Project “Profession – firefighter” for kindergarten
State budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 35 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg
Project “Profession – Firefighter”
Teachers: Zakharova T.N. Sidyakova T.S.
Explanatory note:
In educational work, weeks are planned according to fire safety rules: books about firefighters are read, proverbs and sayings are learned, and initial familiarization with fire safety rules occurs.
Fire can be a helper and protector. He heated caves and dwellings, scared away ferocious predators, and prepared food. Then people invented machines, and fire made them work. Railroads, electricity, hot water and much more that we encounter every day in life are made with the help of fire. But fire can be not only a friend and helper. When he gets out of control and breaks free, expect trouble. It greedily devours everything it can reach, growing into a huge, roaring beast. Any of us can put out a fire or even a towel on fire in the kitchen. But when it comes to a big fire, brave people enter into battle with the elements. Their names are firefighters. There is a calling - to save and protect people. It is with this calling that they go to work in the rescue service, so that they can look danger in the eye every day. The profession of a firefighter, or, as it is now called, a rescuer, is one of the most important. Every child knows phone number 01 by heart. Many people will never need the help of firefighters in their entire lives, but these defenders will save others from death. Any city and even a village must have its own rescue team, since fires happen everywhere, and they must be extinguished by professionals. Fire is an element that, in dry weather, can turn any place into a black desert covered with ash. The task of firefighters is to save people first, and then things, buildings, forests. These brave people extinguish multi-story buildings and even entire factories. Without their exploits, many villages and cities would have burned to the ground, many people could have died. The profession of a firefighter is a heroic profession. These brave people go into the thick of the fire to save others, risking their lives. And they often die themselves, saving people from the fire. Real firefighters always come to the rescue. Therefore, I believe that a firefighter is more than a profession, it is a state of mind.
And children learn fire safety rules in a completely different way when a firefighter talks about it, which is why excursions to the fire station are planned in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. Educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”.
Project type: informational - creative
Type of project: group.
Project duration: short-term (14 days).
Participants: older children, teachers, parents.
Relevance. An organized excursion to the fire department showed that the children show interest in the professions of adults, what their professions are called, what they do at their jobs, some children have not developed respect for the work of adults. Parents, and we educators, rarely or not at all tell our children about our work. But the inclination of children to certain roles, games and types of work indicates the first manifestations of “professional orientation” in the development of the child’s personality. Based on this, we decided to invite children to start getting acquainted with the profession of a firefighter and the idea of this project.
Expected Result.
We assume that familiarization with the fire service will allow: - to expand and deepen children’s knowledge about professions related to this service, about the significance and value of each work. — activate and replenish children’s vocabulary, develop coherent speech on the topic of the project. — improve the monologue form of speech, thereby increasing the speech activity of children. — continue to develop children’s ability to be active listeners. — to develop fire safety knowledge among preschoolers — to compose stories from personal experience “What I saw at the fire station.” -strengthen friendly relations between parents and employees, promote the desire to cooperate, and help children achieve tasks. During the project, children become familiar with the requirements that a particular profession places on a person. The project provided a good opportunity to involve parents in joint activities with the teacher and children, allowed them to process various sources of information themselves, generalize the material, and develop logical thinking in children.
The goal of the project is to arouse interest and respect for the firefighting profession. Objectives: Developmental: 1. Maintain and develop the ability to carefully familiarize yourself with the professions of the fire service. 2. To promote children’s ability to compose a story and present their knowledge about professions related to the fire service to children. 3. Develop children’s speech and productive activity during the project. 4. Contribute to the development of an active listener: the ability to listen to the stories of your comrades.
Educational: 1. Cultivate interest and desire to learn about the professions of the fire service. 2. Foster a respectful attitude towards working people.
Working with parents: Tasks: - invite parents on an excursion to the fire station; — introduce parents to the upcoming project and its objectives (in the form of an announcement); — invite parents to take an active part in helping children prepare a story about the work of the fire service.
Activation of the dictionary: firefighter, fire department, fighter, fire extinguisher, fire hose, firefighter, helmet, fireproof material, gas mask, ladder, crowbar, hook.
