Lesson summary/lesson cycle Staging, automation and differentiation of sound [P]plan-summary on the topic

The foundations of correct pronunciation begin to be laid in childhood. If a child has any speech defects, this should under no circumstances be ignored. After all, such a nuisance will accompany a person throughout his life. From a very young age, it is important to monitor the process of proper sound formation in a child. But how to set the sound? How quickly can you deal with this defect if you notice deviations from the norm? In this article we will look at how the correct production of the “R” sound occurs.

Reasons for incorrect pronunciation

Every parent wants their child to develop fully, including his speech development. The sounds “R” and “R” are especially difficult for children. Making these sounds requires a little more effort and patience than in other cases. The child must make clear movements with the organs of the speech apparatus, automatically taking their correct position, and it is also necessary to obtain the correct vibration of the tongue for this sound.

If your child has difficulty reproducing the letter “P,” then the best thing to do is contact a speech therapist. He will most quickly be able to suggest how to teach a child to say this sound correctly. Most often, doctors encounter the following pronunciation problems:

  1. Replacement with other sounds. Most often, children pronounce the letters “Y”, “L” and “Y” instead of “R”.
  2. Swallowing sound in words. This usually occurs when “P” comes before or after a vowel.
  3. Excessive vibration. In this case, it is clear that the child is saying the letter “R”, but the unnecessary vibration slightly distorts the sound.

How can you tell that something is wrong with your pronunciation? For this purpose, you need to ask the child to reproduce only the sound “R”, and then some word with it, for example, tree.

If there is a problem when pronouncing an isolated sound, then you need to focus your efforts on it. If the child incorrectly reproduces the letter in words, then in classes it is important to train on words where letters such as “O”, “A”, “U”, “I” come before or after “P”.

Incorrect speech can be caused by several reasons. In order to determine them, you need to consult with an experienced speech therapist. Having established the true reason, he will be able to suggest how to teach the child to pronounce the sound. And the following factors may be the culprits.

Speech breathing problems

Speech breathing is the basis for the correct pronunciation of all existing sounds. It can be disrupted due to the development of chronic runny nose, pathologies of the adenoids, heart and blood vessels, and lungs. A speech therapist will help you practice the correct breathing process during a conversation.

He will be able to develop a training scheme taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s body. Typically, rapid production of the sound “R” in children is carried out using a complex that includes words with this letter and special exercises.

Hearing impairment

This developmental defect in children can also greatly affect the child's speech development. Children try to imitate their parents in everything, in particular in speech.

If after 4 years of age a child swallows sounds or greatly distorts them, then a phonemic hearing disorder may occur. When a child simply cannot correctly repeat what was said to him.

Insufficient development of speech organs

In order for speech to be understandable and correct, it is necessary to have a developed articulatory apparatus. Articulation gymnastics helps to prepare him well. Thanks to it, muscle tissue is strengthened, and the skill of correct placement of the speech organs is practiced during the pronunciation of a particular letter.

Articulation exercises can be carried out in a playful way, which will interest the baby more. On our website there is specially selected articulation gymnastics for the sound “R”.

Individual structure of the frenulum

It also happens that producing the sound “R” causes difficulties due to the physiological characteristics of the baby, namely the unusual structure of the frenulum. This defect prevents the tongue from moving freely, which prevents correct production. Only a specialist can detect underdevelopment of the ligament.

In this case, the way to teach a child to speak without defects may also be special articulatory gymnastics and exercises or surgical intervention. In the latter case, there is no need to worry, the operation is absolutely easy and safe.

Why can't my child pronounce the letter "r"?

The sound “r” sounds incorrect for the longest time and is therefore classified as difficult to pronounce. In order to master it, the speech apparatus must be well developed. Therefore, until the age of 5-6 years, while this process is ongoing, the correct articulation of the sound “r” is also gradually mastered.

Pronunciation is considered incorrect when:

  • the sound “r” is skipped (hand - _uka, locomotive - pa_locomotive);
  • is replaced by the sounds “l”, “g”, “y” that are accessible for pronunciation (red - classy, ​​pencil - kagandash, tree - deyevo);
  • pronounced with vibration of the lips and cheeks or gutturally.

