Making the sound “R” in children
Lesson summary/lesson cycle Staging, automation and differentiation of sound [P]plan-summary on the topic
The foundations of correct pronunciation begin to be laid in childhood. If the child has any speech defects,
Abstract on artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling in the preparatory group. Topic: “Cockerel with his family” (based on the story by K. D. Ushinsky) (collective composition)
Features of modeling in the preparatory group Types of modeling: subject - a generalized image of the characteristic features of individual
Speech development in a child
Methods of developing general speech skills article on speech development (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Speech formation: stages and recommendations As the child grows and develops, he first pronounces individual
Development of fine motor skills in children 6-7 years old
Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers, 30 games. Fine motor skills of preschoolers, junior group, middle group, senior group, preparatory group
Card index of games for the development of fine motor skills I will draw a berry - contours of berries drawn on a sheet
Stages of child speech development
Problems of speech development of preschool children at the present stage
Problems of speech development of preschool children at the present stage Marina Buravikhina Problems of speech development of preschool children at the present stage
Kindergarten academic calendar for the 2019–2020 school year
SAMPLE DAY SCHEDULE FOR ALL AGE GROUPS Kindergarten opens at 7.00. Our day
The importance of early career guidance in preschool children
Career guidance for young children: forms, methods, work technologies
Save the article: The article describes: The importance of early career guidance in preschool children Visual aids
Psychological and pedagogical analysis of GCD in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard DO Methodological development on the topic
Analysis of modern classes in preschool educational institutions Margarita Rabzhaeva Analysis of modern classes in preschool educational institutions Analysis of modern
Teachers' council. Modern trends in the development of preschool education.
Modern trends in preschool education In accordance with the decision of the Council, the draft Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education was
DIY felt finger theater. Patterns, templates, master classes
DIY felt finger theater. Patterns, templates, master classes
Preparation of materials Before starting work, you need to assemble a “utility box”, it will include all the necessary
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