How can a middle school teacher build a system of self-education?

Theoretical aspects of self-education

A good teacher cannot be passive - this is an axiom. Moreover, professional activity is important not only for the individual himself, but also for creating a positive image of a preschool institution, because parents, when choosing a kindergarten for their child, are interested in how proactive the teacher is who will work with children of a particular group. In addition, improving professional skills through self-study is a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and is reflected in the teacher’s competence, qualifications and salary. Self-education is a purposeful, conscious, active cognitive activity of a teacher, aimed at improving the methods of working with students, enriching one’s own teaching experience in accordance with the modern level of development of pedagogy and psychology.

Always learn, know everything! The more you learn, the stronger you will become.

M. Gorky

Self-education is a combination of studying the experience of the past and introducing elements of modern pedagogical technologies

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the educator’s efforts aimed at self-education are based on the need to achieve the following goals:

  • get acquainted with and master new pedagogical technologies;
  • systematize the work on finding methods to improve the educational process for children in the middle group;
  • create conditions for the comprehensive development of wards (physical, mental, mental, emotional).

To achieve your goals, you should work on solving the following tasks:

  • learn to apply modern pedagogical technologies in personal practice;
  • develop cognitive, labor, and play activity in children;

    A variety of didactic games allow children to develop their cognitive activity.

  • constantly improve your level of proficiency in methods of working with preschoolers;
  • study classical and modern methodological approaches related to the chosen topic of self-education;
  • make attempts to generalize and disseminate their own experience.

Principles of self-education

In his work on professional self-improvement, the teacher must be guided by certain principles:

  1. Continuity. Work on the chosen topic involves its comprehensive coverage throughout the academic year (sometimes 2-3 years).
  2. Continuity and interconnection. The next topic should be related to the previous one. For example, if a teacher has taken up the topic of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers of the middle group, which implies consideration of the issue in general, then after finishing the work it is logical to take on a more specific aspect, for example, “Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.” Thus, the previous requirement - continuity - will be observed not just within the framework of consideration of one topic on self-education, but in general throughout the entire methodological work of the teacher.
  3. Compliance with the goals and objectives of the educational process in kindergarten. That is, for institutions that are developing hardening systems, this component should be included in all possible topic formulations. And if a kindergarten works with children who have certain developmental disabilities or health problems (for example, the team cares for children with poor vision), then the topic of the self-education program should reflect this aspect both in the theoretical block and in the practical one.
  4. Availability of putting theory into practice with a specific group of children. For example, as part of the study of the topic of non-traditional drawing techniques, creating images with soap bubbles in the middle group will not be entirely appropriate, since children do not yet have the required skill in creating the directional movement of an air stream using a breathing apparatus.

    The teacher’s task is to find a methodological explanation of this or that technique so that the child can cope independently

It is important. Advanced training is a necessary condition for life in today's rapidly changing world.

Forms of organization of activities

The process of teacher self-education can take place in the following forms:

  • Individual: visiting libraries;
  • study of scientific, methodological and educational literature on the topic;
  • visiting classes of teachers of other groups;
  • participation in kindergarten teacher councils and meetings of the methodological association of preschool teachers in the city;
  • theoretical development and practical testing of various forms of classes and activities.

    The individual form includes independent preparation, selection of information and preparation of a report-speech on the implementation of the idea of ​​self-education

  • Group, including the preparation of pedagogical councils and other forms of exchange of methodological experience together with colleagues.
  • The choice of forms of work depends on which of the participants in the educational process the teacher interacts with at the moment of mastering the topic:

    1. With kids. Such interaction is realized in the process of educational activities and during leisure time. Takes the form:
        training sessions;
    2. various kinds of games (including didactic, outdoor);
    3. walks.
    4. With parents. Carried out in the form:
    5. round table meetings;
    6. pedagogical trainings, during which parents receive practical recommendations, for example, on the speech development of children 4–5 years old.
    7. With colleagues. This is achieved through the joint organization of master classes, meetings of pedagogical councils, and the methodological association of educators working with a specific age group of children, where opinions are exchanged on the organization of classes, content and teaching methods. Carried out in the form:
    8. reports;
    9. publications on resources related to education;
    10. articles in magazines and other printed publications.

    Self-education program for preschool teacher.project (middle group) on the topic

    MKDOU "Chumlyak kindergarten"



    middle group teacher

    for 2016 -2019



    With. Chumlyak, 2022

    TOPIC: “Project activities as a means of developing the cognitive activity of children of middle preschool age in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

    DIRECTION: social and personal

    GROUP: average (4 -5 years)

    TEACHER: Mashkova Oksana Vladimirovna.


    COMPLETION: August 2022

    FORM OF SELF-EDUCATION: individual.

    PURPOSE: study and implementation into active practice of a system of work on the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers through project activities.


    • Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, visiting educational institutions, working with a bank of pedagogical information on the Internet;
    • Develop and implement a strategy for interaction with parents, a system of working with children, a long-term plan for working with children, etc.);
    • Prepare and conduct pedagogical diagnostics at the beginning and end of the school year;
    • Create a modern subject-spatial environment in the group;
    • Develop projects for the cognitive development of children, create a bank of short-term and long-term projects;
    • Summarize your teaching experience and disseminate it through speaking at the pedagogical council, participating in seminars, conducting a master class for teachers, open classes with children, and participating in Internet competitions.


    As a novice teacher-educator, I will develop the foundations of pedagogical skills, professionalism and creativity:

    • the ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature, increasing one’s theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities;
    • mastering innovative pedagogical technologies for raising and teaching children of middle preschool age (project activities);
    • the ability to activate creative abilities and promote one’s achievements, apply acquired knowledge in practice;
    • replenishment of professional achievements, creation of a portfolio for a middle school teacher.

    Children will develop:

    • creativity, communication skills, ability to experiment, apply acquired knowledge in practice;
    • social skills in the process of group interactions, experience in research and creative activities;
    • the degree of independence, initiative and cognitive motivation will increase.

    For parents of students:

    • there will be interest in joint research, preparation for upcoming creativity and production of the final product;
    • interest in presenting family projects that provide a situation of success for every family.


    • history and essence of project activities;
    • the relevance of the use of design and research activities in preschool educational institutions;
    • goals and objectives of project activities for children of middle preschool age;
    • methodology for organizing research and experimentation of preschool children;
    • stages of work on the project;
    • predicted results;
    • groups of skills formed by the project method;
    • features of research projects for children of middle preschool age;
    • the role of parents in project activities;
    • practical implementation of projects;
    • further development of the project.


    1. Bederkhanova V.P. Joint design activity as a means of development of children and adults // Personal Development 2000 No. 1.
    2. Belaya, K.Yu. Self-education of preschool teachers / K.Yu. White // Directory of a senior teacher. - 2007. - No. 2.
    3. Veraksa N. E., Veraksa A. N. Project activities of preschoolers. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions - M.: Mozaika - Sintez, 2008.
    4. Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten. A manual for educators/N.A. Vinogradova, E.P. Pankova. – M.: Iris-press, 2008. (Preschool education and development).
    5. Derkunskaya V.A. Project activities for preschoolers. Educational and methodological manual. Publisher: Center for Teacher Education, 2013
    6. Dyachenko O.M., Veraksa N.E. Something that doesn't happen in the world. - M.: Knowledge, 1994.
    7. Dybina O.V., Yenik O.A. Problems of preschool education at the present stage: Issue 5 / Comp. O.V. Dybina, O.A. Yenik. – Tolyatti: TSU, 2007.
    8. Zakharova M.A. Project activities in kindergarten: parents and children. Publisher: School Press, 2010
    9. Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S., Zuikova M.B. Project method in the activities of preschool institutions: A manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions / Author: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuikova. – 3rd ed. pspr. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2011.
    10. Makhaneva, M.D. Self-education of teachers / M.D. Makhaneva // Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2004. - No. 1.
    11. Menshchikova L. N. Experimental activities of children 4-6 years old. Volgograd, 2008.
    12. Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010.
    13. Ryzhova N.A. The program “Our home is nature” block of lessons “sand, clay, stones”. toddler - didactics Moscow 2005.
    14. Solodyankina O.V. Design system in a preschool institution // methodological manual. - M.: ARKTI, 2010.
    15. Urmina I.A. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions: programs - method. provision: hand aid. and adm. workers / I.A. Urmina, T.A. Danilina. – M.: Linka-Press, 2009.
    16. Shtanko I.V. Project activities with children of senior preschool age. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2004, No. 4.
    17. Studying articles, notes on self-education and project activities on Internet sites: ,,,,, etc.


    Today, design occupies a special place in preschool education. In modern pedagogy, the project method is used along with systematic subject teaching as a component of a productive education system. The main goal of the project method in preschool institutions is the development of the child’s free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children’s research activities.

    The project method can be represented as a way of organizing a pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher, a student and his parents, a method of interaction with the environment, step-by-step practical activities to achieve a set goal (Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Pakhomova N. Yu.), i.e. This is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem, which should end in a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another.

    A project is a goal accepted and mastered by children, relevant to them; it is a children’s initiative, it is a specific practical creative activity, a step-by-step movement towards a goal, it is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by a child. The project activity of a preschool child is “an activity to create, on the initiative of the child, together with adults, a socially significant product” (N.E. Veraksa).

    Thus, the goal of organizing project activities for preschoolers is to create conditions for the child’s development that open up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creative abilities based on cooperation with adults and peers in the process of project activities.

