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Games for gross motor skills A child’s speech is an indicator of his overall development. About the interdependence of speech
Article “Environmental education of preschool children taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.” Environmental education of preschool children taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard. Forms
Pronunciation of complex sounds Articulation develops gradually; children usually master the pronunciation of complex sounds last
Walking in the middle group. December. Card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Winter Card index of winter walks
Presentation “Journey into Space” May 22, 2012 Competition “Presentation Master - 2012” Nomination “Presentations”
General tips for making a birdhouse Let's talk only about functional birdhouses, for decorative general recommendations
How to plant a vegetable garden on a windowsill with your children. In fact, you can plant anything
The daily routine in kindergarten for all age groups of the kindergarten is based on the norms
The daily routine in kindergarten for all age groups of the kindergarten is based on the norms
Card index of role-playing games in the middle group. “Polyclinic” Purpose: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about