conduct experiments, learning the properties of this miraculous liquid.

Here are some experiments carried out with children with water:

  1. “It’s drowning, it’s not drowning.” Place objects of various weights into a bath of water. (Pushes out lighter objects)
  2. "Egg Submarine" . In a glass there is salt water, in another there is fresh water, in salt water the egg floats. (It is easier to swim in salt water because the body is supported not only by the water, but also by the salt particles dissolved in it).
  3. "Lotus flowers." We make a flower out of paper, twist the petals to the center, lower them into water, the flowers bloom. (The paper gets wet, becomes heavier and the petals open).
  4. "Wonderful matches" . Break the matches in the middle, drop a few drops of water onto the folds of the matches, gradually the matches straighten (the wood fibers absorb moisture and cannot bend much and begin to straighten).
  5. "Funny Boats" We make boats from paper, nut shells, and boxes. Then we put it into the water, making “waves” and “wind”.

Air games. On a walk you can learn a lot of interesting things about air and its properties:

  1. “Let’s wave our fan.” Invite your child to wave the fan near his face. Ask some questions: “How do you feel?” Lead your child to the conclusion that air is not “invisible.” Its movements can be felt when fanning itself.
  2. "Let's catch the air . Give your child the bag and help him catch the air with a catchy movement and close the bag. Ask a few questions: How big is the package? What's in the package? Confirm the previous conclusion: air is not “invisible”.
  3. "Elastic air." Give your child a swimming circle and offer to pump him up. Ask a few questions: what do we inflate the circle with? What does the pump pass into the circle? Why did the circle become elastic? Help your child conclude: “There is air in the circle and it is this that makes it elastic.”
  4. "Living Plasticine" Pour 2 glasses of water with your child. In the first glass - clean water, in the second glass - carbonated water. Drop 5 pieces of plasticine (about the size of a grain of rice) into each glass. Ask your child a few questions: “What happens in the first glass? What happens in the second glass? Help your child draw a conclusion: the first glass contains ordinary water, it contains a large amount of oxygen, and the plasticine settles to the bottom. The second glass contains carbonated water; it contains a large amount of carbon dioxide. Therefore, pieces of plasticine rise to the surface of the water, turn over and go to the bottom again, where bubbles again begin to stick around them, but in larger quantities. At first, the plasticine sinks because... it is heavier than water, then gas bubbles stick to the pieces (they resemble small balloons) and the plasticine floats to the surface.
  5. "Cold air". Cool the bottle in the refrigerator in advance and invite your child to put a balloon on the neck. Place the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Observe what is happening and ask a few questions: “What is happening to the ball? How has he changed? Help your child draw a conclusion: the ball increases because the gas in the ball warms up and the air becomes crowded in the ball. That's why he puffs up. Try another experiment: place the bottle in cold water. Watch what happens. Make another conclusion: when heated, gas expands, and when cooled, it contracts.
  6. "Our assistant." Help your child conclude: how does air help a person? And does a person need air?
  7. "Live snake" Invite your child to light a candle and blow on it, ask the child why the flame is deflected (affected by the air flow). Offer to examine the snake (a circle cut in a spiral and suspended on a thread), its spiral design and demonstrate to the child the rotation of the snake above the candle (the air above the candle is warmer, the snake rotates above it, but does not fall down, because warm air lifts it) . The kid finds out that the air makes the snake rotate.
  8. "Rocket Ball". Invite your child to inflate the balloon and release it, pay his attention to the trajectory and duration of its flight. Help your child conclude that in order for the ball to fly longer, you need to inflate it more, because the air escaping from the ball causes it to move in the opposite direction. Tell us that the same principle is used in jet engines.

Experiments with solar rays.

  • "Where the sun is hotter"
  • “How do sunbeams appear?”
  • "Colorful World"
  • “How does a shadow appear?”
  • “Why did the flower wilt?”

All experiments and experiments are accompanied by pronouncing and putting forward many guesses, attempts to predict the expected results. This has a positive effect on the ability to draw conclusions and recognize various sequential connections.

After conducting experiments, the children have many questions, as a result, they develop the ability to think and reason.

How to encourage children to play with sand, water and wind, how to fill their activities with interesting content? For this you need equipment:

Equipment for playing with sand, water and wind.

For playing with sand: plastic buckets, scoops, shovels, molds, rakes, strainers, easy-to-clean toys (cars, dolls), as well as additional materials: boards, plywood stencils depicting people, houses, animals familiar to children, vehicles, trees. You can offer doll dishes, pieces of oilcloth, colored film, pieces of multi-colored plexiglass, plastic (the edges must be cleaned), natural material (twigs, roots, pebbles, shells) for play.

Children of older preschool age are offered smaller toys to organize constructive activities in the sand. The amount of additional material increases. These can be scraps of plastic and rubber hoses, pipes of different diameters, pieces of foam plastic, foam rubber, twine, braid, colored wire (in a sheath), and for molding sand - plastic containers of different shapes and sizes.

To play with sand buildings, the children also use handmade crafts. For this purpose, materials are used that do not deteriorate from moisture (foam rubber, polystyrene foam, colored oilcloth, wire, etc.). For example, children can weave rugs from film by weaving the warp in strips, make furniture for dolls from milk bags covered with paper, road signs, sticks and reels, and animals from foam rubber.

Large forms of hollow cubes, cans without bottoms, sections of large diameter plastic pipes (in this case the form is not turned over, but removed and raised up).

For construction, children are offered photographs, illustrations, and drawings depicting various structures as models.

For playing with water.

To organize children's games with water, inflatable pools or other containers are used on the site. Floating toys produced by industry are also used: ships, boats, ducks, fish, crocodiles. Watering cans, buckets, water mills, sprinklers, cones, food paints. Nets, colorful balls, pebbles, boats, boats - made of tree bark, polystyrene foam, ducks, fish, frogs - made of foam rubber, rafts made of tree branches.

To play with the wind:

To organize games with the wind - airplanes, pinwheels, weather vanes, parachutes, plumes, nets for catching the wind, soap bubbles, balls, kites, flying saucers, boomerangs.

Equipment for experimentation.

Magnifying glasses, scales, hourglasses, compass, magnets, various vessels made of various materials (plastic, metal) of various shapes, natural material (pebbles, clay, seeds, tree leaves, etc.), recycled material (wire, fabric, plastic, corks, etc.), technical materials (nuts, screws, bolts, etc.), various types of papers, dyes, medical materials (pipettes, syringes without needles, measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, etc. ).


  1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. The unknown is near. M., 2004
  2. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method. / Preschool educational institution management, N 4, 2004, p. 84 – 92
  3. Korotkova N.A. Cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers. / Child in kindergarten. N 3, 4, 5 2003, N 1, 2002
  4. Organization of experimental activities for preschool children. / Ed. L.N. Prokhorov M., 2004
  5. Solovyova E. How to organize children’s search activities. / Preschool education. N 1, 2005
  6. Materials from Internet sites.

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