Card index of finger gymnastics “Wintering birds” methodological development (junior group)

Finger gymnastics “Summer” in the younger group

Poems selected for younger preschoolers should be short and simple, with a semantic content that is understandable for children 2-3 years old. When conducting classes in a younger age group, the teacher often has to help students, bend and straighten their hands and fingers, showing how to do this or that exercise.

Let's draw summer

Let's draw summer: - children move their finger, like a brush, across the table;

Yellow color - the sun - make a circular movement in the air with your finger;

Moths on the lawn,

There are cornflowers in the meadow, their fingers clench and straighten;

The sky is blue; they twirl their index fingers in the air, as if making “curls” of clouds;

And the stream is beautiful. - make a wavy line.


Swell quickly, bud! – children close their fingertips, bend their hands slightly for roundness;

The peony is blooming! – press the wrists together, and open the hands wide with slightly bent fingers.


A beetle circles over the clearing - the students clench their hands into fists;

And it buzzes so angrily, they pronounce the sound “zh-zh-zh”;

Usami moves a lot. – stick out the index and middle fingers and begin to move them.


The birds flew to the branch - the children squatted down;

They flapped their wings, sang a song, and stood up;

And they flew away again. - wave the hands of both hands, imitating the flight of birds.


Beautiful butterfly,

Don’t fly idle, - students imitate the wings of an insect - close their wrists, connect their hands with the back surfaces, fingers should be straight;

Hurry to the sky

The kids are waiting for you there

On spruce branches. – make sharp, but not tense movements with their hands up and down, imitating the flight of an insect.


The mother bird flew away - the children actively waved their hands;

I was looking for worms for the chicks.

The chicks waited for her - they point their right hand vertically, straighten their fingers, and clasp the right hand with their left hand - it looks like a bird's nest with four heads of chicks;

Delicious gifts. – move the fingers of their right hand, imitating joyful chicks.

Finger gymnastics for the whole year for children up to

Finger exercises are an effective way to develop fine motor skills. The importance of finger gymnastics in the development of preschool children

I want to talk about developing fine motor skills finger coordination . Some of you have heard briefly about the importance of developing fine motor skills , others have some knowledge on this topic. The movements of the fingers and hands have a special developmental effect . There are about 1 thousand important biologically active points on the palm and foot. By influencing them it is possible to regulate the activity of human organs.

The influence of the hand on the human brain has been known for a very long time. In the brain, the speech area is located next to the motor area. The famous researcher of children's speech M. M. Koltsov writes: “ The development of hand and speech in people proceeded in parallel, that is, simultaneously. The development of a child’s speech is approximately the same .” Typically, a child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills of the hand can reason logically, has developed memory , attention, and coherent speech. You can conduct an experiment yourself at home: if a 4-year-old child cannot bring a handful of water to his face without spilling it, then his small muscles are lagging behind in development . And, if you feel that fine motor skills are poorly developed , then hoping that he will later catch up with his peer is a wrong position. The weak hand of a preschooler needs to be developed .

Finger gymnastics for children 3-4 years old or exercises for developing fingers is an effective way to develop fine motor skills . It has a positive effect on speech development , and also switches the baby to his bodily sensations, thus calming him. Finger gymnastics for children 3-4 years old enhances the coordinated activity of speech zones and promotes better development of the child’s memory and imagination, and his fingers and hands acquire flexibility and dexterity.

Finger games ” are the staging of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using the fingers .

" Finger games " are a very important part of the work on developing fine motor skills . These games are very emotional and exciting. They promote the development of speech and creative activity. “ Finger games ” seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During “ finger games ,” children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills . This develops dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

Finger gymnastics about summer in the senior group

For children 5-6 years old, 2-3 lessons with a teacher are enough to remember the sequence and tempo of movements, and then practice independently. To develop the imagination of preschoolers, it is advisable to accompany games not only with music, but also with plot pictures on the theme “Summer”.


We walk between the beds - the children walk in place;

We will collect vegetables. – stand in a circle, hold hands, continue walking;

Let's pull a carrot from the ground - imitate the pulling movement;

Let's dig up all the potatoes - they imitate the digging movement;

Let's cut round cabbage - they imitate the movement, as if cutting with a knife;

The salad will be very tasty - stroke the stomach in a circular motion;

We will pick a bunch of radishes - imitate the tearing movements;

And let's go home. – make walking movements with the index and middle fingers.

How wonderful summer is

Summer means a lot of sun, - the students spread their arms above their heads in a semicircle;

It pours towards us through the window,

This is a river and meadows - they make wave-like movements, then spread their arms to the sides with palms turned up;

This is a forest and clouds,” they spread their fingers, then twist their hands left and right;

These are berries, flowers - they swing their tassels in different directions;

You and I love summer! – clasp your fingers.


A fish is walking in the lake - the children fold their palms and begin to smoothly move them left and right;

Our fish is not bored.

Little fish, beware, they threaten with their index finger;

Take our bait.

We will catch you,” they make a lattice out of their fingers;

We're already grabbing it!

And the fish wagged its tail - they waved their brushes in different directions;

She swallowed the bread bait - they connect the tips of their fingers, imitating grasping movements;

She flashed her scales,

And quickly swam away. - they give up.

Finger gymnastics “Summer” in the preparatory group

Preschoolers in the preparatory group do finger exercises before the main activities that require tension in the muscles of the hands and good motor skills: modeling, drawing, creating appliqués, penmanship. Finger games are a wonderful method of muscular preparation for school writing. In the older group, finger gymnastics is performed at an accelerated pace, but the teacher must control the correct execution of the movements.

After the rain

The summer rain has passed - the pupils connect all the fingers of both hands;

He called us outside. – alternately touch the thumb with the tips of the other four fingers on both hands;

How will we play? – connect all the fingers of both hands;

Run through puddles - fold the fingers of the right hand into a pinch, press them to the open palm of the left hand, then vice versa;

Let the boats go - make an infinity sign with both hands;

Let's walk along the rainbow - they put their arms forward, lower their hands, and draw arcs with them;

Let's smile at each other! – they smile, looking at their comrades.


The bells play, the pupils clench and open their fists;

The buds are hidden in the grass. – blink slowly;

Blue flowers

The petals opened. – alternately spread and connect fingers;

The buds are swaying

They bow down to the ground itself. – swing relaxed hands in different directions;

Bell, turn around

Bow down to me and my friends. – make circular movements with their hands;

Blue bell -

Polite flower. - clap their hands, then place their hands on the table, palms up.


I take berries from a bush, - the children stroke each left finger with the fingers of their right hand from beginning to end, imitating the removal of a berry from a branch, then change the position of their hands;

And I put them in the basket. – cup your hands;

I will fill the entire basket,” they clench their palms so that they resemble scoops, cover the left with the right, then vice versa;

I’ll take a handful of berries in my mouth,

I eat just a little - leave one palm in the shape of a scoop, the other imitate the movements as if taking berries and putting them in the mouth;

So that the return path is easy. – quickly move the index and middle fingers.

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