Ecology, nature protection. Didactic games and manuals

Ecological games

on the development and formation of a correct attitude towards the surrounding nature contain a plot, use roles, rules, or contain only tasks. Actions in such games can be indicated by text, which determines the sequence of the game.

The games proposed by preschool teachers will help preschoolers love their native land and the surrounding animate and inanimate nature. Game exercises and manuals developed by preschool education specialists are easy to make and have one or more options for implementation.

Games and aids for environmental development and education

Contained in sections:

  • Didactic games 32037
  • Nature, ecology. Games, teaching aids 912
  • Ecology for children. Ecolates, nature defenders 4159

Includes sections:

  • Seasons, months, weeks. Games and teaching aids 1195
  • Weather and nature calendar 241
  • Sorting garbage and waste. Games, teaching aids 43
  • Ecological signs. Rules of behavior in nature, in the forest 23
  • Ecological lapbooks 249

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group

Showing publications 1-10 of 79. All sections | Ecology, nature protection. Didactic games and manuals



The best

Didactic game “Remove garbage - save nature”

Purpose of the game : to help students familiarize themselves with the concepts of “waste sorting”

. Objectives: Develop the ability to classify objects according to the materials from which they are made. Develop logical thinking, observation, memory, attention, fine...

The use of psychological games in preschool educational institutions for the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children. Game "Dangers of the Magic Forest"

"The Dangers of the Magic Forest"

Author: Khukhlaeva O.V.
PURPOSE OF THE GAME AND OBJECTIVES The goal is to correct various fears in preschool children. It is possible to use the game to reduce emotional stress in children during the adaptation period. Objectives: — creating a relaxed atmosphere;…

Author's manual on ecology “Nature Cube”


Khasanova Zulfiya Takbirshovna,


MADO "Kindergarten No. 44" in Tobolsk

highest category.

Our Motherland is great. Several natural zones change from north to south. Why is this happening? How do the flora and fauna of natural zones differ?

A guide for an exciting trip with kids through the natural areas of Russia will help answer these questions.

Spin the "Nature Cube"

And you will find on it,

Corners of a special country,

The one in which we live.

The purpose of the manual: to help preschoolers organize and systematize knowledge about the world around them, to understand the relationships in nature.


— Fostering sensitivity, kindness, and respect for nature; love for the Motherland;

— creating a need for acquiring environmental knowledge;

— formation of interest in objects of the surrounding world, living conditions of plants and animals;

- support children’s initiative, inquisitiveness, activity and independence in environmentally oriented activities;

— develop children’s personal cognitive experience.

Description of the manual: The manual is a cube, each face of which is a natural zone of Russia. At the bottom of the edges there are pockets for cards.

For ease of use, the cube is mounted on a rotating disk. The manual is accompanied by cards with images of representatives of flora and fauna of various natural zones . Posters from the “Natural Zones of Russia” series were used for production.

K ub is intended for children of senior preschool age. It is universal: it will help children not only get acquainted with animals and plants from different parts of our country, see the beauty and diversity of nature, but also broaden the pupils’ horizons, develop their memory, attention, thinking, and speech. Helps increase the child's cognitive activity.

The manual can be used both in joint activities of a child and an adult, and for independent and group games.

Options for games and exercises:

“Where do these plants grow?”

“Where do these animals live?”

“Help animals and plants find their home.”

Children help animals and plants find their home by choosing suitable climatic conditions.

"Find the odd one out"

"Continue the series"

“Help me fix the mistake.”

Children compare animals, find similarities and differences between them, common and different in plants, learn to notice interesting features of the appearance and behavior of animals.

“Find out by description.”

Children are asked to identify the natural area based on the description.

“Make a match.”

Children learn to establish correspondence: a natural area - its climate, plants, animals, birds.

"Make a story."

Based on the manual, you can talk about an animal or plant, compose and solve riddles.

Dear teachers and parents - participants of the exhibition!

