“Planting flower seedlings” Summary of GCD in the senior group

Vegetable garden in kindergarten: rules of organization

In order to create a vegetable garden in a kindergarten, it is necessary to determine a place on the territory of the kindergarten that would be located in a lighted space. A vegetable garden in a kindergarten has its own design features.

The size of the garden in a kindergarten is influenced by the local conditions of the kindergarten's location. But, it is desirable that each child has at least 0.5 m² of garden space.

To make it more convenient for children to reach the middle of the bed with their hands, the width of the bed should not be more than sixty centimeters. The length of one bed is approximately three meters.

To prevent water from draining from the garden bed when watering, you can make a wooden frame. A distance of fifty centimeters is left between the beds so that children can freely pass between them without damaging the plantings.

A garden in a kindergarten must also have a main path at least one meter wide, thanks to which children can walk to the beds, and the teacher can conduct organized educational activities and observations.

A table and bench are required. There, children will be able to relax after completing work assignments, observe plants and engage in joint activities with the teacher.

Why do you need a vegetable garden in kindergarten?

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is needed to introduce preschoolers to nature and its seasonal changes.

In addition, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten and the feasible work of children on its territory influence the formation of elementary environmental concepts in preschoolers.

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is also an opportunity to see the results of your work. Joint work in the garden provides an opportunity to learn responsibility, contributes to the formation of work skills and the unification of the children's team. And, of course, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten and work in the fresh air help preserve and strengthen the children’s health.

Choosing Plants for Beginners

In order not to be disappointed in your hobby, you must first choose unpretentious flowers. If you prefer flowering specimens, then you should plant shade-loving plants. These are anthurium, spathiphyllum, clivia.

Among the unpretentious and non-flowering ones, it is best to choose fern, ficus, cyperus, chamedorea and others.

You can choose those that do not require regular watering: cacti, aloe, rebutia, spurge.

If time permits, it is better to start with flowering specimens, because they are better than others at raising your spirits. If you bought a flower in a store, when you bring it home, give it time to adapt, and then determine the location and replant.

Having chosen a flower, study the conditions in which it will be comfortable to grow. Read information about preferences for watering, humidity, lighting. Some plants can quickly adapt to a new environment, while others take time to adjust.

Don't try to water too much right away. Remember that not all flowers like to be filled with water. And be sure to observe the temperature regime, provide lighting and air humidity.

Planning a flower bed

Depending on how much area you can allocate to a novice gardener and where this piece of land is located, we plan the number of plants to sow and choose the shape of the flowerbed.
Give your preschooler complete freedom in choosing plants and planning a flower garden - I wonder what will happen in the end! Small children will have to be guided gently and quietly. If conditions permit, the direction of the flowerbed is chosen from north to south: seeds of tall plants are sown in the north, plants of shorter height are sown to the south. Tell the young designer that the flowerbed can be made in different configurations: round, oval, rectangular, triangular (repeat geometric shapes at the same time!) and arbitrary (for example, in the shape of a butterfly or a car). It is advisable to place a round and triangular flower bed on a small hill. So that all the flowers are evenly illuminated.

The flower garden will look more attractive if you fence it with a fence. In stores, next to expensive fences, they always sell nice, inexpensive plastic fences. The edges of the flower bed can be lined with stone, brick, ceramics, or a low fence can be made. And decoratively, and without additional costs.

Be sure to explain to your child that tall plants are planted in the background of the flower garden. In the center there are lower flowers, and from the very edge of the flower bed it is customary to plant very low flowers. With such a “tier” there will be enough light for all plants. In a round and triangular flower bed, as a rule, tall flowers are planted in the center and low flowering plants are planted around in segments or in a circle. There is nothing stopping you from buying a few dahlia tubers now and inviting your child to make this powerful and very beautiful plant the “soloist” of his flower garden. Gladioli are also suitable for the “main role”. If you are lucky, and by the Day of Knowledge the flowers in the children's flowerbed will be in excellent shape, you can collect a chic bouquet. And bring your own flowers to school on September 1st.

There is also a simpler option - to entrust the child’s care with plants in flower beds or containers. Marigolds, calendula, tricolor bindweed, nasturtium, low-growing asters, dahlias, etc. are suitable for this. But remember that moisture quickly evaporates from a small volume of soil in a container in hot weather, and the soil is also greatly depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to water and feed the plants in flower beds in a timely manner. But weeding in such a “mini-garden” is kept to a minimum.

