According to Sanpin, at what temperature do children walk outside in winter in kindergarten?

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Altai Republic receives questions from parents about at what temperatures it is allowed to conduct classes outside in schools and kindergartens. In this regard, we provide clarifications.

Is it possible for children attending kindergarten to go for walks in cold weather?

According to clause 11.5 of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”, it is established that the recommended duration of daily walks is 3-4 hours. The duration of the walk is determined by the preschool educational organization depending on climatic conditions. When the air temperature is below minus 15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the walk.

Under what conditions are physical education classes not held outdoors?

According to clause 10.23 of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education organizations,” it is advisable to conduct physical education lessons outdoors. The possibility of conducting physical education classes in the open air, as well as outdoor games, is determined by a set of indicators of weather conditions (temperature, relative humidity and air speed) by climatic zone.

Recommendations for conducting physical education classes (Appendix 7 SanPiN

Age of students

Air temperature and wind speed at which outdoor activities are allowed

no wind

at wind speeds up to 5 m/sec

at a wind speed of more than 10 m/sec


“SanPin requirements for organizing a walk.” For teachers

Pavlenko Aigul Minniaksanovna
“SanPin requirements for organizing a walk.” For teachers

Requirements for equipment and sanitary maintenance of preschool educational institutions for walks

1. Equipment and sanitary maintenance of areas must comply with Section III. Requirements for equipment and maintenance of territories of preschool educational organizations SanPiN .

2. Playing and economic zones are allocated on the territory of the preschool educational institution. The play area includes group playgrounds - individual for each group and a paved area.

3. Cleaning of areas is carried out daily: in the morning 1–2 hours before the children arrive or in the evening after the children leave, and also as the area gets dirty.

4. During the warm period of the year, washing the verandas is carried out 2 times a day before a daytime walk from 8.30 to 9.00 and during quiet hours from 13.30 to 14.30.

5. Play equipment in preschool groups is washed by the teacher in the evening at the end of the working day from 18.00 to 18.25. 6. Watering of sandboxes is carried out 2 times a day before children are received from 6.30 to 6.45 and during quiet hours from 13.30 to 13.45.

7. In dry and hot weather, watering of plots is carried out at least 2 times a day before children are received from 6.00 to 7.00 and during quiet hours from 13.30 to 14.30.

8. In the hot season, walking verandas , and collapsible tents are installed to protect children from the sun.

9. To store toys used on the territory of the preschool educational institution, there is a warehouse on the walking area of ​​each group.

10. A complete change of sand on group sites is carried out annually, in the spring (May)


11. In the absence of children, sandboxes are covered with protective devices to prevent sand contamination. If pathogens of parasitic diseases are detected, an extraordinary change of sand is carried out.

Safety requirements when organizing walks in preschool areas.

1. Every day, 2 times a day, before the children arrive at 6.30 and at 14.30, teachers inspect the territory of the sites for compliance with safety requirements . Teachers leave a note about the inspection of the territory in the “Log of Inspection of the Territory of the MBDOU”

2. Before going for a walk, preschool workers who are involved in dressing children make sure that pupils do not remain dressed indoors for a long time in order to avoid overheating, as well as that children’s clothes and shoes are in good working order and suit the weather conditions.

3. When conducting a walk, the teacher makes sure that the children do not leave the territory of the preschool educational institution.

4. During the walk , the teacher teaches children safe behavior skills and rules for safe handling of various objects.

5. When choosing games, the teacher takes into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of a given age, the area of ​​the walking area , and weather conditions.

6. Teachers are prohibited from leaving children unattended or using sharp, piercing, cutting objects or broken toys in children's games.

7. In the event of a child’s unauthorized departure, the teacher immediately reports the incident to the head of the preschool educational institution or his substitute.

8. The teacher immediately notifies the medical worker, the head of the preschool educational institution or his deputy about each accident with the child.

Requirements for the content of walks

1. A walk with students consists of the following structural elements: observation; physical activity: outdoor activities, sports games, sports exercises, etc.; individual work; work assignments; independent activity of children. 2. The sequence of structural components of the walk varies depending on the type of previous organized educational activity.

3. If the children were in an activity that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then first they conduct outdoor games, then observations. If before the walk there was a physical education or music lesson, then the walk begins with observation or quiet play.

4. The content of walks is determined taking into account the Program , in accordance with the work plan for each specific age group.

5. Depending on the content of the upcoming walk , the teacher prepares in advance the necessary take-out material and manuals for various types of children's activities that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements .

6. Depending on weather conditions, the organized motor activity of children during a walk varies in intensity so that they do not become overcooled or overheated.