    The choice of the topic of project activity is not accidental, since in middle age children have no life experience, an insufficient level of development of intellectual and creative abilities, which does not allow them to fully demonstrate independence in choosing a problem and solving it. Cognitive interest is increased and only through the organization of project activities can the child’s needs for independent activity be satisfied.

    And also project activities make the educational system of a preschool educational institution open to the active participation of parents.


    FOR THE 2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR.

    Term Stage The content of the work Reporting form
    September October Organizational and theoretical


    Increasing your professional level, developing curiosity and cognitive activity:
    • Study of regulatory documents.
    • A detailed study of methodological literature on this issue.
    • Drawing up a long-term plan, developing a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.
    • Predicting results.
    Consultation for parents “Main goals and objectives of the project method. Organization of project activities in the middle group."
    October-April Cumulative - practical


    Using the project method in the practice of a preschool educational institution as an innovative pedagogical technology:
    • Studying the methodology for designing technology for teachers on the Internet.
    • Carrying out a cycle of short-term (long-term)

    projects with middle school children

    • Involving parents in organizing projects in the group.
    • Consultations for preschool teachers.
    • Participation in competitions and exhibitions at various levels (in preschool educational institutions and on the Internet).
    • Coverage of this topic on your website, replenishment of your electronic portfolio and publications on your personal page on a social network.
    May-July Final


    Increasing the cognitive interest of preschool teachers, preschoolers and their parents in the project method:
    • Self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done in your group.
    • Summarizing the results at the meeting. pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (report on the work done).
    • Planning activities and development prospects for the next academic year.
    • M/m presentations of projects and photo reports.
    • Publishing your own teaching experience on social networks for the purpose of participating in competitions.



    Project classification Duration Subject Month
    1. Family, creative
    short "Autumn Fantasies" October November
    1. Family, creative
    short "Bird's Dining Room" November December
    1. Game
    long-term "Usage

    educational games by V.V. Voskobovich

    in the educational process"

    During a year
    1. Creative
    short "New Year's Kaleidoscope" December
    1. Informative-


    short "Our cheerful garden" March-June
    1. Creative, playful
    short "The magical world of Russian folk tales" March, April
    1. Cognitive and research
    short "Spring Laboratory" April May
    1. Information-practice-oriented
    long-term "I want to be healthy" June July,

    during a year



    PROJECT TYPE - family, creative


    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, middle group students, parents

    THE FINAL PRODUCT is the design of a children’s and parent’s exhibition on the theme of the “Autumn Fantasy” project through the creation of collages, crafts from natural materials, vegetables, and fruits.

    Project presentation.

    GOAL: to expand children’s understanding of autumn as a season, to help them see the beauty of autumn nature and the wealth of autumn gifts, to create conditions for the artistic and aesthetic education of children, the development of their cognitive and creative abilities.


    • Educational: enrich children’s ideas and knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the fall, about the “gifts of autumn,” expand their vocabulary;
    • Developmental: develop the ability to observe living objects and inanimate natural phenomena in the autumn;

    Learn to reflect observations and acquired knowledge about various types of activities;

    • Educators: cultivate the ability to admire autumn nature, feel its beauty, develop the desire and ability to preserve the natural world around us.

    Involve parents in the pedagogical and creative process of the group’s work, enriching child-parent relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.


    -enrichment and expansion of children’s knowledge about autumn; activation of children's vocabulary on this topic;

    — use of acquired knowledge in gaming activities;

    — joint activities with children to create the exhibition “Autumn Time”;

    — active involvement of parents in the implementation of the project.



    PROJECT TYPE - family, creative


    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, middle group students, parents

    FINAL PRODUCT - bird feeders made by parents and children of the middle group.

    Presentation of the project with a photo report.

    GOAL: to develop the ideas of parents and children about effective help and care for birds, to make feeders.


    • Educational:

    -introduce children to wintering birds in our village;

    - deepen children’s knowledge about birds through illustrations, works of art, reference books and books;

    • Educational:

    -develop joint creativity of the teacher, parents and children.

    • Educators:

    — to promote in children good feelings, interest and love for birds;


    - a student who has an idea of ​​wintering birds;

    - able to make a feeder from different materials together with adults;

    -knows what food to feed the birds; - parent, active participant in the project;

    - able to instill in children love and respect for birds.



    PROJECT TYPE - gaming

    IMPLEMENTATION TERM - long-term, during the academic year.

    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, middle group students, parents

    FINAL PRODUCT - presentation of the project, open lesson with children, master class with teachers at the RMO.

    GOAL: development of intellectual and creative abilities of children of middle preschool age.


    • Educational:

    - development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.

    • Educational:

    - development of imagination, creativity of thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle);

    - development of fine motor skills and all mental processes.

