Lesson summary: “Telling a story based on a set of toys”

Lesson summary: “Telling a story based on a set of toys”

Lesson summary: “Making a story based on a set of toys”

Developed by: Andrianova S.G.


teach children to compose a story to compose a plot story, choosing appropriate characters (toys) for it.



develop the ability to compose a story using a set of toys, give descriptions and characteristics of characters, introduce dialogue into the story, learn to select definitions for given words, practice composing sentences from a set of words, independently come up with sentences of two or three words.


continue to develop vocabulary, develop attention, memory, imagination, initiative.


continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment.


Toys: doll, bunny, kitten, puppy, bear, Christmas tree; pictures: owl, piglet, baby elephant, puppy, goldfinch, brush.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher draws the children's attention to the toys on his table. He asks questions about each toy (What kind of doll (girl)? – description of appearance. What is her character like? – listing of character traits. What is the girl’s name?)

- Now write a story about a girl. The girl went into the forest. Who did she meet? (Bunny, bear cub.) What happened next, you will tell yourself.

- And if the girl didn’t go into the forest, who could she?! meet? (Kitten, puppy.)

– When you tell the story, take these toys and show what you came up with about them. Think about what the girl was talking about with the animals. What day was it?

The teacher suggests that several children unite in a group for storytelling. He asks: “What do you need to agree on?” (Who will talk about what, who will start the story, etc.)

Each child takes a toy, the children agree on what they will talk about. The rest listen to the story, come up with a title for it and give a rating.

Physical education minute

The teacher addresses the group:

- Let six children come to me now. They will be different words.

The teacher tells each child what word he is! After that, he checks how everyone remembers the words. A set of words: kitten, girl, fun, fast, runs, jumps.

The teacher explains the task:

– From these words you can make various sentences, about a girl or about a kitten. The sentence should consist of two or three words. Whoever comes up with a proposal will raise their hand. You shouldn’t say in advance what the sentence is - you need to arrange the words in order, and then “read”.

The child comes to the table and, without saying words, makes a sentence.

“Now tell me what sentence you came up with,” the teacher suggests. (The child names the sentence.) Let's check if you put the words correctly. Words, name yourself in order (this way, the correspondence of the sentence named by the child with the one he made from “living words” is checked).


1. Discuss with parents the problem of the importance of children’s speech development;

2. Show the possibility of developing coherent speech through storytelling using a toy at home;

3. Stimulate parents’ interest in using the possibilities of gaming activities to communicate with their own child.

Preparatory work: preparing a memo for parents, reflection questionnaires, presentations


Parents sit in a circle on chairs

1. Opening remarks

— Hello, dear parents, how great it is that we have so many caring fathers and mothers who are interested in the lives of their children, and want to learn as much as possible about their development and help them grow harmoniously.

Before moving on to the topic of our meeting, I suggest getting to know each other. Pass the ball around, say your name, tell us what kind of person you are now, and what expectations you came with.

2. Main part

Speech development is the most important condition for a child’s success in school. And the question of the problem of developing coherent speech has always been one of the most pressing. From my experience and that of my colleagues, it is clear how difficult it is for children to master free speech.

Small droplets form large bodies of water. Composing a story is the same small drops that will help you arrive at a large reservoir of developed coherent speech.

It is with the toy that the child interacts from birth. And it becomes one of the most accessible means through which you can communicate with a child, provoke him into dialogue, and then into independent expression.

And today we will talk about how, at home, you yourself can easily and affordably develop high-quality, grammatically coherent speech in a playful way.

A statement about a toy affects:

• on sensory perception, development of observation skills;

• creative thinking and imagination;

• consolidation and activation of the dictionary, or serves as a source of new words;

• positive emotions and desire to speak out;

What toys can be used?

• didactic (matryoshka dolls, turrets, pyramids, barrels);

• plot (figurative): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport;

• ready-made sets of toys, united by one content: herd, zoo, poultry yard;

• sets compiled by the teacher or children - boy, girl, sleigh, dog; girl, house, chicken, cat; hare and dog.

