Card index of outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the topics “Domestic and wild animals and birds”

Educational work on the topic: Domestic animals and their cubs

Planning educational work
Monday ___.___.201_ Theme of the month, week, day “Pets and their young” Time
Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Morning 7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents. Morning exercises according to plan
Conversation on the topic “My days off.”
Goal: To activate children's vocabulary (weekends, at home, went, fun, friendly, interesting, worked, learn to answer the teacher's questions.
Review of the album "Pets." Goal
: Continue to introduce children to pets, tell them about the benefits they bring, learn to reflect received impressions in speech.

Role-playing game “Farm”: game situation “Feeding the animals”.
: To teach children to come up with a simple plot, fulfill the role they take on, and use substitute objects in the game, including natural materials. With subgroups of children

Direct educational activities 9.00 -915, 9.25-9.40


according to the specialist's plan

Artistic creativity.
Drawing. Topic “Little Goat” Goals
: continue to teach children to draw dots with their fingers, placing them close to each other; teach to analyze and understand the content of a poem; develop fine motor skills of the hands; teach children to describe the appearance of an animal (page 17 Drawing Koldin folder)

Walk 10.10 – 12.05

Cat observation.
Expand children's understanding of pets, teach them to describe their appearance, and name the parts of a cat's body.
Encourage a desire to care for animals. Outdoor game "Vaska the Cat". Goal
: To teach children to pronounce the text rhythmically and perform movements in accordance with the words. Develop attention, endurance, and cultivate courage. Physical Culture.

Work assignments: cleaning the site.
To develop in children appropriate work skills and a conscious attitude towards order. Encourage the desire to work, teach to rejoice in the results achieved.

Independent play activity: games with favorite toys.
To teach children to organize joint games and form friendly relationships. Enrich the experience of organizing your own leisure time with your favorite toys.

preparation for lunch, lunch. Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Exercise “Fluffy towel.”
To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them how to properly use an individual towel, and hang it in its place (in its own individual cell).

Afternoon 15.00 – 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path. Purpose

: develop the idea that exercise promotes a good mood.
Reading the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Tili-bom!”
" Goal: To teach children to listen carefully to the text, follow the course of events, and tell a nursery rhyme based on illustrations.
Didactic game “Whose baby? " Goal
: To learn to use knowledge about baby animals in the game, to correctly use their names in speech in the right form (for example, kittens, puppies). Enrich vocabulary, develop grammatical structure of speech

Role-playing game "Kindergarten".
To promote the emergence of a playful concept in children, to teach them to take on a role depending on the plot. To develop the ability to select substitute items and attributes, and to use them correctly during game actions. Socialization.

Walk 16.30 – 18.45

Observing freshly fallen snow
to form an idea of ​​winter;
evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk. Progress of observation On the fences and porch Everything shines and everything is white. There is no free place - There is snow everywhere. The mountain ash has also dressed up in a white festive outfit, only the clusters on the top are burning brighter than before. The teacher asks the children questions. What time of year is it now? (Winter.)
(There is snow all around, it’s cold.)
What color are the snowflakes?
Did it become warmer during the snowfall?
the air temperature changes during a snowfall Labor activity : Removing snow from the site. Goal:
continue to teach how to use a scraper and shovel.
Outdoor game “Let's make it snow.” Goal :
develop motor activity. Remote material Blades

Interaction with parents: Conversation “Clothing of children in a group and on the street.” Target:

Set up parents for fruitful joint work according to the plan and rules of the group

Planning educational work
Tuesday__.__.201_. Theme of the month, week, day “Pets and their young” Time
Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Morning 7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents. Morning exercises according to plan
Game situation “Magic word”. Goal:
To develop cultural behavior skills, to learn to use polite words in various situations. Develop empathy, cultivate politeness, goodwill. Socialization.

Games with building materials: building a house for a kitten.
: To teach children to make various buildings from large building materials, to use them during story games, to choose other toys according to the story, to develop imagination and fantasy. Cognition, communication

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities 9.00 -915, 9.25-9.40

Speech development.
Topic: Examination of plot paintings Purpose:
to teach children to look at a picture, answer the teacher’s questions, listen to his explanations; exercise the ability to conduct a dialogue, use nouns denoting baby animals, correctly and clearly pronounce words with the sounds k, t (page 43 V.V. Gerbova Development of speech in kindergarten)

Physical education
Topic: “travel to the forest by train” Objectives:
teach children to walk on an inclined board; practice jumping forward; consolidate the ability to roll a ball between objects; promote the development of balance and coordination of movement. (page 99 O.M. Litvinova Physical education classes in kindergarten)

Walk 10.10 – 12.05

Observing the dog. Purpose

: Introduce children to the names of dog body parts, features of its appearance, and behavior.
To activate in speech and clarify the relevant concepts Didactic game “Recognize the voices of animals.” Goal
: To form children’s auditory perception, attention, to train the simplest articulatory movements in onomatopoeia.
Role-playing game "Bus". Goal
: to teach to perform game actions in accordance with the game plan, to play out the situations proposed by the teacher in the role of passengers, driver

Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".
: To train children in running and dodging.
Develop courage, speed, and the ability to navigate in space. Work assignments: feeding birds. Goal:
To develop in children the ability to observe the behavior of birds and reflect what they see in speech. Support the desire to care for birds and their interest in wildlife. Knowledge, work. Labor. Collaboration.