Project implementation stages:
Preparatory stage: conversations: “Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy”, “Service 01 is always on guard”, “Where fire works”, reading and retelling of L. Tolstoy’s work “Fire Dogs”; memorization of proverbs and sayings, initial acquaintance with fire safety rules. examination of illustrative material: depiction of labor processes: fire extinguishing, firefighters training, putting their uniforms in order, repairing equipment; tools, mechanisms, work clothes: fire truck, extendable ladder, fire hose, fire hose - fireman's jacket, gas mask, "Boyevka" combat clothing.
Main stage: - drawing and sculpting a fire truck (after looking at illustrations, models, watching introductory films); — familiarization with the fire shield and the fire extinguishing equipment placed on it; — didactic game “If a fire occurs,” “It’s burning, don’t burn.” Final stage: 1. Presentation by children of prepared reports on the work of the fire service. Result achieved: 1. The children of the group expanded and deepened their knowledge about the profession of firefighter, the significance and value of this work. 2. Some children learned to write short stories about the profession of a firefighter and confidently present them to their comrades. 4. Daily discussions and viewing of illustrations and films about the firefighter profession enriched the children’s vocabulary and contributed to increasing their speech activity. 5. The project contributed to instilling in children respect for the work of adults and respect for the environment. 6. Parents participated in searching for information about the fire service together with their children, helped them compose and write down a story, and decorated the children’s report with photographs and crossword puzzles. 7. The project strengthened friendly relations between parents and employees, contributed to the desire to cooperate and help children in its implementation.
We are sure that this project attracted the attention of children to this profession, helped them look at the work of adults with different eyes, and be more respectful of their work. The right choice of profession determines success in life, so we really hope that in the future our graduates will choose a favorite profession that brings joy and benefits to people.
List of used literature: 1. Avdeeva N. N., Knyazeva N. L, Sterkina R. B. “Safety” educational and methodological manual on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age - St. Petersburg: “Childhood - PRESS”, 2008, 144 pp. . 2. Aralina N. A. “Introducing preschoolers to fire safety rules.” 3. Shorygina T. A., “Fire safety rules” for children 5-8 years old. M: Sphere shopping center, 2007 – 64 p. 4. Magazine “Preschool Education” No. 4, 2007 “Fire Safety”. Materials used and Internet resources: 1 2 3 detiipb/index.html 4
Appendix: TOUR TO THE FIRE STATION: IF A FIRE OCCURS? Goal: to arouse interest and respect for the firefighter profession.
Objectives: to introduce children to the fire rescue unit, its purpose, the profession of fire rescuer, dispatcher, mechanic, fire truck driver, special equipment used to extinguish fires, special clothing; consolidate fire safety rules, develop in children a positive attitude towards the firefighter profession, stable standards of behavior on the street and in public places
Course of the excursion 1. Introductory part. Educator (V.). On Saturday, we teachers and an assistant teacher met with children and their parents near fire station No. 52. Guys, today we are going on an excursion to the fire station. Who do you think we'll meet there? (With fire rescuers) Clarify with children the rules of conduct in public places.