7. Children are not allowed to spend a long time walking without moving . Particular attention is paid to pupils with reduced mobility and low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games.

8. During the cold season at low air temperatures, high mobility games are not organized .

9. Throughout the walk, the teacher constantly monitors the children’s activities.

Requirements for the duration of the walk .

1. Walks are organized 2 times a day : in the first half of the day and in the second half of the day - after a nap or before the children go home. During the warm period - 3 times.

2. The time when children go for a walk is determined by the daily routine of each age group, approved by order of the head of the preschool educational institution.

3. The total duration of daily walks is 3–4 hours .

4. The duration of the walk is determined by the preschool educational institution depending on climatic conditions and weather conditions.

5. When the air temperature is below minus 15 °C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced .

6. To achieve a healing effect in the summer, the daily routine provides for children to spend maximum time in the fresh air with breaks for meals and sleep.

7. In the event of cancellation of walks in preschool districts due to weather conditions, are organized that compensate for the lack of physical activity in the premises of the preschool institution.

Summary of organizing and conducting an open walk in the senior group Time: day walk (11.00 - 12.10). Venue: group site. Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes. Material and equipment:.

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SanPiN for preschool educational institutions as amended for 2022

Hygiene requirements for personnel include strict conditions that must be met:

  • Each employee must have at least 3 sets of spare clothes.
  • Personal clothing must be clean, nails must be cut short, outerwear and shoes must be stored in the staff room.
  • Smoking, wearing earrings and rings is prohibited.
  • Teachers and nannies must wear light-colored coats.
  • Each employee is required to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.
  • Kitchen workers are inspected daily.

Each employee must have a health certificate.

The current SanPiN establishes the requirements for kindergartens in as much detail as possible. Compliance with most conditions is mandatory for all employees of the organization. The changes made tighten the rules for the administration of preschool educational institutions. Home family groups are exempt from their execution.

Sanitary and epidemiological institutes are constantly working to improve the functioning of preschool educational institutions. And such events are aimed at increasing the safety of children, as well as improving the learning and development of children. In this connection, the current edition of SanPin is subject to constant changes.

Table No. 1 “Main amendments that entered into force SanPin for kindergartens in 2022”

Prohibition on ventilating premises in the presence of childrenOne-way opening of windows is allowed if there are pupils in the group, but only in hot and windless weather
Lack of distribution of food intake by age of childrenIncreasing the number of dishes consumed and establishing norms of nutritional value for each age category
Strict fixation of temperature conditions: 19 – in the bedroom, 22 – in the playroomIncreasing limit values

Special attention is given to the nutrition of children in kindergartens, since food is one of the main causes of the spread of infectious diseases. Thus, in 2022, an educational institution will be assigned the following responsibilities:

  • choosing a reliable supplier;
  • compliance with delivery rules;
  • control over the unloading and quality of packaging of products;
  • compliance with storage standards for food raw materials;
  • following recipes for preparing dishes.

SanPin 2022 strictly defines the standards by which land plots are selected for the construction of a preschool educational institution. The main ones include:

  • location within a residential complex or residential area;
  • lack of industrial enterprises nearby;
  • the noise level should not exceed the norm;
  • measurement of air pollution;
  • the possibility of natural lighting for outdoor play areas.

General standards and requirements for preschool educational institutions according to SanPin

The list of instructions is approved by a resolution of the said official in the form of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN Standards.

This SanPiN was adopted in 2013, but periodically undergoes some changes and additions.

Regarding walks, the document indicates advisory, not mandatory requirements . Nevertheless, the management of kindergartens tries to follow the advice of the country's chief doctor as closely as possible.

There are no rules in SanPin dedicated to time in the fresh air. Standards for the process of organizing walks are found in various sections. But regarding the organization of the kindergarten territory, the rules are quite clear.

Strict guidelines have been established regarding the level of landscaping (at least 50% and at least 20% for special densely populated areas and regions of the Far North), the level of air purity, and distance from noisy roads and highways.

The responsibility of the administration of the institution has been established to allocate play areas, areas for physical education and places for walking. At the same time, according to the sanitary doctor, public gardens and parks can be used for these purposes. The sites must have a dust-free coating that is harmless to children. It's best if it's grass. Each site should have a canopy or veranda for shelter from bad weather and precipitation.

How long should you spend in the fresh air?

In accordance with the requirements, walks in kindergartens should take a total of three to four hours daily . Moreover, this time interval is set without indicating the age of the students.

Therefore, this recommendation applies to all groups. SanPiN clarifies that the mentioned period must be divided into two times. Most often, children walk in the gardens in the morning and evening.


