Summary of GCD in a plot-game form in the senior group "Children's Cafe"

Summary of plot-based role-playing game in the senior group

Software tasks:

— Continue to teach children to fulfill their roles in accordance with the plot of the game, and to use the necessary attributes.

— Form friendly relationships and culture during communication

— To consolidate knowledge and initial ideas about professions: seller, cashier, hairdresser, bus driver, conductor.

- Form coherent speech and its expressiveness.

- Develop dialogical speech.

Material and equipment:

Equipped play areas: “Clothing store”, “Hair salon”, “Bus”, “Advertising agency”.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about professions: salesperson, cashier, hairdresser, bus driver, controller. Parents' stories about their professions. Looking at illustrations and photographs. Observations in everyday life.

Progress of the game:

Children independently organize games: “Shop”, “Bus”,

"Barbershop", "Family". Select the required attributes.

Children turn to the teacher:

“I want to open a store, and I want everyone to know about it.” There are many good products in our store. Clothes and shoes for children and adults.

— There are few visitors in my beauty salon. I want everyone to know about it. The hairdressers will create a beautiful hairstyle.

— We want to go to the theater today. And they would like to know where is the best place to get their hair done, and where to buy clothes for the whole family.


: — In order for people to know about your store and hairdresser, you need to advertise. I suggest opening an advertising agency.

Conversation with children:

— Where do you most often see advertising?

(radio, video, newspapers, magazines)

— What do we learn from advertising?

(about goods, about opening a store)

— Who do you think benefits from advertising?

(for the buyer - because he learns about the product and services and can compare prices with other stores. And also, advertising is beneficial for sellers; the more people know about the store, the more profit.)

— I propose to open a print advertising agency.

An advertising agency employs people from different professions.

I want to invite you to try yourself as an artist-designer. An artist-designer comes up with sketches for advertising. These sketches are then discussed at the artistic council and sent to print.

— Can I be the director of an advertising agency? I will take on a leadership role. Who wants to try themselves as an artist-designer (choose 3-4 people).

— An advertising agency must have a name. What would you like to call our agency (the children offer various options, I suggest calling the agency “Solnyshko”).

— Our advertising agency received two applications - a store and a hairdresser.

— What should people learn from advertising?

(Children's answers: Name of the store. What is sold there. And also, what services are offered in the hairdressing salon).

What should advertising be like?

(good cheerful)

Children make advertisements from pre-made blanks.

Children play and perform game roles in accordance with the plot. The teacher follows the correctness of actions.

“Notes of educational games” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic


Goals: cognitive, educational, developmental, educational.

Objectives: expanding knowledge about the textile industry, improving listening skills, correlating what is heard with the image, instilling respect for working people.

Game material and visual aids: pictures depicting cotton fields, large machines transporting cotton to factories, spinning and weaving factories; weavers, artists making designs for fabrics, printing machines that apply designs to fabric; pictures showing different clothes made of chintz.

Form of work: group or individual.

Form of the lesson: conversation combined with practical tasks.

Description and methods of playing the game. At the beginning of the game, you need to give these pictures to the children and ask them; “Do you know what your dresses and suits are made of? Look carefully! Many of them are made of cotton fabric. Cotton, from which clothes are made, grows where there is a lot of sun and warmth. Let’s take a trip to sunny Uzbekistan, where cotton grows.” If possible, it is necessary to let children examine the fruit-boxes with white fluffy cotton. The teacher continues the story: “Such boxes are collected and sent to cleaning factories. There the cotton is combed and sent to spinning mills. Spinning machines spin threads and wind them onto spindles. Weavers use thread to weave fabric. The artist comes up with a drawing. This is how you get chintz or satin. Clothes are made from this fabric.”

During the story, the teacher asks to show pictures which corresponds to what.

Tips for a teacher

In another lesson, children can be asked to sew clothes for dolls from scraps of fabric.


Goals: developmental, cognitive, educational.

Objectives: development of speech activity, speed of thinking and reaction, logical thinking; formation of a sense of language. Game material and visual aids: ping pong ball. Form of work: group.

Form of lesson: game combined with practical tasks.

Description and methods of playing the game. The teacher and the children sit in a circle and explain the rules of the game: “Today we will come up with sentences. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word “close” and pass the ball to Misha. He will take the ball and quickly answer: “I live close to the kindergarten.” Then he will say his word and pass the ball to the person sitting next to him.” The word in a sentence must be used in the form in which the person guessing suggests it. So, in turn, the ball passes from one player to another. The balls should be passed to another player after a sentence with the named leading word is thought up.

Tips for a teacher

This game should be played after children are familiar with the word and sentence.


Goals: developmental, educational, communicative, educational.

Objectives: development of logical thinking, ability to reason, draw conclusions based on information received and tactile data, creative abilities; developing the ability to play in a team.

