Techniques of Dymkovo painting senior group. Summary of the drawing lesson “Dymkovo Horse” in the senior group

Guzel Ziganshina

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Decorative and applied arts” (based on Dymkovo painting)



Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Subject :

«Decorative and applied arts based on Dymkovo painting


Completed by: Ziganshina G. A.

Kazan 2013

Software tasks:

Introduce children to the Dymkovo toy


Clarify children's understanding of the specifics of the Dymkovo toy

from what, how, by whom it was created; how it is decorated (decorated)
what kind of character (cheerful, festive)

Consolidate knowledge about Dymkovo toys


Strengthen the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting
(circles, dots, stripes, grid, ring, wavy arcs)

Strengthen children's ability to create a decorative composition in the Dymkovo painting genre


Learn on your own, create a pattern on a product of a new shape from familiar elements. Strengthen drawing

smooth lines when working with a brush and the ability
to draw with the tip of a brush

To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen and admiration for their creativity.

Equipment :

Several drawings of Dymkovo toys

, pictures with elements
of the Dymkovo pattern
acrylic paints, brushes, water, napkins, ready-made (white) Dymkovo cockerels
Preliminary work:

Teacher's story, looking at albums and paintings about Dymkovo toys

conversations; clay modeling of Dymkovo toys
coloring coloring books, talking about the Dymkovo toy

Dymkovo horse. Painting step by step with photos for children

Drawing lesson in the middle group

Master class on drawing.
Decorative plate “Dymkovo horse” Author: Krasova Ekaterina Pavlovna, teacher of the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 72 “Firefly”, Veliky Novgorod

This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers, parents, and children 4-5 years old. This master class is recommended for children 4-5 years old.
Goal: learn to create a decorative product for interior decoration Objectives: 1. Strengthen the ability to draw with a poke, a cotton swab, or a toothpick 2. Learn to rhythmically draw an ornament, combine colors 3. Develop fine motor skills 4. Cultivate accuracy in work and the ability to finish a job 5 Instill a love for folk crafts 6. Cultivate artistic taste Material: a large circle of colored cardboard (A4 cardboard format), a template of the Dymkovo horse, gouache, pokes, cotton swabs, toothpicks, a jar for water, brushes, glue stick Dymkovo toy is miracle craft.
Both adults and children are attracted to bright, funny toys. These products are pleasing to the eye, lift their spirits, and reveal the world of a cheerful holiday. In March, the kids from my group and I worked on the project “Getting to know the Dymkovo toy.” We learned the history of this toy, looked at the toys and illustrations of the most popular toys (the lady, the peasant woman, the duck, the turkey, the horse, the rider, we visited the “Bright Haze” exhibition in the art studio of our garden. We also drew individual elements of Dymkovo patterns, sculpted and painted Dymkovo duck. Contents of the master class:

Guys! Today we will make a beautiful plate to decorate your home, but not a simple plate, but a Dymkovo plate! Want to? Then let's get down to business. Before us lies the material for our plate.

The first thing you need to do is glue the template of our horse onto a plate

We need to apply glue to our template and carefully glue it in the center of the plate

Now let’s start decorating the plate with Dymkovo patterns. First, using a foam rubber poke, we apply large circles all over the horse figurine. You can choose any color from the bright Dymkovo palette, for me it’s red.

Now, among the large circles, we will draw small circles with a cotton swab; for them we chose a different paint, in a contrasting color

Draw large circles around the perimeter of the circle with a foam rubber poker, do not forget to draw rhythmically, leaving equal intervals

And between the large circles we draw small circles with a cotton swab

Let's check if the paint on the large circles has dried? If yes, then use a toothpick to very carefully place a small black dot in the middle of the large circles.

Using a thin brush, carefully paint the tail and ears of our horse, and paint the hooves with black paint. This is such a handsome guy we have!

And this is our finished decorative plate “Dymkovo Horse”. In order for it to be used to decorate the house, we will glue a ribbon on the back side.

This is how beautiful our plate will look on the wall

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Creation technique

Let's start with the fact that initially the Dymkovo toy figures were molded from a mixture of bright red clay with brown sand, which was mined on the river, and then fired in a kiln until completely dry. Then the toy was covered with chalk diluted in milk, creating a snow-white background for subsequent painting.

As in other ancient Russian crafts, tempera paints were used for coloring - dry pigments on egg yolk with kvass. They painted with feathers or sticks. The color scheme of toys is replete with bright colors, mainly red, yellow, blue, green. Diamonds made of gold leaf or gold leaf are added to the toys, as seen in the pictures.

Note. Nowadays they use pieces of foil, copper potash or simply golden paint.

The creation of the Dymkovo toy has reached our times as a type of modeling for children with their parents. You can try to make a Dymkovo toy yourself based on a sample, having studied the principles of sculpting figures and the elements of patterns and painting on toys. There are plenty of materials and paint choices on the market these days. Dymkovo figures are made from dough, polymer clay, and painted with bright colors that do not contain varnish.

To make a horse or a young lady, we take special modeling clay and plaster. We make the white background with white in two layers. Dry well.

For those who have never encountered modeling, the work may seem difficult, but even if it is just fun with children, the quality of the work does not matter, the process itself is important. Now we take bright colors and apply patterns. The painting is special and has its own elements and ornaments that have been established over many centuries. Geometric patterns, bright without smooth transitions or halftones. Photo below:

Gold inclusions in the patterns are done with paints that can be bought in the store. At all times of paganism in Rus', geometric shapes and patterns were used as symbols, the rhombus was used to mean fertility, wavy lines meant water, the red color of fire, so the red circle is a symbol of the sun, blue is the sky, green is the color of nature, earth , arable land and so on. Black color was also used mainly for coloring hair and eyebrows.

Painting such toys is not a very difficult task and is a good training for children’s fine motor skills; simple drawings will help teach how to draw lines evenly with paints and brushes.

The process of sculpting a product is carried out in stages, piece by piece, and then the parts are joined together. Now more attention is paid to the process of making the figure and painting so that the toy turns out to be of high quality.

The main bird of Vyatka toys was the turkey, because it can be painted as brightly as possible and there is a lot of space on the open tail for bright ornaments.

Creativity in modern times

Painting figures in Dymkovo painting is included in the program of preparatory classes for kindergartens. And many craftswomen are engaged in the production of high-quality real toys; their works are in demand in the souvenir market, preserving and continuing the traditions of Russian crafts.

The Dymkovo toy for souvenir gifts is created in genre scenes, however, which naturally implies the meaning of the toy - to play and fulfill a certain role in the plot. Young ladies with gentlemen on teams of multi-colored horses, wedding performances, festivals and festivities, fishing, people playing balalaikas and accordions are still relevant in crafts of this kind.

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