3 ways to publish an article to a teacher (for successful certification)


The media “Portal “World of Preschool Children” introduces you to the CONTINUALLY operating All-Russian correspondence professional practice-oriented competitions for teachers of preschool educational institutions for 2022 .

  • "Developmental environment in preschool educational institutions"
  • "Methodological mosaic"
  • “Master classes on various types of creativity”
  • "Creative Spark"
  • "The most interesting presentation"

Competitions have no time limit; you can send your works continuously throughout 2022.

Competition entries are checked by a professional jury, award documents will be ready at the end of each calendar month.

Each competition will have its own table where you can see the participants, view the places taken, and download award diplomas.

Regulations on competitions

Advertising message

Founder of Competitions : Media “Portal “World of Preschool Children”

Competitions email address [email protected]

The competition level is federal. Competitions are held in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 77 and paragraph 22 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on July 26, 2019) and the Plan of major media events “World of Preschool Children” for 2022.

Competitions are held in absentia format on the federal information resource

The main goals and objectives of the competitions:

  • improve the quality and level of educational services;
  • increase the level of competitiveness of teachers in the educational services market;
  • create scientific, methodological, didactic support for the educational process;
  • awaken and unite the creative creative potential of preschool teachers
  • strengthen the prestige of the institute of training and education;

Main competition nominations:

  • GCD notes;
  • Presentations;
  • Virtual excursions;
  • Scenarios for holidays and entertainment;
  • Didactic games;
  • Methodological developments;
  • Consultations;
  • Thematic material of practical orientation
  • Literary works
  • Video or audio

List of electronic educational resources of preschool educational institutions

Vera Fadeeva

List of electronic educational resources of preschool educational institutions

Educational sites

1. https://dohcolonoc.ru/ Preschool child. ru – a portal for educators and teachers. Where they have the opportunity to publish their educational materials, lesson notes, holiday scripts and much more.

2. https://www.maam.ru For educators and teachers: notes on studies and early development in kindergartens, innovative methodological developments, collections of holiday scenarios for children, original children's crafts, educational games for preschoolers, unusual design examples, wall newspapers and presentations. Competitions with the issuance of certificates for teachers and diplomas for children.

3. https://doshvozrast.ru/ A site that contains various information on organizing the activities of preschool teachers

4. https://vospitateljam.ru/ website for kindergarten teachers

5. https://www.edu.ru Federal portal “Russian education

Catalog of educational Internet resources . Basic federal educational portals . Search by adjustment, by rubricators. Resource ratings . Regulatory documents of the education . State educational standards . Distance learning (courses, organizations, regulatory framework)
Glossary (
education , pedagogy) .


1. https://adalin.mospsy.ru Psychological

. Psychological counseling on issues of child-parent and family relationships, developmental classes with preschool children (diagnosis and development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, creativity, preparing the child for school. Correctional classes: hyperactivity, attention deficit, increased aggressiveness, anxiety, slowness, autism, childhood fears, neuroses in children, mental retardation.Psychological tests, correctional and developmental techniques, articles and publications on psychology

2. https://ladushki.ru “Ladushki”

. A site for babies and toddlers, as well as their parents. Gallery of children's drawings. Children's literary creativity. Crafts. Living alphabet. Fun math.

3. https://www.detskiysad.ru “Kindergarten. Ru - to adults about children"

. Website for parents and teachers. Contains articles on the physical development of children, on the basics of child hygiene, on the importance of children's games in the educational process, on the labor education of a child, on the organization of holiday parties in kindergarten, on some childhood diseases and much more. The site’s materials will be useful not only for kindergarten teachers and methodologists, but also for students and young parents.

4. https://www.moi-detsad.ru Everything for kindergarten. Methodological developments, consultations for teachers, lesson notes, materials on life safety, games, fairy tales, songs; the forum is working.

5. https://dlyapedagoga.ru This resource was created for the purpose of information and communication assistance to teaching staff through the publication of educational and methodological material, as well as the organization and conduct of distance events at the all-Russian level.