The child begins to say the letter “r” by the age of 5-6 years. If this does not happen, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. Insufficient bridle length. It does not allow the tongue to reach the palate in front of the upper incisors and produce a vibrating “r” sound. In this case, frenulum massage and special exercises give good results, and sometimes surgical intervention is indicated.
  2. The articulatory apparatus is poorly developed. Inactive facial muscles and a lazy tongue cannot cope with difficult sounds. Grimacing and antics will serve you well: smile from ear to ear, purse your lips, stick your tongue out at your reflection in the mirror. Active movements of this kind develop the speech organs and make the pronunciation of sounds clearer.
  3. Incorrect breathing. Existing diseases of the respiratory system do not allow creating a powerful stream of air for a “menacing growl.” A combination of physical and speech exercises helps to overcome this obstacle on the way to the coveted clear “r”.

Preparation of the articulatory apparatus

Before you learn how to make a sound and start performing speech therapy exercises on the sound “R”, it is necessary to prepare the muscle tissue of the speech organs so that they can work at full strength. Articulation gymnastics is used for this purpose. The following exercises can be used:

"Crap". The baby needs to smile, open his mouth slightly, then put his tongue on his lower lip and hold it in this position for several seconds. You need to start with 3 seconds, gradually increasing the time, but the result should be no more than 10 seconds.

“Punish the tongue.” To do this, you also need to position the speech organs, but no longer hold the tongue, but slap it with your upper lip, while pronouncing “Pya.”

"Jam". This exercise is performed as follows: open your mouth slightly, and then move your tongue along your upper lip from side to side. You can actually put a little something sweet on your lip so that your child is more willing to do gymnastics.

"Painter". The baby doesn’t have to open his mouth, but simply move his tongue across the palate, as if painting it. This is a good way to practice moving your tongue back and forth.

"Mushroom". The child will need to open his mouth slightly, smile, and completely “glue” his tongue to the roof of his mouth. Hold your tongue in this position for several seconds.

All of the above exercises for making the sound “P” must be performed before each lesson. They are indispensable in preparing the speech organs for basic training.

Breathing exercises

In order to pronounce the sound “R”, a directed stream of air is required. Therefore, it is important to practice the child’s breathing, especially if he has difficulties with this process.

A home exercise routine may include the following tasks:

  • "Candle". To complete the task you will need a regular candle that needs to be extinguished. You can simply blow hard on it so that the light immediately disappears, or blow long and slowly so that it squirms. At first, the distance between the mouth and the candle should be small, and then it should be gradually increased to make the activity more difficult.
  • "Storm". You will need a glass of water and a juice straw. The baby should inhale air through his nose and exhale through his mouth through a straw. Thus, a small storm is formed, causing the water to actively move.
  • "Snowflake". The child should open his mouth, stretching his lips in a smile, and place his tongue on the lower lip. Then you should put a small piece of paper on the tip of the tongue and invite the baby to blow it off.

Each exercise should be performed no more than 4 times. In this case, inhalation should always go through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. It is also important that the child does not have any health problems, that is, there is no sore throat, no unusual coating on the tongue, and so on.

Sound production methods

Speech therapy offers a variety of ways to produce the sound “R”. You can use one method or several at once. During a consultation with a specialist, you can accurately decide on your classes.


This is the simplest and most effective method of how to set sound. The speech therapist or parent sits with the child in front of the mirror and shows him the correct location and movement of the speech organs while pronouncing the sound “R”.

After this, the baby just needs to repeat after the adults, controlling the process using a mirror.

You can also imitate not only people, but also animals or some things. For example, excellent methods for putting the letter “R” are the following tasks: growl like a dog “R-R-R”, imitate machine gun shots “Tra-ta-ta”, purr like a cat “Pur-r-r”. This will interest the child more than simply imitating adults. But at the same time, you also need to monitor the location of the organs of articulation.

Setting the sound “R” from the sound “D”

Speech therapists often use a method to teach a child to say the letter “R”, as a production from the sound “D”. The baby needs to imagine that his tongue is a sail and needs to be inflated with the help of the wind. To do this, you need to pronounce the sound “D”, while blowing forcefully on the speech organ.

Over time, a “Drrr” sound will be heard during this activity. As soon as it becomes noticeable, you need to automate it immediately. To do this, you should use words where there is a combination of these two letters, for example, friend, fight, tree, and so on. More details can be found in our article, automation of the “R” sound.