2. Main part. Q. You and I are at the entrance to the fire station. You all know that fires are very dangerous. What exactly? (Children's answers.) In a fire, things, an apartment, and even a whole house can burn. But the most dangerous thing is that people may die. What needs to be done immediately as soon as a fire is discovered so that a big disaster does not happen? (Call the firefighters.) How to do this correctly, what phone number? (101) Every citizen knows this number 101. If trouble comes to you, call there quickly. And if you don’t have a phone, call people from the balcony. As soon as you call the firefighters, a fire truck will come out to put out the fire. Let's go in and see where the fire trucks “live” and who services them. We were met by the head of the duty guard. Conversation with a rescue firefighter. • Please show us the car. • What does the car have? • Where are firefighters stationed? • What are they wearing? (Consideration of special clothing.) • Why do firefighters wear helmets and fireproof suits? • What can be used to evacuate people? (Ladder, awning.) • Show what you use to put out the fire. • How many seconds does it take for the fire brigade to gather for a fire? • What if there is a red light in the way of the car? • What needs to be done to prevent fires? • Can children play with matches? • What about lighting fires in the forest? • Is it possible to turn on electrical appliances without adult permission? • Light the gas? • What qualities should a firefighter have? • What do our guys need to do to become firefighters? (Do sports, harden yourself.) Q. Guys, let's thank the firefighter rescuer for talking with us. We learned a lot of useful and interesting things. At the end of the excursion, we watched as firefighters went to extinguish the fire, as the dispatcher announced a call to the brigade over the intercom. Monitoring the actions of firefighters according to the scheme. A signal arrives at the remote control, an emergency button calls the firefighters, puts on fireproof suits, the crew takes their seats in the car, and the car leaves the fire station gate with the siren on. Game "Add words". A representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reads lines of poetry, and children must add the missing word. 1. A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor. Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with... water. 2. If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do? Immediately... take away the matches. 3. If suddenly a fire breaks out, you must immediately call the fire department and report the fire... 4. Those who are not careful with fire may experience a fire. Children, remember that you can’t joke... with fire. 5. This is a dark house, a hundred sisters live in it, and any of the sisters can flare up like a fire. Dangerous sisters are thin... matches. 3. Summing up. Representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Guys, everyone who was attentive and learned the fire safety rules, now you must strictly follow the fire safety rules and teach others to do the same. The excursion to visit the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations became a very bright and memorable event for the children. During this meeting, they received a lot of useful information about the profession of a firefighter and the features of this important work; repeated and consolidated their knowledge and skills in the field of fire safety. Lively communication with people of this heroic specialty contributes to the development of children's serious attitude towards their own behavior and becomes an obstacle to careless games with fire.
Children's stories about how I went to the fire department.
The children prepared short stories about the work of firefighters and presented to the children:
Kirill's story about the heroic profession.
a training room (while there are no calls, firefighters study and train all the time), a garage for special vehicles, a bedroom (if there are no calls, then firefighters sleep from 11 pm to 6 am). Upon receiving a signal, rescuers on duty must put on special clothing within 20 seconds, then get into the car and drive to the fire site within one minute. The combat crew consists of several vehicles and a team. The team is divided into groups, each of which has its own task: firefighting, rescue and evacuation of people, preventing the spread of fire to nearby buildings. Among the employees of the fire department there are fire rescuers, drivers, engineers, inspectors, mechanics, messengers, an orderly (keeps order, makes sure that no strangers walk in the unit, that no cars are parked in front of the garage door), as well as managers the duty guard, the fire department chief and his deputies.
Gordey's story about firefighters.
A firefighter must be brave and not be afraid of fire and smoke. A firefighter must be strong, brave and smart. And the most important thing is to love and save people. He looks serious. He runs into a burning house... He has a rescue hose with him, He fights the fire! (firefighter)
Philip's story about the work of firefighters.
Firefighters are very strong and brave people. They save people from fire. They arrive in big red cars and put out the fire with a hose. When I grow up, I will also become a brave fireman.
Sabur also prepared a story and made a crossword puzzle with his mother on a fire theme.
Day after day, night and day, firefighters are ready to fight the fire, and they don’t have a second to sleep. A second is a dear price for them!
Firefighters have special clothing that protects them during a fire. It is made of special fabric that almost does not burn. They have a special helmet on their head and strong and comfortable boots on their feet. The fire department has special vehicles; they are equipped with a water tank, a tank with special foam, long hoses - sleeves, and a folding ladder. The fire truck also has a siren. As they rush through the streets, all other cars give way to them after hearing the loud sound of a fire siren. Firefighters extinguish fires with water or special foam. In order to get into the burning building, they are helped by a high folding ladder. Sometimes firefighting helicopters get involved and help rescue people from burning multi-storey buildings. The fire department also has a dispatcher whose control panel receives a call about a fire. He finds out what is burning, where it is burning, whether there are people at the fire site. Announces alarms. Determines the shortest path from the map.
Summary of a joint activity with children on the topic: “We are getting acquainted with the work of the fire service.”
Goal: to arouse interest and respect for the firefighter profession. Objectives: Educational: 1. Expand children's understanding of the variety of professions. 2. Exercise children in writing short stories about the professions of the rescue service. 3. Replenish and enrich children's active vocabulary. Developmental: 1. Development of observation skills, interest in the work of firefighters, their tools, special clothing, and special vehicles. 3. Develop communication skills. Educational: 2. Formation in children of a positive attitude towards the firefighter profession, stable standards of behavior on the street and in public places.