Game material and visual aids: a scarf or handkerchief that will act as a blindfold for the driver - a clairvoyant.

Form of work: group.

Lesson form: gaming.

Description and methods of playing the game. An unlimited number of children can participate in the game (from 10 to 15 people). The teacher introduces the children into a playful situation: all the children turn into visitors who are trying with all their might to attend a session and receive advice from a famous clairvoyant, magician and wizard. From among the players, a leader is chosen - the boy Vasya, who is an assistant, i.e. an assistant, a clairvoyant. The driver is seated on a chair or stool in the middle of the room or any playroom and blindfolded. After this, the presenter - the boy Vasya, taking one of the players by the hand, carefully takes them in turn to the “clairvoyant”, who, in turn, touches with his hands the head, hair, face, shoulders and clothes of the visitor or visitor, i.e. the players boy or girl, by touch he must unmistakably guess who is standing in front of him. The clairvoyant must loudly and clearly say out loud the participant’s first and last name.

If the “clairvoyant” is mistaken, then he changes places with the player he did not recognize. If he names everything correctly, he guesses the other player.

Tips for a teacher

The game can last indefinitely, so you need to agree in advance on the time it will last or the number of rounds. The winner is the clairvoyant who guessed the most number of players.


Goals: developmental, correctional, educational.

Objectives: development of auditory memory, attentiveness, creativity, thinking.

Game material and visual aids: mole and swallow costumes, and in this case you can limit yourself to masks alone, and you will also need a scarf or small scarf with which you will need to blindfold the mole, a chair, an armchair or a stool.

Form of work: group.

Lesson form: gaming.

Description and methods of playing the game. This game is similar to the previous one, only here you have to guess the player by his voice. All the guys form a large, numerous team, lined up in one line. From the total number of players, a girl is selected by voting or using a counting rhyme - the leader, who will play the role of a swallow here, and the mole - the leader. The presenter blindfolds the mole so that he cannot see anything, and explains to the other players the rather simple rules of the game.

The swallow holds the hand of one of the children and quietly leads him to a mole sitting on a chair, blindfolded. The participant must call the driver - the mole - by name. The mole's task at the moment is to guess the participant who approached him and give his last name and first name. If the mole guessed the participant by voice, then they temporarily change places with him, and if not, then the game continues in the same spirit. After this guessing procedure, the swallow leads the next player to the mole, and this continues from one round to another until all the guys have played the role of guesser. Moreover, other participants do not have the right to tell the mole.

Tips for a teacher

Violators of the rules are punished with the help of some invented penalties, which are agreed upon in advance. For example, run from one wall of the room to the opposite one and back, or jump on one leg, on the right or on the left, at the choice of the “offender,” 10 times, or do 20 squats, etc.


Goals: developmental, adaptive, educational.

Objectives: development of attentiveness, accuracy and speed of various reactions, coordination of movements, as well as motor and creative abilities, the ability to play in a team.

Game material and visual aids: any ring of any size, made of simple metal or plastic, chairs, the number of which coincides with the number of children participating in the game. If the game is held during a matinee, then you can sew a theatrical or carnival costume of the Snow Queen.

Form of work: group.

Lesson form: gaming.

Description and methods of playing the game. All the guys are organized into one large team, which can include an unlimited number of participants, chosen at random, and are seated on chairs arranged in one straight, even line, or on a bench. The leader is the Snow Queen, holding a ring in her hands. The teacher introduces her.

The team members, with their arms extended forward, palms clasped together in a “boat” shape, wait silently. The Queen, solemnly walking next to them and touching the palms of the players with her hands, pretends to put her “name” ring in their palm. Then the presenter says the following phrase: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” Having heard these words, the player who is holding the ring from the Snow Queen must quickly jump up from his chair and run to the center of the room, standing next to the leader. However, the rest of the children must, having guessed in advance who is the temporary owner of the lucky ring, try to keep it in place, not allowing it to escape. If the player managed to successfully and safely escape from the impromptu grip, then he automatically turns into the Snow Queen or King, briefly taking the place of the leader, until someone replaces him in exactly the same way.

Tips for a teacher

Before starting the game, you need to explain its rules. This game is good to play during the holidays.


Goals: developmental, correctional, adaptive, educational.

Objectives: broadening one's horizons, increasing the level of musical literacy, developing imagination and aesthetic sense.

Equipment: stereo, disc. Form of work: group.

Form of lesson: conversation and listening to music.

Description and methods of playing the game. An adult talks about P.I. Tchaikovsky and invites you to get acquainted with his ballet “Swan Lake”. Then comes a clarification of what ballet is. A fragment from a ballet sounds. The story is told in the background of music. Children are invited to be transported to a beautiful palace, where many guests have gathered to celebrate the birthday of Prince Siegfried, who receives a bow and arrow as a gift.