    • Educators:

    - self-confidence, desire to come to the aid of a fairy-tale character.

    EXPECTED RESULTS: the use of these games in the pedagogical process allows you to rebuild educational activities: move from the usual activities with children to cognitive gaming activities.



    PROJECT TYPE - creative, family

    COMPLETION TIME – 1 month

    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, music director, middle group students, parents

    FINAL PRODUCT - decorating the group with children's and family crafts for the New Year celebration.

    Presentation of the project, participation in the Internet competition.

    GOAL: to create an atmosphere of kindness, joy and mystery on the eve of the New Year, to develop the emotional responsiveness of children, to increase the creative activity and cohesion of teachers, children and parents of the middle group, to decorate the group festively.


    • Educational:

    -involve in the traditions of the New Year holiday.

    • Educational:

    -develop children's creative abilities through various activities.

    • Educators:

    - to instill in children a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective preparation for the holiday;

    — encourage parents to engage in joint creative activities with their children.


    • children’s understanding of the traditions of New Year celebrations will expand;
    • the vocabulary of pupils will be replenished;
    • parents will become active and interested in the educational process of children;
    • festively and beautifully decorated group.



    PROJECT TYPE – educational – research


    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, middle group students, parents

    THE FINAL PRODUCT is the design of a mini-vegetable garden on the windowsill with planted cultivated plants and flowers. Presentation of the project, participation in the Internet competition with a photo report.

    PURPOSE: observing the growth of plants, participating in plant care, planting seedlings in open ground on the territory of the kindergarten and harvesting.


    • Educational:

    -encourage children to observe the development of the same objects for a long time;

    -clarify the idea that plants grow from seeds.

    • Educational:

    -summarize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, moisture, soil for plant growth.

    • Educators:

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards your work.


    - children’s acquisition of experience in their own research activities;

    -implementation of acquired new knowledge in life;

    — active participation of parents in the project;

    - participation of children in planting seedlings in open ground, harvesting, a beautiful flower garden on the territory of the kindergarten.



    PROJECT TYPE – creative, gaming


    PARTICIPANTS-teacher, middle group students, parents


    GOAL: education of moral qualities of children through Russian folk tales.


    • Educational:

    - to stimulate children's interest in Russian folk tales.

    • Educational:

    - develop the ability to think, compare, analyze the actions of fairy-tale characters, learn to evaluate the behavior of your own and others.

    • Educators:

    — to form an idea of ​​good and evil, to show the beauty of good deeds and their necessity in people’s lives;

    — To help parents understand the value of a fairy tale, its special role in raising children.


    — children have developed an interest in Russian folk tales.

    — the group has created the necessary conditions for getting acquainted with Russian folk tales.

    - children are able to analyze the actions of fairy-tale characters and peers.

    — children have an idea of ​​good and evil, they always strive to help each other.

    — parents understand the value of fairy tales and use them in raising their children.



    PROJECT TYPE – educational – research

    COMPLETION TIME – 1 month

    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, middle group students

    FINAL PRODUCT - presentation of experience, photo report on the experiments performed.

    GOAL: to develop interest in research and experimentation, to study the properties of water, air, sand, paper and other materials.


    • Educational:

    -learn in practice to identify the physical qualities of water, air, sand, paper and other materials;

    -to form children’s cognitive interests and desire to experiment;

    - learn to draw conclusions based on the experiment.

    • Educational:

    -develop cognitive activity;

    - develop speech, enrich vocabulary: laboratory, laboratory assistant, scientific experiment, invention, continue to learn to answer questions in complete sentences;

    -develop logic, memory, attention.

    • Educators:

    — to cultivate interest in the profession of a scientist, the desire to experiment, to independently explore the world.


    -children will become familiar with some of the properties of water, air, sand, paper and other materials;

    -children will learn to do basic experiments and, with a little help from the teacher, formulate hypotheses and conclusions;

    -children will develop search activity, increase their level of proficiency in coherent speech, and expand their vocabulary; Pupils will become more inquisitive and will be more careful about the materials they use.



    PROJECT TYPE – information-practice-oriented

    IMPLEMENTATION DATE – (June–July), during the academic year

    PARTICIPANTS - teacher, physical education instructor, music director, middle group students.

    FINAL PRODUCT - design of the photo story “Journey to the Land of Health”, presentation of the project, production of the “Aibolit Corner” stand.

    GOAL: to maintain and strengthen the health of children.


    • Educational:

    - to form an understanding of the need to take care of your health, protect it, learn to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle;

    • Educational:

    -develop basic self-healing skills.

    • Educators:

    — instill a love of physical exercise and hardening;

    — to increase the literacy of parents in matters of education and health promotion of preschool children.