Setting "R" from the sound "Z"

The essence of this exercise for the sound “R” in children is that the child must pronounce the sound “Z” protractedly. In this case, it is necessary to keep the tongue in the upper position. Then you should quickly move the tip of the organ along the tubercles, which are located behind the upper jaw. As a result, the sound “Wed” will be heard.

Making the sound “R” while inhaling

Another way to make sound is to inhale. The baby needs to pronounce the sound “C” for a long time, then take a short breath, sharply press the tongue against the alveoli and try to suck the tongue inside, like a snail into a shell. In this case, it is important to touch the tubercles with your tongue, otherwise there will be no sound.

Installation by mechanical method

To carry out this exercise, you can use a cotton swab or a toothpick with cotton wool. They should be perfectly clean, the edges should not prick the tongue. The wide tongue should be on the cusps behind the upper teeth. The child will need to say “Z” or “D” for a long time. In the case of “Z”, the result will be zzh, and in the case of “D”, it will not be a clear d.

At this time, the parent should place a stick under the tongue and move it to the sides to cause vibrations. The tongue should be tense and hold a strict upward position, letting in a stream of air only at the tip. As a result, the desired sound should be heard, similar to a rumble. To make it more fun for your child, you can tell him that you are starting the engine.

All of the above methods of producing the sound “P” can produce different effects relative to time. Some children begin to pronounce this letter from the first exercise, while others achieve success only after several days or even months of regular practice.

Master class on producing the sound “R”

STAGE 1: Warm-up exercises


Making the sound R is a daily exercise. Each of which begins with a warm-up and “warming up” of the articulatory apparatus. The most effective warm-up exercises:

Exercise "Paint brush".

The baby should smile and open his mouth slightly. Next, like a brush, he should “stroke” the upper palate with his tongue - from the upper teeth and as deep as possible towards the throat. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Exercise "Pendulum".

As in the first case, you need to smile and open your mouth. Slightly stick your tongue forward and swing it from side to side - from the right corner of your mouth to the left and so on. About 10-20 times.

Exercise "Accordion".

We smile again and open our mouth. We press our tongue to the upper palate, as if we are going to pronounce a soft and long sound “n”. Without changing the position of the tongue, we open our mouth as wide as possible, then close it, open it and close it. About 15-20 times.

“Brushing our teeth.”

Starting position: smile and open your mouth. Using the tip of the tongue, we move along the inner surface of the upper teeth from left to right, as if we are “sweeping” them. We do the exercise 10-15 times. Then, without changing the starting position, we alternately press the tongue against each upper tooth from the inside, as if checking whether it is in place.

Exercise "Mosquito".

A very fun exercise! The baby should open his mouth and move the tip of his tongue behind his front teeth. In this position, try to pronounce the sound “z-z-z”, then move the tongue back, this time resting it on the upper palate at the base of the teeth and pronounce “z-z-z” again.

All these exercises perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, strengthen the muscles and gradually stretch the “frenulum”. However, to practice the “R” sound, special staging exercises are needed.

STAGE 2: Exercises to produce the sound R

Some of the simplest exercises suitable for independent daily speech gymnastics include the following:

1The child opens his mouth and presses the tip of his tongue to the base of the upper teeth, rhythmically and quickly pronouncing the sound “d-d-d.” After a couple of seconds, ask him, without stopping, to blow strongly on the tip of his tongue (that is, try to say “d-d-d” while exhaling forcefully). The sound R will not work yet, but the baby should feel a noticeable vibration of the tongue and gradually remember it.

2For the next exercise you will need a special speech therapy spatula (it can be purchased in specialized stores, pharmacies and online stores). Nowadays, they are made quite comfortable for the baby, often with the smell of caramel, chocolate or fruit. Use it very carefully, but confidently, without timidity. So: to begin with, ask the child, opening his mouth wider, to pronounce the sound “w-w-w”, gradually moving the tongue closer to the base of the upper teeth. Give him a couple of seconds to get used to it, and then carefully insert the spatula under your child’s tongue and begin to rhythmically (but not too much!) swing it left and right, creating vibration. At this time, the child should blow strongly on his sound “zh-zh-zh” - this way he will feel the vibration created by the air and the vibrations of the spatula.

