Club program "Plasticineography" Senior group
Progress of the lesson The song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds. Children gather in a circle on the carpet.
Additional general developmental program for a circle for children of senior preschool age “Young Artists”
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Program of additional education for senior preschool children
Long-term planning formation of safety fundamentals in the middle group; methodological development in life safety (middle group)
Long-term work plan for the formation of life safety in the middle group
Progress of the conversation: Hello guys! Can you imagine, it turns out that dangers may await us at home! How are you
Joint partnership between an adult and preschool children
Joint partnership activities of an adult with preschool children Lyubov Dushebaeva Joint partnership activities of an adult
The work program of the senior group is based on the sample program “From birth to school”
Program 5-7 years “From birth to school” 2021-22 Disadvantages in the development of coherent speech are associated with
Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their role in the development of preschool children
Self-education plan on the topic: “Environmental education of preschool children.”
Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Calendar and thematic planning in the middle group for the week “Professions”
Calendar and thematic planning in the middle group for the week “Professions” Cognition (FCCM/PIiPD) “All professions are good”
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