6. https://prosveshhenie.ru is a pedagogical online publication that provides a wide range of services to teachers of all categories of education . They publish your original materials, develop competitive events, publish printed and electronic magazines , and conduct webinars.


1. https://www.allbest.ru.union one of the leading sections of the “Allbest.ru”

The site contains a catalog of the most informative, from the point of view of the site’s authors, educational , scientific and information resources . The site contains links to resources of electronic libraries , collections of abstracts, scientific and educational materials on various sciences, materials about the Internet, foreign languages ​​and others.
A notable advantage of this site is that it is updated daily. 2. https://www.fplib.ru Russian literature. Electronic library , entering which any user plunges into the magical world of poetry. Here you can hear the voices of wonderful Russian and foreign authors, and enjoy meeting long-loved or new works. The library contains many literary biographies and photographs of great people of our time. The number of works and biographies is growing weekly.

3. https://www.kinder.ru catalog of children's Internet resources KINDER .RU. More than 2000 links to sites about children and for children.

Directory of preschool education websites

Route map


  1. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education https://www.edu.ru/db/mo/Data/d_09/prm655-1.htm
  2. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education https://gdou33petergof.narod.ru/info/proekt.pdf
  3. Professional standard for a teacher https://xn--80abucjiibhv9a.xn--p1ai/%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82% D1%8B/3071
  4. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated August 26, 2010 N 761n Moscow “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers” https://www.rg.ru/2010/10/20/teacher-dok.html
  5. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26, Moscow “On approval of Sanitary PiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” https://www .rg.ru/2013/07/19/sanpin-dok.html

Official portals

  1. Federal portal “Russian Education” https://edu.ru/
  2. Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers - https://www.apkpro.ru
  3. Educational portal “Study” section Preschool education
  4. Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources. https://fcior.edu.ru/
  5. A unified collection of digital educational resources. https://school-collection.edu.ru/
  6. Information system “Single window of access to educational resources” https://window.edu.ru/
  7. Open class. Network educational communities. Preschool education. https://www.openclass.ru/node/24346/. This community https://www.ucheba.com/met_rus/k_doshvosp/title_main.htm
  8. The Education Manager website is a portal of information support for heads of educational institutions - https://menobr.ru/ aimed at solving the problems of preschool education.
  9. New SanPin 2013 https://www.rg.ru/2013/07/19/sanpin-dok.html

Among electronic educational services only electronic libraries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books can be offered:

  1. Electronic libraries on the federal portal Russian Education (collection of links) https://www.edu.ru/db/portal/sites/elib/e-lib.htm
  2. Libraries and encyclopedias online (collection of links) https://offsites.narod.ru/biblio.html
  3. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, online reference books (collection of links) https://www.nlr.ru/res/inv/ic_old/sprav.htm
  4. Scientific and Pedagogical Library named after. K.D. Ushinsky https://www.gnpbu.ru/
  5. Library of Maxim Moshkov https://www.kulichki.com/moshkow/
  6. Biblius https://www.biblus.ru/
  7. Scientific electronic library https://elibrary.ru/defaultx.asp
  8. Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after. A.S. Pushkin https://www.lib.okno.ru/
  9. Russian State Library https://www.rsl.ru/
  10. Russian National Library St. Petersburg https://www.nlr.ru:8101/
  11. Electronic Library Gumer (humanities) https://www.gumer.info/

Websites for improving ICT competence of teachers

  1. We analyze the Internet https://www.razbiraeminternet.ru/teacher. The methodological manual is recommended by the Federal Institute for Educational Development.
  2. “Understandable Internet” https://computer.minsocium.ru/. Training older users in the basics of working with computers and the Internet.
  3. “Understandable Internet” https://zaprosto-internet.ru/. The Easy Internet contains nine chapters and a dictionary to help your computer become your good friend. The textbook will be useful for older people who study computers and the Internet on their own or in special courses. It will also be useful for more advanced users to teach relatives and friends.
  4. “Interactivity” https://sites.google.com/site/badanovweb2/home. WEB services for education
  5. Community “Learning with Google” https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102573187983350225011

Electronic periodicals and electronic publications. This group includes websites of periodicals and publishing houses dedicated to the topic of preschool education. These sites are well developed and filled with materials.

