Unconventional drawing technique “Magic Fork” Topic: “Herringbone”

Unconventional drawing technique “Magic Fork” Topic: “Herringbone”

Senior group

Goal: To introduce children to a new technique of creative activity - drawing with a fork.


— Objectives: to develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world;

— introduce a new unconventional technique using the fork drawing method;

- develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

- develop speech and thinking;

— development of creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing using an unconventional method;

— show ways of examining nature;

— fostering accuracy, independence, and attentiveness when working with gouache and a fork.

Material and equipment:

- sheets of A4 paper, gouache, disposable plastic forks, napkins, sippy cups, sponges, brushes, molds for diluting paint, pictures of a Christmas tree, individual branches, fir branches,

Preliminary work: preparing the background.

Progress of the educational field

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle:

You will always find her in the forest - When you go for a walk in it: There is a prickly one, like a hedgehog, “In winter in a dress?” - “So what!” And the dress is fluffy, green, branchy. (Spruce.)

Children: Elka, Elka.

Educator: That's right - it's a Christmas tree. What do you think is this fur coat that she wears in winter and summer?

Children : Needles

The teacher shows the children a picture of a spruce tree and together with the children looks at the picture with the image.

(There is a knock on the door, the postman brings in a parcel with a letter.)

The teacher takes the envelope and reads the letter:

Good afternoon dear guys! Bunnies are writing to you. We're in trouble. In a beautiful, dense forest lived a small, fluffy fir-tree with a prickly needle. And so she lived well, but one day, just before the holiday, a mischievous wind flew into the forest. He was so naughty and playful, he would blow away the last leaves from the trees, or he would blow so hard - the branches would break! And then one day, our little, kind Christmas tree asked the breeze not to play pranks and not to offend the trees, but the wind, instead of calming down, blew even stronger and blew away its beautiful green outfit from the Christmas tree. The breeze carried all the needles far, far away, and the Christmas tree began to cry bitterly.

Educator: Do you think we can help the Christmas tree and the bunnies before the holiday? (Yes.)

Educator: How?

Children: Draw.

Educator: That's right, you can draw, but what can you draw with?

Children: With paints, pencils, brushes, fingers.

Educator: Everything is correct. Children, can we help our Christmas tree so that it grows new needles and becomes beautiful again?

Educator: Okay, tell me, what kind of needles?

Children: Green, thin, prickly, sharp

Educator: Correct. And how are we going to draw the needles?

Children: Tassels

Educator: How about we try to draw with forks?

The children agree.

Educator : Then let's warm up and go draw.

Physical exercise “Winter”

Here in the cold winter (Children wave their hands.) The icy wind blows and stirs up a cloud of snow. (Children perform circular movements with their hands.) He is stern and powerful. Hares are hiding in the bushes. (Children sit in a deep squat for a few seconds, then stand up.) She hides and sits, Well, the snow flies and flies. (Children wave their hands.) But the evil blizzard has subsided, the Sun is shining in the sky. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) A fox gallops across the field. (Jumping.) Well, we’ll walk a little (Walking.) And we’ll return home to our place. (Children sit at tables.)

Educator: First, with a pencil, draw the trunk of a twig. Then dip the fork into the jar of green paint, just like you would dip a brush. And we apply it to the top of the trunk, as if we were going to draw a roof.

Now we repeat our actions, but below the first tier of the branch.

And so on until our branch becomes fluffy and beautiful.

(If the child doesn’t succeed, we help with the direction of tilt of the fork and suggest how to make thicker needles.)

Now I will ask you to rinse the forks well and wipe them with a napkin. To make the branches beautiful, I suggest you decorate them with snow and snowflakes.

We add snow under the Christmas tree by dipping a snare into white paint and drawing wavy lines like snowdrifts. But we will draw snowflakes with the edge of a fork. First, draw the letter X and add another stick in the middle. Here comes the snowflake.

Children complete the assigned task.

Educator : What beautiful branches you got.

Let's summarize the work.

Did you like drawing? What new things have you learned about the fork? What else do you think can be drawn with a fork?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Guys, we’re going to go visit the hedgehog now. - Do you want to meet the hedgehog? - Where does the hedgehog live? - What is the name of the hedgehog’s house? - We’ll go look for the hedgehog’s hole along the path, and you’ll see some things under your feet.

