Project in the senior group “Opening the Red Book of Russia”
Environmental project: “Red Book of Russia” Information card of the project Topic: “Animals and plants of the Red Book
Features of patriotic education of preschool children
Features of patriotic education of preschool children Dear friends, we are pleased to introduce you to Akimova
Card index of mini-stories for retelling to children of the preparatory group for school
Retelling in a preparatory school group. And this is the stronger sex? Witty and funny
Summary of a lesson on ecology in the senior group on the topic “Medicinal Herbs”
Notes for a lesson on cognitive development “Medicinal plants” Notes for a lesson on cognitive development “Forest Pharmacy”
Summary of a lesson on the development of intellectual abilities through logic games based on games by A.Z. Zaka (preparatory group)
Education of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.
A healthy lifestyle for preschoolers: what it should be Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in
Long-term planning in the senior group (sculpting-applique) September-October
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Program “Magic Modeling” for the senior group Goal: Development of creative abilities in children
Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group
Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group Purpose. Contribute
Long-term plan for artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group
Long-term plan for artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group Tatyana Romancheva Long-term plan for
Notes on drawing lessons using non-traditional image techniques.
Galina Klokova Notes for drawing classes using non-traditional image techniques. Art classes
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