Card index of games for children: didactic, active, folk... in the older group

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Card index of didactic games and game exercises on FEMP for the senior group Card index of didactic games and game exercises on FEMP for the senior group Didactic games and game exercises are recommended to be carried out in order to clarify and consolidate mathematical concepts in children both in the classroom and in everyday life. Quantity and count...

Card index of didactic games in mathematics in the senior group (first half of the year) Card index of didactic games in mathematics in the senior group. (First half of the semester. Compiled by teacher: Podrezova L.V. 1. Snowmen. Purpose: Development of attention and observation in children . Rules of the game: You need to look carefully at the drawing and indicate how the snowmen differ...

Cards of outdoor games with elements of playing basketball

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In the center of each circle there is a driver - a player from the other team.

Team members throw the ball to each other, trying to prevent the driver from touching or catching it.

Transfer options: with both hands from the chest and from above; one hand from the shoulder, from above, from the side, from below; with a bounce off the floor in any way.

The game should begin only upon a signal from the teacher.

If the driver manages to touch the ball or catch it, he brings the team a point.

The ball is passed into the circle and the game continues. A player who makes an incorrect or unsuccessful pass is eliminated from the game.

The team that has fewer turnovers and has more players left wins.

The game can be played in four subgroups standing in circles. In addition, it can be complicated by introducing two drivers and throwing two balls.

Games for catching and passing the ball.
Card No. 1

Name of the game:

"Hidden Pass"


Formation of skills of hidden ball throws in a certain direction, passing and catching a flying ball; development of movement coordination.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Students, divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 5-10 m.

The competition is to make 25 passes without errors in the shortest possible time without changing places between columns or with changing places.

You can pass the ball in any way without crossing the line.

If the ball falls in front of the line, it must be taken over the line and only then pass.

The team that completes 25 passes first and without errors wins.

1) pass by the whole team for a time without pairs running;

2) transfer in opposing columns with a change of participants after the transfer.

Card No. 2

Name of the game:

"25 gears"


Mastering the technique of passing and catching the ball on the spot and in oncoming traffic.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Player 2, playing the role of a passive defender, approaches closely to player 1, who is in possession of the ball.

He takes a step to the right with his right foot and passes the ball with his right hand from the shoulder with a rebound from the backboard to player 3.

Player 2 takes the place of player 1, and player 1 begins to play the role of defender, positioning himself in front of player 3, etc.

The game should begin only upon a signal from the teacher.

It is prohibited to pass the ball above the defender's head.

The team with the fewest turnovers wins.

1) the transfer is performed with the left hand after a left step to the left;

2) the defender is active, and the player with the ball can use passes with both right and left hands;

3) the player with the ball is allowed to use deceptive movements.

4) the game can be played taking into account the time indicator.

Card No. 3

Name of the game:

“Pass the ball over the defender.”


Mastering passing the ball with a bounce off the floor and catching the ball; acquiring the skill of determining the point of contact of the ball on the floor in playing conditions.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Teams are divided into pairs, each pair has a ball.

At the teacher’s signal, all pairs simultaneously begin moving around the court, passing the ball to each other in the indicated way.

The team with the fewest turnovers wins. 1) the transfer is performed while running with acceleration;

2) reception and transmission are performed in a jump;

3) the same, but at the end with a throw around the ring.

Card No. 4

Name of the game:

"Pass the ball"


Mastering the technique of passing and catching the ball when moving in pairs in game conditions.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Students are divided into 4-5 groups, each forming their own circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. In the center of each circle is a driver with a basketball. At the signal, the drivers take turns throwing the basketball to their players, trying not to drop it, and receive it back. When the ball goes around all the players in the circle (1-3 times), the driver lifts it up. The team that drops the ball the least number of times wins.

The team that finishes the game faster and drops the ball the least number of times wins.

You can choose another driver.

Card No. 5

Name of the game:

"Ball to the driver."


Teaching children to pass the ball with both hands from the chest and catch it. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of a friend.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

Dribbling games

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Teams are built one at a time.

The column guides hold the ball.

At a signal, they begin to dribble the ball in a straight line around their column or objects located in their path, throw the ball into the ring, then pass it to the next participant in the column, and they themselves take their place.

When the ball falls, it must be picked up and continued to be driven from the point where it fell.

The next player must begin dribbling only when the previous player has passed the specified distance.

Players must return to their column only along a certain side.

The team that completes the task first and correctly wins.