    -expanding children's knowledge about health;

    - awareness by adults and children of the concept of “health” and the influence of lifestyle on the child’s health;

    — increasing the level of orientation to modern living conditions;

    - mastering self-healing skills;

    - reduction in morbidity rates.

    Topics for self-education

    The topics of questions on self-education are approved by the Federal State Educational Standard. But since it was developed in a universal version for all age categories of wards, the methodological team of the kindergarten at the meeting of the first teaching council (or last) in the school year develops and proposes for discussion an option for a specific preschool institution, taking into account the specifics of its work (the availability of special programs, systems training and education of children with disabilities). Thanks to such painstaking work, the list of topics is compiled anew and receives the approval (or disapproval) of the methodological team.

    It is important to note that among the topics proposed for the work of a secondary group teacher, there are universal ones that can be developed by teachers working in junior, senior or preparatory groups. For example, “Game as a means of communication for preschoolers”, “Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers”, etc. “Narrow” topics include, for example, questions related to:

    • creative development (non-traditional drawing techniques specifically for children 4–5 years old);
    • speech development (in particular, the development of dialogic speech and communication skills);
    • spiritual and moral education (for example, in the aspect of studying folk tales);
    • fine motor skills training (for example, research on the benefits of drawing with fingers and palms in non-traditional techniques);
    • gaming activities (during mathematics classes, for example);
    • the formation of a culture of health (topics about the importance of following traffic rules, the importance of afternoon sleep);
    • nurturing patriotism and caring for the environment.

    Developing a child’s creative abilities is one of the most productive blocks of topics

    List of topics on self-education for secondary school teachers (author Natalya Onoprienko):

    1. Activating the vocabulary of middle group children.
    2. The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in children 4–5 years old.
    3. Education of preschool children through work.
    4. Education of moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.
    5. Gender education of preschoolers in a kindergarten.
    6. Didactic game as a form of teaching for children of middle preschool age.
    7. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.
    8. Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
    9. Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.
    10. Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    11. Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.
    12. Play activity of children at the stage of transition from early to preschool childhood.
    13. Use of health-saving technologies in the middle group.
    14. Using educational games during educational activities in mathematics with children of middle preschool age.
    15. Using a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 4–5 years old.
    16. Personality-oriented approach to the education of preschool children.
    17. Methods for developing correct posture and preventing its violation in preschoolers.
    18. Folk outdoor games, their significance in the physical education of preschoolers.
    19. Enriching the social experience of preschool children in kindergarten and family settings.
    20. Health-improving gymnastics after a nap, its meaning.
    21. Organization of work in preschool educational institutions on patriotic education.
    22. Patriotic education of preschool children through the use of fine arts.
    23. Retelling works of art using pictures.
    24. Outdoor play as a means of developing the physical qualities of middle preschool children.
    25. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children.
    26. Traffic rules for preschoolers.
    27. Techniques for activating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.
    28. Project activities with children of middle preschool age.
    29. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
    30. Educational games as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of preschool children.
    31. Development of dialogical communication among children in a mixed-age group (4–7 years old).
    32. Development of play activity in children of middle preschool age.
    33. Development of communication abilities of middle group children through communication with nature.
    34. Development of mathematical concepts in preschool age.
    35. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through play activities.
    36. Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers.
    37. Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.
    38. Development of cognitive activity of preschool children.
    39. Development of search and research activity of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.
    40. Speech development - rhetoric lessons and speech etiquette.
    41. Development of children's creative abilities in visual arts.
    42. Development of creative abilities of preschool children through puppet theater.
    43. Speech development of preschool children.
    44. The role of motor mode for the health of preschool children.
    45. The role of play in the physical development and health promotion of preschoolers.
    46. The role of riddles in the development of a preschooler.
    47. The role of folk holidays in introducing preschool children to Russian folk traditions.
    48. The role of the family in raising preschool children.
    49. Fairy tale as a means of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
    50. Fairytale therapy as a means of developing speech in preschool children.
    51. Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field “Cognition”.
    52. Theater as a means of forming coherent speech in preschoolers.
    53. Theatrical activities as a means of developing a child’s creative personality.
    54. Physical development of children in play activities.
    55. Physical education and health work with children.
    56. Formation of communicative qualities in children of middle preschool age.
    57. Formation of communicative qualities in children of middle preschool age through communication with nature.
    58. Formation of a culture of health in preschool children.
    59. Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschool children.
    60. Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children.
    61. Formation of children's speech in play activities.
    62. Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.
    63. Artistic and speech development of children through joint theatrical activities of children and parents.
    64. Environmental education of preschool children in kindergarten.
    65. Ecological development of children in the middle age group.

    Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

    Work plan for self-education “Development of creative abilities in children 4–5 years old through non-traditional drawing techniques” Period of work on the topic: 1 year Month of starting work on the topic: September 2021 Month of completion of work: May 2022 Goal: Increasing your theoretical level professional skills and competence on the development of artistic skills in preschool children...

    Self-education plan “Theatrical activities as a means of socialization of children of primary preschool age” Goal: to develop experience in the social skills of behavior of children of primary preschool age, to educate a liberated, socially active preschooler through theatrical activities. Objectives: 1. Analyze psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature. 2….

    Individual teacher plan for self-education

    In order to fully study the topic, as well as meet the deadlines determined for this, the teacher should build the course of the research according to a specific plan:

    1. Decide on a topic. The selection criterion is the difficulties that arise in the teacher’s methodological work with children. Thus, for many educators it can be difficult to get children to learn the rules of good manners (children “forget” to say “thank you,” “please,” etc.). In this case, it makes sense to study the topic “Speech development - rhetoric lessons and speech etiquette.”
    2. Formulate the goals and objectives of the work.
    3. Consider forms of activity within the topic for interaction with children, parents and colleagues.
    4. Draw up a plan for work, title and describe the stages of mastering theory, practice and summing up.
    5. Study the theoretical basis of the issue and systematize existing teaching experience (write out the first part, the theoretical one).
    6. Develop a system for the practical implementation of the theory (topics of classes, methods and techniques for solving specific research problems, etc.).
    7. Present the practical results obtained from the implementation of the theoretical framework.

    Table: example of a plan for self-education in kindergarten (fragment)

    AuthorNatalya Onoprienko, teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 15 “Rucheyok”, Rtishchevo, Saratov region
    Name“Gender education of preschool children”
    ChapterDeadlinesThe content of the workPractical solutions
    Studying methodological literatureSeptember - May1. Adler A. Raising children. Interaction of the sexes. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 1998. 2. Doronova T.N. Girls and boys 3–4 years old in family and kindergarten. - M.: “LINKA-PRESS”, 2009. 3. Eremeeva V.D., Khrizman T.P. Boys and girls: Teach differently, love differently. M.: Educational literature, 2008. 4. Lykova I. A. Girls playing. Gender approach in education. - M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2014. 5. Lykova I.A. Boys are playing. Gender approach in education. - M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2014. 6. Sokolova S.E. Gender differences in the development of speech in preschool children. // Preschool pedagogy, No. 2, 2013. 7. Shelukhina I.P. Boys and girls: A differentiated approach to raising preschool children. - M.: Sfera, 2006. Analysis of the studied literature (in terms of self-education).
    Work with childrenSeptember - MayOrganization of joint and independent play activities to form a child’s value-based attitude towards himself, towards the opposite sex, towards his family.Gender education games.
    • Didactic game “Dress the doll”;
    • role-playing game “Birthday”;
    • drawing “Me and my family”;
    • conversation “How I help at home”;
    • working with the mirror “My Emotions”;
    • guessing riddles about body parts.
    Thematic week “Here they are: boys and girls!”
    • Conversation “My Dad”;
    • game program “Dexterous and brave, fast, skillful”;
    • productive activity “Postcard for Dad.”
    Thematic week “Our Defenders”
    • Teacher’s story “Our girls are having a holiday”;
    • viewing the album “Mom’s Profession”;
    • productive activity “Flowers for Mommy.”
    Thematic week "Holiday of girls, mothers, grandmothers."
    • Observing the work of a janitor, driver, assistant teacher, cook, laundress, seamstress;
    • didactic game “Who is doing what?”;
    • lacing games “Sew clothes”;
    • construction from building material “Building a house”;
    • joint activity “Washing doll clothes.”
    Thematic week “In the world of professions”
    Working with familySeptemberQuestioning parents to determine individual and gender differences in preschool childrenQuestionnaires for parents “Gender education of preschoolers in the family”
    OctoberInvolving parents in creating a subject-development environment in the group.Design of a corner for role-playing games, didactic games, a mummering corner, taking into account the interests of boys and girls.
    JanuaryConsultation “The importance of play for the assimilation of future social roles by boys and girls.”Information in the corner for parents.
    AprilTips “How to raise a girl?”, “How to raise a boy?”.Booklets for parents.
    MayOpen lesson “We are boys, we are girls.”Open Day.
    Self-realizationSeptemberCollecting information to compile a card index of gender education games.Card index of plot-role-playing, didactic, outdoor games on gender education.
    NovemberConsultation for teachers “Gender education of preschool children in preschool settings.”Speech at the pedagogical council.
    FebruaryMessage and presentation from the work experience “The originality of the play activities of girls and boys of primary preschool age.”Speech at a workshop.
    ReportMayReport on the work done on the topic of self-education at the final teachers' meeting.Speech at the teachers' meeting.
    Quote from:

    Stages of working on a topic

    To successfully work on the topic of self-education, the teacher needs to get used to the fact that he will have to do this activity a lot and regularly. The self-education program includes 3 stages of work.