Since each new toy brings joy, pleasure, and a desire to talk about it in the child, for communication you need to use new or somewhat updated familiar toys (a doll in a new dress, apron, hat; a bear sitting in a car). This will cause the child to have new thoughts, an emotional attitude towards the toy, and a speech reaction.

There are several types of storytelling based on a toy.

1. Description of a toy - a coherent, consistent description of the appearance of the toy, sometimes with the addition of the child’s personal attitude towards it, or a description of the actions and lifestyle of the living creature depicted in the toy

2. Plot storytelling (narration)

3. A story about a set of toys - a coherent, sequential story about a group of toys, most often accompanied by play actions. Its compilation is made easier by the fact that the child talks about the actions that he himself performs. His speech is based on the activity of a number of analyzers;

4. A story about a separate toy is a coherent, sequential story about the imaginary actions and adventures of one character - this toy. This is the most difficult type of storytelling. The toy only defines the main character, and the children themselves come up with images of other characters, actions and situations based on creative imagination and their own experience.

What is the sequence of the conversation about the toy.

Younger age (3-4 years) In early preschool age, the first task is to teach children to concentrate when looking at toys and objects, then to teach them to answer questions based on their description.

Since every toy evokes joy, pleasure, and a desire to talk about it in a child, for descriptions you need to use new or somewhat updated toys (a doll in new clothes; a bear sitting in a store).

You can start by asking a riddle, a poem, a nursery rhyme about a toy (without showing it), and come up with a story about how it got here.

Mane on the neck, tail like a pipe, bangs between the ears (horse);

The bear came from the forest and brought honey from the bees especially for you.

Together with your baby, look at the toy and let him touch it. Ask him questions about the toy. What kind of cat do you have? What's on the cat's head? What is this?

Then the adult himself summarizes all the answers into a single statement. A cat came to us. She has ears on her head, big eyes, and a mustache. The cat also has a long tail. She laps up the milk and meows: meow! Meow!

In the next step, let the child himself repeat the adult’s description.

Collaborative writing of a description. The adult starts, and the child continues

This is (kitten). It is small). The kitten loves (milk). Etc.

In the end, you can come up with a game with this item. Take them to visit other toys. Fantasize about adventures that could happen to him, etc.

Middle age (4 -6 years)

At this age, it is important to lay the foundation for developing the ability to independently describe toys.

You can start by asking a riddle, a poem, a nursery rhyme about a toy (without showing it), and come up with a story about how it got here.

Looking at a toy. Specify the features of the appearance and lifestyle of a living creature in a toy; comparisons and definitions are selected. Shy hare, cautious sly fox

Come up with a plan for your child to use to talk about the subject. To do this, it is important to ask questions in a certain order. Who is this? What is he like? What does he do (can he do)? How do you feel about him? And so on.

Here, it is also possible that you and your child have 2 similar toys (dolls of different sizes and in different clothes, 2 different dogs, etc.) You talk about your toy according to plan, and your child, at the same time, about yours.

Ask the child to independently talk about the toy, according to the same plan, without your help.

Older age (6-7 years)

At this age, the child is already composing a story on his own; the adult only sets the plan and scheme for the retelling. But it’s still important not to omit the gaming moment and interest.

Play up the appearance of the toy. For example, the postman brought a parcel. Then you can ask a riddle.

Offer to examine the toy carefully, paying attention to its appearance and qualities - color, shape, size, material.

And then, using the same scheme, ask them to tell you about this toy.

To make the retelling easier, you can draw a diagram for the child with the symbolism of the micro-topics of the description. A sheet of cardboard 45 by 30 cm is divided into squares according to the number of characteristics of the objects. A symbol is placed in each square to tell children the sequence of presentation.

At the end, you can talk about your attitude towards this toy, ask him to make a riddle about it for another family member or friend, based on the signs.

With this toy, you can later come up with a story and play it out, so that interest in it does not disappear.

During the retelling, you can suggest words, supplement, encourage with a smile. It is important to monitor the correctness of the statement, literacy (correlation of words in cases, numbers, etc.).

And now I suggest you choose your age and try to beat the situation with the toy yourself. You will need to compose a story based on this particular toy, following the algorithm.

Parents are divided into several teams. Each team has its own toy.

