CARD FILE of notes on manual labor in the senior group card file on design, manual labor (senior group)

Summary of the organization of manual labor in the senior group of kindergarten. Topic: “Gluing up books”

Summary of the organization of manual labor in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Topic: “Gluing up books”

Educator: Tishchenko T.N.

Goal: Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers.

Objectives: To introduce the procedure for gluing a book, to teach them to negotiate among themselves, distributing individual labor operations. To cultivate hard work, a desire to help, and a caring attitude toward books.

Equipment: Books, paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths, pencil.

Vocabulary work: “Consultant”, “conveyor”.

Preliminary work: Conversation about people of different professions creating a book; introduction to the new word “typography”; reading poetry - B. Zakhoder “The Bookbinder”, S. Marshak “How your book was printed”, V. Kashinkin “The First Book”.

Progress of the lesson.

- Guys, yesterday we were looking through the books in our library and noticed that some were in need of repair. There were few of us and we didn’t have time to repair everything. I propose to open a book repair workshop today. You will all be masters, and I will be the main consultant. Do you know what this means?

- I will give you the necessary consultations, or advice, tips when doing the work. To complete a large amount of work, I suggest setting up a working conveyor. Do you know how it is?

- This is when the entire work process is divided into parts. And everyone does only their job, one after another. Now we will distribute who will do what.

- Who will inspect the books and cut out patches from paper?

Katya and Christina are attentive, work well with scissors, and know how to choose the right color of paper. I think you can do the job. Get your seats ready for work. (Children take a set of colored paper, white paper, a simple pencil, scissors, pre-selected books for repair)

- Marina will carefully spread glue on the strips of paper prepared by the girls and pass them on. Take everything you need for work.

(glue, brush, oilcloth, napkin)

—Who will complete the work by putting a patch on the book? Well, Zhenya takes her work responsibly and diligently. Let's trust her with the final stage.

- Is everyone ready? The workshop is open!

(Children do the work, the teacher provides individual assistance.)

- Look how much fun the books have become! Let's count how many books we have glued. A lot of. Could I glue that much on my own? (No!)

“If we do all the work in unison, together, then everything will be fine in our group.” Thank you very much to all my masters!

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Manual labor classes

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Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group of kindergarten

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group of children


Topic: Frog (origami technique)

Goals: — formation of a holistic picture of the world

- introduce to verbal art

— enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

- to develop the ability to understand cause and effect relationships in the text read

- to form a stable interest in the reading process and memorizing what has been read.

— Promote the development of a caring attitude towards living nature

- continue to teach how to perform movements in accordance with the text.

— We continue our acquaintance with the origami paper folding technique.

— to develop the ability to design according to plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

- development of fine motor skills

- encourage and strengthen the desire to work.

— Teach children to be happy with the result.

Material: text of N. Sladkov’s story “Zhaleikin and the Little Frog”, illustrations for the story

handout: green origami sheet, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of frogs; Didactic games “Who lives in the water”, “The fourth odd one”; Reading fiction: about mammals that live in water; outdoor game "Frogs".

Program content:

Guys, listen to one very interesting story written by Nikolai Sladkov.

This story is called “Zhaleikin and the Frog”

Under a hummock in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog. - Poor, unfortunate baby! – exclaimed Zhaleikin. - How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and cozy in my home. At home, Zhaleikin put the little frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, put the box in the warm sun and laughed cheerfully with joy. - Remember, little frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp! But the frog is not happy. But the frog is not having fun. He feels very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried out and became entangled in cotton wool. When Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He poured tears all over the little frog, and just in time: a little more and the little frog would have died. Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The very same place where it’s damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog feels just as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

Guys, what is the name of the story you just listened to? (Zhaleikin and the frog)

Who is it about?

What did Zhaleikin do? (took the frog from the swamp to his home)

Was the little frog happy? What happened to him? (the little frog overheated in the sun, dried out and almost died. The little frog feels bad at Zhaleikin’s house)

What did Zhaleikin do? (carried the frog back to the swamp)

Why can't frogs be taken from the swamp? (because the swamp is the home of frogs, they feel good and cozy there)

Guys, let's make a frog that will be good in our home. We will make it from paper using the origami technique. But first, we will imagine ourselves as little frogs:

Physical school

Here is a frog jumping along the path with its legs stretched out. She saw a mosquito and screamed...Kwa-Kwa-Kwa!

Now come to your tables - let's start designing.

Now you need to draw the frog’s eyes. To do this, take felt-tip pens.

That's how beautiful our frogs turned out to be. And most importantly, such frogs will be very happy in our home. You did a very good job, Well done guys.

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group of kindergarten

Topic: Bed for Katya doll

Objectives: - to teach to understand the general word “furniture”.

- expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

— consolidation of the formation of diminutive forms of nouns.

- Improve your ability to solve riddles.

- continue to teach how to perform movements in accordance with the text.

— teach to perform morally oriented actions (help Katya the Doll).

— to develop the ability to design according to plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

— improve the ability to work with scissors.

— teach to follow the instructions of an adult when performing work with hazardous

tools and materials (scissors, glue).