Independent play activity.
To teach children to choose activities according to their interests, to unite in play with peers. Promote the formation of communication skills.

Preparing for lunch, lunch. Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Teach children to hold a spoon correctly while eating.

Learn to fold and hang clothes neatly on a chair before going to bed.

Afternoon 15.00 – 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path. Purpose

: develop the idea that exercise promotes a good mood.
Topic “Pets” Goal:
to continue to introduce children to domestic animals and their young;
use in speech nouns denoting animals and their young in singular and plural forms; teach children to clearly pronounce sounds in onomatopoeia, develop speech breathing, develop attention (p. 29 G.Ya. Zatulina Speech Development) Game-activity based on the poem by N. Saxonskaya “Who is riding a horse there?” Goal: To
introduce children to the poem. To develop children’s ability to perform movements according to the text of the poem when reading it again. Maintain interest in poetry and create a good mood in children.

How our cat learns a nursery rhyme Purpose:

teach children to recite a nursery rhyme by heart;
teach to clearly pronounce words and short phrases (page 28 G.Ya. Zatulina Development) With subgroups of children Individual work with Vasilisa and Danis.
in physical education. Goal : To develop the ability to run in a straight direction, perform actions at the teacher’s signal.

Independent gaming activity (board and printed games).
To develop in children the ability to play with peers, organize interaction in a group of players, and cultivate a friendly attitude

Walk 16.30 – 18.45

Bird watching in winter
Objectives :
to deepen knowledge about the life of birds in winter;
develop the ability and desire to help them. Progress of observation The birds' nests were empty, The birds flew away to the south. Our yard sparrow turned out to be the bravest of all. He was not afraid of the cold, he stayed with us for the winter. Fidgety, small - Almost all the birds are yellow. They love lard, seeds... The teacher asks the children questions. What do they have in common? Do they live alone? Where do they look for food? Should we help the birds? Why? What will we feed them? What interesting things can you observe at the feeder? Labor activity: Raking snow with shovels, clearing paths. Goal:
learn to work together, achieve goals through common efforts.
Outdoor games “Catching birds on the fly” (Russian folk). Goals :
learn to act quickly on a signal;
run without bumping into each other. “Hit the target.” Goal :
practice throwing at the target, develop dexterity. Removable material: Spatulas, brooms

Planning educational work
Wednesday __.__.201_ Theme of the month, week, day “Pets and their young” Time
Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Morning 7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents. Morning exercises according to plan
Work in the corner of sensory development: examination of the ball, cube. Purpose.
Continue introducing children to different ways of examining objects, naming their shape (ball, cube).
Develop children's sensory abilities. Reading the poem “Kitten” by V. Berestov, looking at the illustrations. Goal
To develop the ability to listen to a poem, offer to answer the questions: “Who has a kitten or other pets at home?” “Who helps take care of the pets?” Develop imagination and coherent speech.

Practical exercise “Jackets, boots.”
Develop self-care skills in children, develop the ability to independently put on various items of clothing, and, if necessary, seek help from peers or adults.

Game - situation (theatrical) Goat - dereza Purpose:

introduce children to the theater and its structure, captivate them with a theatrical production, evoke an emotional response to a bright spectacle (55 N.F. Gubanova Development of play activity)

Direct educational activities 9.00 -915, 9.25-9.40

Music according to a specialist's plan

Artistic creativity.
Modeling Topic: “Turtle” Purpose
: to learn to combine plasticine and natural materials in crafts, to develop speech, thinking, fine motor skills (D.N. Koldina, page 9, folder)

Walk 10.00-12.05

Observing the cat. Purpose

.Expand children’s understanding of pets, develop the ability to describe their appearance, and name parts of a cat’s body.
Arouse a desire to care for animals. Practical exercise Our clothes Purpose
: to clarify children’s understanding of the names of various clothes, to teach how to clean clothes and shoes from snow
S/r: Transporting furniture Purpose:
to teach children to take on a role, to act in accordance with it, to encourage the use of substitute objects in games, develop communication skills

Individual work on physical education with Vlasenko Danya Goal

.Develop the ability to throw a ball with both hands and catch it.
Russian - folk outdoor game “Cats and Mouse”. Goal:
To develop children’s ability to accurately perform game actions and follow the rules. Enrich motor experience, improve the performance of basic types of movements.