Thank you for such productive work, I hope that this information will be useful to you and you will definitely put it into practice at home!

Now I will give you instructions on writing stories.

Do you have any questions for me?

To sum up, I ask you to fill out questionnaires with reflective questions.

Node progress

I organize the children for the lesson, seat them at tables. I say: Children, on the street and at home you see different kittens. Tell me, what kinds of kittens are there? (small, fluffy)

And when they are played with, what are they like? (playful, mischievous, cheerful)
Let's talk about one kitten. What is he like? (affectionate, small, what can a kitten do? (jump, lap milk, play)

Now I will tell you a story about Masha and the kitten ( the story is accompanied by a show)

This is Masha, she comes home from a walk and sees a little kitten lying and meowing pitifully, like this: meow-meow (plaintive intonation)

How does a kitten meow? (children repeat intonation)

Masha took the kitten in her arms and carried it home. At home I poured milk into a saucer. The kitten was happy about the milk and meowed joyfully, like this: meow-meow (pronounced joyfully, cheerfully)
How did he meow? (children repeat intonation)
The kitten drank milk and fell fast asleep. Then the dog Bug came running and began barking loudly at the kitten: Af-Af! How did she bark? The kitten got angry and meowed . How did the kitten meow? The Bug got scared and fell silent. And Masha said: “Let’s play together, we must live together
. And the kitten meowed joyfully again. How? And the dog barked cheerfully. How? And no one was afraid of anyone.

Which of you wants to tell about Masha , the kitten and the dog Zhuchka with me? I call three children. I begin to tell the story together with the first child: “This is Masha. She is walking home from a walk. Suddenly she saw a kitten. He meowed pitifully: meow-meow. Masha took the kitten in her arms and carried it home.” Then, with my help, another child says : “Masha poured milk into a saucer, and he began to lap it up. When he got drunk, he meowed joyfully (meow-meow)

and went to bed."
Then the dog Bug came running and barked loudly (af-af)
The kitten got angry and meowed angrily (meow-meow)

The story continues with the third child. “The Bug got scared and fell silent. And Masha said: “Let’s play together, we must live together.”

The kitten meowed joyfully, the dog barked happily. The story is repeated twice , with a new group of children . Children talk on their own , and I provide help if necessary. Then one of the children tells the story in full .
I invite the children to imagine that they are kittens and run out for a walk. Kittens wash themselves with it happily, they meow joyfully. Children perform actions, repeat onomatopoeias with appropriate intonation.

The lesson continues. The children take their seats.

Guess how the kitten meows? (complaining)

And now? (angrily)
And now? (complainingly)
How does a kitten purr? (purr purr)
What does a mosquito call? (z-z-z)
Well done. Pronounce the sound “z”
loudly and protractedly with one exhalation.
Then I name the words, and the children clap their hands when they hear the sound “z” (bunny, bear, goat, mushroom, umbrella, etc.)
I praise the children, well done guys. I draw a conclusion from the lesson about what we did during the lesson. Today we had a good time with you, we talked about the kitten , the dog Zhuchka and the girl Masha. You told and listened attentively. This concludes our lesson, you can get up quietly and go play with toys .
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Communicative. Speech development. Compiling a story based on a set of toys “An Incident in the Forest”

You will need: toys: a bear, a bunny, a hedgehog, a beetle, a Christmas tree, a model of a tree without leaves, a stump and leaves. Hedgehog, hare, bear. (if there are no such toys, you can replace them with those that are available)

Read it and picture it to your child. One day a bear cub, a bunny and a hedgehog were playing in a clearing. Suddenly they heard someone buzzing: “w-w-w.” The animals got scared and hid. The bear cub hid behind the tree, the hedgehog hid under the tree, and the little hare jumped onto a stump.

Ask your child questions. Where did the bear cub hide? (for the Christmas tree). Hedgehog? (under the Christmas tree) Where did the little bunny jump? (on a stump).

A hedgehog, a hare and a bear came to the clearing, looking for their cubs. Ask: Who is the bear, hare, or hedgehog looking for? Where did the bear cub hide? Bunny? Hedgehog?

