Card index of relay games “Enchanted Ball” Goal: to develop long-term memory for words and coordination of movements. Material: two
Some facts about water. In terms of name, water has many synonyms: hydrogen oxide,
Progress of the game: Start of the game: interest the children with the help of a poem Look what happened Everyone
“Model of a gaming educational environment in the middle group” (methodological development) Natalya Zinovieva “Model of a gaming educational environment
Diagnostics of children's musical development MAP OF MUSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Explanatory note Implementation of the basic educational program
The importance of the educational process The importance of the educational process is to create conditions that are most suitable
“Round table” with parents of the senior group “Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old” 4 C 5
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Quest - a game according to the rules of the road for the older group. Educator: Zhitikhin
Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age “The benefits of water” Summary of the lesson “How important water is”