    This is interesting. If, to develop a topic, a teacher undergoes some additional retraining or advanced training courses, then this information is highlighted in a separate block at the report stage.


    About a month (August or September) is allocated for formulating the topic, defining tasks, and general study of the theoretical basis, and the teacher conducts practical work for the remaining period until April-May.

    1. Formulates the topic, goals and objectives.
    2. Studying pedagogical literature on the issue, using various sources of information: printed publications and Internet materials. The teacher selects sources himself (in the library, on the Internet), as well as with the help of a preschool teacher.

      Theory is studied throughout the entire period of work with practice.

    3. Thinks through a system of practical application of theoretical knowledge.
    4. Predicts the result, determines the format of events for the report upon completion of the study of the topic (speech at the teachers' meeting, organizing and conducting a master class, etc.).

    MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

    Long-term plan for self-education on speech development In the middle group 2022 - 2022.

    Compiled by: Permalova A.V. teacher

    Self-education program for speech development in the middle group

    Talkative people speak clearly

    Clean, clear, intelligible - everyone understands.

    S. Svetlova

    1. Explanatory note.

    By the age of four, significant changes occur in the child’s physical and mental development. However, children of this age are still characterized by instability of attention, inability to exert long-term volitional effort, and a rapid decline in performance.

    A child's long stay in a preschool educational institution creates favorable conditions for systematic work on the sound side of speech. Work on pronunciation consists of the following interconnected stages:

    1. examination of the child’s speech and pronunciation;
    2. development of correct articulation;
    3. consolidation of correct pronunciation in free speech;
    4. Development of phonetic perception;
    5. skills of sound analysis of sentences and words.

    The formation of many speech skills requires repeated repetitions (for example, when learning to clearly pronounce a sound, use a certain grammatical form of a word in speech, compose a story from a picture, memorize a poem). This is difficult to achieve in one lesson, so a speech development club is needed in preschool educational institutions. Classes are held once a week in the afternoon. All these classes are aimed at developing the child’s correct speech, which is an indispensable condition for the child’s successful education at school.

    Program information card.

    Type: educational

    Type: author's

    Level: developing

    Form of classes: subgroup

    Integration of educational areas:

    1. Speech development
    2. Social and communicative development
    3. Cognitive development
    4. Artistic and aesthetic development
    5. Physical development
    6. Relevance of the circle.

    The age from 3 to 5 years is of particular importance for a child’s speech development. The main task of a teacher in the field of speech development for preschool children is to help them master spoken language and master their native language. The most important sources for the development of expressiveness of children's speech are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (nursery rhymes, lullabies, counting rhymes, fairy tales, riddles) and finger games. The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore is enormous, as it expands the child’s knowledge of the surrounding reality, develops the ability to subtly sense the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. The development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers in children is important for the overall development of the child, since he will need precise coordinated movements to write, get dressed, and also perform various household and other movements. Consequently, hand movements are always closely related to speech and contribute to its development. Finger training affects the maturation of speech function. In other words, if the baby has dexterous, mobile fingers, then he will learn to speak without much difficulty, and his speech will develop correctly. Finger games are not only a stimulus for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication. “Tell Poems with Your Hands” , and finger theater are passed down from generation to generation Based on this, I chose the topic of my circle: “The use of folk art in the development of speech of children of primary preschool age” called “Talkers” .

    3. Purpose:

    To develop the ability to expressively read poetry and nursery rhymes. Introduce different types of finger games.

    4. Tasks of the circle:


    1. Introduce children to oral folk art and Russian folklore.
    2. Enrich and activate children's speech.
    3. Learn to discuss the content of a nursery rhyme, the text of a finger game.
    4. Encourage activity in choosing a role, to enter into a role.
    5. Strengthen the ability to coordinate hand movements with the text of the nursery rhyme.
    6. Learn to imitate the movements of adults.


    1. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, memory.
    2. Develop an interest in folk art.
    3. Develop a sense of rhythm and imaginative thinking in children.
    4. Develop attention and visual perception.
    5. Develop coordination of movements of both hands.


    1. Foster love and emotional attitude towards the characters of nursery rhymes.
    2. Cultivate love for all living things.
    3. Methods for conducting the circle:
    4. Verbal (conversation, learning nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, Russian folk songs, texts of finger games);
    5. Visual - showing actions.
    6. Actions with the hands of a child.
    7. Independent actions of the child.

    Club classes are held for 10-15 minutes, in the afternoon, once a week on Wednesdays.

    Pedagogical analysis is carried out 2 times a year (at the beginning of the year - introductory, at the end of the year - final).