On June 2, 2015, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional methodological exhibition “Modern educational environment of kindergarten and family” took place at the information and exhibition complex of the Tyumen Regional Duma. Details >>>

From June 8 to June 10, 2015, teachers from Tyumen received certificates of exhibition participants and multimedia albums with the full version of the exhibition at the Grant Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth at the address: Profsoyuznaya St., 52. tel. for inquiries: 685-321,

June 9, 2015 Diplomas, certificates and gifts were sent to the winners and participants of the Exhibition of the south of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra by registered parcel post to the address of the preschool educational institution. Details >>>


Collection of didactic games on environmental education

Progress of the game

: The teacher distributes vegetables and fruits to the children and invites them to “mix them up.” At the signal: “Find your vegetable!” - children, holding vegetables and fruits of the same name, gather in groups. Moreover, within each group they must position themselves in such a way that it is clear what comes first, what comes next, that is, follow the sequence of ripening - from unripe to ripe. The link that assembles quickly and stands in the correct sequence wins.

During the game, children change objects several times.

"Magic Screens"


: development in children of the ability to organize objects by property, understand the conventions of notation, analyze, and compare objects.


: “Screen” with three “slot windows” into which tapes with symbols of properties are inserted. Ribbons are strips depicting objects with varying degrees of properties (for example, a large, medium and small apple).

Rules and course of the game: the teacher or one of the children inserts an image of an object in the first “window”. He suggests choosing a “family” - building an ordered row.

For example: large circle, then medium, small; dark spot – light, very light, etc. At the beginning of mastering the game, the content is specially designed: a property is selected, pictures with a clear manifestation of this property are selected. In the future, you can use images with multiple properties. For example, in the first “window” there is a red apple, in the second and third “windows” there are apples of different shape, color, and size. Children discuss how to build a series, which property to choose.



"Flower shop"


consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color and make beautiful bouquets.

Visual material:

pictures of vegetables.

The teacher says: “One day a tomato decided to gather an army from vegetables.” They came to her with peas, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, and turnips. (The teacher puts pictures of these vegetables on the stand one by one) And the tomato told them: “There were a lot of people willing, so I set the following condition: first of all, only those vegetables will go to my army whose names have the same sounds as mine.” tomato." - What do you think, children, what vegetables responded to his call? Children name, highlighting the necessary sounds with their voices: peas, carrots, potatoes, turnips, cucumber, and explain that these words contain the sounds p, p, as in the word tomato. The teacher moves pictures depicting the named vegetables on the stand closer to the tomato. Tomato conducts various training sessions with peas, carrots, potatoes, and turnips. Good for them! And the rest of the vegetables were saddened: the sounds that make up their names in no way fit the sounds of the tomato, and they decided to ask the tomato to change the condition. Tomato agreed: “Have it your way!” Come now, those whose names have as many parts as mine.” - What do you think, children, who responded now? Together we find out how many parts there are in the word tomato and in the name of the remaining vegetables. Each answer explains in detail that the words tomato and, for example, cabbage have the same number of syllables. Pictures depicting these plants also move towards the tomato. “But the onions and beets were even more saddened. Why do you think, children? The children explain that the number of parts in the name is not the same as that of a tomato, and the sounds do not match. - How to help them. Guys? What new condition could a tomato offer them so that these vegetables would join his army? The teacher should lead the children to formulate the following conditions themselves: “Let those vegetables come whose names have an emphasis in the first part” or “We accept into the army those whose names contain the same sounds (onions, beets).” To do this, he can invite the children to listen and compare where the stress is in the remaining words - the names of vegetables, and compare their sound composition. “All the vegetables became warriors, and there was no more grief!” - concludes the teacher.

Find the odd one out

A didactic game on ecology reinforces knowledge about insects and forms an understanding of their differences from other living beings.

The teacher lists four creatures, the children say which word is the odd one out:

  • rabbit, raccoon, wolf, [bee];
  • sparrow, [ant], rook, quail;
  • moth, dragonfly, [marten], bumblebee;
  • dragonfly, locust, [bee], ladybug;
  • mosquito, cockchafer, [lizard], butterfly;
  • grasshopper, moth, [tit], midge;
  • bug, cockroach, [bee], aphid;
  • lizard, [dragonfly], turtle, toad.

Name the insect

To conduct an ecological game that forms the concept of “insects,” you need to cut the pictures into small parts, which depict:

  • flying dragonfly;
  • fly;
  • caterpillar on a flower;
  • butterfly with open wings;
  • ladybug;
  • nectar collecting bee;
  • beetle on a branch;
  • grasshopper in the grass.

Children must put the puzzles together correctly.

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