  1. Newspaper "Preschool Education" https://dob.1september.ru/ the site contains the full contents of the issues of the newspaper "Preschool Education". And this is a wide range of educational, educational and developmental materials for parents and educators.
  2. “Fairy Tales for Children” is a section of the electronic version of the magazine “Koster” dedicated to fairy tales. The site contains a complete collection of children's fairy tales: Russian folk, Swedish, classic fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors. https://www.kostyor.ru/
  3. Librarian website. An example of the most complete electronic album: “The Life and Work of Great Artists.” Reproductions of any paintings by any authors. Full story about the painting and biography of the author. https://www.bibliotekar.ru/al/
  4. Magazine "Hoop". Illustrated scientifically popular magazine for managers at all levels, methodologists, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers and parents https://www.obruch.ru/index.php?id=8&n=7&r=8&s=25
  5. Magazine "Preschool Education" https://dovosp.ru/about_do
  6. Magazine for managers and methodologists “Preschool Education Management” - https://www.udou.ru
  7. Educational portal. Electronic journal Externat.RF. — https://ext.spb.ru/
  8. Preschool pedagogy - https://www.detstvo-press.ru/.
  9. Magazine "Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution" - https://vospitatel.resobr.ru/.
  10. Journal "Modern Preschool Education" - https://www.sdo-journal.ru /.
  11. Information portal “Kindergartens - reviews from parents” - https://www.det-sad.com

Websites directly dedicated to the work of a teacher contain a lot of useful information and useful developments that a teacher can use in his work:

  1. The “Teacher Portal” website in the Preschool Education tab contains a large collection of ready-made presentations for Kindergarten teachers in various areas, notes on educational activities, holiday scenarios and much more. uchportal.ru
  2. The website “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas Open Lesson” https://festival.1september.ru/ in the section Working with preschoolers contains a large selection of practical materials that will help the teacher in practical activities.
  3. Website "Preschooler". This site is very informative. These include ready-made presentations, a collection of poems, a collection of games, recommendations for handicrafts with preschoolers and much more. https://doshkolnik.ru
  4. Information portal Doshkolenok.ru is a portal for educators and teachers. https://dohcolonoc.ru/. GCD notes, Consultations, Holidays, quizzes, entertainment, work with parents, Physical education in kindergarten, Master classes, Reports, teaching councils, methodological associations in preschool educational institutions, Club work in kindergarten, Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions and much, much more.
  5. Social network of educators 121,906 user mini-sites have been created on the network and 531,088 educational materials have been collected
  6. Website “Mom” maaam.ru Educational materials for kindergarten: games and lesson notes, holiday scripts and crafts. For educators: notes on studies and early development in kindergartens, innovative methodological developments, collections of holiday scenarios for children, original children's crafts, educational games for preschoolers, unusual design examples, wall newspapers and presentations. Materials are regularly added and replenished.
  7. Website “Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family” https://doshvozrast.ru/ website sections: Work with parents, Health work, Legal education, Play activities, Parents of preschool children, Books on preschool education, etc.
  8. The site “Pochemuchka” https://pochemu4ka.ru/ contains poems, stories, fairy tales for children, nursery rhymes, finger games, coloring books, audio tales, online games for children and more.
  9. Website "KINDERGARTEN" https://detsad-kitty.ru/ website for children and adults. Contains a large number of folders, templates, pictures, coloring pages, cartoons, teaching aids, holiday scripts, music for children and much more.
  10. The children's portal “Sun” https://www.solnet.ee/ contains a large selection of materials for working with children. These include all kinds of crafts, coloring books, children's magazines, etc.
  11. Early development of children. Information portal for caring parents https://www.danilova.ru/
  12. Before and after three https://azps.ru/baby/ - a site dedicated to preschool development, especially early development.
  13. Everything for kindergarten https://ivalex.vistcom.ru/ - the site contains materials to help managers and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
  14. Educational portal “Methodology” section Preschool education https://www.ucheba.com/met_rus/k_doshvosp/title_main.htm
  15. The website Educator - https://vospitatel.com.ua/ - contains notes on kindergarten classes, methods, various information for teachers and parents, as well as various developmental activities for children.
  16. Preschoolers https://doshkolniky.ru/
  17. Doshkolniki.org - https://doshkolniki.org/ - preschool education and training, preschool psychology and pedagogy.
  18. Preschoolers - https://www.doshkolyata.com.ua - author's website about raising children from birth to seven years old
  19. About childhood (portal for children, parents, teachers) - https://www.o-detstve.ru/
  20. Presentations, educational games https://detsadd.narod.ru/
  21. Early childhood development (site for children's presentations) https://www.danilova.ru/storage/present.htm
  22. “Child Psychologist” - https://www.childpsy.ru
  23. Speech therapist - https://www.logoped.ru
  24. Methodological work in kindergarten - https://kuzminaalena.blogspot.ru