Independent play activity
To develop children’s ability to independently choose a place to play, select toys and equipment, and interact in play with peers. Remind the rules of safe behavior on the playground.

Preparing for lunch, lunch. Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Improve KGN, basic table behavior skills.

Learn to fold and hang clothes neatly on a chair before going to bed.

Afternoon 15.00 – 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking on a massage path Purpose:

form an idea of ​​the need for hardening.
d/i “Arrange the balls” Goal
: continue to teach children to act purposefully: correlate each ball with a hole
Song creativity: work with the chant “Bai-bye, bye-bye”, Russian folk lullaby.
Target . To develop children’s ability to perform game actions, with the leading role of an adult, to develop the skill of individual singing.

Examination of plot paintings on the topic “Cat and Kittens” Purpose

Expand children's understanding of pets and enrich their vocabulary. Game situation “The cat puts the kitten to bed” D/i: “How is life?
What is he chewing? Goal: to develop the ability to form verbal forms of the second person, plural (76 O.S. Ushakova Think of a word)

Games in the correctional area

Walk 16.30–18.45

A targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Target

To develop children’s ability to move in pairs in an organized manner, to invite them to watch how and what older preschoolers play. Enrich children's gaming experience. Physical exercise “Catch the ball” Goal
: To develop the ability to catch a ball thrown by a teacher from a distance of 1 m, to throw the ball with both hands from the chest.
Develop gross motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements, and help increase the mobility of the joints of the hands. Independent activity. Purpose.
Enrich children's gaming experience.
Remind the safety rules that must be followed while walking. Individual work on physical education with Liza Buttseva Purpose.
Develop the ability to throw a ball with both hands and catch it.
Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting.” Goal:
To develop the ability to jump on the spot, develop the muscles of the legs and back. Maintain interest in outdoor games.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning educational work
Thursday __.__,___ Theme of the month, week, day “Pets and their young”
Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Morning 7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents. Morning exercises according to plan Didactic exercise “Who hid where?” Target.

To develop children’s ability to understand case-prepositional constructions, to use spatial prepositions in speech (“under”, “above”, “for”, “in”), to coordinate words in sentences, to navigate in space.

Work assignments: putting away toys
Form in children the habit of cleaning up after games and putting toys back in their place.
Cultivate accuracy and hard work. Physical exercise “Nimble guys.” Goal
: Continue to develop children’s ability to crawl under gates. Promote the development of dexterity, develop the muscles of the back and limbs.

Printed board games
to encourage children to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, to teach them to obey the rules in the game.

Direct educational activities 9.00 -915, 9.25-9.40

Cognitive development.
FEMP Topic “Number 3 Left, right, top.
Big, smaller, small” goal: continue to get acquainted with the number 3, learn to distinguish equality by the number of objects, expressing the results of the definition in speech, equally, as much as, continue to learn to compare familiar objects by size, denote the corresponding parameters in words; continue to teach how to distinguish spatial directions from oneself (page 25 E.V. Kolesnikova Mathematics for children 3-4 years old)

Physical education
Journey to the forest by train Purpose:
to teach children to walk on an inclined board, to practice jumping forward, to consolidate the ability to roll a ball between objects, to promote the development of balance and coordination of movement (page 99 Litvinova Physical education classes in kindergarten)

Walk 10.00-12.05

Didactic game “To whom what?”
Goal: To develop
children’s ability to choose what a particular animal eats, and to correctly correlate the name of the item with the image in the pictures.
Watching footprints in the snow.
Goal: to develop curiosity, observation and the ability to make basic generalizations.

Individual work in physical education
: To develop the ability to jump on two legs.
Find where it’s hidden?”, “Draw a bowl for the kid.” Goal:
To develop the ability to draw in the sand.
Help relieve emotional stress. Outdoor game “Goat - Dereza” Goal:
To develop the ability to perform the roles of the driver and players in the game, to follow the rules.

Help with cleaning the area. Target:

Teach children to provide all possible assistance.

Preparing for lunch, lunch. Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Improve KGN, basic table behavior skills.

Learn to fold and hang clothes neatly on a chair before going to bed.

Afternoon 15.00 – 16.30

Gradual rise of children. Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path Purpose

: : to form the idea that physical exercise promotes a good mood, massage improves health, cultivate a caring attitude towards your body, your health, a positive emotional attitude towards the process of waking up after sleep.
Examination of the plot painting “Cow with a calf.”
Reading of V. Kataev’s poem “The Heifer”. Goal: Enrich children's vocabulary and maintain cognitive interest.
Teaching situations “Calf on the street”. Target
Intensify speech and clarify basic concepts associated with parts of the street, introduce children to models of safe behavior on the street. Outdoor game “Who is quieter”. Target.
Exercise children in walking with various exercises. (with high knees, heel-to-toe, creeping steps), develop the ability to move silently.