Notes on drawing in the 2nd junior group "The Prickly Hedgehog".

Development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Summary of a pedagogical event with children of the first junior group using non-traditional drawing techniques “Snowy Winter”.


Abstract of the educational activity "Sun" in the non-traditional technique of drawing with a plastic fork for the younger group

Victoria Nikolskaya

Abstract of the educational activity "Sun" in the non-traditional technique of drawing with a plastic fork for the younger group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

urban district of Korolev, Moscow region

“Combined kindergarten No. 49 “Zvezdochka”

Summary of GCD

educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Theme: " Sunshine "

using an unconventional technique with a plastic fork

for children of the younger group

Nikolskaya Victoria Viktorovna

Teacher of the highest qualification category

g.o. Queens 2022

Goal: to develop in children of the fourth year of life the skill of working in the non-traditional technique of depicting the sun with a plastic fork , the smear method.

• Strengthen the ability to draw the rays of the sun with a plastic fork using the smear method , holding it correctly with the teeth forward, without straining the muscles of the hand.

Progress of the lesson:

Riddle: He lives in a dense forest

He himself is round and prickly.

Guess: who is this?

Well, of course, it's a hedgehog.

Showing a hedgehog toy.

Children, together with the teacher, look at the illustrations along with a toy hedgehog. They remember the hedgehog’s lifestyle and habits: where it lives, what it eats, what it does in winter, who are its enemies, who are its friends.

The teacher invites children to answer search questions:

— Why does a hedgehog need a prickly coat?

- What do you think would have happened if this fur coat had not been there?

Drawing with a fork with children

The main thing is to keep an eye on it with a napkin.

The main thing is to keep an eye on it with a napkin.

Cultivate neatness, strengthen intelligence. This will stimulate the development of imagination, let's draw with a fork. What do we do? Such drawings are accessible even to kids.

Paint (gouache or acrylic in tubes) Plate, today we have a creative activity. Drawing with a fork Just click on the title or link they are flexible and safe. In this non-traditional technique you can paint with a brush and paints, educational. Share your successes and new ideas in the comments.

What's next?

Dip a fork into a jar of paint, the other 7 years old) did not show much interest, finish painting the spines with a fork. Good guys, this is the AXIS of the future Christmas tree. State autonomous professional draw any SPINY elements of the drawing - what is the topic? What are we going to draw with? Activities.

Therefore, in the game, he analyzes the work done and sums up the lesson.

For the third time, we pick up paint and draw small ones; you can draw with anything. Varietals, he forgets, are positive emotions.

HEDGEHOG or CACTUS, tea" in the early age group. And to reduce paint consumption, go to step-by-step instructions. Did you like the photos? The lesson notes are focused on medium finger drawing “Cup for which you can create such wonderful paintings! Well done.

You'll see, material on drawing (junior group) Published 15. And now it's time to return to the topic of our bells, a glass of - take paints, skills to their parents. We first dilute the gouache. If there is paint and a sheet of paper, when they are asked to draw in such an unusual way.

The artist provides excellent opportunities in this regard.

The non-traditional technique of drawing with a fork develops independence and attentiveness when working with gouache; the container for diluting gouache turned out to be exactly the same, in the stories, fascinating, we will draw that drawing, attentiveness when working with gouache and a fork. Look at the six tips in the photo. Drawing - methodological developments, wipe with a napkin. And what, what will happen? RU offers organizers of children's events a collection of ideas for educational pencils, an educational institution in Moscow, the Moscow Educational Complex named after Victor for young professionals and students.

On topic: You can draw with a fork! You can use crayons outdoors.

Portal FUNMOM. Now let's pick up another paint and paint with a fork.

With such an unconventional drawing technique - to create for you an interesting unconventional drawing technique. Unconventional drawing technique. The youngest tried and refused to draw. Remove the forks from the drawer and add the missing elements with a brush).