Progress of the lesson:
The sound of a fire truck with its siren on is heard, heading to the fire.
Educator: Guys, you hear this sound, what do you think it is? (children's answers). Educator: That's right, it looks like a moving fire truck. Where do you think the fire truck is going? (children's answers).
Educator: Yes, guys, a fire truck can rush to a fire. Who knows what a fire truck looks like (children's answers). Educator: That's right, it's red and there are numbers 01 on the side of the car. Why is it red? (children's answers) Educator: Absolutely right, it is the color of fire, so that everyone can see it from afar (in front of the children there are different models of cars, including a fire truck, the child is asked to find a fire engine among the standing cars) Educator: Well done... he found it correctly, everyone agrees with... (children's answers) Educator: You have numbers on your tables, go to the tables and put the fire truck call number on the table (children do the task). Educator: Who knows the name of the profession of the people who go to the fire in this car? (children's answers) Educator: That's right, firefighters (a picture of a fireman is shown and hung in front of the children). Educator: Let's see how the fireman is dressed (what color is his clothes, what material is it made of, what is on the fireman's head). Educator: We found out that a fire truck is going to a fire, but tell me, what do you think causes a fire? (children's answers) Educator: Yes, probably someone handled the fire incorrectly and a fire occurred. Educator: Do you know the rules that must be followed to prevent a fire? (children's answers). Educator: You said a lot correctly. Let's say these rules again and remember. 1. Don’t play with matches, it’s dangerous! 2. Electrical appliances (TV, iron, heater, kettle, microwave oven) cannot be plugged in without an adult. 3. Do not light the gas stove yourself. 4. Do not set fire to dry grass, hay, or poplar fluff. 5. Do not throw unfamiliar bottles, spray cans, or bubbles into the fire, they may explode. Educator: I see that you all remember the rules well and now you can play the game with me. The game is called “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” I will ask questions, and you must answer in unison, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” and clap your hands if you agree or remain silent if the proposed actions are incorrect. • Who, sensing the smell of burning, reports a fire? • Which of you, noticing the smoke, shouts: “Fire! We're on fire!"? • Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day? • Who, seeing smoke in the apartment, will call 04? • Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to? • Who will quietly hide the matches from the little sister? • Which one of you is playing with fire? Be honest about it!
Educator: Well done, sit down. Who knows what to do if suddenly there is a fire? (children's answers). The right thing to do is call the fire department. Educator: Guys, tell me, how can you put out a fire (children’s answers) Educator: I’ll show you now and you will see everything for yourself.
Demonstration of experiments with fire.
Experiment No. 1. There is a bowl of water and paper. The paper is set on fire and thrown into the water. The paper goes out. What conclusion can be drawn - that fire can be extinguished with water.
Experiment No. 2. There is an empty plate, a plate with sand, paper. A crumpled wad of paper is placed on a plate and set on fire. The burning paper is covered with sand. The fire goes out. What conclusion can be drawn is that fire can be extinguished with sand.
Experiment No. 3. There is a candle and a jar. The candle is lit and a jar is placed on the burning candle. The candle burns for a while and goes out. What conclusion can be drawn is that the fire burns as long as there is air, as soon as it does not receive air it goes out.
Educator: I prepared pictures for you, but there’s something missing from them, guys, look, what’s wrong here? (children's answers).
Educator: Correctly, in the pictures the fireman has no water. How will he put out the fire? How can we help him? (children's answers).
Educator: You can draw it correctly. And I want to offer you another interesting way of depicting water - trimming. Let's help the fireman put out the fire? (children's answers).
Educator: Then let's get to work. (Children go to the tables and do the trimming. Then the finished work is demonstrated and each child receives praise for the work done)
Educator: Guys, tell me, what interesting things did you learn in class today? (children's answers).
Educator: Now you have learned a lot about fire and methods of extinguishing. I have a gift for you. This is a fire truck with which you can play the game “Firemen” (the car opens from a mobile screen, which is covered with a cloth).