Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Rainbow - Arc”

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Rainbow-arc.”

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Rainbow-arc.”

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical culture”.
Types of children's activities:
cognitive, productive, motor.
• To consolidate children's knowledge about the colors of the rainbow;
• Introduction to the technique of mixing paints; • Evoke an emotional response and empathy in children; Objectives:
Clarify the idea of ​​the rainbow;
Learn how to mix paints; Arouse interest in drawing a rainbow; Continue to teach how to confidently (without interruption) draw arcuate lines and place them close to each other; Cultivate curiosity and artistic taste. Planned results:
children have an idea of ​​the rainbow;
know how to mix paints; Materials:
A4 watercolor sheet, gouache in 4 colors: yellow, red, blue, white, squirrel brushes No. 3, paper napkins, palette, cups of water.
Preliminary work:
examination of illustrations depicting a rainbow.

Contents of organized children's activities

Cheburashka enters the group and cries loudly. - What's happened? Did someone offend you? - Guys, yesterday I was visiting Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik in Flower Land. Everything is so beautiful and magical there! All the inhabitants of this country wear colorful clothes. I was on the Hill of Colored Clouds, and on the Hill of Colored Dreams, and on the Flower Glade, and on the Colored Lake. And above this lake hung a Rainbow of extraordinary beauty and the little inhabitants of the Flower Country were riding along it, as if on a roller coaster. Can you imagine?! - So why are you crying? - So, I even took a photograph of the Rainbow to show it to you guys and Gene, he had never seen a rainbow. But on the way to your kindergarten, an evil sorceress flew in and stole the photo. What should I do now, I haven’t had time to show it to Gene yet? - Guys, let’s draw a rainbow and give our drawings to Cheburashka. (Children agree). - Guys, who knows how many colors the rainbow has? (Children's answers). And when does she appear? (Children's answers).


Rain, rain, don't rain, don't rain, wait! Come out, come out, sunshine, Golden Bottom!

I'm on a rainbow-arc I'll admire the escape - Seven-colored - I'll lie in wait in the meadow. I can’t look enough at the red arc, behind the orange, behind the yellow I see a new arc.

This new arc is Greener than the meadows. And behind her is a blue one, like a mother’s earring.

I can’t get enough of the blue arc, but I’ll take and run after this purple one...

The sun has set behind the haystacks, Where are you, rainbow-arc? E. Blaginina

- That's right, a rainbow appears after rain in the light of the sun. Guys, let's teach Cheburashka the active game “Sunshine and Rain”. After the game, the children prepare to paint and see that they are missing some paints. The teacher looks and is also surprised: “What is it?” What's happened? Where are the paints? Cheburashka begins to cry again: “Now I will never be able to show Gene a rainbow.” I know these are all the tricks of an evil sorceress... - Don’t worry, Cheburashka, we’ll figure something out. Really, guys? I came up with an idea! - Guys, we have everything! Look, you have 4 colors of paint: yellow, blue, red, white. (Children say that the rainbow has 7 colors). Today I will teach you how to mix colors. If you mix yellow paint with blue, you get green. If you mix yellow paint with red, you get orange. If you mix red paint with blue, you get purple. If you mix white paint with blue, you get blue. Try it guys. Children begin to mix paints. F+S=W, F+K=O, S+K=F, S+B=G.

“And now, before the most important task, let’s stretch our fingers.” Finger gymnastics "Rainbow".

There is thunder, a thunderstorm in the sky. - They clench and unclench their fingers. Close your eyes! - Cover your eyes with your palms, then open them. The rain has passed, the grass is shining, - They tap their fingers on the table. There is a rainbow in the sky. - draw semicircles in the air. Then the children begin to draw arcuate lines, placing them close to each other. The teacher helps with the color sequence. “And while our work is drying up, we’ll play a little.” - Guys, what happens after the rain other than a rainbow? (Children's answers). - That's right, puddles.

Physical education minute

Rain, rain, drip and drip, wet paths. Let's go for a walk anyway - put on your boots!

At the end of the lesson, children present their drawings to Cheburashka. - Thanks a lot! You guys turned out even better drawings than my photos. Now I can show Gene a rainbow! The children are happy that they were able to help Cheburashka.

How to draw a rainbow with colored pencils and paints, gouache: colors in order

The rainbow contains wonderful colors. Each of us knows the verse about the hunter and it is in it that the names of those flowers that are included in this natural phenomenon are hidden. You can depict a rainbow using any materials you have at hand. The most important thing is that each color goes in order.

The most interesting and accessible method is to draw a colorful rainbow using cotton swabs. Soak each stick in the required paint, connect it to each other, and then run them over the paper.

You can also use a wooden stick or sponge that is designed for washing dishes. Carefully squeeze out the paints onto a special palette, soak a sponge in them, run it over the paper - that’s it, the rainbow is completely ready.

If you want the transitions to be smooth, apply paint with a wide brush:

  • Wet the paper thoroughly with paints.
  • Leave it for a while so that the moisture is absorbed.
  • Wait for the paint to flow and you will end up with a wonderful rainbow.

Drawing with gouache
Now let's directly figure out which colors should be included in the rainbow. Please note that all the letters with which the colors begin have their own meaning:

  • Red . This color is deciphered as follows: “every ”.
  • Orange. But this color comes in count number 2. It stands for "hunter" .
  • Yellow . Next comes this color, which means “wants .
  • Green . The color of the grass means "to know" .
  • Blue. This color is number 5. It means "where" .
  • Blue. After blue comes the color blue, which stands for “sitting.”
  • Violet . In last place in the rainbow is this color, which means “pheasant” .

The purpose of drawing with soap bubbles

Any activity with children is not just entertainment, but a way to get to know the world around them, broaden their horizons, and develop useful skills.

The main goal of drawing with bubbles is to introduce children to their properties, simultaneously learning such concepts as shape, composition, size.

Along the way, the following goals are achieved:

  • Breathing training,
  • Encouragement for creative activities,
  • Development of fantasy.

As a result, after the lesson, the child understands that some items can be used not only for their intended purpose. He learns to see similarities between objects that at first glance are completely different. But the most important thing is positive emotions and a sea of ​​delight from such an unconventional way of drawing.

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