Walks are provided all year round, both in warm and cold seasons. The rules establish advisory ranges for permissible temperatures. The document does not prohibit the organization of walks at temperatures above or below the established ones, since this norm is advisory.

At what temperatures are children not allowed to go for walks?

There is no talk of canceling the walk. The maximum permissible positive temperatures are not mentioned at all in SanPiN.

It is worth noting that in the previous edition of the rules from 2010, the doctor set temperature limits below which preschoolers were prohibited from walking. At what temperature should children not go for a walk? Thus, for children under four years of age, walks were prohibited in windy weather at temperatures below 15ºC, and for older children (5-7 years old) at minus 20ºC and below.

Educators have the right to independently determine the possibility and duration of spending time outside. The climate zone and the property supply of the garden are taken into account, that is, the presence of covered heated verandas. It should be noted that teachers are trying to play it safe once again and not go out for a walk on frosty days.

Other weather conditions

As noted above, the rules do not limit preschoolers from walking depending on weather conditions . The document does not contain a ban on outdoor activities, even in the presence of wind or precipitation. The decision again remains with the teacher.

[expert_bq, as in issues with temperature conditions, teachers are quite objective in assessing bad weather and try to stay indoors when there is a strong wind of more than 7 m/s and rain. Among other things, the teacher assesses the condition of each child, the level of warmth of clothing and shoes and makes a decision regarding an individual pupil.[/expert_bq]

Norms for walks in children. gardens

Child's ageDuration of sleep per dayNumber of naps during the day
1From 3 to 7 years12 hours1 time up to 3 hours
2From 1.5 to 3 years12.5 hours1 time for at least 3 hours
3From 1 to 1.5 years12.5 hours2 times up to 3.5 hours

The duration of a walk in kindergarten is at least 3–4 hours a day. Time may vary depending on weather conditions or is divided into 2 walks.

Meals in kindergarten are organized depending on the time spent in the group. If the child is in the garden full day (10 - 12 hours), he needs to be fed every 3 - 4 hours. For pupils of short-stay groups (no more than 5 hours), one meal is provided.

Preschool teachers should conduct developmental activities with children. SanPiN fixes their duration. The duration of classes depends on the age of the children.

Children (age)Continuous lesson time (min)From 8.00 to 12.00 (min)From 15.00 to 19.00 (min)
1From 6 to 7309030
2From 5 to 6254525
3From 4 to 52040
4From 3 to 41530
5From 1.5 to 3101010

To improve the health of minors, physical education lessons should be conducted during the day in kindergarten. They include a massage and a list of exercises. The duration of morning exercises depends on the age of the child.

Physical education lessons are held 3 – 4 times a week. For minors from 5 to 7 years old, one lesson must be held outside.

The duration of gymnastics depends on the age of the children and coincides with the time of continuous classes. Additionally, as part of the recovery, it is possible to organize hardening lessons.

The food unit in a kindergarten should be located in a separate room. All equipment is subject to mandatory labeling.

Washing dishes in kindergarten is a process that, according to SanPiN, is regulated in as much detail as possible. After cleaning the dishes from food residues, the items are washed in two sinks, without using detergents, dried and stored on special racks at a height of 35 cm from the floor. Metal utensils must be additionally calcined in the oven.

Dishes for children and for staff are stored separately.

Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime in preschool educational institutions. Water must meet safety requirements and be bottled. The specified storage period must be observed. In extreme cases, it can be boiled. But its shelf life is no more than 3 hours.

Sanitary norms and rules provide for regular treatment of premises against mold. For this purpose, all walls in rooms with high humidity are covered with tiles.

SanPiN even stipulate the color of the walls in preschool educational institutions. On the north side there are warm colors, on the south side there are cold colors.

Each group is equipped with individual compartments for children’s outerwear and a place for parents’ clothing. The nursery has an additional space for breastfeeding and a changing table.

SanPiN sets standards for the size of high chairs for children depending on their age category. Furniture is subject to mandatory marking.

When can you not go to kindergarten?

For schoolchildren, the Ministry of Education and each individual educational institution develop standards and make decisions to cancel classes if certain temperature limits are exceeded.
There is no such practice for kindergartens. That is, kindergartens are not closed at any temperature ; the institutions operate in any weather conditions.

Parents make the decision to visit independently, guided by their own capabilities and wishes. At the same time, there are several recommendations about under what conditions it is better not to take your child to kindergarten or go for a walk.