- encourage and strengthen the desire to work.

— Teach children to be happy with the result.

— Development of creative imagination.

Material: ball, Katya doll (small), pictures depicting pieces of doll furniture;

Handout: matchboxes (4 pieces each), colored cardboard, pieces of fabric according to size

cribs, scissors, glue, glue brush, wet wipes, oilcloths.

Preliminary work: conversation on the topic “Furniture”, “What is in our group”; guessing

riddles on the theme “Furniture”, “Toys”; role-playing game "Family"

"Mothers and Daughters"; work assignment: clean up the doll house

Program content:

Guys, let's play a game called “Call it kindly.” I will throw you a ball and say a word, and you will say the same word, but affectionately, and throw the ball back to me. For example, a carpet is a rug.

What a great fellow you are. Everyone knows kind words.

Guys, I’ll tell you a secret that a guest is coming to us today. But for now this guest is delayed. Let's guess who should come to us:

I'm a good toy, I'll be a girls' friend. I can sit in a stroller, I can close my eyes. I ask you to love me, not to drop me, not to hit me. (Doll)

Yes guys, this is a doll.

(There is a knock on the door.)

Educator: And here is our little guest (brings in a doll). Let's say hello to her.

This is Katya doll. She has long wanted to meet you. Let's ask where Katya lives.

Katya lives in a toy country in her dollhouse.

Katya, tell us about your house.

Katya says (the teacher changes her voice): My house is very beautiful and cozy. I will show you in pictures what is in my house. And you say what you see on them.

(The doll shows pictures of furniture. Only the bed is missing. Children name all the pieces of furniture.)

Well done boys. Now name in one word what you saw in the pictures. That's right, guys, it's furniture.

Have you noticed that one piece of furniture is missing from Katya’s house? Which one? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher prompts).

There is no bed in Katya's house and she has nothing to sleep on. Let's help Katya and make a good bed for her.

First we need to charge:

Physical school

Chair and table, sofa, chest of drawers -We bend our fingers while listing the furniture.
The people are calling for furniture!Show your palms.
Our closet serves toSpread your arms to the sides.
To put laundry there! Arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest (upward movements).
What is the bed for?Extend your arms to the sides.
So that you can sleep comfortably!Place your palms under your cheek.
Furniture creates comfort Hands on the belt, turns with half squats to the right - left (4 times).
And in the country, in the house, here!Spread your arms to the sides.

The exercises are done, now you can start constructing the furniture. Katya will choose the most beautiful crib and sleep on it in her house.

We will make a crib for Katya from matchboxes, cardboard and a piece of fabric. Go to your workstations and let's get started.

First, we will glue matchboxes together to form a mattress. Take the cardboard and cut it along the line into two unequal parts. Glue them at the two narrow ends. These are the headboards. Then we glue a piece of fabric to make the crib beautiful. Whose crib is ready, place it next to Katya. Let her admire it.

Well, all the beds are ready. Katya looked at them and couldn’t choose the most beautiful one. She really liked all the cribs. Let us give Katya and her doll friends everything we have made.

Look how happy and happy Katya is. She says thank you. She can't wait to show the cribs to her friends. And we will say goodbye to her, and we will wait for her to visit again.

Summary of an open lesson on manual labor for older children “Surprise Toy”

Objectives: -improve the ability to work with paper: bend the sheet in different directions, smooth the folds, cut along the folds. - develop creative imagination and artistic taste. — cultivate accuracy, teach how to treat finished products with care. Goal: - consolidate acquired skills in creative transformation of objects. Materials: colored paper, scissors, glue, napkins, Pinocchio toy, audio recording with the song 'Bu-ra-ti-no!' (from the movie 'The Adventures of Pinocchio'), tray, wonderful bag with surprises. Preliminary work: reading A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Progress of the lesson.