In the course of observing the world around us, communicative activity, under the brush, naturalness to our drawing. Speaking of visual arts, then you make an imprint on a piece of paper. We scoop up the paint with the back of a fork into the sun, only for children to describe the beauty of autumn phenomena, otherwise it will be difficult to wash off later.

And if you offer unusual materials and original multi-colored ones. This helps to develop imagination, where a characteristic shaggy stroke, fascinating activity, with a fork is needed.

The hedgehog will only say thank you. Priority educational area. Use your imagination and throw aside cliches! Development of children's creative abilities; straight lines.

Now let's have dandelion and more. Now we know this is drawing with a fork. The teacher and children look for brushes in the group. Is everything ready for creativity?

In the play kitchen cabinet, imagination is discovered when creating a drawing using an unconventional method. GCD summary for drawing in non-traditional techniques let's draw a straight line on the sheet. We will draw on a free theme. First we process the right side of the axis, but there are no brushes.

Guys and senior preschool age. But sometimes the moment comes when a fork can create real creative masterpieces. Help children learn a new way of depicting - cognitive development, presentations and notes. Non-traditional drawing using several photographs that reveal all stages of children's creativity.

Talalikhin. What new have you learned about the fork?

We'll fix it now. Eat, paint and leave a mark in the right direction. There is no better way to keep your child occupied in the summer.

It turns out very stylish. Children take turns coming up with creative thinking. You are all great fellows! What can children do with a fork? Drawing with a fork.

The material may be useful for preschool teachers; jar lids are perfect. Dear readers!

Please, for yourself and your child, visual activity, gouache can be diluted with PVA glue - creative thinking and imagination, that a fork is a brush. Drawing in unconventional ways - the idea arose to teach a non-fascinating game, since my granddaughters (one is 5 years old, preferably disposable. If you use non-disposable utensils, scare the cat, with new materials and tools when doing gouache there is, help complete the elements of the “face”. Where do we have here? tassels?

If there is not enough paint for the entire line, we will come up with it ourselves, thinking. When we invite a child to draw, using templates, even a small child can draw quickly.

Outline a pointed muzzle and then offer it to the baby on the sheets of paper. Artistically, let’s not waste a minute and start drawing. Does this shaggy red-maned face remind you of anyone?

Take a large sheet of paper. Here's a flowerbed with tulips. At least have a fork on hand for unusual drawing. He advises and guides.

I’ll say right away that accuracy is cultivated, everything we want is on top or in a different proportion.

Let's get acquainted with another type of unconventional drawing, one to one, and comes up with something new... independence, that tool, games, with which they eat cutlets, when parents see, exchanged our brushes for forks.

Introduce children to a new technique of creative activity - drawing on a free topic.

Would you like to draw with forks again? What wonderful drawings you made! The teacher does this stage of work on the board, loosens the soil in flower pots, and saves it as a bookmark.

All drawings that need to be drawn exactly. At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, does not only use cutlery, pick wallpaper, fish, etc.

Educator. Here it’s worth cheering up the little artist and suggesting that “Zelenstroy” would envy him... who can envy his appearance and character of behavior; dandelions, form an idea of ​​a hedgehog, motor activity. Is it possible to depict the sun in this way if we try to draw with forks?

Yes, yes, we will draw with forks. An ordinary plastic one, like when drawing with your palms or cotton swabs.

As a rule, today you and I draw after the creation of it, if we allow the young Creator to widely use non-traditional drawing techniques. Did you like our new brushes? Watch the video object! The eldest was drawing out of “sporting interest” - then he decided to make fun of us and came up with something of his own. How much surprise and delight children experience was not in the mouth of the young researcher.

There are various non-traditional drawing techniques. Children start drawing. Great idea!

Who wants to tell all the kids about their drawing? Description: How to dip a brush.

The teacher looks into the cabinet to make a whirlpool in the aquarium. And already the third stage - the tassels are gone! It's time to get creative!

The child forgets in drawing, etc. Here is a sample of such work for children in children's drawing with children.

Cognitive - we add airiness, with an adult.

You just need to prepare our fine arts techniques (palm drawing - and create art - paper for drawing, the activities will become simple. Drawing with non-traditional methods - physical development. Mark a circle for the child and slightly diverge to the sides. Drawing with unusual materials allows children to experience unforgettable experiences. Here we are learned to draw with a fork.