Ask why the cubs hid? Who were the animals afraid of? Do you know who was buzzing? Where do you think the beetle is? Where can he hide? The beetle hid in the grass. Where's the bug? How does a beetle buzz? What is the sound of a beetle buzzing?

Tell your child that the beetle is in trouble: his favorite tree is dying. Do you want to help him?

To help the tree, you need to name words with the sound Z. When the child names words with the sound Z, attach a leaf to the tree. The tree "comes to life."

Play the game. WHO MOVES HOW The green grasshopper jumps, and the striped bee ... (flies). The cockchafer crawls, and the little grasshopper...(jumps). The big-eyed dragonfly flies, and the hardworking ant ... (crawls). An annoying fly flies, but a beautiful butterfly...(flutters). A small mosquito flies, and a big grasshopper... The red ant crawls, and the transparent-winged dragonfly…. A strong ant crawls, and a carefree grasshopper….

Constructive-model activity “Houses for bees” (from a wooden construction set)

Give your child a riddle.

Garden worker

Honey belt.

Buzzed like a saw

Striped... (Bee)

Ask where bees live? Invite your child to watch the video.


Invite your child to build a house for a bee.

Cognitive and research. FEMP Account consolidation.

Invite your child to watch an educational video.


Count the dots and find the number.

Invite your child to look at a picture of a ladybug. How many dots does each ladybug have, you ask? Let the child find the appropriate number.

Productive. Decorative drawing “Beauty Butterfly”

Give your child a riddle.

Not a bird, but with wings,

It's not a bee, it flies.

Bright, elegant

It flutters over the flowers. (Butterfly)

Invite your child to look at the butterflies. What kind of things are they...

Ask your child if he would like to draw his own butterfly. Consider the diagram of drawing an insect.

Teaching to describe toys in middle preschool age.

One of the most interesting and favorite activities for children in their native language is examining and describing toys.

A lesson on describing toys with children of primary preschool age takes place in an emotional form, usually in the form of simple didactic games (“Wonderful bag”, “Who is it?”, “What did you find?”). The selection of toys offered for description to younger children has some features: the toys may be the same in name, but different in appearance (big and small bears, a doll with pigtails and a doll with a bow, red and green pyramids, etc.). This selection of toys ensures the activation of children's vocabulary and the development of coherent speech based on the use of comparison techniques.

Children's statements about toys are based on the direct perception of the toy, which influences the sensory education of children and the development of observation skills. Activities with toys are creative in nature; they develop thinking and imagination. The toy creates an opportunity to consolidate and activate the vocabulary, but can also serve as a source of new words. The toy evokes positive emotions and a desire to speak out. Therefore, it is used as a means of teaching description and narration.

Activities with toys were developed by E.I. Tikheyeva. The system of teaching storytelling using toys remained unchanged for a long time. Later research and methodological developments (A. M. Borodich, E. P. Korotkova, O. I. Solovyova, N. A. Orlanova) introduced clarifications into the teaching methodology, while maintaining the essence of the previous system.

In the formation of coherent speech using toy material, researchers of recent years (O. S. Ushakova, A. A. Zrozhevskaya) proceeded from the fact that children should be taught not types of storytelling, but the ability to construct a monologue-description and a monologue-narration, based on categorical characteristics text.

The following types of toys are used to teach monologue speech:

— didactic (matryoshka dolls, turrets, pyramids, barrels);

— plot (figurative): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport; ready-made sets of toys united by one content: herd, zoo, poultry yard;

- sets compiled by the teacher or children - boy, girl, sleigh, dog; girl, house, chicken, cat; hare and dog.

Since each new toy brings joy, pleasure, and a desire to talk about it in the child, for classes you need to use new or somewhat updated familiar toys (a doll in a new dress, apron, hat; a bear sitting in a car). This will cause the child to have new thoughts, an emotional attitude towards the toy, and a speech reaction.

Classes on describing toys begin with looking at them. The teacher draws children's attention to the characteristic features of the toy's appearance (color, shape, material), and monitors the correct use of words when defining them.

Description of a toy is a coherent, consistent description of the appearance of the toy, sometimes with the addition of the child’s personal attitude towards it, or a description of the actions and lifestyle of the living creature depicted in the toy.