1) dribbling in combination with a pass from the wall (a certain number of times);

2) dribbling with a throw around the ring.

Card No. 6

Name of the game:

"Ball on the track."


Improving the skill of dribbling the ball in a straight direction in a limited space.


gymnastic clubs, cones, basketballs or medicine balls.



Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Teams are lined up one at a time.

In front, four players are at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other.

The first player in the column is at the start.

At the teacher’s signal, he dribbles the ball along the open column, going around each player.

At the end, he turns to face the column, rolls the ball to the next player, and stands behind everyone else.

If the ball is lost, the player must continue dribbling the ball from the place where the loss occurred.

The team that completes the task first wins.

Can be done for a while.

Card No. 7

Name of the game:

“Circle and roll.”


Improving the skill of dribbling the ball with a change in direction and subsequent rolling.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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The players of each team are divided into forwards and defenders.

The game scheme is shown in the figure.

The ball carrier's (attacker's) job is to dribble past the defender.

This technique ends with either passing the ball to a partner or throwing the ball at the goal.

You cannot hit your opponent's hands.

The team that manages to play the ball the most times without losing wins.

Depending on the number of participants, they can be divided into groups of threes and fours.

Card No. 8

Name of the game:

"Driving the ball against defensive resistance."


Improving the skill of group interactions: consolidating the technique of dribbling the ball against the resistance of the defense in a competitive setting.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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The players are divided into two teams, which in turn, divided in half, line up in two opposing columns.

At the first signal from the teacher, the first players in the column dribble the ball, and at the second, they stop and step, after which they finish dribbling and pass the ball to the player in the opposing column, and they themselves stand at the end of it.

The ball can be dribbled with either the right or left hand.

The end of the game is considered to be the last player changing places in the columns.

The team that finishes the game faster wins.

Card No. 9

Name of the game:

"Dribbling the ball with an unexpected stop"


Strengthening the skill of dribbling the ball; nurturing dexterity of movement; development of speed of motor reaction to a signal.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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The teams are divided in half and lined up in two opposing columns.

At the teacher’s signal, the leading player of the first column dribbles the ball in a straight line towards the opposite column and passes it to the leading player of this column, after which he takes a place at its end.

Dribbling the ball is carried out only in the prescribed manner.

The player in the opposite column has no right to leave before the ball is passed to him.

The winner is the team that manages to complete the task faster and change places in the columns.

1) right, left hand;

2) with stopping and turning at the teacher’s whistle;

3) carrying the ball in two steps and simulating a throw around the ring at the teacher’s signal.

Card number 10

Name of the game:

"Dribbling the ball in opposing columns"


Improving the technique of dribbling the ball in a game environment; development of dexterity and coordination of movements.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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The players are located in two lines facing each other at a distance of 2-2.5 m.

Players of one team hold balls in front of them.

At the teacher’s signal, players without balls move forward with side steps and try to knock or snatch the balls from the retreating, passively resisting players of the other team.

Then the teams change roles.

The winner is the player who managed to knock out or snatch the most balls.

Team victory is determined by the sum of victories of the participants.

The imitation of passive knocking out and snatching goes up to a certain point, beyond which the opponent no longer receives points.

Card No. 11

Name of the game:

"Active and passive partners."


Consolidation of the technique of active techniques of individual defense and attack (snatching, knocking out the ball) in competitive conditions.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Teams line up in opposing columns of two.

Players must pass the ball and pass to their column, overcoming the resistance of defenders in the indicated place.

The defenders are passively in the defensive stance of the basketball player and choose the moment to lunge and knock the ball away from the opponent.

The player with the ball must cover the ball in a timely manner or quickly pass to his partner in the exit column.

The game begins only upon a signal from the teacher. The team with the fewest turnovers wins.

Card number 12

Name of the game:

“Kick the ball while moving.”


Consolidating the technique of active individual defense techniques when snatching or knocking out the ball; development of speed qualities and dexterity in playing conditions.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Teams move in side steps in a circle in opposite directions.

At the whistle or a certain signal, the players of the attacking team lunge with their front foot and opposite hand, simulating knocking the ball away from the opponent.

The players of the other team (defending) at this time lunge in the opposite direction, trying to dodge.

Teams then perform these movements with the ball.

The team that manages to kick or snatch the ball the most times wins. When snatching and kicking the ball, you must not touch the opponent’s arms and body.