    6. Calendar and thematic planning of the circle

    Weeks 1 and 2 of the month - learning works of folklore, week 3 of the month - getting to know folk tales, week 4 of the month - learning finger playing.

    Children attending the club

    1. Fadeeva Maria
    2. Pyrkin Kirill
    3. Kopeev Daniel
    4. Levtsova Nastya
    5. Churaev Arseniy
    6. Kuzmina Varya
    7. Alexandrovsky Ilya
    8. Zlobina Yesenia

    Long-term planning of speech development classes for the 2019-2020 academic year.


    1. Didactic exercise “Who eats what?” Activate verbs in speech: lap, gnaw, etc.
    2. ZKR "Say A" . Pronounce the sound “a” . Find it in syllables, words (by ear).
    3. Learning the nursery rhyme “Finger-boy” Accustom children to listen to the teacher’s speech and repeat after him. Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize words of nursery rhymes.
    4. Toy Theater “Tar Bull” Remind the content of the fairy tale, encourage them to pronounce and repeat individual words and phrases after the teacher.


    1. Didactic exercise “Tell me what you hear?” Learn to pronounce individual sound combinations clearly. Strengthen the vocal apparatus, enrich children's vocabulary.
    2. Looking at pictures of “Pets” Teach children to name animals independently and reproduce onomatopoeia.
    3. Learning the nursery rhyme “Pussy, pussy, scat pussy” Get children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize words of nursery rhymes. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the sound “C” .
    4. Toy Theater "Turnip" Remember the content of the fairy tale. Learn to retell a fairy tale, speak in the voices of the characters.


    1. ZKR “Pronunciation of the sound M” To teach children to correctly and clearly pronounce the sound “m (m)” . Learn to pronounce a sound with sufficient vocal strength. Learn to pronounce the sound m in words and verbs.
    2. “Magic cube” Reinforce the ability to name pictures on cubes. Answer questions about the content of the picture by repeating individual words and phrases.
    3. Learning the nursery rhyme “Shadow, shadow, shadow” To instill a love of artistic expression, the ability to listen and understand. Promote active pronunciation of nursery rhyme words. Explain words that children do not understand.
    4. Toy Theater “From the Bazaar” Introduce a new poem. A dramatization of this work. Consolidate your knowledge in the “vegetables” .


    1. KR "Sound U" . Pronounce the sound “u” . Find it in syllables, words (by ear).
    2. Memorizing the nursery rhyme “A fox walked through the forest” Introduce a new nursery rhyme. Learn it. Clarify unclear words. Play a nursery rhyme.
    3. Didactic exercise “Guests” Develop coherent speech. Remind polite words. Teach children to look at objects and highlight details. Strengthen your ability to communicate with each other.
    4. Toy Theater "Rukavichka" Remember the content of the fairy tale. Learn to retell a fairy tale, speak in the voices of the characters.


    1. Didactic Game “Name it correctly” Fix the words in the section “clothing” , “furniture” . Develop coherent speech.
    2. Learning nursery rhymes. “Like our cat” Introduce a new nursery rhyme. Learn it. Clarify unclear words. Play a nursery rhyme
    3. Toy Theater “Whose Voice?” Teach children to name animals independently and reproduce onomatopoeia.


    1. Didactic game “Be Attentive” Learn to recognize given sounds in words and syllables.
    2. Learning the nursery rhyme “The cat went to market” . Introduce a new nursery rhyme. Learn it. Clarify unclear words.
    3. Toy Theater “The cat went to market” Accustom children to listen to the teacher’s speech and repeat after him. Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize words of nursery rhymes. Encourage children to repeat the words of nursery rhymes. To achieve an understanding of the content of a poetic work.


    1. Didactic Game “Bee” Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Fix the pronunciation of the sound “Zh”
    2. Memorizing the counting rhyme “One, two, three... No place for a bunny to jump” Introduce a new counting rhyme, develop coherent speech, achieve clear pronunciation of sounds.
    3. Looking at the picture “Tanya and the Pigeons” Learn to compose a story based on the picture Develop attention and memory
    4. Toy Theater “Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup” Introduce new poems. Play out the poem.


    1. Speech game “Car” Introduce a new game. Achieve clear pronunciation of words.
    2. Learning “Lullaby” Develop the ability to raise and lower your voice.
    3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” Remember the content of the fairy tale. Learn to retell a fairy tale, speak in the voices of heroes


    1. Didactic Game “Echo” Develop hearing, attention, speech. Repeat words after the teacher and peers.
    2. Game "Who does what?" Answer questions about the content of the picture by repeating individual words and phrases. Teach carefully, look at the picture and name the objects and actions of people depicted on it.
    3. Fairy tale kaleidoscope. Consolidate knowledge about fairy tales that have been read throughout the year.
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