Electronic didactic materials

  1. https://razigrushki.ru - “RazIgrushki” is a site for children and their parents who care about the harmonious development and upbringing of their children.
  2. https://www.baby-news.net “Baby news” – A huge amount of educational materials for children, the site will be of interest to both parents and children.
  3. https://packpacku.com - children's coloring books, online coloring books, coloring books with numbers, pictures with numbers, children's labyrinths, skillful hands, educational children's online games, free online games for boys and girls and much more for your child.
  4. https://www.zonar.info - "Origami - World with your own hands." The site is dedicated to the ancient art of folding paper figures. Here you will find diagrams and videos of origami folding schemes.
  5. https://www.lukoshko.net/ - Lukoshko of fairy tales. The site offers fairy tales, poems and stories for children. Here you can find Russian folk tales and tales of other nations, stories about animals, poems and songs for children.
  6. https://www.raskraska.ru/ - Coloring book. Internet studio of Alexander Babushkin. Here you can find any picture for your child to color and print it in black and white so that the child can color the selected picture. All coloring pages are provided free of charge.
  7. https://wunderkinder.narod.ru/ - Wunderkinder. The website contains materials necessary for the education and development of children. The materials are presented in the form of computer presentations (slides) that can be printed on paper, as well as entertaining Flash cartoons and games. Materials on the Russian language, mathematics, reading, studying the surrounding world, biology, history, and drawing are intended for teaching children at home, in kindergarten, and in elementary school.

For children

  1. 1001 fairy tales - https://1001skazka.com
  2. children in the middle of nowhere, online games, music lessons - https://children.kulichki.net/
  3. “Read-ka”, children's fairy tale magazine - https://www.cofe-ru/read-ka/
  4. games - https://www.detochka.ru
  5. children's world: riddles, songs, cartoons, baby animals - https://www.skazochki.narod.ru
  6. children's "playroom": songs, poems, games - https://www.playroom.com.ru
  7. children's entertainment website "Teremok" - https://www.teremoc.ru
  8. children's website "All about cartoons" - https://www.myltik.ru
  9. electronic fairy tales - https://www.e-skazki.narod.ru
  10. electronic educational resources - https://eor-np.ru/taxonomy/term/548
  11. 900 children's presentations - https://900igr.net/
  12. Cats and Mouse (children's entertainment and educational website) - https://koshki-mishki.ru/
  13. Children's website "Pustunchik" - https://pustanchik.ua/
  14. Eaglets - children's portal (educational games, fairy tales, cartoons) - https://www.orljata.ru/
  15. Find out (Learning together - Learning while playing) - https://www.poznayka.ru/
  16. BABY-NEWS (Educational material for children) - https://baby-news.net/

For parents:

  1. https://www.kindereducation.com - “Preschooler.”
  2. Creation of talents https://talant.spb.ru - society for early childhood education..
  3. https://wunderkinder.narod.ru/ - the site presents materials necessary for the education and development of children..
  4. https://tbsem.narod2.ru/ - a site for parents, contains articles about the health of the child, his development and upbringing
  5. All about children and family https://7ya.ru/
  6. Portal for parents “Our Children” https://www.nachideti.ru/
  7. Umniki.21 (site for children and their parents) - https://www.umniki21.ru/ - the site presents versatile educational exercises for preschool children.