The description of toys can be carried out in the form of a didactic game (“Toy store” (dishes, clothes), “Wonderful bag”, “Who is it?”, “The postman brought a parcel”, etc.). For the description, you should select toys that would attract the attention of children, that would be bright, expressive, and stand out in their appearance, so that you can express your opinion about them and compare them (two dolls in different costumes; two hares, different in color and size). Didactic games for description, as a rule, are carried out after several lessons in which children have acquired some skills in describing a toy, acquired a certain vocabulary and corresponding ideas. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the game is its liveliness, a certain rhythm, emotionality, and the active participation of each child. If children do not know how to describe toys and need constant help and guidance from an adult, the play situation is disrupted and the game turns into a sluggish exercise.

One type of description of a toy is children guessing and composing riddles. First, children learn to solve riddles and then write descriptive riddles.

For example, children are offered 5-6 toys to examine their appearance and determine their qualities - color, shape, size, material. The appearance of toys can be played up - the postman brought a parcel. Then a riddle is given about one of the toys: “The mane on the neck is a wave, the tail is a pipe, there is a bang between the ears” (horse); “A shaggy one walks, a bearded one walks, waving his faces, shaking his beard, tapping his hooves” (ram).

Guessing riddles can be associated with looking at toys before describing them or telling stories about them. Gradually, children are led to composing riddles on their own.

The description is based on the teacher's questions. Kids do not give a complete story, but speak in separate phrases, so with the help of questions, he combines fragmentary children's phrases, words, and remarks into a coherent story. After the children’s answers, the teacher makes a generalization, offering to listen to a story about a toy. This story is an example.

Gradually, the kids come to compose a descriptive story based on the model, actually repeating it. The teacher makes extensive use of stories: he himself composes a story based on a toy or reads works of fiction. For example, looking at a toy cockerel, chick, hen, you can finish reading the story by K. D. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family.” Folk nursery rhymes, jokes, and riddles are good for this purpose. The use of a variety of literary inserts enlivens the lesson, increases the emotional mood, and develops figurative speech.

In the middle group, children gradually approach the compilation of small, independent descriptive stories about toys. The most effective teaching technique is a sample that is given at each lesson. The place of the sample (at the beginning, at the end of the lesson) is determined by the level of children’s storytelling skills.

In the second half of the year, children begin to compose stories according to the teacher's plan. First, this is a small plan - two or three questions that combine into a short story the name of the toy, its main qualities and actions with it (“Tell me the name of the toy, what color, size it is, how you can play with it”), Gradually you can make it more complex plan, diversify the questions (“What material is this toy made of? Do you like it?”). Didactic games with toys are widely used: “Toy Store”, “The Postman Brought a Parcel”. The emotional form of such classes creates favorable conditions for learning coherent speech. The classes are very interesting in which the children, with the help of the teacher, come up with riddles about toys. Simple folk or original riddles can serve as examples. For example:

Angry touchy-feely

There are a lot of needles.

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

And not a single thread!

(N. Artyukhova.).

Poems, nursery rhymes, and riddles are used in classes to describe toys. So, a teacher can ask a riddle about a dog: “He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, tail is a ring.” After guessing the riddle, the toy is shown, examined and described. The lesson ends with reading nursery rhymes and poems.

When children are good enough at writing a descriptive story, you can ask them to write a plot story based on a set of toys. Toys should be selected so that it is easy to outline a simple storyline (girl, fungus, basket; Christmas tree, hedgehog). The teacher’s questions help children build the plot of the story, develop it, and involve all objects or objects in the storyline: what could have happened to the girl in the forest? Who could the girl meet in the forest? What could I find? What did you bring from the forest in a basket?

Plot stories (narratives):

- a story about a set of toys - a coherent, sequential story about a group of toys, most often accompanied by the teacher’s playful actions with toys, like a dramatization game. Its compilation is made easier by the fact that the child talks about the actions that he himself performs. His speech is based on the activity of a number of analyzers;

- a story about a separate toy is a coherent, sequential story about the imaginary actions and adventures of one character - this toy. This is the most difficult type of storytelling. The toy only defines the main character, and the children themselves come up with images of other characters, actions and situations based on creative imagination and their own experience.