Helpful tips below:

Unfortunately, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is no document clearly establishing the rules for conducting walks for preschoolers in kindergartens. However, we should not forget that educators go outside with the children and are able to adequately assess the possibility and duration of spending time in the fresh air.


Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution. Temperature conditions for outdoor walks with children

valid from May 29, 2013 N 28564

• Children's daily walking time is approximately 3 to 4 hours per day.

• The walk is organized 2 times a day: (in the 1st half of the day - before lunch, in the 2nd half of the day - after a nap or before the children go home.)

• When the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees and the wind speed is more than 7 meters per second, the duration of the walk is reduced.

• The walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees and the wind speed is more than 15 meters per second - for children under 4 years old, and for children over 5 - 7 years old - when the air temperature is below minus 20 degrees C and the wind speed is more than 15 meters per second sec. (for the middle band).

• During the walk it is necessary to carry out games and physical exercises.

• Outdoor games are held at the end of the walk before children return to the room

[h3]Parenting while walking

Organization of walks

The process of raising children is continuous. Great potential opportunities for the comprehensive harmonious development of a child’s personality are inherent in the process of educational work with children in a walking environment. Here, like nowhere else, children are provided with.

What to do with your child on a walk

In addition to permanently installed equipment, additional material should be brought to the site, which serves the purpose of consolidating, clarifying, concretizing children’s new knowledge about the world around them, and also training their powers of observation.

Children's games in summer

Toys recommended for children to play in the warm season: * Didactic toys. Collapsible nesting dolls, pyramids, lotto. * Motor toys. Balls and hoops in three sizes, plastic balls, skittles, reins with bells,.

Active recreation for preschoolers

A peculiarity of children of primary preschool age is their need for active and varied movements. In the summer, this need is fully satisfied. Children walk around unhindered and spend quite a lot of time doing things.

Planning a walk in kindergarten

An indispensable condition for the successful development and education of younger preschoolers during a walk is their simultaneous mastery of mental and practical actions. This can be successfully resolved through systematically conducted

Walks in autumn

1. Observations of plants. Flowers. The adult finds out what names of flowers are familiar to the children, and then begins to look at the flowers in the flowerbed with the children, naming them. Younger children learn to show and name 2-3 flowers, their color, size.

Walking in winter

1. Observations of plants. Christmas tree, birch. Continue the work started in the fall. To consolidate in children's memory the concepts of tree and bush. Explain how to distinguish a tree from a bush. Introduce children to birch (white-trunked, note: leaves.

Walking in the spring

1. Observations of plants. Meadow and garden flowers. Watch the blossoming bud-house of a flower. View the first spring flowers. The basic ability to distinguish flowers changes a child's behavior. He starts to take a closer look.

Walking in summer

1. Observations of plants. Flowers. Observations are carried out with the aim of enriching children's ideas about meadow and garden flowers. Children learn the names of new flowers, the younger ones distinguish and name 2-3, and the older ones 3-4 flowers. The ability is being formed...

Walking methodology

Let us recall that methodology means a set of teaching methods (direct or indirect influence aimed at the practical implementation or learning of something. Children on a walk find themselves in an environment that is partially familiar,

Observations in nature

Wildlife observations

. Plant observations. Acquaintance with the diversity of the plant world begins with the brightest and most impressive - flowers. For quite a long time (from spring to late autumn) children.

Observations of inanimate nature

By introducing various phenomena of inanimate nature, it is necessary to cultivate aesthetic feelings in children and develop the skills of caring for the world around them. Seasonal and weather phenomena. During the warm time of autumn observations.

Observations of adult labor

By organizing such observations with children 1-2 times a quarter during the year, an adult develops respect for working people, develops in children a willingness to help, and the ability to evaluate the results of people’s work. Street cleaner.

Sightings on the street

Children are interested in events happening outside the site, and they are always happy to take an excursion to the site for older children. Going to visit is a holiday for kids. It is best to take such walks in cloudy weather, when underfoot.

Didactic tasks

Didactic tasks are one of the structural components of the walk. The walk should be interesting for the child, and this is possible if he is engaged in varied activities that are useful for his development. Receiving stimulation for children.

Labor training for children

An important structural component of the walk is the children performing feasible labor activities. In the process of their implementation, it is important to form a positive attitude, respect for the work of an adult, and a desire to get involved in the labor process.

Outdoor games and play exercises

A structural component of each walk is outdoor games and play exercises organized by adults. Children of primary preschool age still have little experience of independent motor activity and many movements.

Independent activities of children

The structural components of the walk (observations, didactic games-tasks, first work activities, outdoor games) take place against the background of independent play activity of all children, which takes up the bulk of the time.

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