3Ask your baby to open his mouth wide and at the same time pronounce the syllable “z-z-za”, moving his tongue as far back as possible. At this time, as in exercise 2, slip a spatula under his tongue and rhythmically move it left and right. If this speech therapy exercise is performed correctly, you should hear a fairly distinct “R” sound.

4In the same way, ask the child to pronounce the sound “z-z-zi” with his mouth open, and do the same manipulations with a spatula as in the previous exercise. In this case, a softer sound R is used, which is used in words like “rhyme”, “rice”, “drawing”...


1) Pronunciation of an isolated sound [p] Game tasks to reinforce the isolated pronunciation of a sound Onomatopoeia Imitation of the rumble of an airplane, the engine of a running tractor or car, the growl of a tiger, etc. “Let’s start the tractor.” “Let’s start the car.” The engine of the car is not switched off. The car is driving along a long road. The child rolls the car on the table and makes the sound r-r-r-r. Whose car will go further? Whose motor will run longer? Running out of gas. Let's fill the car with gasoline and move on. Conversations between animal mothers and their babies (pronounce the sound [r] with different strength and pitch of the voice). The big dog and the puppy are angry. The tigress teaches the cubs to growl (pronounce the sound [r] in a low and high voice). The cat purrs: “Pur-r-r-r” (in a low voice). The kitten purrs: “Pur-r-r-r” (in a high-pitched voice). The crow and crows croak: “Car-r-r-r” (in a low and high voice).

2) Automation of the sound [r] in syllables

Lesson 1 Automation of the sound [p] in syllables with a combination of consonants (tr, dr) Spatial orientation - Stand so that there is a window in front of you. Turn around so that there is a mirror to your left. Walk to the middle of the room. What's to your left? What's on the right? Breathing exercise Roll a pencil on the table, trying to ensure that the air stream is not intermittent, but strong and long-lasting. Development of articulatory motor skills Repeat previous exercises. Development of memory, attention Memorizing and reproducing syllables in combination with the movement of the hands and fingers. Game tasks “Sawing a tree.” “Chopping wood.” “Making a house.” Tra-tra-tra; dra-dra-dra; tra-tra-tro; draw-dro-dro; work, work, work; dru-dru-dru; three-three-three; bang-bang-bang; tra-tro, tru-tra; dra-dro; tro-tra, tro-tra; Dry-dry; tor-tra-tru; dra-dro-dru; tra-tro-tru-tra; dra-dro-dra-dra. Development of phonemic awareness “Playing with a ball”. Catch the ball if you hear the sound [r] in the word. The speech therapist says the word, then throws the ball. Determining the position of the sound [r] in the words firewood, sturgeon, cancer. Place the circle - a symbol of sound - in the corresponding window of the sound house. Introducing the letter r

Lesson 2 Automation of the sound [r] in reverse syllables Development of auditory perception “Listen carefully.” Sit down as many times as you hear clapping and hitting the tambourine. Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation Atr-atr-atr-atr; neg-neg-neg-neg; morning-morning-morning-morning-morning; ytr-ytr-ytr-ytr; yatr-yatr-yatr-yatr; etr-etr-etr-etr-etr; yutr-yutr-yutr-yutr; itr-itr-itr-itr; atr-otr-itr; itr-utr-yr; yatr-itr-morn. What sound is missing in the word? Uzo..., abazhu..., ti..., zhi..., monte..., vee..., vete..., zefi..., moto..., act... . Development of phonemic perception Tapping the rhythmic pattern of the words mosquito, Arctic, port, watermelon, shadberry. Analysis and synthesis of syllables - How many sounds are in the syllable ar? What is the first sound in the syllable ar? What's the second sound? What sounds did you hear in the syllable ur? The sound [o] “made friends” with the sound [r]. What syllable did you get? Designation of syllables with color symbols. Making syllables from letters