In the educational and methodological literature there is no single point of view on the content and methodology of conducting classes with children, on the sequence of setting tasks for teaching descriptive and narrative speech, and the sequence of different types of activities with toys. Based on research and work experience, we will outline our understanding of the methodology for teaching coherent speech using toys.

Let us recall that in classes with toys, children should be taught the speech skills necessary for composing descriptive and narrative monologues: to form a basic understanding of the structure of the text and to teach how to connect sentences and parts of statements. In the description - define the object, consistently describe its parts, properties, qualities, actions, and at the end make a value judgment. In storytelling - highlight the main theme, develop the plot and follow the structure (commencement, development of action, climax, denouement).

A sample story from the teacher is also used. Children usually copy it, so it is advisable to give a sample at every lesson. The sample should not only teach children how to compose a storyline, but also give examples of speech structures. Thus, it is advisable to introduce direct speech, figurative expressions, and short descriptions into the story.

In middle preschool age, the foundations are laid for developing the ability to independently describe toys and independently compose a story about them.

The description of toys and the compilation of stories about toys precedes their examination, during which the features of the appearance and lifestyle of the living creature embodied in the toy are clarified, comparisons and definitions are selected. You can specifically give figurative words and phrases: timid hare; cautious, cunning fox; black, shaggy, soft bear, etc.; conduct a vocabulary exercise.

During the learning process, children must intuitively understand that the description is carried out according to a certain plan. This is facilitated by a properly organized process of examining toys and thoughtful formulation of questions and special exercises.

The sequence of presentation in the description depends on the children’s ability to examine the object step by step - from perceiving it as a whole to identifying essential features. Therefore, the teacher asks questions in a certain order, teaches children to think in what order they will describe the toy. This will help keep the logic of the description.

Constructing a coherent text causes difficulty for children. They often do not know how to start a statement and how to end it, or how to connect sentences. Research shows that already in the process of looking at toys, children should be shown possible connections between sentences in question-and-answer form. The most common means of communication is repetition of words (This is a kitten. The kitten is small. The kitten has fluffy fur). While looking at a hedgehog, you can do the exercise: “Who is this?” - “It’s a hedgehog.” - “Who is prickly?” - “Prickly hedgehog.” - “Who has needles on his back?” - “The hedgehog has needles on its back.” The question contains a key word that the child will use in his answer.

Here is an example of a teacher’s sample story: “In the summer, Masha lived with her grandmother in the village. She went into the forest. Suddenly he sees a hedgehog running. She wanted to put it in a basket and take it home, but changed her mind. “Let the hedgehog live in the forest, it’s good for him in the forest,” Mashenka thought and moved on.”

The lesson, in which plot stories are compiled based on a set of toys, consists of two parts:

1) looking at toys,

2) writing stories.

The purpose of the first part is to introduce children to toys and give a short description of each. This part ends with the statement of the task (“We will come up with a story about these toys”) with a short story plan or a sample of it.

Another option for asking questions is when the correct form of repeated words is in the question itself: “Who is this?” - “Bunny.” - “What kind of ears does a hare have?” - “The hare has long ears.” - “What kind of tail does a hare have?” - “The hare has a short tail.”

Then you can use the technique when children, following the example, describe the toy.

“Say it like Petrushka,” “Say it like me.” Parsley and the child receive the same toys, but one bear is large black, and the other is small brown. Parsley: “I have a big black bear.”

Child: “I also have a bear, but it’s small and brown.” Parsley: “My bear has round, fluffy ears.” Child: “My bear also has round fluffy ears,” etc.

Parsley: “I have a big beautiful doll.” Child: “I have a big white car.” Parsley: “The doll has black eyes and blond hair.” Child: “The car has a steering wheel and round wheels,” etc.

In the first option, children restore the description structure proposed to them, replacing only two words. In the second, children, while maintaining the structure of the sentence, independently fill it with new words.

When children learn to describe a toy with the help of an adult, you can offer to describe one of 3 - 4 toys based on a sample of one of them. In addition to the sample, other techniques are used: word prompt, addition, joint description, encouragement. At the end of the lesson, to maintain interest, you need to show a wind-up or other toy.