Where to begin

What's great about growing flowers? This useful hobby helps you decorate your interior and bring some life into your life. In addition, flowers purify the air in the house and lift your spirits.

Answer simple questions

Indoor plants do not require the same attention and constant care as, for example, a cat or dog. But all the same, in order not to regret the ruined plant and not waste money, it is worth preparing,

  1. If someone in your home is allergic to certain types of plants, then you should look for hypoallergenic varieties. For example, orchids, phelenopsis, guzmania, cambria or begonia.
  2. If you often leave home for more than a couple of days, then you will have to ask one of your friends or neighbors. If this is not possible, choose plants that can be watered once every two weeks or less.
  3. If you have children and pets in the house, then species with thorns or poisonous sap are most likely not suitable for you.

Determine a place for flowers

The first step is to find a suitable place for green pets. How much space are you willing to allocate for a potty? Is it a well-lit room or is it in the shade most of the day? What is the average temperature at your home in winter and summer?

The east or west side is most suitable. In this case, the sun will illuminate them only part of the day, which suits most flower crops.

Not all flowers like direct sunlight, so the south side is not very suitable for organizing a green corner. Plants that prefer diffused light will grow well in the northern part of the house, in hanging flower pots, or on shelves nailed to the walls.

Your next step: selecting flower pots, preparing soil and drainage.

Flowerbed care

Depending on the weather, tender shoots of annual flowers appear within a week or two.

Caring for the flowerbed will consist of timely weeding, watering and loosening the seedlings. And this difficult work will probably seem routine to the young gardener. It is important here, when involving a child in work, not to ruin interest in farming as a whole. You know your child and will find the right approach to him. It will be enough to compare one baby to a flower, “who is very thirsty, just like you in hot weather.” Another girl will go and pull the weeds if she is told that the flower bed looks untidy. The third little one will be delighted at the prospect of receiving a gift from the plant (a luxurious flower) and will immediately run to loosen the ground. Some people will find it more interesting to work if a ceramic bunny or hedgehog “lives” in the flower garden.

The first weeding, when it is difficult to distinguish weed seedlings from noble shoots, will most likely have to be done by the parents. Then, if the plant seedlings grow very densely, it is necessary to thin them out.

Try to provide the novice farmer with previously cultivated soil - in virgin soil, a child will not be able to cope with weeds.

In less than three warm months, annual flowers should have time to grow, form buds, bloom and produce seeds. And this is hard work that requires maximum efficiency from the plant. To help them and see lush flowering, it is advisable to periodically feed them with fertilizers. But in order to avoid poisoning the child with fertilizer, it is advisable for an adult to carry out this activity independently.

The most unpretentious indoor plants


It is difficult to live without chlorophytum in the kitchen. The fact is that this plant can clear the air of harmful impurities, and especially from electromagnetic studies, faster than others. The flower can survive for a long time without watering or lighting, and grows well at high temperatures.

Chlorophytum will also be beautiful, even if you completely forget to care for it. True, every housewife cannot leave her pet without care.

"Woman's happiness"

“Women’s happiness” is also not a capricious plant. But with good care and feeding it will delight you with beautiful white flowers. You can feed with fertilizers that you prepare at home.

For example, make an infusion from banana peels. Fill the peels of two bananas with water, and after a day, water all the indoor plants. A pink solution of potassium permanganate will also be useful for every pet.


The Chinese rose amazes with its original appearance and its unpretentiousness. Blooms all year round, survives in any temperature, but loves good light. If the air in the apartment is too dry, the rose will not refuse to be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.


Begonia can be placed in a darkened corner of the apartment. It will feel great in any soil, at any temperature. But he won’t refuse watering. Begonia blooms very luxuriantly and violently. To make it look aesthetically pleasing, faded buds will have to be trimmed.


Pelargonium can be grown on a windowsill. It blooms all year round at any air humidity and rare watering. In winter, with short daylight hours, it’s a good idea to turn on the backlight.


Dracaena is one of the most unpretentious plants that can save people from ailments and headaches. She does not like abundant watering. Water can destroy its roots. If the windows in the apartment face west or east, then place a pot with this amazing plant a meter from the window.


If you want to decorate your apartment with living greenery, then get a fern. It can even grow on the north side of the house, because it does not tolerate too bright light. You need to water it moderately, but you won’t mind taking a shower.

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