Lesson 3 Automation of the sound [p] in open syllables Development of auditory perception Tapping the rhythm on a tambourine. Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation Game exercise “Musicians”. We play the drum, trumpet, double bass and trombone. Pronouncing syllables with stress changes. Ra-ra-ra-ra; ra-ro; ro-ro-ro-ro; ry-ru; ru-ru-ru-ru; ru-ry-ro; ry-ry-ry-ry; ra-ro-ru-ry. Development of phonemic awareness Which syllable is extra? Ra-ra-ra-ry, ra-ra-ra-la. “Let’s come up with names for the dolls.” And...(ra), Ve...(ra), Ma...(ra), Le... (ra), La...(ra). Complete the syllable. Shto...(ra), spur...ra), pa...(ra), ko...(ra), but...(ra). - What syllable disappeared from the word Pinocchio? Bu...tino (ra). - Which syllable disappeared from the word rainbow? …arc. - Name the missing syllable. Wo...ta (ro), wo...na (ro), ko...wa (ro), pe... (ro), kangu... (ru), ko...(ra). Analysis and synthesis of syllables - What is the first sound in the syllable ra? Name the second sound. How many sounds are there in the syllable ra? - The sound [r] alone is boring. Let's invite the sound [u] to it. The sound [r] “made friends” with the sound [u]. What syllable did you get? Perform a similar task with other vowel sounds. Reading syllables

Lesson 4 Automation of the sound [p] in syllables with a combination of consonants Spatial orientation Toys are placed in different parts of the room. Where will you go, what will you find? I’ll go straight and find the kitten. I’ll turn back and find the bear. I'll go left and find the dog. I’ll go to the right and I’ll find a fox. Development of voice, breathing and switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Coordination of speech with movement Game exercise “Jugglers”. We toss the balls and pronounce the syllables. Pra-pro; bra-bro-bru; prue-prue; Vra-Vro; pro-pru-pry; lie-lie; bra-bro; wo-woo-woo-woo. bru-bra; - Which syllable is extra? Vra-ra-kra. Development of phonemic perception Determination of the position of the sound [p] in the words doctor, cook, radio operator. Designation of the place of sound on the sound line. - Listen to the words jumper, goalkeeper. Which syllable is missing? ...gun, ...tar. - Let's make up words. Say the syllable bra, and I will complement it with the sound [t]. What word did you get? Say the syllable vra, and I say tar. What word did we make up? Composing the letters r and v from parts. — What identical elements are there in these letters? Find letters that contain such elements. Composing syllables from letters of the split alphabet. Arrange the pictures on the slats: on the top - in word-names the sound is at the beginning of the word, on the middle - in the words-names in the middle; to the bottom - in the words-names at the end.

Lesson 5 Automation of the sound [p] in reverse syllables Spatial orientation - Who is standing to your right? Who's sitting to your left? Stand in front of Misha. Stand behind Kolya. Who's behind you? Development of voice, breathing and switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus Game tasks “Musicians”. "We play the balalaika." Fra-frau; fry-fro; fro-fru-fry; fra-fro-fru-fra. "Conversation between the Crocodile and the Rhinoceros." Express emotional states by intonation when pronouncing syllables. - Kra-kro. (enough) - Kra-cro-cru. (dissatisfied) - Kra-cro-cru-kra. (confident) - Gru-gry. (timidly) - Gru-gra-gry. (indignantly, furiously) - Gra-gro-gro-gra. (calmly) Development of phonemic awareness “Playing with a ball.” Catch the ball if the word contains the sound [r]. - Let's make a word. Say the syllable kra, and I say the sound [n]. What word did you get? Say the syllable gru, and I say sha. What word did you get? - Look at the pictures and guess the words with the missing sound. K...ysha, g...oza, g...hell. Name the missing sound.