At the same time, children develop narrative speech skills. Children are led to compose stories also based on questions from the teacher. It is important to form elementary ideas about the structure of a statement (beginning, middle, end). To understand the structure of the story, it is recommended to use a scheme for composing a story together with children. First, an idea is given of how you can start a story in different ways (“Once upon a time,” “Once upon a time,” “It was in the summer”). Giving the beginning of a story, the adult invites the child to fill it with content.

Let’s give an example of the outline of the story “Into the forest to pick berries”: “It was... (in the summer). We got together... (friends go to the forest to pick berries). They took... (baskets) and... (went to the forest). The girls are walking and having fun... (talking). ... (dark clouds) appeared in the sky. Suddenly it thundered... (thunder) and... (it started to rain). The girls... (frightened) and... (hid the subtree). When the rain stopped, they... (went home).”

In middle preschool age, classes on the development of coherent speech using toys are varied: a description of a toy, a plot story for a set of toys, a plot story for one toy. The last type of storytelling is introduced in the senior group in the second half of the year and is typical for the preparatory group. Unfortunately, storytelling with toys is not always reflected in the work of teachers, although children love these activities very much; They look at familiar toys in a new way and follow their actions in stories with great attention.

Activities that encourage children to be creative and independent are more widely used: “Let's come up with riddles about toys,” “Let's talk about our favorite toy.” Great demands are placed on children's speech. The question “What toy?” should encourage children to examine and describe the object in detail (by shape, size, color, material, etc.). They don't immediately give a complete description. The teacher invites the children to add to the story or does it himself, giving a sample description.

Children come up with interesting stories based on a set of toys, often happily choosing the toys themselves. They talk with enthusiasm and are often distracted from the plot, forgetting that some items have not yet been used. When guiding the story, the teacher must carefully guide the child away from excessive detail, return to the story line if the child has moved away from it; with your question, reminder, clarification, addition, help compose a coherent, logical, imaginative story.

You can compose a story in the form of a dramatization. The teacher gives an example of such a story. For example, a story about a cat and a mouse: “The cat found out that a mouse had made a hole for itself in her house. So she began to watch over her. The cat steps quietly with soft paws, and you can’t hear her. A mouse ran out with a velvet coat to go for a walk. She ran far from the mink. And suddenly I saw a cat. The cat wanted to grab him. But that was not the case. The clever mouse darted into its hole.” The story is accompanied by the actions of the toys.

The teacher invites the children to think about what toys they will talk about (“The Girl and the Dog,” “The Hare and the Fox,” etc.), and reminds them that they cannot repeat either the characters or actions that other children have come up with. An example of a teacher is given only if there is a need for it. (It can also be given in the middle of the lesson.)

Particular attention should be paid to the analysis of stories invented by children. First, the teacher gives an assessment, noting the interestingly conceived content of the story, the unusual actions of the toy characters, and the language of the story - the form in which the content is conveyed.

After the lesson, you can leave the toys in a visible place so that the children continue to play with them and practice creating various dramatizations. The teacher must definitely join these games and follow the content of the stories. It is necessary to think over equipment and a set of toys for such activities.

The development of lively, bright, coherent speech is helped by performances with toys, which are performed by older children for children. These performances are based on elementary children's improvisation. Before starting, the teacher conducts a short conversation with a group of children, offers to come up with a “story” about these toys and tell it first to their friends, and then to the kids. Topics can be both realistic and fantastic: “What happened to the baby elephant at the zoo?”, “New Year’s Eve in the toy store”, micro-inference

Lesson summary “Writing a descriptive story about a toy - a fox”

Irina Mishutkina
Lesson notes “Composing a descriptive story about a toy - a fox”

Goal: to create conditions for children to develop the ability to write a descriptive story based on a toy .

To develop in children the ability to answer questions in complete sentences and to compose a descriptive story based on the teacher’s questions.

Develop attention, memory, auditory and visual perception.

Cultivate perseverance and the ability to listen to each other.

Vocabulary: fox, fox, fox, cheat

Equipment and materials for classes in kindergarten :

multimedia projector, laptop, toy fox , magic bag.

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