Didactic games and exercises for older preschoolers on the topic “Flowers” ​​educational and methodological material on the world around us (preparatory group)
Preparatory group We offer games to consolidate and generalize knowledge about flora, expand horizons, and develop
Card index of didactic games for children 3-4 years old “Autumn Leaves”
Card index of didactic games for children 3-4 years old “Autumn leaves” DIDACTIC GAMES “AUTUMN LEAVES”. GAMES
Didactic board game for sensory development “Match by color”
Match objects by color The group game “Match objects by color” helps to memorize
Dominoes for kids
Card index of didactic board-printed games for young children
Interesting for everyone What you should pay attention to: the age of the baby; interests; possibilities. Why is this
Didactic game “Remove garbage - save nature”
Ecology, nature protection. Didactic games and manuals
Ecological games for the development and formation of a correct attitude towards the environment contain a plot, use
Didactic game “Dress up the dolls in national costumes” for older preschoolers
Didactic game “Dress the dolls in national costume” for children of senior preschool age
Purpose of the game: 1. To introduce children to national customs 2. To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of the national
Graphic dictation by cells for preschoolers and first graders. The easiest and most difficult graphic dictation options for a child
What is graphic dictation? Graphic dictation for preschoolers is a kind of game that is interesting
Didactic games in the senior group on the topic “Forest. Trees in autumn"
Didactic game “What grows in the garden?” Tatyana Alshevskaya Didactic game “What grows in the garden?”
Child hugging a tree
Didactic game: “Autumn Adventure”, for children 4 - 7 years old
Didactic games “Trees” in the younger group We offer simple and exciting games that help younger preschoolers
games for children 6 7 years old
Educational games for children of the senior group of kindergarten card file (senior group) on the topic
All children in the world are united by a love of games. Play is a natural need for a child,
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