Notes on design in the middle group for children with developmental disabilities “Fairytale City”
Tasks of teaching design in the middle group of kindergarten Tasks of teaching design. Middle group Educational
Three models for organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutionsconsultation on the topic
TARGET SECTION Explanatory note Goals and objectives of the Program implementation Determined in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
The image of a teacher of a preschool educational institution as an attribute of business relations and professional success
Planning game activities in the senior group
Role-playing games in the senior group: a card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Participating in games with
Competitive game program “At the Bogatyrskaya Outpost”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Defender of the Fatherland Day “Heroic fun.” Two heroes enter the hall to the music
Work program of the "Origami" circle for children of senior preschool age
Work program of the "Origami" club for children of senior preschool age Explanatory note Creative development of the child
Card index of mini-stories for retelling to children of the preparatory group for school
Retelling in a preparatory school group. And this is the stronger sex? Witty and funny
Long-term planning in the senior group (sculpting-applique) September-October
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Program “Magic Modeling” for the senior group Goal: Development of creative abilities in children
Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group
Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group Purpose. Contribute
Consultation for teachers “Creating conditions in preschool educational institutions to preserve and strengthen children’s health.”
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Pedagogical Council “Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health of preschool children
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