3) Automation of the sound [p] in words 1. Automation of the sound [p] in words with the syllables tra-tro-tru-tra; dra-dro-dra-dra Pronounce the words correctly Grass, ladder, trawl, chandelier, tractor, trench, trapezoid, springboard, reed, tractor driver, trench, tram, canister, mattress, tomorrow, notebook, transport, have breakfast. Morning, cable, metro, trail, troika, tropics, cane, cartridge, sailor, sidewalk, reed, path, albatross, trolleybus. Peter, felt, liter, center, meter, minister, theater. Coward, labor, pipe, pipe, cowardice, chimney sweep, parsley, coward, cheesecake, difficult. Bonfires, asters, tents, meters, winds, leggings, cunning, tear off. Cedars, thrush, firewood, another, airfield. Dragon - Little Dragon - Little Dragon. Fight, brawler, otter, drap, pancakes, hydra, square, square. Friend, girlfriend, friendship, be friends, friendly, make friends. Antonyms. Enemy is friend. Bucket, core, thigh, firewood, woodcutter, firewood, bustard, thrush. Ostrich, fear, stream, string, chandelier, construction site, page, build, builder, island, shavings, fear, country, scary, scary, wanderer, country, sharp, motley, fast, scary, slender, strange, plan. Tasks “One word - many meanings.” Figure 17. (See color insert.) Trumpet - a musical instrument, a pipe on the roof of a house, a drainpipe, a cocktail straw. Let's select “relatives” words for the words trail, grass, pipe. Grass - grass - blade of grass - grass - blade of grass. Path - path - path - path - path. Pipe - tube - tube - chimney sweep. Repeat these words. Guess the word from the mixed up syllables of va-tra. Complete the sound (letter), syllable. A friend - suddenly, crayfish - fights, a cable - a sailor. Replace the sound (letter). Ladder - trawl, ladder - drape, trawl - dredged, grass - firewood, otter - buckets. "Word in word." Fight (cancer, car, gift), transport (port, early, sport). Tell me the right word. The woodcutter chops... (wood). They don’t travel on the paths... (trams). They travel around the city... (trams). ... (cane) fell into the trench. The little dragon is doing exercises on... (horizontal bar). Tram and trolleybus are ... (transport). Raya and Roma are sweeping... (yard).

2. Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ra, ro, ru, ry Pronounce the words correctly Cancer, frame, crayfish, early, wound, radio, rainbow, work, shell, shell, rocket, racket. Ant, anthill, loaf, caravan, parachute, parachutist, cuttlefish, pencil, caramel, dried apricots, chicken, macrame, buran, ram, crucian carp, garage, drum, bagels, photography. Yura, Kira, Ira, Shura, Vera, Zhora, Tamara, hole, mountain, bark, hole, pair, curtain, spur, kennel, canister. Tasks What sound did the evil wizard Sound Eater swallow in the words ...adu-ga, ...akushka, mu...avey, ka...andash? Repeat these words. Divide the word kennel into syllables. Say the word without the syllable well. Kennel - bark. Replace the sound [k] with the sound [n]. (Nora.) Rearrange the syllables in the word nora. (Early.) Replace the sound [o] with the sound [a]. (Rana.) “Word in word.” Rainbow... (arc.) Which syllable disappeared from the word? Rearrange the letters. Glad is a gift. Mountain - horns. Mara is the frame. Rebus. Figure 18. (See color insert.) Fish, watermelon, crab. Name the objects. Highlight the first sound in their names. Make up a word from these sounds. (Cancer.) “Ladder of words.” Read the words. Say the shortest word. Name the longest word. How many sounds are in each word? cancer wound frame rainbow shell shell What is the common part in the words ram, steering wheel, drum? “Developing the grammatical structure of speech.” Tell me the end of the story. Ash-ash-ash, Roma has it... (pencil). Shi-shi-shi, on the table... (pencils). Shom-shom-shom, Roma draws... (with a pencil). Wei-wei-wei, carries a blade of grass... (ant). Run-run-run, the ram butts with... (ram). Replace the sound (letter). Mountain - time - hole - bark. "The letter is lost." Bu...an, ba...an, ha...already. "Word in word." Joy (glad, hell, dot, growth), rocket (cancer, chum salmon), pirate (feast, shooting gallery), drum (bar, wound, slave), steering wheel (ram, wound), shells (cancer, ears), rainbow ( glad, arc). "Learning to think." What do crayfish, crucian carp and shell have in common? Remember the words - names of foods with the sound [r]. Remember the words - the names of objects that move, with the sound [r]. Name the objects that answer the question “Who is this?” Figure 19. (See color insert.) Karabas-Barabas. Who will run away faster from Karabas-Barabas - Pinocchio or Artemon? What advice could you give to Karabas-Barabas? “Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, the game begins. I ask you to name the words with the syllable ra now.” Think of five words that begin with the syllable ra.

