Quiz with answers on the topic Autumn for primary school
Quiz with answers on the topic Autumn for primary grades Quiz with answers on the topic
Physical exercises about pets, educational and methodological material (junior group) on the topic
Exercises about pets The ducks came out into the meadow The ducks came out into the meadow, Quack-quack-quack! (We're walking)
Summary of the musical and didactic game “Sun and Cloud”
Manuals for preschool children under the general title “Sad - Happy” Didactic manual for
forms of child speech development
Forms of classes for the development of speech in young children
After two years of life, speech plays the main role in the development of the psyche and the formation of behavior.
Means of aesthetic education
Basic methods, forms, means of artistic and aesthetic education of children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational organization
The bright colors of nature and pleasant sounds attract the attention of children and thereby evoke emotions and have an
Developmental and preventive program for the work of a teacher-psychologist with children in kindergarten
Speech development In preschool age, the centers responsible for speech functions mature in the child’s psyche,
Calendar planning in the senior group for November for every day - Calendar-thematic planning (senior group) on the topic: Calendar-thematic planning November | download for free
Calendar plan for educational work in the senior group of preschool educational institutions (November) PHYSICAL EDUCATION According to plan
Card file of physical education activities during a walk in the 1st junior group.
Card file of physical education activities during a walk in the 1st junior group. Complexes of physical education classes for a walk.
Education news in 2022 - All-Russian Forum “Childhood Landmarks 3.0”
New law on education: What you need to know and how to apply
In September 2022, changes appeared in the Education Law. Now education will give
Lesson in the first junior group “Choosing a healthy lifestyle”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the first junior group “On a visit to
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