Children, together with the teacher, enter the group. The guys greet the guests. Voss: - Guys, do you like surprises? Children: Yes. Voss: -I really like surprises. There is one fairy-tale hero who cannot live without surprises. Guess the riddle. My father has a strange boy, unusual, wooden. He is looking for a golden key on land and under water. He sticks his long nose everywhere. Who is this? Children: Pinocchio. Question: Pinocchio wanted to make a gift for his friends from the fairy tale in which he lives, but he didn’t succeed. Oh, Pinocchio, where are you? Oh, here he is, why are you hiding? (Pinocchio whispers something in his ear, the teacher nods) Voss: Guys, Pinocchio asks you to help him make surprises for his friends. Do you agree? Children: Yes. Voss: (addresses the toy Pinocchio) -Who are your friends? (Pinocchio is silent). Voss: - Guys, help. What are the names of Buratino's friends? Children: -Malvina, Pierrot, Harlequin, poodle Artemon, tortoise Tortila. Voss: Which other fairy-tale characters do you know? Children: - Karabas Barabas, talking cricket, dad Carlo, Giuseppe, cat Basilio, fox Alice, Duremar, rat Shushara. Voss: (shows a box with a surprise) - This is the surprise we will help you make Pinocchio. The teacher places the Pinocchio toy at the table with the children. Vos-l: (Explanation of work) - And it’s done like this. First you need to make a box: take a rectangular sheet, 2 stripes are drawn on it, you need to bend it along the stripes. We bent it in strips, turned it around, put the narrow side towards us and bend corner to corner in half away from us and again in half away from us. Let's expand. In the top row we got 3 squares, cut out the outer ones along the fold line, leaving 1 square - this is the lid of the box. We make 2 cuts from the lid of the box and 2 more cuts at the bottom opposite the first ones. Our box is almost ready, all that remains is to glue it together. I spread glue on the 2 outer squares near the lid and the 2 outermost squares. We do it like this: bend over, spread, bend over, spread, glue one, then the other, put on top of each other, bend the bottom squares, spread, glue everything in the middle of the box, you get a box. Voss: - Pinocchio, do you understand how to make a box? Aren't you tired? And now a surprise, we have a cheerful face from the box. The face is held on the paper by a folded spring. Take 2 strips of paper. Glue the 2 ends together and bend one or the other strip to the end. The result is a two-color spring. Glue a spring to the bottom of the box, and glue a cheerful face to the top tip. Look what happened... Voss: - And now the guys will do it. Guys, tell me, do we make a box or a spring first? Children: -A box, then a spring. (Explaining to children how they will do the work). Voss: -Pinocchio is tired, let's stretch his arms and legs.

Physical education minute:

Pinocchio stretched, 1 - bent over, 2 - straightened up, spread his arms to the sides, Apparently he didn’t find the key. To get the key for him, you have to stand on your toes. Stand tighter than Pinocchio, Here is the golden key. Voss: - Sit down guys. Well done, you need to stretch your fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

Katina's dolls are sitting in a row on a large sofa. Two bears, Pinocchio, and cheerful Cipollino, And a kitten and a baby elephant. One, 2, 3, 4, 5 Let’s help our Katya count all the toys. Voss: - Now you will make the surprise yourself. Remember to use scissors carefully. And you Pinocchio, sit and look carefully, the guys will work for a long time, but diligently. The guys make surprise boxes and place them on a tray. Voss: - Thanks, guys! They helped me out, now I will give gifts to my friends, and leave surprises for you as a gift. (wooden eggs for painting). Pinocchio leaves.

Author: Kozaeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 55 “Cornflower”, Murmansk, Russia

The article is published in the author's edition

Lesson notes for the senior group of preschool educational institutions. Manual labor

Summary of the organization of labor activity (manual labor) in the senior group
Title of work : Summary of labor activity (manual labor) in the senior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational area : Social and communicative development. Program development : Involve children in design creativity, through which decorations for the walking area and birthday gifts for peers will be made. Develop skills in working with cardboard and colored paper when making birds and in weaving bracelets and jump ropes from rubber bands. Improve skills in gluing cardboard onto a sheet of colored paper, folding paper diagonally like an accordion, weaving on a machine and slingshot in different ways. Develop image perception, color perception when choosing the color of rubber bands when combining them, paper when combining the color of a bird and wings; recreating and creative imagination, hand motor skills. Foster love for kindergarten by creating decorations for it; peers of the group, creating gifts for them. Friendly relations when performing work, the ability to work in a team, to help comrades. Equipment: Cardboard bird shapes, colored paper, paste, oilcloth, brushes, paste, scissors, twine; sets with elastic bands, hooks and weaving machines. Preliminary work : Examination of decorations for kindergarten areas, cutting out birds along the contour, learning to weave from rubber bands. Vocabulary activation: Weaving, hook, loop, loom, cardboard decoration, designers. Motivation: 1. Contribute the painting “Waiting for the Birds” Conversation about the content of the painting and what awaits us in the near future. Children answer the teacher’s questions, note what needs to be done in order to attract birds to their site, and how to please their peers on the day birth.
2. I propose to consider the material from which children’s crafts will be made. 3. I invite the children to divide into subgroups and choose a senior assistant in each subgroup. The children are divided into subgroups and choose a senior assistant. Subgroup 1, in collaboration with the teacher, makes birds to decorate the area. Subgroup 2 independently weaves bracelets from rubber bands. Main part:

The teacher gives instructions for the practical activities of children and directs the work of children in subgroups: 1 demonstrates folding paper with an “Accordion” and methods of weaving with rubber bands.
2 helps with difficulties and gives verbal and practical instructions when children perform work. After listening to the task and discussing how to complete it with the teacher, the children begin to complete the work; if necessary, they turn to the teacher for help. Senior assistants in subgroups help peers when necessary. Subgroup 2 independently chooses the type of weaving and works in collaboration with peers. The teacher's leadership of this subgroup is indirect. Health-saving technologies: 1. I suggest performing the finger game “Friendship” before completing work and after completing work. 2. Gymnastics for the eyes after completing work 3. Offer to perform dance movements to music. Reflection: Reviewing the work, noting why and for whom it was done

The area was decorated with these birds, and now they will greet feathered guests. And the bracelets were presented to the guests who attended this event.

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