Telling the Russian folk tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf”, arr.
K. Ushinsky. Purpose:
To introduce the work.
Introduce the rules of safe behavior at home, explain why the kids are in trouble. Didactic game “Whose baby?” Goal
: Continue to develop the ability to name and recognize young domestic animals.


children's play activities, story games (children's choice of games based on their interests).

Walk 16.30–18.45

Didactic game “What is this?” Target

.To develop children’s ability to examine objects using their fingers, to recognize and name familiar toys.
Develop sensory capabilities, activate speech. Independent activity.
Target. Continue to develop children’s ability to select toys and substitute objects for games.
Outdoor game.
“Cat and Kittens” Goal: To introduce the rules of the game and to develop the ability to perform game actions.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning educational work
Friday __.__.____ Theme of the month, week, day “Pets and their young” Time
Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Morning 7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents. Morning exercises according to plan
A conversation
with children about the benefits of pets for humans.
to clarify the idea of ​​domestic animals.
d/i: Family of animals Goal:
to develop attention, memory, sound culture of speech, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards pets (page 42 FCCM)

Name the whole family" Goal:

teach children to correctly name male and female domestic animals, cubs, use the suffixal method of forming words (for example: goat-goat-kid). (Marisha, Alisa)
Corner of nature:
loosening the soil. During the inspection, learn to identify under which plants the soil needs to be loosened.

Construction games:

We are building a house.
learn to analyze a building sample (identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape), create buildings commensurate with existing toys

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities 9.00 -915, 9.25-9.40

Cognitive development of FCCM
Theme “Pets”.
Goal: to consolidate the concept of “genetic approach” (small-adult-old); develop the ability to navigate symbols and find analogues in the environment; cultivate a humane attitude through empathy; encourage you to solve life situations realistically and using familiar fantasy techniques (p. 80 Formation of a holistic picture of the world)

Traveling to the forest by bus Purpose: to teach children to crawl on a board on all fours, to practice walking on an inclined board, to consolidate the skills of soft and springy jumps in place, to cultivate courage when performing exercises (page 102 Litvinova Physical education classes in kindergarten

Walk 10.00-12.05

Bird watching in winter
Objectives :
to deepen knowledge about the life of birds in winter; develop the ability and desire to help them. Progress of observation The birds' nests were empty, The birds flew away to the south. Our yard sparrow turned out to be the bravest of all. He was not afraid of the cold, he stayed with us for the winter. Fidgety, small - Almost all the birds are yellow. They love lard, seeds... The teacher asks the children questions. What do they have in common? Do they live alone? Where do they look for food? Should we help the birds? Why? What will we feed them? What interesting things can you observe at the feeder?

Labor activity:
Raking snow with shovels, clearing paths. Goal:
learn to work together, achieve goals through common efforts.
Outdoor games

Catching birds on the fly” (Russian folk). Goals:
to learn to act quickly on a signal;
run without bumping into each other. “Hit the target.” Goal :
practice throwing at the target, develop dexterity.

Remote material Blades,

Preparing for lunch, lunch. Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Improve KGN, basic table behavior skills.

Learn to fold and hang clothes neatly on a chair before going to bed.

Afternoon 15.00 – 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage pathPurpose:

: develop the idea that exercise promotes a good mood.
Breathing exercise:
“That’s how big we are!”
training proper nasal breathing, forming a deep breath.
D/n: Guess who called? Goal:
To develop children's auditory perception, improve the skill of onomatopoeia, and cultivate attentiveness.

Finger gymnastics
To develop fine motor skills (the ability to alternate the fingers of the right and left hands).
Reproduce movements in accordance with the text. 1. "Mistress"; 2. "Snowball"; Role-playing game: “Let’s give Katya a beautiful hairstyle” Goal:
Enriching the content of the games. Help bring children together to play together.

Games in the theater corner

Walk 16.30–18.45

Observation of animals
Purpose :
to consolidate the idea of ​​​​a baby dog: appearance, movements, sounds made.
Progress of observation No, they didn’t just give a very nice puppy, He’s tiny for now... He walks funny and funny, Gets tangled in his paws, When my puppy grows up, he’ll become a dog. Why is the puppy funny? (Short legs and tail, thick body , weak, playful.)
Although the puppy is small, weak, he has good hearing, he follows commands.
Labor activity Construction of a slide for a doll. Goals :
learn to correctly fill a bucket with snow to a certain level;
bring the job started to completion. Outdoor games "Crows and the dog
to learn to act quickly on a signal;
run without bumping into each other. " Sly Fox". Goal :
develop agility, running speed, attention. Take-out material Shovels, buckets, snow molds, dolls dressed according to the season

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

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