Summary of the lesson “Winter Wonders”. (Salt drawing)

Drawing winter with preschoolers: step-by-step master classes, collection of ideas.

In this article you will find step-by-step master classes on drawing winter with preschool children using different techniques:

  • drawing winter with gouache,
  • we draw winter using the grattage technique,
  • painting with salt.

Master classes will help teachers and parents conduct drawing classes in kindergarten, children's studio and at home.

Master class 1. Drawing winter with gouache with preschoolers

Author of the master class: Vera Parfentyeva, technology teacher, head of the children's art circle, reader of "Native Path". In the article, the photo shows drawings of children - students of Vera's studio.

Materials and tools for drawing

To complete a winter drawing, you need to prepare for your child:

  • album sheet,
  • paints (watercolor or gouache),
  • brush (you need a wide flat brush),
  • round brushes No. 1 -2, 4-5.

Children's age

This drawing can be drawn by children aged 5 years and older (senior preschool and primary school age.

How to draw winter with children: step-by-step description

Step 1. Prepare the background. To do this, you need to apply several strokes of blue, red, yellow, purple (can be green) paint with a wide brush. Then put white paint on the brush and stretch the color. Until the desired background is obtained, in which one tone transforms into another.

Step 2. Draw the outlines of the trees.

— Apply white paint to a round brush No. 4 or 5, and holding the brush vertically, first point out the contours of two trees in the center of the sheet (or do it using the poking method). The trees consist of three tiers in the form of a month-like figure or “cloud”. Start drawing from the bottom tier. Make the middle and upper tiers smaller relative to each other.

— Mark round “clouds” for the bushes on the sides of the trees.

— Using the poking method, fill in the inside of each “cloud.”

Step 3. Draw snow caps on the trees.

Mix white and black paint on the palette to get a light gray color and also dot the white “clouds” with a gray tint (shadow on the snow caps).

Step 4. Draw trunks and branches of trees and bushes.

Using brush No. 1 or 2, draw thin lines on tree trunks between the tiers of the crown and trunks of shrubs.

Paint the tree trunks with black paint, carefully so as not to touch the crowns.

Draw branches from the trunk.

Step 5. Draw snow on tree trunks and snowdrifts.

  • Use white paint to apply thin lines along the trunks of trees and shrubs.
  • Under the trees, outline the contours of the snowdrifts with a brush No. 5 and fill the “drifts” with white paint.

Step 6. Draw falling snow.

Spray the finished drawing with white paint, brushing it over the brush, simulating falling snow. How to draw falling snow “spray” You are shown in the photo.

Our drawing is ready. Try to depict winter in a drawing! Good luck in your creativity!

And below is an example of a child’s drawing based on this master class. It was drawn by Nastya (7.5 years old).

Main objectives of the lesson

If we talk about the older group, these are children aged 5-6 years. That is, guys who perceive the world around them quite well and can reproduce a lot on paper. However, these are not yet strong enough artists to draw details. Therefore, the drawing itself can be quite simple. The main thing is to convey the essence of the task. Also during the lesson, the guys must achieve some goals:

  • Strengthen the ability to draw simple objects: trees, houses, animals.
  • Improve your drawing technique with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens or other materials.
  • Children improve compositional skills - placing objects to be drawn on a sheet of paper.
  • And, of course, the guys must understand exactly how winter differs from other seasons, conveying all this in the drawing.

Drawing on the theme Winter's Tale

What every child hears in the words New Year or Christmas is a fairy tale and magic. And they really love to realize their dreams and expectations on paper. Such a holiday will definitely not pass by educators and teachers. They try to transform every opportunity into something useful, so the winter fairy tale drawing competition can be found in every educational institution on the eve of the New Year holidays. If you don’t have enough imagination, you can use ready-made drawing ideas.

A winter fairy tale drawing can be drawn with paints or pencils and can depict the dreams and hopes of a child. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the composition and perhaps you will see in it a hint about how a child dreams of celebrating Christmas and what to receive as a gift from Santa Claus.

Drawing with stencils

Stencils make the drawing process easier for those who “don’t know how” (as they think). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.

By leaving the part of the image covered with the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes in different directions with a hard brush, etc. Experiment!

Several sequentially applied stencils and sprays. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a stiff bristle brush for these purposes.

A knitted snowflake will help you create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a spray can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

Winter pencil drawings for sketching

We all have our own associations, but winter has the same synonyms for everyone - snow, small flying snowflakes, cold, snowmen and spruce trees, as well as winter entertainment. It is unrealistic to depict all this on one piece of paper, so you need to decide on the theme of the drawing. If you don’t want to think or don’t have enough imagination, then you can use drawings for sketching.

You can draw a winter landscape with paints, pencils and felt-tip pens. Painting is the easiest and fastest option. If you draw with pencils, you will have to depict a lot of details in order for the drawing to be worthy of attention. Before you start, come up with a plot for the drawing - what will be located on it, and in what part of the sheet. First you need to schematically depict the location of all the elements of the drawing, and then proceed to detailing.

Example 2. Forest landscapes

If you are going to draw on the theme “Winter”, you can simply depict a winter forest. There's nothing complicated about it. You just need to draw a couple of trees whose branches are covered with snow. You definitely need to draw snowdrifts. And in a circle - small snowflakes floating in the air. You can also depict a clear sun in the corner of the sheet. That's all. Very simple, but at the same time difficult. After all, the drawing is not oversaturated with objects, so few will be able to place everything correctly. And to make everything much more interesting, you can draw only trees. And make snow from scraps of cotton wool, which will be glued to the drawing. Combining a couple of creative techniques is always a good idea.

Winter sports: children's drawings

During the winter season, there are many sports that children especially love. To draw one of them, you need to be able to depict a person in motion.

For a child, it is enough to start with being able to schematically depict a person.

When you color this drawing with paints, the sketchy man will take on a more real appearance.

Children love to skate: girls are fond of figure skating, and boys love to play hockey.

An important point when drawing is to take into account the correct depiction of the characteristic signs of movement. Don't forget about the attributes of each costume.

Hockey players have quite complex costumes to portray and it is important to take into account every little detail.

Example 4. Birds and winter

How else can drawing take place? Birds in winter: the older group of children can easily depict wintering birds. However, for this, the kids can be told who exactly stays for the winter and who flies to warmer climes until spring. So, classic winter birds are bullfinches. Red-breasted birds that children love so much. A drawing on the theme “Winter” can be as follows: the child depicts a rowan tree covered with snow, and depicts a bullfinch on a branch. It’s good if the bird even pecks the berries. Another option is a group of birds under a tree trying to find something to eat. And there was snow all around, a lot of snow. You can also draw ducks, because they also remain for the winter. You can draw overseas birds - penguins. Children love them very much. For beauty, these birds can be decorated with a scarf. You can depict either one penguin or a whole flock. Around them are frozen icy mountains.

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