Education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children (from work experience)
parents » Culture of behavior and useful habits » Moral and patriotic education of preschool children Moral and patriotic
drama club at school program
Theater club at school: program, plan, description and reviews
Features Graduality, versatility and creativity - this is not a complete list of the features that it has
Music training
Musical education in different pedagogical systems
Children are different. And the paths of musical, as well as any other education, are different. Therefore it was
Caterpillar on a cabinet with all the colors of the rainbow
Requirements for the activity corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education consultation
Requirements for the art corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education consultation REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ART CORNER
Modern technologies for speech development of preschool children. educational and methodological material on speech development
Speech is one of the most important means of developing a child’s personality as a whole. Understanding the speech of others
Read online “Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. Class notes"
Federal State Educational Standards Education in the preschool period occupies an important place in the development of every child. United
Week of legal education for preschoolers “I am a child and I have rights”
About the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children RIGHTS OF CHILDREN is
Long-term work plan for the “Skillful Hands” club with older children
Manual labor club in the preparatory group “Chest of Ideas” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
DIY paper finger theater - print templates
DIY paper finger theater: print beautiful paper templates of men and other characters
Paper rainbow: a bright and colorful craft with children
It’s no secret that children love everything bright and beautiful; a rich, rich palette attracts
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