3. Automation of the sound [p] in words with the syllable ro Pronounce the words correctly Horn, mouth, rye, Roma, rose, horns, mouth, growth, Motherland, horn, horns, robot, lesson, cow, box, peas, hero, peas , pea, cheese, rosette, ice cream, gate, crow, sparrow, road, pie, threshold, city, vegetable garden, ferry. Assignments “Did I say the right words?” Goodbye, goodness, goodness. Say these words correctly. "One word - many names." Horns, feather, rosette. Bird feather, pen feather. Horns (goat), horns (pasta). Jam socket, electrical socket. Replace the sound, letter. Mouth - moat. Rose - company - horns. Gate - crow - crown - cow. Add the word horn to the syllable po. What new word will you get? Horn is a threshold. If you add the sound [g] to the word rose in first place, what new word will you get? Complete the word Roma to make the word - the name of the flowers. Roma...(shki). "Developing memory." Listen and then repeat the words. Road, gate, crow. Listen to the words again. Road, gate, crow, magpie. What new word has appeared? "Word in word." Thunderstorm (one, horn, gas, mountain, rose). Rhinoceros (nose, litter, sleep, horn, grew). Cottage cheese (thief, horn, dialect). Pie (horn, feast). Paths (horns, crusts). Choose rhyming words. Crown - ... (crow), horn - ... (threshold, pie). Figure 20. (See color plate.) Several robots. “Find identical objects.” Find robots that differ in color and size. Prompt the word. Snow fell on ... (threshold), the cat blinded himself ... (pie). In the meantime, I sculpted and baked, The pie flowed like a stream... (flowed away). Bake your own pies Not from snow - from flour! P. Voronko Repeat the words. Daisies - pockets - cloudberries. Think of words with the syllable rho. There are many words with the syllable rho. Rose, Roma, mouth, bucket, Robot, steamship, metro. 4. Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ry Pronounce the words correctly Lynx, fish, fisherman, market, saffron milk cap, trough, holes, mountains, chickens, balls, tigers, games, spurs, beavers, lobsters, mosquitoes, trough. Tasks “Developing memory” Repeat the words. Mosquitoes, holes, mountains, balls, holes, curtains, tomatoes. How many words do you remember? The Sound Eater wizard stole half a word. Say the last syllable. Sha..., go..., but..., what..., coma..., tomato..., samova..., go..., but... . What is the difference between the words rota and rose; roar - lynx; are burrows mountains? What are the common syllables in the words gate, crow, sparrow? “Developing the grammatical structure of speech” Choose “relatives” words for the word fish. Fish - fish - fish - fish - fish - fish - fisherman - fisherman - fisherman - fish - fish - fishless - fishing - fisherman. Which word doesn't fit? Lynx, little lynx, lynx, trot, prowl. “Developing phonemic awareness” “Ladder of words.” Read the words. Say the shortest word. Name the longest word. How many sounds are in each word? roar fish fisherman fishermen fishing “Word in word.” Conversations (thieves, talk, times, roses, mountains). Rearrange the letters. Fisherman is a fish. Choose your words. Ry-ry-ry, here are the words with the syllable ry: mountains, spurs, mosquitoes, games, tigers and balls.

5. Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ru Pronounce the words correctly Hand, sleeves, gun, stream, pen, sails, shirt, mittens, kangaroo, carousel, photo gun, chipmunk. Tasks Do you know these words: washstand, handle, plane? A small hanging washbasin - a washstand. The handle of a weapon, a hand tool - a handle. A planer is a carpenter's planing tool. “Developing phonemic awareness” Complete the word. Hand - arm... (c) - sleeve... (a). Rearrange the letters. Krucha - handle. Add sound. The cabin is a tube. Replace the sound [y] with the sound [o]. Say a new word. (Trail.) Make up words from mixed up syllables. Gu-ru-ken, ka-bash-ru, sel-ka-ru. Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru, we continue the game. I ask you to name the words with the syllable ra.

6. Automation of the sound [p] in sentences and coherent speech Sentences of two words Compose sentences. Roma grew Daisies grew Raya and Marat grew Grass grew Crab grew Daisies grew Three-word sentences Repeat the sentence. The tigers roared loudly. The camel has a hump. It's a frosty morning today. The driver drives the truck. Trofim carries a bucket. Raya picked a chamomile. There is dew in the morning. Zakhar holds a thermos. Make up your own sentences using the following words: Tigers…. Driver... In the morning … . In a thermos... Sentences of four or five words Repeat the sentence. Name the extra word in the sentence. A sailor climbs onto the ship along a ladder or road. A lynx and a crow ran along the path. Grate carrots on a grater or thermos. Garbage and firewood are thrown into the basket. The box contains colorful pencils and fruits. There are steamships and rockets in the port. Grapes grow on the vine, roof.

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