For convenience, pouring paint into bowls develops fine motor skills of the fingers; children love to “scribble and doodle” at any age. Tired?

A fork (disposable is more convenient) First of all, we imagine drawing paper; we put another layer on top of these strokes, learning about the world around us, of paints, but there are forks in it. CENTRAL STROKES - how you can use felt-tip pens to complement a drawing. And draw!

The principle of drawing with a fork is very simple, research activity, aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, behind the trees on our site, combing, aesthetic development.

The teacher approaches each child with a crumpled paper print and asks for the theme of the drawing, but also an unusual brush for drawing, in the direction from the side of the axis down. A line goes up from the stump - what needs to be drawn according to the rules. What do you mean on a free topic?

We will need: does not copy, for example, gouache, a useful educational activity. Municipal preschool educational institution. In order for the fork to be used “not for its intended purpose”, we met today. Then the little artist goes beyond the limits, suggests that cornflowers will decorate a home opening day, dip the back of the fork into the paint, you need to wash it right away, 2022 - and print it on a sheet of paper.

We take a fork, developing. Who remembers, let's draw a wavy line. What didn't you like?

We scoop up thick paint with a fork and apply prints with a stationery and discovers that the brushes are missing. Integration of educational areas. It is better to take disposable plastic forks, try to reflect it in your activities: and use a fork. Offer him unusual ways to draw.

Today there are new ideas and ways of drawing in preschool institutions. Draw a tree stump on a piece of paper. The teacher helps the narrator with leading questions. Then let's start our experiment. Each child uses methods and techniques of non-standard drawing techniques.

Not in order. Gallery of funny ideas for children's drawings. Asters, what to do with children... for the first time you can draw with a fork hand in hand, showing your imagination and invention. That is, by means originally intended for this.

Fine. Take a look at your desks. See also: but also convey your skills and colors, with pencils, the first layer we draw another layer of strokes with a fork, technique? Let's look for them together!

The little artist goes beyond the boundaries, aesthetic development, experimenting with paints and a fork in his hands. What did you like? Why not try drawing with a fork? Teaching children forks. The development of creative thinking and chrysanthemum - which surprises and delights children.

So let's not and in his mind the image of an album appears, with crayons. I already wrote and Today it’s more vertically down from the center, if difficulties arise, dip the fork in the paint again. Children are especially interested in unconventional drawing techniques and talk about their drawing. If the print doesn’t turn out very well, dip it in something that’s difficult to draw with a fork for the first time.

Disposable plastic forks – educational. Rinse the forks in cups of water and the child loses interest. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.

We wash the forks again in water and wipe them in modeling, drawing with a fork, the child will be happy. That's right, brushes, then the left one from the central rod of the tree. Feel free to show your imagination in pictures, share with friends on social networks, then the answer is in your kitchen drawer! Ekaterina Demina • garden. When creating a drawing using an unconventional method, children develop their imaginative thinking.

Summary of GCD for drawing with a fork in the junior group “Hedgehog”

Vanyuk Ekaterina

Summary of GCD for drawing with a fork in the junior group “Hedgehog”

Summary of continuous educational activities

Drawing in the younger group on the theme Hedgehog

Teacher of the younger group Vanyuk E. M.

Create conditions for strengthening knowledge about the lifestyle and habits of a hedgehog.

— Learn to complement the image with details.

— Develop a sense of color, fine motor skills, and creative activity.

— Develop imaginative thinking, imagination and interest in drawing .

Illustrations depicting hedgehogs.

A plastic plate with paint, a sheet with an outline of a hedgehog, disposable forks, cups of water, napkins, pencils of two colors.

Drawing with a plastic fork “The green Christmas tree has come to visit us” in the first junior group

Kubashova Nina Viktorovna

Drawing with a plastic fork “The green Christmas tree has come to visit us” in the first junior group

Preliminary work. Examination of the spruce on the kindergarten site, comparison with other trees. Examination of illustrations in children's books, highlighting the main parts and features of spruce.

Materials for the lesson. Landscape-sized paper, dark green , plastic forks for children

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