Competition sites

  1. The All-Russian Ranking of School Websites is an updated database of websites of educational institutions, ranked in accordance with independent expert assessments. The founders of the rating are the Russian New University, OJSC Prosveshchenie Publishing House, and the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) https://rating.rosnou.ru/?q=about
  2. All-Russian portal “Runet Pedagogical Rating” ratingruneta.rf, which organizes website competitions for educational institutions. https://xn--80affbnf3abvfsgk.xn--p1ai/2tur


Kindergarten No. 452 “Spring” of N. Novgorod https://rodnik452.caduk.ru/ tutor Smetanina E.A.

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type No. 2 “Bell” https://dou2kolokolchik.narod.ru/

Municipal preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 13 “Buratino”, Volzhsk RME https://dou13buratino.narod.ru/

  1. Page of the Internet competition for “Best website of a preschool educational institution: https://vospitatel-goda.ru/DOU_contest/

In the category “Best preschool educational institution website” the winner was recognized as MBDOU DS combined type No. 11 “Berezka” in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory Website address: www.berezka11.ru

In the category “Designer Find” - for the non-standard, original and colorful design of the website - the winner was MBDOU No. 152 - a combined kindergarten, Tula city, Kosaya Gora village Website address: https://detsad152.uotula.ru/

Training logic

When everything in the world has been figured out a long time ago, both about “two rings with carnations in the middle” and about a goat with cabbage, let’s dive into the virtual bins of educational tasks and games. At the same time, we will develop ourselves further.

Riddles https://zagadker.ru/ A variety of riddles: complex, funny, funny, logical, tricky, and English. Make a wish - don’t remake it!

Detsky mir.com https://detsky-mir.com/ All sorts of things for children of different ages are collected here, but tags will help you not get confused and find what you need. The cloud is in the upper right corner. We click, for example, on “4 years” - and we get riddles and tasks for kids our age.

Games, puzzles, tricks https://doshkolnik.ru/ The site itself is for parents, but in this section you can find all sorts of educational entertainment when you have already gone through all the rhymes and riddles in your own memory.

Let's play https://www.igraemsa.ru/ There are puzzles and coloring books, but most of all - all kinds of educational games: cognitive, logic and thinking, attention and memory, mathematical.

Children's games online https://igraem.pro/ Educational games are grouped into several sections: “Playing and learning”, “Collecting a picture”, “Coloring and drawings”, “Developing attention and memory”, “Games for kids”.

Golopuz https://golopuz.org/ Educational online games for the smallest golopuzs: puzzles, search for differences, and the like.

Smart child https://www.smart-kiddy.ru/ For very little ones - nursery rhymes, finger games, patties and the like, for older children - poems, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, coloring books.

Chudesenka: online games https://chudesenka.ru/ Educational games. Starring pink ponies, Smurfs and other little evil spirits.

Internet gnome https://www.i-gnom.ru/ Educational games for preschool children will help in teaching counting and comparison skills, introduce children to geometric concepts, and help them master the alphabet.

Your child: presentations https://tvoyrebenok.ru/ Here you can download things with the adult name “presentations” that tell about the world around us: animals and insects, fruits and vegetables, numbers, countries and other interesting things.

Yozhka https://ejka.ru/Riddles, logic puzzles, tricks, crafts.

Educational games for children 3-4-5 years old https://345-games.ru/ There are three main sections: online games, offline games and interesting and useful children's videos. We look for differences, learn letters and numbers, make crafts - in general, we develop comprehensively.

Aikyusha https://iqsha.ru/ Developmental activities and training for children from two to eleven years old. Each year has its own section.

Playland https://www.playlandia.ru/ Educational games for children from 3 to 6 years old. Organized by theme (colors, letters, numbers, memory, attention, logic...) and by age.

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