The prince goes to the shore of the lake, along which snow-white swans swim. A miracle happens before the prince's eyes: the swans turn into girls. The prince falls in love with the swan queen Odette and learns that an evil wizard turned her and her friends into swans, and only in the evening they can turn into people again. Only the love of a young man can save Odette. The prince decides to save her. But the evil wizard is trying to deceive the prince. Using witchcraft, he turns his daughter into Odette. The next day, a ball is organized again in the palace, to which the wizard’s daughter appears, and the prince declares her his bride. However, he notices a swan appearing at the window and flapping its wings excitedly. The prince sensed trouble and went to the lake, where he fought the wizard and defeated him. Odette and her friends turn back into people.

After this, the adult offers to answer the following questions.

1. What impressions did the content of the ballet leave you with?

2. What impressions did the music evoke?

3. How do you imagine the prince, Odette, and the evil wizard?

4. Did you like the lesson?

Tips for a teacher

For children of preschool and primary school age, the material should be offered in a simplified and abbreviated form. After listening to the ballet, you can invite children to draw characters or the most dramatic moments of the plot.


Goals: developmental, cognitive, adaptive, educational.

Objectives: development of acting abilities, sense of humor, expressiveness of speech, diction.

Game materials and visual aids: you can make costumes for the characters.

Form of work: group.

Form of lesson: game with elements of dramatization.

Description and methods of playing the game. During the performance, the audience should not be passive observers. All of them are active participants in the game. They constantly communicate with the characters, give them advice and can even influence the course of events. So, the puppet theater begins.

Leading. A girl with blue hair sat in the garden, at a small table covered with doll dishes, and waved away annoying butterflies.

Malvina (with annoyance). Come on, really!

(The poodle Artemon, helping Malvina, barks at the butterflies, chases them, creating a cheerful fuss. Pinocchio appears and sits down at the table; his movements are cheeky. The children tell him how to sit at the table. Malvina pours cocoa into a tiny cup.)

Presenter (reproachfully). Pinocchio stuffed the whole cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing. He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure, smacking his lips. (Such actions make children laugh. Malvina is upset.)

Presenter (with regret). When Malvina turned away to throw a few crumbs to the elderly ground beetle, Pinocchio grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout. I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth.

Malvina (sternly). Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Children, he has already forgotten your advice. (Further sharply.) Don’t eat with your hands, that’s what spoons and forks are for, right, children? Who is raising you, please tell me?

Pinocchio. When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does.

Malvina (threateningly). Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured.

Pinocchio (in despair). That's how it got there!

Leading. Children, think, maybe we can invite Pinocchio to visit our kindergarten? Your teacher is kind and loves you? Do you feel sorry for Pinocchio? Where could he learn everything that Malvina requires? After all, he hasn't gone to school yet.

Presenter (sympathetically). Sitting decently at the table gave him goosebumps all over his body. Finally the painful breakfast was over.

Malvina. And now we will engage in education. (Removes the tea table, sets up the board and desk.) Now sit down, put your hands in front of you. Don't hunch over (Takes a chalk.) We'll do arithmetic. You have two oranges in your pocket.

Pinocchio. You're lying, I don't have any oranges!

Malvina (patiently). I say, suppose you have two oranges in your pocket.

Pinocchio (foolishly). Ha ha ha!

Malvina. Someone took one orange from you. How much fruit is left in your pocket?

Pinocchio (confident). Two.

Malvina. Think carefully. Pinocchio (without thinking). Two. Malvina (judging). Why?

Pinocchio (decisively). I won't give someone an orange. I won’t give it up, that’s all!

Malvina (upset). Alas, you are not at all capable of mathematics.

Leading. Children, why couldn’t Pinocchio solve such a simple problem? Right. He was thinking about oranges, not subtraction. After all, he never ate them. What did poor dad Carlo give his wooden son for breakfast? Bitter onion. Maybe we can treat Pinocchio to oranges? (Pinocchio thanks the guys and eats the orange with pleasure.)

Malvina. Let's take up the Russian language. We will write a dictation. Write: “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw.” Ready? Now read this magic phrase backwards.

Leading. But Pinocchio has never seen a pen and an inkwell!

Malvina. Write! (Pinocchio immediately puts his nose into the inkwell and gets terribly scared when an ink blot falls from his nose onto the paper.)

Malvina (sharply). You are a nasty naughty boy, you must be punished! Artemon, take Pinocchio to the dark closet!

Leading. Wait, Malvina, wait. Children, you probably feel sorry for Pinocchio? And Malvina? Why can’t she teach him anything, but he willingly learns from you? (Listen to the children’s answers.) And Malvina herself was upset, because she is not an evil girl. It’s better for both of you to come to the children’s literacy and math classes. Our teacher will quickly teach you everything!

Tips for a teacher

The game should be filled with fun and jokes. Repeated games are best done as dramatizations. You can offer children a variety of tasks in mathematics, native language, and reading.

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