Card number 13

Name of the game:

"Protect the ball from being kicked out"


Consolidation of the technique of active techniques of individual defense (snatching, knocking out the ball) in conditions close to the game.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Using learned passes, two players from one team pass the ball, and two defenders from the other team try to knock it out, while respecting the rules of the game. The game should begin only upon a signal from the teacher.

Players change when the balls are kicked out or when the pair completes their pass.

The team whose players managed to kick the ball the most times wins.

1) a pass in one direction or the other ends with a strike and catching the ball from a wall or backboard;

2) movement with a passage to the backboard with a throw around the ring; an attack when knocking out can be started only after leaving the penalty area.

Card number 14

Name of the game:

"Fight for the ball 2x2."


Mastering the simplest tactical interactions; improving kicking the ball in oncoming traffic.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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All players are divided into groups of 5 people each. A quarter of the court is allocated for each five players. You cannot run outside your area. Within each five, the players are divided into two teams: one has 3 players - attackers, the other - 2 - defenders. The attackers, passing the ball to each other, try to hold it as long as possible, and the defenders try to knock the ball out. Those who hit the most balls win.

The forward who makes a mistake while passing switches roles with the defender.

Card number 15

Name of the game:

"Three by two"


Mastering the simplest tactical interactions; improving kicking the ball in oncoming traffic.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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The attackers take turns dribbling the ball, and the defenders, being 1 meter away from them, move backwards in their path, trying not to let the attacker pass forward.

Having chosen an opportune moment, the defenders try to stop the attacker and take possession of the ball.

Then the teams change roles.

After passing, the first participant passes the ball to the next one.

For an incorrect attack, points are deducted from the defender, and points are awarded to the attacker for passing and hitting the ball in the hoop.

The team that makes fewer mistakes in attack and defense wins.

1) the same, but after passing, throw the ball with a rebound from the backboard;

2) the same, but with throwing the ball into the ring no more than once.

Card number 16

Name of the game:

"Defender, take possession of the ball"


Training in defensive tactics; development of dexterity, accuracy, reaction speed in gaming conditions.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Team players are located in columns.

At the teacher’s signal, the guides run to the ball, which lies at an equal distance from the teams, and try to master it faster in order to complete a specific task, for example: 3 passes with the ball bouncing off the wall, a throw into the hoop, etc.

The team that manages to control the ball the most times is the winner.

Card number 17

Name of the game:

"Who can take possession of the ball faster"


Development of speed qualities;
nurturing dexterity and coordination of movements in conditions close to game ones .




Time spending:

5-7 min.

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All players are divided into two teams.

One dribbles the ball in different directions, the other tries to take possession of the opponent’s ball.

When the ball is intercepted, the drivers change.

If the attack is incorrect, the defender is penalized.

At the end of the game, the number of ball losses is counted and the winner is determined.

The winner is the team whose players made fewer mistakes when passing the ball and had more possession of the ball.

Each group dribbles the ball for a certain time.

Card number 18

Name of the game:

"Get control of the ball while moving"


Mastering technical actions to dribble and intercept the ball in a game setting.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Players in pairs sit in a circle.

Players standing inside the circle dribble the ball with their closest hand 1 m from those standing outside the circle. The players in the circle, trying to gain control of the ball, take turns lunging.

The player whose ball is taken away is eliminated.

After the specified time, the teams change places.

The game should begin only upon a signal from the teacher.

The team with the fewest lost balls wins.

Participants stand in columns.

On the specified segment, one of them tries to carry the ball to the specified line, and the other tries to take possession of the ball, after which the ball is passed back into the column to the next player.

Card number 19

Name of the game:

"Get control of the ball while dribbling"


Consolidation of the technique of active techniques of individual defense and attack; development of dexterity and precision of movements in conditions close to game ones.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Team players sit in pairs facing the wall.

The one standing in front is the attacker, the one behind is the defender.

The attacker passes to the wall, catches the ball and then turns.

At the moment of turning, the defender should try to grab the ball and snatch it.

After the ball is taken away, the players change places.

The game should begin only upon a signal from the teacher.

The team whose defenders have captured the most balls in a certain amount of time wins.

Card number 20

Name of the game:

"Get control of the ball after the turn"


Consolidating the technique of active individual defense techniques when mastering the ball; nurturing dexterity and coordination of movements in game conditions.





Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Card number 21

Name of the game:







Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Card number 22

Name of the game:







Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Card number 23

Name of the game:







Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Card number 24

Name of the game:







Time spending:

5-7 min.

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Card number 25

Name of the game:







Time spending:

5-7 min.

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